Chapter 2: The Apprentice
After finally losing the livid teen, who had been chasing them for a good 10 minutes straight, Jungkook and Taehyung stop to catch their breath in the upstairs bathroom.
"Why..." Jungkook attempts to speak through his wheezing. "Why did you do...that??"
"You really think...*gasp* I was gonna let his little comment slide?" Taehyung says, he too, gasping for breath.
"I would have at least appreciated it....if you would have warned me first.." Jungkook says, grabbing his chest - his heart feeling like it could pop out of his chest at any moment.
"Ahh....quit complaining." Taehyung says, waving his hand. "I know for a fact this isn't your first time running away from someone."
"Maybe not...but usually I'm ready for it.." Jungkook hunches over, his hands on his hips.
"There's probably gonna be a lot more running where that came from, newbie. So, get used to it." Taehyung says, smirking as he wipes his sweaty brow.
"I'd rather not be dragged into your petty arguments, thank you.."
"Oh come have to was rather exhilarating." Taehyung says, giving Jungkook a nudge with his elbow. "Isn't it ironic how you feel most alive when you're just mere inches away from death?"
Jungkook shoots a look over at Taehyung and shakes his head. "You have some problems, dude.."
"But am I not right?"
"...I guess you have a point, but-"
"Exactly, so stop complaining. It's good to get your heart pumping every now and then. Now, lemme show you to the cafeteria."
"Are you crazy?? I'm not going back out there. Nuh uh!"
"What, is little Skitty scared?"
"No, I just don't want to land in the principal's office on my second day here. And maybe I'm just crazy, but having my face turned into squash doesn't seem all that desirable."
"Relax, you're not going to. Casey has probably already been caught by a prefect."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know how everyone works in this school." Taehyung says as he starts pacing around the bathroom, talking with his hands. "More than likely, he got caught running in the hall, and then when the prefect went to grab him, he body slammed 'em into the ground. Then he got caught, and is now getting dragged into the principal's office as we speak." He stops pacing. "That's usually how it works. Now come on, Skitty, let's go see the local wildlife." He says, heading out of the boy's bathroom, to which Jungkook reluctantly follows behind.
As the two make their way towards the cafeteria, Jungkook is cautious - keeping a close eye on his surroundings at all times. Luckily, Taehyung was seemingly right - Casey was nowhere to be found. But even though he was nowhere in sight, Jungkook wasn't about to drop his guard.
. . .
"Here we are. Feeding time at the zoo.." Taehyung says as he looks around at all of the students, snickering.
As the two awkwardly stand in the corner of the lunchroom, Jungkook looks down at his stomach after it let's out a growl, just remembering he hadn't eaten since yesterday. Plus, all the running had sapped every ounce of energy he had left. "So...are we just going to stand here staring at everyone like weirdos, or are we going to grab a tray and eat?"
" No, no, no, my friend. Whoever willingly eats Edna's food seriously has a death wish. No, we'll be getting our food elsewhere."
"Then why did we even come here?"
"I'm gonna let you in on a bit of helpful information. If you're gonna thrive in this school, you gotta know the people you're gonna be dealing with...think of yourself as my....apprentice." Taehyung lifts his hand up and points towards a group of posh-looking students, standing off in the far corner of the school.
"I'm not dealing with-"
"See those kids over there? The ones with the blue diamond patterned vests?" Taehyung asks, and Jungkook nods.
"The rich snobs? What about them?" Jungkook asks.
"Yes, keen eye, my friend. Those are indeed the preppies." Taehyung says.
"Lemme guess - stuck up, daddy issues, cry if they get a little stain on their shirts?"
"Bravo." Taehyung says, giving him a slow clap. "I see you know your stuff."
"Well, when the amount of schools you have been to can't even be counted on your two hands, then yeah...I guess it's only natural that you'll have quite a bit of experience with a variety of different people."
"It sounds like you have quite an intriguing story. You'll have to tell me all about your journey as a delinquent one of these days." Taehyung says. "But for now...moving on. The ones in the green, playing cards - those are the nerds. They usually hang out in the library."
"They look fairly harmless to me."
