Though it had not been incredibly obvious to the fans, TaeSoul had been struggling to perform all night. She had managed to keep up appearances as to not disappoint her fans. Though, it was much more obvious to her members that she was not okay. Especially to Jinyoung.
The moment they were taken off stage to end the show he was right there next to TaeSoul. He had noticed the large amounts of sweat beading her forehead, how shaky her hands had become and how she swayed on her feet. Jinyoung came towards her steadying her by placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist.
"Let's get you seated Tae-Tae" He instructed moving her towards the sofa in their dressing room. Once seated he looked towards JaeBum. Despite no words being passed the groups leader soon brought over TaeSouls testing kit. This was the moment they could only monitor what she was doing as TaeSoul never allowed any of the other members to perform the prick blood test. Once her strip was in the machine she sat back and closed her eyes much more exhausted than she normal was after a show. This had caused Jinyoung to go into a panic and call the medic over.
The machine soon beeped to show the results of the test. It came to 3.5mg/mol which was below the guided healthy allowance and the sign that TaeSoul had gone into Hypoglycemia. The medic soon took over encouraging TaeSoul to start consuming a fizzy drink to give her a fast boost of carbohydrates which would bring up her sugar level. The first 20 minuet check showed a small rise in her sugar levels.
However, it was not until an hour after the medic was called over that they determined her blood sugar levels were high enough for the members to go back to their dorm. Jackson gave her a piggyback to the car where she rested her head against Mark's shoulder and slept for the majority of the ride home. She was once again carried into the dorm where she was placed in her own bed and Jinyoung joined her to ensure she was okay in the morning. He held 'his only daughter' close to him all night though struggled to sleep constantly finding himself going to check on the young girl and make sure she was okay.
The following morning was met with a meeting. They had planned an indefinite end to all diet plans TaeSoul was put on unless it was healthy eating only. The manager would make it so that as well as being offered water each time a break occurred that TaeSoul would also be given sugar supplements if either she or another member noticed the signs of hypoglycaemia. TaeSoul also requested to release a statement about her condition aware that the fans did not know and that she had disappointed some the night before.
Dear IGot7,
Today has been a long awaited day, and I'm so sorry for keeping you in the dark about this aspect of my life. Many of you may have noticed that last night there was something wrong with me, that I lacked energy and struggled to perform. And I apologise to all of you who that may have disappointed. However, for as long as I can remember my health has made certain aspects of the idol life difficult. Though, these are conditions I cannot change, no matter how hard I try. I must have been very young when I it was established that I suffer from Type 1 diabetes as I cannot remember any different. I can only remember watching my diet very carefully and having to adjust my insulin levels around this at all times. That is why I am never seen to be eating any food gifts I recieve at that time for I am not equip to be able to work out whether or not I will be able to absorb the glucose without help. And for that I am sorry. Above, is my most valuable piece of jewellery. It's the piece that I am never seen to be without and it's mainly because I can't. Though it has changed since I started in the group this is identical to the bracelet I have had my whole life, with the only change being my emergency contact number, though I won't go into detail about who's that is. My condition means that on occasions immense amounts of exercise such as when we perform, mixed with a bad diet amongst other things can lead to a dramatic drop in my sugar levels which is dangerous. I have never shared this information with you before, because with the help of my members it does not normally affect me. However, last night was the first time it has ever been that obvious and I felt as though it was time that you were made aware. I am forever, thankful to my members who are always there to help me and ensure I am well. And I am thankful to all of you. I hope I have not disappointed anyone by sharing this information and hope you still support my other members if you cannot find it in yourselves to support me.
Thank you
Byun TaeSoul
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