▹Introduction pt.2◃
⋄⋅Lee Taeyong⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Elemental⋄⋅
◈ God of Fortune ◈
He is an immortal god of fortune who sometimes grants the wishes of those with good intentions and brings good luck to his friends and family
◈ God of War ◈
He is also an immortal snake god of war who will go as far as relentlessly slaughtering those who hurt anyone he cares about
◈ Omnilingualism ◈
He can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language, including computer codes, languages they have never been heard before, sign language, lip-reading, illegible words, backwards speech, and writing with little or no training
◈ Jet ◈
He can shoot air from the propulsion boosters at the bottom of his feet, giving him an incredible jumping ability at great speed. With this power, Taeyong can easily overwhelm enemies with high-speed attacks. In enclosed spaces, he is capable of bouncing around the walls in order to confuse, and then strike opponents. He can use this power for support as well, by activating his powers while holding someone. This can allow him limited flight. He can only use the air that he breathes to propel himself through
◈ Weather Manipulation ◈
He can sense, create, shape, and manipulate weather, such as the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas
⭐️ With his new Stand, Weather Report, he has more control and strength with manipulating the weather ⭐️
◈ !???! ◈
Stand: Weather Report
Weather Report's ability is to control the weather through the manipulation of the atmosphere itself
Taeyong manipulates the surrounding atmosphere with his Stand, allowing him to freely summon several weather phenomenons like wind, rain, or lightning to his advantage. Weather Report has enough precision that it can create micro-climates, but also a range great enough that it can make it rain thirty km away. The scale of the phenomenons is also controllable, thus Weather Report can create heavy rain and fog over a large zone, but also a small sunny area in the middle of the rain
At its most basic, Weather Report can make gusts of wind to affect objects from afar. Taeyong can also use the wind to propel himself. Weather Report can also feel disturbances in the surrounding air currents to detect movement. In close-quarters combat, he can make the gust of winds strong enough to pierce through the human body. Weather Report can create localized atmospheric layers to increase the air resistance, to the point he can deflect projectiles away from Taeyong. Clouds then appear around Taeyong, and if someone punches the layers, the friction can even set them on fire
Weather Report can directly shove a vaporous gust inside someone to bloat them with water to the point where it flows through the eye sockets. Weather Report can also evaporate then freeze liquids to create specific solid shapes. Weather Report can even surround himself and others with a Cloud Suit, in order to protect himself from dangerous surrounding conditions, like a vacuum
He is able create a couch of clouds to cushion people from certain damage. Weather Report can also create electrical currents within Taeyong's body, allowing partial control of several people's bodies when it electrifies them. Lastly, he can bring otherwise unlikely elements of the weather like rains of animals. This particular ability is based off scenarios where dense populations of small animals are often picked up by tornadoes and 'rained' down when said tornadoes cease
⋄⋅Huang Xuxi/Wong Yukhei⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Krystal Kids [Bonesaw]⋄⋅
◈ Regalia ◈
He can change into one of Taeyong's regalias, taking the form of a spiked choker
◈ Spike Projection ◈
He can create and project spikes of matter and energy to impale targets. These spikes can be projected in mid-air or generated from the ground, potentially creating a trail of spikes
⭐️ He can generate bigger and sharper spikes ⭐️
◈ Outburst ◈
It allows him to force others around him to burst into laughter so intense that it dulls their motor skills and cognitive abilities. It's useful for incapacitating enemies. When activated, a blue aura appears around him. It is unclear to his peers whether or not he must say anything to make people laugh, or if the laughter is purely spontaneous
Stand: Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune's primary ability dramatically enhances a vehicle's appearance and capabilities, allowing Yukhei's toy car to transform into a more powerful car with four-wheel drive
The car is also able to repair itself, distort its hull to squeeze inside a crevice, orientate its wheels horizontally to drive between walls, create spikes on the wheels to scale a wall or cliff, and even separate its internal wiring to create dangerous sparks
The shapeshifting is linked to Yukhei's confidence: the more aggressive he is, the more powerful and monstrous the car will be. Conversely, when he panics or when he's rendered unconscious, the car reverts to its true state
Wheel of Fortune can shoot its own gasoline at its opponents as a high pressure scatter shot. The gasoline is fired with enough force to damage a human body, but its primary purpose is to make its targets highly flammable, allowing Yukhei to set them ablaze with sparks from his car's cables. Yukhei can also hijack nearby cars' radios in order to converse with people