"Mostly, yes...but they can be sneaky little rats. You've already met one of them today; Peestain, lesser known as Algernon Papadopoulos, or 'Algie'."
"Peestain..? Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Jungkook says, raising his eyebrow.
"But it's true. The sound of a pin dropping could make that kid piss his pants - it's just common knowledge around here, now." Taehyung says, redirecting his focus onto the same trio of guys that Jungkook had ran into, just a few hours earlier.
"Anyways, you've already met those guys. They're just your typical bullies; not much to them, besides the fact that they're all pea brained idiots. They're similar to the jocks, but at least the jocks have something going for them...even if it isn't in the brain department, either." Taehyung says tilting his head towards a group of guys, who were all wearing Letterman jackets, arm wrestling at one of the lunch tables.
"Yup, they certainly look like your typical jocks."
"Football is really popular around here, and needless to say; that makes them popular - and well you can probably already guess, but they've let that go to their heads. They're actually really tough, and are definitely the most feared and revered out of all the cliques...not sure why you'd want to, but you can find them hanging around the field, and gym. But, I'm warning you, they cause hell for anyone who steps on their turf, especially new kids."
"So in other words, keep my distance from them." Jungkook says.
"Well, you should probably be doing that with everyone, but yes...especially so with them."
"Ahh...I see what you meant by 'the greasers' now..." Jungkook mumbles, his eyes locked onto a few male students who were all wearing similar leather jackets over blue Bullworth vests, leaning against the wall - one of them combing their slicked back hair. "What about Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry over there?"
"Those are in fact 'the greasers'. They reek of hair gel, cigarettes, and car oil. I'm actually surprised they're hanging around here - usually they're off trying to find whatever trouble they can get their hands onto in town, you know...typical hell raisers. They act big and bad, but if you ask me - they're just compensating for something."
"Are there only those three? They don't look too tough to me."
"Nah, believe it or not, there's a crapton of them. They're probably just off tagging somewhere, or trying to forge an i.d. or somethin'. I will warn you though, despite them looking like a bunch of wanna-bes, they can get sort of dangerous when they're in a pack." Taehyung leans over a bit. "I heard their leader, Johnny Vincent, has sent quite a few unfortunate fools to the hospital."
"Seriously? For what?"
"Who knows. Everything and anything I guess." Taehyung says. "I heard he broke a guy's nose after a few comments about his earring, but that's just hear-say."
"I'll keep that in mind then."
"You don't have to be too worried about them; they usually don't mess with anyone unless you give them a reason to. Just don't look at them or go barging into their turf, near the auto shop, and you should be fine. The ones I would say to watch out for most are probably the preppies, well besides the jocks."
"The preppies??" Jungkook asks, raising his brow. "They look like they'd be terrified of a fly landing on them."
"Even though they seem like just a bunch of stuck up snobs who are afraid to get a little tear in their shirts, they all train pretty regularly at the boxing ring. And believe it or not, one of their own is actually the town's champion. In other words; they can get pretty nasty if pushed to. What makes them obnoxious to deal with is, unlike the greasers who tend to stick in their own turf, the preppies just love meddling in others' businesses...and, with the word going around that you're a troublemaker, they're going to be real interested in you."
"Eh, I'm not worried." Jungkook says. "I'm only here to do my work, and that's it. I'm gonna stroll through this year laying low."
"Hmm-hmm. That's what they all say, friend." Taehyung says, patting Jungkook on the back.
"Anyways, are we done in here? I'm starved."
"For now, yes. How's about I treat you to a burger? There's a shop not too far down the road, we should be able to eat and get back on time before lunch is over."
"But I thought the principal said that newcomers aren't allowed to leave campus."
"Newbies aren't allowed to leave campus, unless accompanied by someone with a 4.0 grade point average...and you're in luck, my friend 'cause I just so happen to be the top scoring student in this entire school." Taehyung points to himself. "Don't you feel lucky that someone like me even bothered to introduce themselves to someone like you?"
"And what exactly is "someone like you" supposed to mean?"
"Well, if you are as much of a delinquent as you are putting on...someone who is well on their way to a life in prison."
"You got me all wrong."
