4.0 Oh, Good
Lily Owens frowned as she got an apple from the cafeteria at Alfea. It was the day that she was supposed to help Stella get her ring back from the captured Burned One, but the two had been avoiding each other. She set her bag down at a small table and sat in the seat, taking a bite of the apple. Suddenly, Sky appeared in front of her and sat down across the table. "Sure, you can sit down." Lily stated sarcastically, which caused Sky to raise an eyebrow.
"I just thought you would want to know that Riven had a girl in his room, and it kind of seemed like they had fucked." Lily's gaze moved to the table as she listened to Sky speak.
She let out a sigh, running her hand through her hair. "We broke up. He can do whatever he wants. I don't care." Both Lily and Sky knew this was a lie.
Sky furrowed his eyebrows. "I think her name was Beatrix. Might be a first year." The boy was confused that Lily was trying not to care. "It doesn't seem like a great idea for him right now." Lily's eyes finally moved back up to Sky's.
The girl shrugged. "What are you expecting me to do about it? He's pissed off at me, so he's not going to listen to anything I say, especially when I tell him not to fuck someone." The way he treated her earlier was proof of this.
"Lil, I'm worried about him. I think he's reaching out for help."
Lily scratched at the back of her neck before shaking her head. "Sky, it's great that he has someone to look out for him, but I can't help you."
"So, what's the plan, Army Barbie?" Aisha questioned Stella as them, Bloom, and Lily marched across the field towards the woods.
Stella let out a scoff before turning to the redhead. "Bloom, I'm curious. Did you ask Aisha or Lily to come?" Bloom didn't answer, trying to ignore the obvious tension in the group. "I don't think you did. And if you didn't ask them to come, and I didn't ask them to come... It's official. No one asked Aisha or Lily to come." Stella looked straight at the pair on the opposite end of the line. Lily frowned, her arms crossing over her chest. Why had Stella been treating her like shit?
As the four fairies made their way further from Alfea, the sky began to darken and thunder began to crack. "You don't have to be here." Stella spoke as they stopped at the edge of the campus, looking directly to Lily and Aisha.
Lily frowned and looked towards the ground. Stella's words lately had been hurting Lily. "This is idiotic." Aisha responded, noticing the way Lily was reacting. "You need the both of us. What are you going to do? Dazzle it with light while Bloom struggles to light a fire?" Lily let out a soft giggle after hearing Aisha's response.
Bloom furrowed her eyebrows, turning to the other three. "I'm right here." She snapped before looking back towards the forrest.
"I fixed her." Stella smiled.
"Yeah, with negative emotions." Aisha let out a scoff, rolling her eyes.
Lily looked up from the ground. "Stella, negative emotions, especially with an element that's as violent as fire, is not going to be a good idea." Stella placed her hands on her hips. "They're unreliable, and they have limits. Your method is not going to help her in the long run."
Bloom ran her fingers through her ginger hair. "None of you are helping right now. Can we please just do this?" She motioned towards the forrest.
Musa and Terra approched the four fairies. "Oh, good." Musa frowned, obviously reading everyone's emotions. "Everyone's calm and collected." She made eye contact with Lily before moving to her side, holding the girl's hand. Musa could blatantly see how Stella's actions were affecting Lily, and it wasn't fair to the poor earth fairy. Lily couldn't hurt a fly, and here she was being treated like shit by her own 'best friend'.
"Finally." Stella clapped her hands together.
Terra nodded, lifting a vile into the air. "Sorry. I needed help with the Zanbaq. We're all good now though."
Bloom stepped through the barrier followed by the rest of the girls. "Do we know where the barn is?" Stella questioned as she stepped foot across the barrier.
"Um... Yes, north!" Terra nodded, moving next to Stella. "There's this little stump that looks like an old-"
Stella raised her hand, cutting the earth fairy off. "Show. Don't tell." She motioned for Terra to lead the way.