⋄⋅Jin Tingyou/Kim Jungwoo⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Krystal Kids [Starlight]⋄⋅
◈ Regalia ◈
He can change into one of Taeyong's regalias, taking the form of a Diamond ring
◈ Light ◈
He can generate and manipulate light of various intensities
⭐️ His light shines even brighter, enough to light up an area within a hundred meter radius ⭐️
◈ Flight ◈
It allows him to levitate and fly at high speeds. It's simple, but it proves to be useful in combat, especially with evading enemy fire
Stand: Aerosmith
Aerosmith is a powerful battle-oriented Stand, possessing not only a wide array of powerful weaponry to destroy its enemies, but also boasts above-average nimbleness due to its nature, size, and good range
Aerosmith is equipped with small machine guns on its wings shooting tracer bullets with infinite ammunition, and a single bomb which it can drop on its enemies. Despite their reduced size, the weapons are still deadly. The tracer bullets can set gasoline on fire, and shoot through a human body. The bomb has the power of a very powerful grenade
However, due to the Stand's poor precision, Jungwoo prefers to unleash Aerosmith's full arsenal with reckless abandon in a short period of time to compensate. As a last resort, the propeller itself can be used as a blade to slice enemies
Aerosmith also has a heat signature radar that Jungwoo can use to find an enemy's position through their body heat. While active, a small mechanical radar levitates near Jungwoo's face, specifically his right eye, allowing him to see the location and size of sources as circular blips on the radar. This makes it ineffective when there is a big crowd or large fire, as it is unable to distinguish between sources, though Jungwoo is capable of deducing the sources based on his own heat estimates of an individual source
The hotter the heat signature emission from a given source on the radar, the larger the blip will appear. Jungwoo can also adjust the sensitivity of the radar in order to pick up sources on the level of small animals and even insects
⋄⋅Dong Sicheng⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: WinWin⋄⋅
◈ Softening ◈
He's able to soften anything he touches, effectively turning solid objects into semi-liquids
⭐️ His Softening is more powerful, even without using his new Stand, Spice Girl ⭐️
◈ Anivoice ◈
He can communicate with and command animals and bugs through speech
◈ Tail ◈
His tail functions as a third arm for him. It's strong enough to break objects made of metal, capture enemies, and support his own weight
⭐️ His tail is even more durable and he can still use it even if its bone breaks ⭐️
Stand: Spice Girl
Spice Girl is able to soften any material she strikes
Anything is softened into an elastic state
when Spice Girl hits it with her fists, softening the said object into a rubber-like consistency. Any material, even metal or rock, will be softened into the same state. Said objects gain consistency and elasticity akin to rubber or putty, unable to be crushed even by a strong Stand, or be punctured by any force including sharp objects, and thus making said object actually many times more resilient.
She can even soften moving objects like bullets, causing projectiles to merely flatten upon contact. Not only that, moving objects that are softened retain their kinetic energy when returned to normal, allowing Sicheng to unleash surprise attacks using projectiles that were thought to be neutralized
Because of the elasticity, the object accumulates energy when deformed, and when allowed to return to normal can create a sudden, violent backlash. The softness can persist even if contact between Spice Girl and the object is broken. He may also freely undo her power when needed
⋄⋅Jung Jaehyun⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Ace⋄⋅
◈ Solid Air ◈
He uses Solid Air to create nigh-invisible transparent barriers for defense, preventing opponents from getting close
⭐️ After strengthening his power, he is now able to create more elaborate and durable air constructs, like an air cube that can restrain people inside it while cutting off their voice from leaving to the outside world. He does this by shaping his hands around his blown air ⭐️
◈ Copy ◈
It allows Jaehyun to utilize a power after coming into contact with its respective user. He only requires to touch as little as a few strands of hair from the target in order for his power to take effect. After contact with a target is made, he gains full access to their power, at least at a basic level
◈ God Bind ◈
By channeling his god power through his hands, he can use the energy generated to stop an opponent in their tracks
◈ God of Restraint ◈
He has become an immortal god of restraint, able to restrain just about any foe, even if the foe is a god themselves
⭐️ After much research, he learns that by being by Taeyong's side from a young age, he's become a god of restraint, able to use his God Bind even without transforming ⭐️
Stand: Kraft Work
Kraft Work's primary ability is the manipulation of kinetic energy, either taking an object's kinetic energy completely away, freezing it in place, or adding more kinetic energy to a previously frozen object, making it move once more
Jaehyun can lock objects into a given position. Kraft Work can take the kinetic energy out of anything it touches, locking those objects in place. This can either take the form of making an object be stuck to a particular space or making it motionless with respect to another object, including Jaehyun himself. Kraft Work also allows Jaehyun to make people partially stuck in place after they come in contact with something Kraft Work has affected
