Argument #Request 03
A relationship could not be perfect. It could never go without a hitch. But for some couples the occasions where things didn't work out happened much less frequently. But when they did it was explosive. It was one of those situations where everything went wrong and nothing seemed to be okay.
Taesoul and Youngjae where the kind of people to rarely argue. They often were too level headed to reach the point where an argument was started. Where they actually needed to raise their voices at one another. Where they couldn't reach a compromise.
This argument was explosive. They both stood in the living room of YoungJae's apartment. It had been something simple starting off with the cleaning of the apartment. She had been staying there for the last couple of days and had automatically begun cleaning without much of a thought. It was not something she hadn't done before. Normally when she stayed for a prolonged period of time she would pull her weight and take part in the cleaning of the house.
"Jesus Christ, you've only been here four days TaeSoul, what makes you think you can just decide to start cleaning to start bossing me around huh?" He started watching as she slowly stopped the hoover and turned to face him.
"I am just helping you. You're tired and stressed this is the least I can do as you let me stay over for a while" She tried to reason
"Maybe I don't want your help. Maybe I don't want you to stay over. Maybe it was okay for one night but not for much longer. And I'm stressed? I'm not the one stressing out thats you" He forced out his teeth gritted together
"I'm stressing out, tell me how huh? I'm not the one slamming the doors shut, the one throwing the tv remote across the room when its too slow to change the channel." came her retort
"I'm not the one pushing myself into other peoples business. Who says I want you here putting your nose into everything I do and say? Who says I want your involvement?" He spoke his voice rising this time, it was now somewhere between his normal level and a shout.
"Well I'm sorry I'm concerned for you. I'm sorry I want what's best for you. I'm sorry for caring for you. For loving you." Taesoul spoke her voice rising as she stared into his eyes, the height difference made it harder but as her arms crossed she was not backing down.
"What if I don't want you to? Maybe I don't want you to love me. Maybe I don't love you." He shouted this time his voice was much louder. They had argued before but this was a new height.
"You don't love me?" Her voice lowered to a very quiet level, almost breaking before she stood straighter.
"If you don't love me, then you're not going to give a shit when I walk out." She spoke before turning on her heels and walking straight towards the door. She stopped before opening it.
"And you're really not going to care when I cut you the fuck out of my life. Have a nice life Choi Youngjae." She spoke before opening the door and letting it slam behind her. She stopped just outside the door and slid down it tears flowing freely as she repeated the words.
"He doesn't love me" she cried out her head in her hands as she cried out the pain. She sat there for maybe half an hour before she realised where she was and stood. She soon walked her way down the street and back in the direction of the dorm.
When she entered the dorm she was met with Jinyoung who was sat on the sofa. The male took one look at his 'daughter' and beckoned her over.
"What happened to you squishy?" He questioned as she laid cuddled into his side and his hands ran through her hair.
"We argued, and I don't think he loves me anymore" She spoke her voice breaking at the end as he felt her body shake as she continued to cry.
"Oh squishy, you guys were arguing. I'm sure nothing was meant about it." Jinyoung tried to reason
"I don't know mum you should have heard him. I don't think he's ever sounded so cold. How could someone so soft, so pure and so amazing sound so cold. It was terrifying." She replied as the pair remained cuddled up on the sofa. She had fallen asleep maybe an hour and a half later though the motherly figure did not want to move her. Therefore he stayed there watching the shows running on the tv.
When the leader of the group walked into the living room shortly after his eyes landed on the female member and her very obvious tear marks.
"What happened?" He questioned moving forwards to place his fingers in her hair and brush the fallen pieces of her forehead.
"Our two sunshines had a pretty bad argument." Explained Jinyoung as he let out a sigh and picked up his phone. "I haven't heard from Youngjae yet, I was expecting him to call about wanting to fix this by now." He spoke letting out another sigh.
"If its bad this may take a couple days to overcome. They'll be fine in a week." Reassured Jaebum
But after a week the two had yet to make amends. Rehersals were awkward between the two. The members tried to ignore what was going on between them as much as they possibly could. Taesoul spent much of her free time out of the dorm and with the members of Dreamcatcher instead. The only person she told where she was at these times was Mark. She trusted him not to blurt out where she was if she needed space. And he had.