The fairies walked through the forrest until they found the small barn. Musa felt something further into the woods and broke off from the pack, causing Terra to follow her. Bloom, Aisha, Stella, and Lily entered the barn, but there was no Burned One. "It's not here." Bloom groaned, looking around the dark room.
Aisha pointed towards the chained up pole in the middle. "They've taken it already. Look."
The blonde let out a gasp before running towards the chains. "No." She whimpered. "My mum's going to kill me."
"That's what you care about?" Lily frowned, crossing her hands over her chest.
"Guys! We've got a problem!" The group ran out the open back door as soon as they heard Terra's yells from outside.
They met up with Musa and Terra, and found a group of mauled bodies. "The Burned One had to have done this." Lily scanned her eyes over the bodies, making sure no one was still alive.
Stella let out a sigh of relief. "It's still here somewhere."
Lily noticed someone move and slightly jumped, startled. "It's Mr. Silva." She pointed him out to the other girls.
Aisha looked between the group. "Wait, where's Bloom?" She looked towards the barn before repeating her name. "Bloom?" The water fairy ran towards the barn, trying to find her roommate.
Terra grabbed onto Lily's hand. "Alright, Musa, Lily, and I will look after Mr. Silva." She turned her attention to Stella. "And you and Aisha will go find Bloom."
Stella nodded before she rushed away from the group. Terra took in a deep breath before stepping towards the teacher. "It's us, Mr. Silva. It's Terra, Lily, and Musa."
Mr. Silva raised his sword to the girls. "I know who you are. Please get back." He pleaded, and Lily noticed his eyes were completely dark.
Lily stepped even closer towards Mr. Silva. "The Burned One cut you, and you're infected, but we're going to help." She explained to him. Terra raised her hands and vines appeared around Mr. Silva's wrists, holding him against the tree.
Terra reached into her bag as the three fairies approached him. "Alright, I've got some Zanbaq for you. It will calm the infection, and we can take you back to school."
The earthling noticed Musa's eyes glowing red, and she placed her hand on her back. "You okay?" Musa nodded, trying to look away from their injured teacher.
"I can hold his head, but can you pour it into his mouth, Lily?" Terra questioned her cousin, and Lily nodded in response. She poured the liquid into Mr. SIlva's mouth, and the man let out a deep breath, his eyes beginning to change back to normal.
Lily and Terra grabbed Mr. Silva, carrying him back to the school. As they arrived inside, Terra began to speak to the other students. "I need a med kit from the Bastion!"
"I'll go get the headmistress." Beatrix, who had been walking with Riven, quickly turned and ran towards Miss Dowling's office.
Dane, who was a first year specialist, caught Terra's eye. "Dane, help us carry him to the greenhouse." The boy nodded, taking Lily's place under their teacher's arm.
Lily moved next to Musa. "We're almost there, Mr. Silva." She spoke, trying to help calm his nerves.
Terra saw her brother, who looked terrified. "Sam, go get Dad." She ordered him, causing him to run off towards the greenhouse.
Musa stepped back, her eyes widening. "Dad?"
"Her brother, my cousin." Lily explained.
She let out a gasp as she felt someone grab her wrist. She looked back to see Riven. "What happened? Are you okay?" He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes, checking for any signs that she had been hurt. Sure, Riven was still mad at her, but he was also completely in love with her. If something ever happened to Lily, Riven wouldn't know what to do.
Lily nodded, sending him a warm smile. "I'm okay." Riven took in a deep breath before he wrapped his arms around the girl, pulling her into his chest.
"I'm sorry that I was asshole." Riven spoke softly into her ear.
"It's okay." Lily responded, her hands moving up his back. "I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want."
"It's okay."
Word Count - 1614
Author's Note -
Sorry that this is another smaller chapter, but I thought there was more left to the episode to write. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
I'm really excited to dive further into Lily and Sky's relationship. I think that he's going to see Lily as a younger sister, and they're going to have a very pure and wonderful friendship. I also think that Sky is going to be the bigger Lily and Riven shipper. He knows that Lily really helps Riven and makes him want to be a better person.
Anyways, please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and don't forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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