Boys Suck
6 members
Kiwi Bird Fx's Jaemi
Ring Ding Don't SHINee's Yoonkyung
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang Seventeen's Dami
Umbrella Monsta X's RiRi
Taesaurous Rex GOT7's Soul
Chi Chi Slide NCT's Lottie
Today's messages
Just a quick question, where's the best place to buy a new microwave from?
Also somewhere I can get to quickly and get a replacement in like the next 20mins?
Kiwi Bird:
Please don't make me ask what you guys did?
Well you see Chankyung dared me to microwave this bowl which had silver in the rim...
You guys get the picture right?
Oh god Kihyun is going to kill me. Someone come and save me.
Chi Chi Slide:
I would but I have two problems. One I can't drive. Two fat Kun is currently crushing my legs, I don't think I can walk.
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang:
You should really take responsibility for your actions Eunnie
Don't go all mum on me Chen. I NEED your help.
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang:
Eunnie you need professional help.
If it weren't for stupid Kyungie I would be enjoying my day.
Ring Ding Don't:
Hey! Respect your elders. What did I ever do to you punk?
No my dumb Kyungie not you oh mighty meme. I respect you and everything you've done.
Chi Chi Slide:
Suck up
You're all so unhelpful. Tae-Tae I know you're reading this. Help a sister out.
Taesaurous Rex:
I mean you did mess up, but you do need help.
Taesourous Rex:
But alas, I'm very busy. Youngjae and I are suppose to be painting the living room of the house.
Taesourous Rex:
Turns out it's just me supervising him as he sings along to Fantastic Baby and paints the high parts of the ceilings. I'm not enjoying this in the slightest.
Taesourous Rex:
Wanna see?
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang:
Of course we want to see, plus you'll want a video to look back on later on. You know when you guys are separated.
Kiwi Bird:
She ain't wrong tho, I have so many vids for when I'm away
Chi Chi Slide:
Yeah but all your videos aren't exactly PG are they?
Ring Ding Don't:
Kiwi Bird:
OMG Chi you're a child you can't know what those videos are
Chi Chi Slide:
Hey I'm 19 I'm an adult
Kiwi Bird:
Not old enough to drink though
Ring Ding Don't:
We aren't all old like you
Kiwi Bird:
I'm a week older than you
Ring Ding Dong:
Old Lady alert
Kiwi Bird:
Oh go snog Minho
Ring Ding Don't:
Oh Go SnOg MiNhO
Kiwi Bird has left the conversation
Ring Ding Don't:
Old lady got smoked
Taesourous Rex:
Okay so I lied. I'm enjoying this very much, Jae is now topless, I have died and gone to heaven.
Taesourous Rex:
I'm not even joking he barely ever lets me see this.
Someone's eating good tonight!
Seriously though, we're ignoring my main problem. What do I do about the microwave, Changkyun panicked and threw it out the window. It's on the grass outside the dorm.
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Chenny Chenny Bang Bang:
Oh Eunnie you're screwed. Just get out of there and let the others take the blame.
I thought you were suppose to be the motherly one
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang:
I'll help you push the blame on the others
Chenny Chenny Bang Bang has left the conversation
Umbrella has left the conversation
Taesorous Rex:
Okay now that's dealt with If you guys aren't in desperate need of me, imma go treat myself
Taesorous Rex has left the conversation
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