He had also checked to make sure she could get home safe each time. But rather than crashing at Youngjae's house she was crashing at the dorm of the Happy Face entertainment group, sleeping either in the bed of Siyeon or on their sofa when she was too tired to head back to her own dorm. She had spent the majority of the time when she was with these girls writing songs for them. She was adamant in giving them a song of which they could use on their next album and would have to work out the proper details later but she was excited to have written and composed a song properly even if it was not to be used by her own group.
The only problem about staying for such a long period at somewhere which was not her own dorm was the fact that she was running out of insulin. The morning of the fifth day she had run out, though she didn't want to tell anyone and continued to head towards the practice of her own group. It was only meant to be a vocal practice lesson and therefore would not require that much energy and she would be okay.
Well in her mind she would be. Rather instead she was suffering greatly from going up the stairs. Taking the stairs should not have been this difficult if she had taken the proper amount of insulin that morning. But she hadn't and she was sure she was probably pretty low in terms of her glucose levels. But she pushed through, through the recording.
She was very ready to head back to their own dorms and top up on her insulin levels and just sleep off these feelings. But she didn't make it much further than past the door of the recording room before she collapsed.
Youngjae had rushed straight to her. He was unable to catch her as she fell but was able to move her slightly to see if could detect a pulse. Though weak he felt himself able to take a breath after confirming she was still breathing. A member of staff had rushed off to call an ambulance as he clutched onto her.
"Baby, baby can you hear me?" He begged though got no response realising he would have to just wait until the paramedics appeared to be know more about her current situation.
But before she was removed from the building it came down to the argument of who would be the member to ride in the ambulance with her.
"Youngjae are you sure you should be the person to travel with her, you guys had a very serious argument." Spoke Jaebum as he tried to put the point across without coming across as overly rude.
"I know and its been killing me this whole time, I just didn't know how to approach her about it. I'm going with her because I can't loose her. It's my fault she's like this. I'm going to fix this and get her back" replied the younger man as he stepped into the ambulance not allowing the others much of a chance to argue against him again.
He had spent the next 24 hours sat by her side waiting for any change in her condition. The doctor had explained that it was just due to a lack of glucose and that once they had put the levels back up to normal she would be okay. That was why the IV drop was pushing a saline solution into her body along with a glucose drip as her colour remained ghostly. It wasn't until the following night exactly 27 hours after she had collapsed that she awoke, it was by that point 9pm at night when he was finally able to make eye contact with her again.
"Tae-Tae? You're awake" He almost cried
"Hmmm" Came her response
"I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said to you. You were right I was stressed and I took it out on you in the worst way possible. I love you more than anything else in this world. I can't stand the fact that I couldn't tell you that for those days. God had I been less stubborn you wouldn't even be here." He spoke as tears spilled down his face "I love you so much" He spoke again watching as she tried to move towards him.
"I'm sorry I pushed you-"
"You have nothing to be sorry for. The whole argument was all me really, you tried to stop me doing something idiotic and I just kept on going." He interrupted
"Have you slept yet?" Her voice rung out as she watched him shake his head. Before she lifted the side of the bed where her IV was not attached to and essentially pulled him into the bed next to her.
That's was how the other members found them the next morning. His arms wrapped loosely around her waist and his head in the crook of her neck.
"I guess they made up then" Came the comment of Jackson as he took a photo of the pair.
LMAO This one is shorter than the last request but like I kinda suck with the whole major angst and like I just can't ever see these two properly arguing. And I can't bring myself two write them as arguing. Sorry fam its just pretty hard.
So just going to copy and paste the whole section about the fact that my requests are open from another book so when you see the same thing. Don't kill me pls.
Please don't forget that all of my Kpop books are open to requests. All you need to do is one of the following; comment on the chosen book, on my profile, message me or below.
You can comment next to the title of the book you wish for it to be published in. Please provide as much information as possible so that I can make the request as close to what you wish to read.
Lol I just changed the order around a little bit.
Also like I have no schedule and no real time for any of these books cause some def get more love than others but like...
Would any of you guys be mad if I start an NCT fic?
Because like I high key wanna
Or maybe someone else? Drop your suggestions?
New word to check if you guys are reading the bit where I just promote myself, because yes I really am that big headed. It's the only thing I excelled at.
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