"Well, can't tell me that you've been thrown out of countless schools just for saying what's on your mind. There has to be more to it than'd have to be saying some really messed up stuff, if that were the case. Unless you're lying.."
"Of course I'm not I said, I tell people what they need to hear and I've made a few enemies because of it." Jungkook says, earning a smirk from Taehyung.
"Really now? Oh, how excited I am to get to know you better, my little apprentice." Taehyung says, draping his shoulder around the brunette.
burger shop
After the two boys order their burgers, they sit down opposite of each other at an unoccupied table near the shop's window.
"So, I was meaning to ask, how old are you anyways? I ask in case you flunked a grade - you know, considering you sound like you've had a rocky past when it comes to education." Taehyung asks, then takes a bite of his burger.
"Surprisingly, no, I haven't had to repeat a grade. I'm 16." Jungkook replies, reaching for a french fry.
"Ahh, that's actually quite shocking. Though you do have a baby face, I expected you to be older than me, but in fact, you're actually a bit younger."
"I probably am more mature than most 16 year olds, to be honest."
"I feel the same way, I find it nearly impossible to relate to anyone else my age. Fun fact, I actually was offered on multiple occasions to skip a grade, since I easily surpass everyone else academically."
"And you didn't take that offer? That doesn't sound very smart to me." Jungkook says, sipping on his soda.
"Well, you see...I wanted to experience each grade individually. Though I despise pretty much everyone in it, I do enjoy school."
"If I could drop out, I would in a heartbeat." Jungkook says. "I find little interest in anything that I'm being taught."
"What do you have interest in?"
"If I tell you, you're just gonna laugh at me like everyone else."
"Why do you think that?"
"Oh well, gee...let's see...I've barely known you for less than 24 hours and I've learned that you call someone "peestain"."
"Is it so wrong to joke around every now and then? What's life without a bit of fun...and besides, I don't particularly like Algie - you, on the other hand, I don't know enough about you to confidently say I like you, or don't like you. Therefore, I don't have much of a reason to poke fun at you." Taehyung says, then pops a fry into his mouth.
Jungkook nibbles on a fry quietly for a moment as he debates in his head, staring down at the table. It takes him a few moments, but eventually he speaks up. "Fine....I like fashion design." He mumbles.
"You like what?" Taehyung says, holding his hand up to his ear.
"Fashion design."
"I can't hear you. You're gonna have to speak up a little bit more." Taehyung says.
"I LIKE FASHION DESIGN!" Jungkook says, catching the attention of nearly everyone in the shop. When he notices, his cheeks flush a deep red and he lowers himself down into his seat.
"You're pulling my leg."Taehyung says, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Jungkook asks, bitterly.
"I would neverrr." Taehyung says, pulling his lip inwards to withhold a smirk. "So, what sort of things do you like to make?" He asks.
"Well, you know that hoodie I was wearing yesterday? The black and maroon plaid hoodie?"
"You made that? Wooow, impressive. You must be bummed that you have to wear a school uniform, huh?"
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. "I'm used to it..." He says, grabbing for another fry. "I um...I also like to make stuffed animals." He says, causing Taehyung to nearly choke on his burger.
"Stuffed animals too...? Wow, friend, can't say I was expecting this. You act all big and bad..."
"I have a lot of younger sisters, so..."
"Ah, I suppose that explains it.." Taehyung says. "I have to say, that's quite unexpected...and dare I say, even a bit adorable."
"Yeah, well you should be grateful I told you - only a handful of people know this about me."
"I feel somewhat honored." Taehyung says, trying to maintain a serious demeanor. He rubs his chin and leans forward after a few moments. "Hey, the way, back tracking a bit... how long would you say it takes to make a full body outfit?"
"Hm...Well, it depends...but usually a couple weeks for me, since I have to save up for the materials and stuff."
Taehyung sits there, looking up at the ceiling as he counts on his fingers. "....would you by chance be able to make something in time for Halloween?"
Jungkook glances up from his burger, but only makes eye contact with the older for a millisecond before looking back down at it. "You...want me to make a costume?"
"Yes...a bunny costume. A pink one." Taehyung lifts his hand up to his side. "For someone about this high."
