Weekly Idol 14/03/18
Promotion tours had always been fun especially when it came to appearing on Variety shows. If there was one show that all members would make sure they attended it would be Weekly Idol. The show was always an adventure and quite possibly always a bit of a mess. This episode was going to be no different. TaeSoul smiled as once again they no longer required name tags. Showing how far the group had progressed. It had been a hot minuet since they were required to wear tags. Each member got on well with the two hosts as well. It wasn't long until the group was called on by the hosts and the members attempted to walk on in an orderly fashion.
The show started off in the usual manner. Their new title track at double speed. Look might not have been the hardest choreography they had done to date but it was still difficult at twice it's speed. TaeSoul put as much effort in as possible. However, this seemed to be against her as instead of singing along to her part. The moment she got a rest in the choreography she doubled over and took large breathes.
"Come on Soul!" Was essentially screamed at her from the sidelines. She wheezed once again before continuing on with the performance. When the music finally stopped she doubled over again her breathing heavy.
"This never gets any easier" He whined before taking the drink she was provided with by the staff member. Eight chairs had been brought out for them to sit in when they started filming for the next segment.
"Today we have been given JYP's black card allowing you to get whatever you want if you win a section in the remaining section of this game. He's supplied us with a picture for you to use. Last time we had people win laptops and all sorts. What would you like if you won."
TaeSoul watched as they went down the line each asking for an item. Some members asked for decent items.
"I want 100 boxes of tissues" Came from Jackson's mouth and TaeSoul couldn't help but laugh. She had no clue what she would want from JYP if she won. Though she was not certain it would happen. That was until an idea popped into her head.
"Could JYP please pay for a hotel next to Incheon hospital the next time I get to visit my brother?" TaeSoul requested looking to the staff who nodded before writing the prize down. The first section was to see who was the best at imitations. However, the imitations were of different birds. She was able to get up and both imitate and demonstrate how a Bullfinch sounded and moved. This won her a point however, she was no match to the great bamBam who managed to imitate each Bird he attempted, winning him the Cat Tower he had asked for.
The next task was to read and change the words in a sentence or to complete the sentence using a form of hint. TaeSoul tried her hardest, though continued to struggle through the task. Multiple times, she made up the answer attempting the most ridiculous response possible.
"Soul, you are Korean. You're struggling more than the foreign members"
"Don't mean I'm any good at the language" It was safe to say she easily lost out to Jinyoung who won his notebook like asked. The final game was much harder than the others. The radish game was designed to see who was stronger or who knew their members best. Seven members would lie in a line with the linked arms and the eight would have to remove one as quick as possible.
"I'm not going to do well at this one" TaeSoul sighed as she laid down on the mat. Each member laid in an opposite direction before being told to lay facing the same way. The first time she was expecting to be targeted. However, she watched as YugYeom went for BamBam and tickled him until he let go. BamBam was next as he attempted to pull JinYoung by his head though was eliminated. Jackson was to go next as a volunteer. He took his sweet time going around and randomly pulling off members shoes. He took the left shoe off of TaeSoul before moving trying to tickle her out of the line up. However, realising this did not work he attempted the same tactic on the rest of the '97 line before moving onto Mark. Within two or three pulls he had successfully pulled Mark out of the lineup. Mark once again attempted to target the '97 line through the act of tickling. However, he spent more of his time focused on TaeSoul after YugYeom's desperate pleas of 'Save me'. He managed to pull her out backwards dragging her along the floor. She let out a huff and sigh as she stood ready to pick her target. Her plan was simple, use the hold she had over the other members to get one of them to simply stand up. Why waste any of her energy unless necessary.
"Soul, are you going to be able to do this?" Coni questioned a brow raised at what appeared to be a great disadvantage on the girls behalf. Though she only smiled sweetly in response before looking towards JaeBum.
"JaeBum, please can you break the chain for me" She asked in the cutest way possible widening her eyes and making small noises and hand gestures. The other members looked on confused at her tactic. Though with another beg consisting of "Please JB, you'll be my favourite parent if you do so" Earning a shout of protest from JinYoung and JB to stand up shrugging the other members off.
"35 seconds I can't believe that actually worked" Announced Doni as she took her position on the mat in-between Jackson and YugYeom. JaeBum next took the floor threatening to attack Jackson though once again targeting BamBam. The pair essentially wrestled for a moment or two before he moved onto YugYeom. With his legs wrapped around YugYeoms head he pulled the youngest member out of the line roughly as TaeSoul winced at the amount of pain the youngest member must have been in.
YoungJae was the next to take his go at the game. He was the first not to really ponder what to do rather going in straight on the attack at Mark. A mixture of tickling and pulling later and within 28 seconds he had freed Mark of his position at the end of the line. It was the final round of the game with JinYoung to attempt to remove a member. They had readjusted so that she was in-between YoungJae and Jackson. Though this may not have been her brightest idea when the mother of the group targeted YoungJae. She felt the older boy tighten his grip on her before they were both being pulled in a circle off the mat and back around towards where the other members were laid. She made a little yelp as she felt the tugging on her shoulder blade and the rough flooring of the studio on her back. Though her other hand reached over to double the strength of the grip she had on YoungJae before her hands were being pried away. It wasn't much later that she was separated from the older boy and the game concluded.
She was announced in second place getting the prize of the hotel in Incheon for her next visit.
tae_tae97 Thank you for this JYP you did much more than pay for my hotel. For allowing me to see TaeHun and helping with his treatment.
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