Brother in arms
Got7 had finally been given a week or two break to rest after their heavy promotions and tour of America. TaeSoul had decided to not do much in the two weeks other than spending time with her members away from work and planning a trip to visit her brother and father back in Incheon. Today had been spent lazing around the dorm with Youngjae. She had dedicated a day of their first week back to each member and he had waited long enough for his day. Other than planning to go out for a meal that evening, the pair had decided to not do much for the rest of the day. They had spent the morning rewatching drama's featuring their fellow members. Or just reruns of Epik High 2.
They were lazed on the bed in TaeSoul's room the tv blaring. They were in their most comfortable position for watching tv, Youngjae laid down flat and Taesoul curled into his side. It was standard and allowed for them both to see whatever was playing. Not that they often paid full attention. TaeSoul spent most of her time drawing patterns on YoungJae's side as he watched her. Honestly, the pair had no clue what episode they were watching as they spoke throughout most of it and had missed the majority of the plot line and actual show. The morning had been calm and much more relaxed than they had been for a while now.
Well that was until the piercing sound of TaeSoul's phone rung out. She sad up, with YoungJae following, to reach over to her bedside cabinet and pick the phone up. Her father's contact flashed on the screen and her faced scrunched in confusion. She had only spoken to her father the night before, there was no concerns and she had planned to call him later on that night. A puzzled look still on her face she answered the phone. Before signalling to YoungJae it was her father.
"Dad?" She questioned almost not believing it was her father calling.
"Soulie? Are you alone or with someone?" He questioned his gruff voice ringing through the phone clearly. Once again thinking about the reasonings behind his call her memory drew a blank.
"I'm with YoungJae, do you need me to be alone?"
"No keep him around, you're going to want someone with you"
"Dad you're scaring me. What's going on?" She questioned her voice raising slightly in concern. YoungJae moved closer at her beckoning. He too was as confused if not even more so especially due to the fact that he could only really hear one side of the conversation. He was able to pick up small amounts from the other side though it was not very clear.
"Oh Soulie, I wish I didn't have to tell you this over the phone. But you'll want to know as soon as possible and would hate if I didn't. It's the worst possible news sweetheart. Hunnie, had another count for his Leukemia today." Her father started to explain and her heart dropped. The words 'leukaemia count' had always scared the family as she knew that the count had not been positive for a long time. It had increased massively during this remission period as TaeHun was upgraded from a stage 2 to a stage 3. Her hand shot out towards YoungJae's searching for the comfort it would provide. Her heart was beating fast as her head was slowly working out what had happened.
"Hunnie, he lit up like a Christmas tree. It's stage 4 and the doctors. The doctors- they, they. They're not giving us long. My baby boy, they're taking him away. A week, a week. They're giving us a week a tops. And Taehun he wants you here. He wants his older sister and I couldn't tell him no. I couldn't deny you from him either. TaeSoul, you still there?" By this point tears were running down her face her heart had shattered. Her baby brother who she adored most in the entire world, was being taken away. His poor life had been riddled with the illness and now she had to come with the terms that it was going to take him away.
She let out a sob. It wasn't muffled but rather loud as she dropped her phone onto the bed. Within seconds, YoungJae had moved her onto his lap her head buried in his shirt as he picked up the phone.
"Mr Byun, it's me. What's happened. Please tell me Tae-tae, she's broken. Please I want to help." He spoke whilst rubbing small circles into TaeSoul's back.
"It's TaeHun, they've given us a week. A week YoungJae." Came the elder male's voice. However, the clarity of his gruff voice had changed as he too cried over the fact.
"Oh my god, I'm on it. I'll get us flights out tonight and make sure she's there first thing in the morning. I won't allow you two to do this on your own. I want to be there for Hunnie too. I'll have a chat with our manager and work it out from there." He stated whilst continuing to hold TaeSoul close to him. He continued to talk to TaeSoul's father getting the information he hadn't quite managed to tell her so he could help in the process.
He refused to move from where he sat until TaeSoul made a sound which was not a cry of agony. He rocked the pair whilst getting his phone to call their manager. A heartbreaking phone call later and he had secured the pair flights for the night, prolonged time if they needed it and permission to go along. He had fibbed that it was because TaeHun had also requested for him to go along but he knew the struggle the girl in his arms would face if she had to fly out on her own. He had sent an S.O.S message to his brother asking for a week and a half worth of his clothing to be packed and dropped off to their dorm as he quickly explained the situation to his mother and why they couldn't go out on the Thursday like they had planned. After maybe half an hour TaeSoul had stopped her sobs though still shook. She had left tear marks on his shirt, though this was no concern as a shirt can be easily washed.
"Baby, hey I've talked to our manager. They've booked us tickets to fly out at about 11pm tonight. I'll help you pack about a week and a half worth of stuff and then we can get ready to go. I'm not leaving your side for this. It's me and you until the end of the line." He then slowly helped her stand off the bed and move towards her wardrobe. He managed to find her suitcase against the wall having only been unpacked a couple of weeks ago. Laying it out on the bed he watched as she began to fold the clothing she wanted to take into the suitcase. Deciding to take a seat, he watched as the folding and packing process seemed to aid her in calming down any further.
"YoungJae, thank you" Was the first words he had heard from her that afternoon and were some of the only words he would hear. Not that he would know it at that time.
It was not long before they had made it to Seoul airport and had flown into Incheon. TaeSoul's father met them at the airport taking them to the home he had since purchased in the area close to the hospital. The drive was quiet with only the sound of the radio in the background. TaeSoul and Youngjae sat together in the back seats her having clung onto him since they had left her bedroom in the dorm. She tapped the melody of the song on his left hand which was resting in her right. The quietly made their way into the modest sized house. It had three rooms one of which had been decorated for TaeSoul when she visited.