"A...bunny costume?"
"For you..?" Jungkook asks curiously, with a raised brow.
"No, no, no. Do I look that short to you? And besides, I would never walk around in something as ridiculous as a bunny costume." Taehyung says.
"Then why would you want a bunny costume?"
"I don't want to spoil the surprise.." Taehyung says, the smirk creeping over his lips giving Jungkook the heebie jeebies for some odd reason. "So, what do you say, friend?"
"Well, I suppose so...but, you'll have to help me pay for it."
"No worries. I have money - just let me know what I owe you."
"Alright, then.." Jungkook says, and he continues to eat in silence as Taehyung went on and on about fairly irrelevant things, like his all-A report card and how his teachers are in complete awe of him. All the while Taehyung was talking, though, Jungkook's mind was still stuck on Taehyung's question from earlier.
What could a guy like Taehyung possibly want to do with a bunny costume?
. . .
"Well, looks like class will be starting soon." Taehyung says, looking down at his watch. "We probably should start heading back now so we're not late." He stands up from the table. "I mean, it doesn't really matter to me if I'm teachers let me get away with pretty much whatever...but, you on the other hand, aren't as lucky, or loved, as me."
"Noted..." Jungkook says, trying so hard not to roll his eyes. He wraps the pieces of leftover burger inside the paper it came with, then stands up from the table and walks over to the trash cans with Taehyung, tossing the leftover food and used napkins in. "Well, thanks for buying me lunch. It was pretty good."
"Most of the restaurants around here are pretty mediocre, but, yeah...if I had to choose, this would be the place I trusted most. At least the food isn't spit in, or at least that I know of.."
"....the cook spits in the food at Bullworth..?" Jungkook asks hesitantly.
"She hates us, so I wouldn't put it past her. Plus, I hear her hacking up her lungs all the time, so there's bound to be some chunks that find their way into the crap she makes, even if it wasn't on purpose. Most of the students try to stay away from her cooking - the rest who trust it are dumbasses."
"That's nasty.."
"That's not even the half of it." Taehyung says, snickering as the two head out of the shop together. "Anyways, you have photography class next, correct?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Great, you'll have to let me know what you think about Ms. Phillips.." Taehyung says, smirking.
As Taehyung and Jungkook make their way back to the Academy, Jungkook don't speak much - instead, letting Taehyung do all the talking. I swear, this guy could speak enough words to fill a novel in 5 minutes. Jungkook thinks.
Jungkook mostly lets the things Taehyung was saying go in one ear out the other, but it wasn't that he was purposely ignoring him, or anything - his brain tends to have a mind of it's own sometimes. He can only hope that what the older was saying wasn't too important - the last thing he remembers him saying was something about how intelligent he was, so he doubts he was missing out on anything too great.
(time skip)
"I expect you to bring this to me at the end of the year exactly in the shape it is now." Ms. Phillips says, offering a black box with a handle on it out to Jungkook, who's eyes are practically locked onto the sight before him - that of which, certainly wasn't her face.
Ms. Phillips gaze follows Jungkook's, and she crosses her arms over her sizable chest. "Are you listening to me, Jungkook?"
"Oh, um, yes Ms." Jungkook says as he holds his hand out for the box, redirecting his focus onto anything but her. He clears his throat. Sheesh, Taehyung was right..
"Great. If anything at all happens to this camera, do keep in mind that it will be coming out of your parent's paychecks - and I would imagine they wouldn't be too happy about that." Ms. Phillips says, patting Jungkook on his shoulder. "Just looking out for you, sweetheart."
"I'll take good care of it, thank you." Jungkook holds out a packet. "Here's this back, Ms. I read it all the way through."
"You can keep it in case you need to reference something. There's a lot of rules to photography you know - it's not just a simple, snap," She mimics the motion of snapping a camera, "and done. There is an art to it, and it takes a lot of practice to get down."
"I understand."
