Shut up and Kiss me
No matter how close two people may be you couldn't spend 100% of your time with one human being. It was basically impossible. Not basically, it was impossible. You couldn't spend every second of every day with one person. But these moments spent apart were what made it so that you had something to talk about when you next saw the other person. Even if that was only like a couple of hours later.
Taesoul hadn't spent over a week without Youngjae in years, like she found herself struggling so hard with this concept. But she had been visiting her father before the start of the award season knowing that she probably wasn't going to see much more of him for a while. But this week apart from him was so much harder than anything else she had experienced. Okay maybe not anything she had ever experienced before, but it was still pretty hard.
Like she was definitely struggling and like just calling each other and talking that way was just not enough. She felt like a needy girlfriend and like was willing to accept that idea right now. Because she kinda was a needy girlfriend. You know just without the title.
Saying goodbye to her dad as she boarded the plane back to Seoul had been as hard as normal. Saying goodbye to your only parent was always hard as you know they raised you for a long period of time. But as she sat on the plane in the middle of the air she became excited to be reunited. She knew that he was going to pick her up because he had volunteered. You know like personally pushed the other's offers aside to pick her up himself.
The flight was only an hour or so and when she landed she could have kissed the ground. Flying alone was terrifying because if something happened you were all alone. And Tae hated that. Therefore, she could feel herself walking through the airport in a hurried fashion. To be reunited with someone else would be amazing especially when she thought of who she was going to meet.
There was a pep to her step as she left baggage claim and went to the meeting place. As she watched other couples reunite around her, her eyes scanned the crowd. Looking for the similar features or statue of the man she was suppose to meet. Her eyes scanned the crowd back and forth two or three times before she was able to see him. He stood perched up against the wall of the coffee shop. He wore a pair of black jeans and a rather large jumper. A cap sat perched on his head and a mask covered up the majority of his identifiable features. But from the way he stood to the way she could see his fingers tap a tune on the top of his leg, she could just tell it was him.
She made her way over to him avoiding as many people as possible. The less people she interacted with as she passed or the less that saw her, the less of a chance that someone would recognise her, and subsequently him. The mask on her face and the fact that her long hair was down, already helped to hide some of her features. Her jeans, white shirt and massive jacket kept her warm and fashionable was she to be recognised. But she laughed at the size of the jacket, not that it was hers anyways.
The person looked up hearing her footsteps approach and as she made eye contact she knew for certain it was him. Not that she doubted her knowledge much anyways. She quickened her pace dropping her bag as she stood a couple of inches in front of him. He had pushed himself off the wall upon seeing her and as her arms were wrapped around his neck his went to her waist. And soon she was lifted into the air and spun, just like a scene out of a cheesy romcom.
This was all perfectly okay with Taesoul as she was set on the ground only moments later. Though she couldn't stop herself from speaking as soon as it happened.
"Oh my god I missed you so much, I know we've only been apart a week, but it felt like a lifetime. And despite phoning you it wasn't the same you know. It's not the same as physically being with you, in your arms, your presence your everything. I couldn't help but worry. Worry you were okay, that you were getting enough sleep, enough to eat and weren't skipping meals. Worry that if you needed me I wasn't only 10 or so minutes away but I was a couple of hours away. That if something happened it would take me so long to get there and things could have gone downhill so fast." She started to rush out watching his face contorted into one of slight confusion but she wasn't finished.
"Then I got to thinking that maybe I was being too clingy calling you every night and then started to panic over that. Like I didn't want to be stopping you from doing something because you knew at some point I was going to call you. Then I was worried over maybe I was generally being too clingy I mean I was kinda texting you all the time, sending photos and stuff and like had almost forgotten you had plans and stuff and I was probably interrupting. Especially considering I cant send one message at a time but have to send at least like four just to get to the bottom of what I was trying to say." She gushed before Youngjae brought a a finger up towards her lips. He pressed it against her stopping her mid sentence.
"For crying out loud Tae, just shut up and kiss me." He responded sassily and when she complied he smiled against her lips.
Author's note:
This is short but sweet coming up to just under 1000 words but I have another one in the works for tonight which will hopefully be much longer.
Also thank you all who got this to #1 even if it was only short lived. We made it there once who says we can't do it again.
Remember without you guys, I'm probs nothing. Okay I'm still a human but like without you guys reading and commenting I don't feel like I should be working to improve the quality of my work. So thanks to you guys this chapter should hopefully read much better than the first one did.
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