"Now I'm trusting you kids to share a room together. I would have suggested that YoungJae used TaeHun's room but I couldn't stand to see anything moved. So you can room together for now. Not that Soulie, will let you leave her side lad." Mr Byun spoke before moving into the kitchen and turning the kettle on. He made all three a cup of camomile tea before ushering the two into the room to sleep before the morning.
Waking the next day had been a struggle for TaeSoul. She had spent the night worrying and the lack of sleep she got had also been passed onto the young man who had been more than happy to tag along with her. She had woken before him and could not bear it to move and disturb him. He had done so much in the last 24 hours and was more than willing to allow him longer to sleep as the first of many things she planned to do to pay him back. Unfortunately, she could not hold off the desire she had to go to the toilet for much longer. Rather she slowly got up as to not disturb him before rushing to the toilet located the next door over. By the time she had returned he sat upright rubbing his eyes.
"G'd mornin' handsome" She stated before moving towards her suitcase.
"Morning baby" he spoke back his voice sluggish in relation to having only just woken up. She attempted to look through her suitcase though she made the mistake of looking up and making eye contact with Youngjae sat on the bed. With a beckoning of his hand she found herself almost compelled to go over to him. Approaching the bed she took a grasp of his hand and was essentially pulled back onto the bed.
"You ready for today?" He questioned touching the topic lightly but leaving it open for her to share her emotions more. The pair knew how to not push each other too far and he was using this knowledge to his advantage at the current time.
"As ready as I can be. I'm going to take each day in my hand and think of it more as me spending time with TaeHun than anything else." She spoke her eyes looking into his own focusing on them rather than the atmosphere of the next few days. She was tugged once again into his arms as the pair sat on the bed for a small amount of time in each others arms. They may have stayed their longer if it was not for her father walking through the door.
"Rise and shine Kids, it's time to get going. Places to be, things to do." He cheered obviously the most awake of the three inhabitants of the house. TaeSoul groaned before getting up and moving back to her suitcase. She pulled out an outfit consisting of a black pair of trousers and t-shirt and a red bomber jacket. She quickly done her makeup before moving back into the room. She found YoungJae once again sat on the bed, this time he was changed yet he sat on his phone in a conversation with someone else.
"Yeah mum, we made it safely, she's in the toilet right now but I can pass on your wishes and desire to speak to her soon." He spoke as she walked up to the bed and slowly placed a hand on his arm which was not holding his phone. The pair connected eyes before he said a quick goodbye and ended the call.
"Ready" "Ready"
The pair then walked into the living room meeting her father sat on the sofa. After a small amount of food they headed towards the hospital.
The ward where TaeHun was being looked after looked like the remaining wards on the hospital. He had a small room at the side like the other stage 4 patients to allow them and their families privacy in the oncoming days. A drip, of what TaeSoul did not have a clue what it contained, was attached to his left hand with a heart monitor also being held that side of his body. The young boy sat upright in his bed propped up being the motorised bed and the pillows supporting him. His face was ghostly pale and his breathing laboured.
"Soulie, you're here. I've missed you." The young boy cheered opening his arms as to invite his sister in for a hug. She almost rushed to her younger brother slowing down slightly to ensure that she did not hurt him when they met. The two siblings remained in that position for what for TaeSoul felt like an eternity. She absorbed this feeling knowing deep down it could be the last. Continuing a conversation TaeHun finally looked up to the doorway to where Youngjae hovered awkwardly.
"No way, you brought my favourite older brother ever? Soulie, you're the best. Youngjae!" TaeHun cheered opening his arms again to encouraged the older boy to hug him. TaeSoul stood to the side to watch the two interact taking a quick photo on her phone for future references. The sight to her was everything. Arguably the two most important males in her life, other than her father, getting on so well meant the world to her. The first day together was spent talking and catching up, or really sharing their tour stories and listening to the hospital gossip.
Day two was spent on the hospital grounds. They weren't allowed to leave the hospital grounds with TaeHun rather being confined to the garden space and the space on his ward. They spent the afternoon outside in the sunshine. The gardens were pretty and despite two people being required to move him, one pushing his wheelchair and the other moving his drip alongside, they were able to spend the afternoon and end of visiting hours in the sunshine.
Day three was spent eating the food they had smuggled into his room. The hospital food had been repetitive and TaeHun had not enjoyed his meals and had stopped eating them properly. Therefore, the idol duo had brought him in his favourite foods and spent the day watching different music shows and programs on the tv in the room.
Day four is when it all came crashing down. The morning had started off as the other three previously had done. They arrived just after he had eaten breakfast and had caught up on what had happened after visiting hours were over. However, if it was even possible TaeHun was much paler than he had been all week. He started to cough violently and when the doctor made his round he was very concerned. All the doctor had done was check what was in the drip and attempt to adjust the levels. Though this had done nothing to help the situation before the alarm went off. A nurse ushered the family outside and into chairs positioned outside the door. TaeSoul slumped into one of the chairs knowing what this meant.
Byun TaeHun 16.02.00 - 16.08.18 14:26pm
Official JYPE statement:
Due to bereavement we are hereby putting the activities of our idol Byun TaeSoul, Soul of GOT7, on hold for the foreseeable future. This may include promotions and performances as we allow for time for her to heal. This may also include a social media blackout as we put the family situation first and hope that as fans you can respect this and allow the family privacy and time to heal. Please do not get mad at her or her fellow band members and family members as we help them continue into this new chapter of life.
The management of JYP Entertainment.
tae_tae97 16.08.18Thank you B.T.H.
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