"Well, I'm going to send you home with a few more materials to help you catch up with what we have currently been learning. As of right now, the class hasn't actually put their cameras to use quite yet - aspiring photographers first need to know what it is they should look out for when it comes to taking a beautiful photo; so you actually have come at a great time." She says, then hands him a textbook. "We are on chapter 5, so as long as you get caught up by the end of the month, you will be able to join us on our first trip to the great outdoors," she holds her hand up, "where we will be capturing a moment of nature's utmost beauty."
"Will do, Ms." Jungkook says, leaning down to put the textbook in his bag, along with the camera he was given.
"Ms. Phillips?" A male student says, coming up behind Jungkook, to which Jungkook glances over his shoulder.
"Yes, what is it, Gordon?"
"Can I stay after school for extra credit?"
"But, already have an A in my class." Ms. Phillip's says, crossing her arms.
"I know, but...I want to make sure it doesn't drop.." Gordon says, kicking at the ground.
"Quit fretting over your grade, dear boy. You are doing just fine, now go on - you have another class to attend." She says, shooing the teen along.
"Aw...alright.." Gordon says, rubbing the back of his neck.
After Jungkook finishes putting his things away, Ms. Phillips instructs both of them to go on their way, to which they do.
As the boys were walking out of class, Gordon glances over at Jungkook. "So...uh, your name is Jungkook, huh?" He asks.
"Mhm." Jungkook says, nodding his head.
"That's a strange not from around here?"
"I was born in South Korea and moved to the US a few years ago. My mom just recently remarried, so we just moved into town a couple weeks ago with my step-dad."
" you by chance related to Kim Taehyung?"
"Nope. Never seen him before in my life before coming here."
"Well, that's a relief...anyways, so, uh...what did you think of Ms. Phillips..? Her class is pretty cool, huh.." The teen says, a love-struck smile coming over his face.
"It's alright, I guess." Jungkook says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Just alright?" Gordon asks, looking over at Jungkook with a dumbfounded look on his face. "Ms. Phillips is amazing, can't tell me any of the other classes you have had has come even close to how awesome hers is.."
"To he honest, I was a little bit bored reading that gigantic packet.."
"Bored?!" Gordon says, looking genuinely offended by Jungkook's words. "How can you be bored?"
"Were we attending the same class...? All it was was a bunch of listening and reading...I thought we would do a little more picture taking, considering, well...that's what the entire class is supposed to be about."
"Well, I'm sorry bro, but you must be pretty blind if you can't see the awesomeness that is Ms. Phillips' class.."
"Actually, I hate to break it to you, bro but...I think you might be the blind one, here."
Gordon stops Jungkook by blocking him with his arm. "Excuse me..? Are you trying to pick a fight with me already, kid?" Jungkook says, turning his entire attention onto Jungkook.
"No. I'm just stating facts...all I'm saying is that you must be the blind one, considering I, and I'm sure everyone else, can clearly see the way you look at her. You're so blinded by her appearance that you're not not able to see anything else whatsoever...I mean, it's my first day and already I see this."
"Don't act like you didn't sneak a few peeks in too, punk."
"It's sort of hard not to when they're right there.." Jungkook says, itching his head.
"Ms. Phillips is beautiful inside and out, and you're just stupid if you don't see that."
"Relax...I'm not saying Ms. Phillips isn't a good teacher, it's my first day - I don't even know what to think of her yet."
"Well, if you give her any problems, you'll be having to answer to me, got it?"
" it.." Jungkook says, rolling his eyes when Gordon turns away.
As Jungkook was coming up to his next class, he tenses up after feeling an arm drape over his shoulder for what felt like the thousandth time today, and he glances over to see a familiar face.
"The time has finally come - Science with Taehyung. Ready to slice open some rats?" Taehyung asks, just a few inches away from Jungkook's face.
Jungkook forced an awkward smile and he nods his head. "Oh yeah...I'm absolutely thrilled." He says sarcastically.
Will I ever get a break from this guy?
hey guys! I have a question; there are gonna be a decent amount of characters in this fanfic, and I was wondering, would anyone like me to upload a character section that has the names and descriptions of the characters that you can reference in case you get confused over who is who, and/or are interested in learning a little bit more about them? It would be updated as the characters are introduced into the story.
thanks for reading and have yourselves a great day/night! see ya next update! ^u^
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