There is no limit to the number of objects Kraft Work can freeze in place, and the immobilization can be delayed after Kraft Work has touched it, allowing Jaehyun to throw things in front of him and make them stop them mid-air
Kraft Work can also be used defensively, as it can freeze any projectile that it comes in contact with, even if it has already started to enter Jaehyun's body. However, an external force can still move said object, if even by a small amount. If Jaehyun moves far enough from immobilized objects or people, the effects of Kraft Work's ability will eventually dissipate
Kraft Work can also add kinetic energy to frozen objects. By repeatedly touching a locked object enough times, Jaehyun can build up kinetic energy in it before releasing it. With this power, he is even able to launch a bullet with as much power as a real gun. However, to conserve accuracy as well as prevent opponents from predicting where it will fly, he must carefully and lightly tap the object several times
⋄⋅Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Ten⋄⋅
◈ Dark Shadow ◈
His Dark Shadow's name is Chittaphrr, a shadowy, monster-like being that's made of darkness energy. He's very useful with long distance attacks, but his power is harder to control in darker environments
⭐️ He's able to control Chittaphrr more effectively, increasing his power without losing much control, but if enraged too much, it could prove fatal ⭐️
◈ Black Hole ◈
It allows him to suck anything into small black holes he generates from his fingers, so he usually wears gloves in order not to use it by accident
◈ Brainwashing ◈
It allows him to assume control of anyone who responds to one of his statements, forcing them to do as he says. But he won't use it on anyone unless they're his enemies
Stand: Cream
Cream is able to become a portal to a void-like dimension, and anything that passes through this portal is disintegrated into nothingness. The sole exception is Ten himself, who can use the void dimension as a hiding place
The actual portal is situated in Cream's mouth, so its ability is to devour itself and Ten to become a ball-shaped floating portal. Because Cream functions as a portal that indiscriminately transports matter to another dimension, it has incredible offensive power because it can effectively disintegrate everything and cut clean through them. Only Ten is unharmed when inside the void dimension, and can also undo Cream's self-devouring if needed
When entering its void state, Cream is invulnerable and almost undetectable as it exists in another dimension. It cannot be seen, heard, or even smelled by anyone. Despite this, it can be detected by scattering certain particles around the area it's in, and following the trail the devouring sphere leaves. The void sphere is shown to be rather fast and is capable of pursuing anyone even if they run
However, becoming a sphere has one major drawback. Although it is invisible, Ten is also blind to his surroundings and must regularly take a peek, leaving himself briefly vulnerable to attack
⋄⋅Kim Doyoung⋅⋄
⋅⋄Hero Name: Jack Rabbit⋄⋅
◈ Homing ◈
He is able to control the trajectory of his bullets with perfect precision. His steampunk goggles help him hone in on long distances
⭐️ His Homing is more accurate thanks to his new Stand, Sex Pistols ⭐️
◈ Erasure ◈
He's able to cancel other powers and abilities simply by looking at a person. It deactivates when he blinks, and it sometimes gives him serious dry eye
◈ Overhaul ◈
It allows him to disassemble and then reassemble anything he touches with his bare hands
Stand: Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols are by themselves very weak Stands, and rely on the bullets they ride to participate in combat
Despite this, they are highly autonomous and have a long range, going as far as bullets can fly. This allows Doyoung to control the battlefield and gather information from afar thanks to the Pistols being able to spy on their enemies. If need be, the Pistols can make decisions by themselves whenever the opportunity presents itself, often surprising foes as a result
Sex Pistols is unusually resilient and can persist even if Doyoung is put in a state of near-unconsciousness or even near-death. Should this be the case, the Pistols can continue to help Doyoung's allies. The Pistols' ability is to literally ride the bullets that Doyoung fires in order to position themselves over an area, although they can hover around too, and then violently kick the bullets to change their path
Doyoung's most common use of this is to rebound shots, allowing the sudden redirection of bullets to hit moving targets, strike key areas, or otherwise take his opponents by surprise by using odd and unpredictable angles. If all six of Sex Pistols are on a single bullet, they have the power to split said bullet into multiple pieces when they all kick, creating multiple projectiles. However, the Stand is vulnerable to attacks while out and active, but Doyoung can survive the most brutal harm dealt to the six members of his Stand so long as a single one of them remains unharmed. The Pistols can also block incoming bullets
Doyoung normally does not reload his own gun but has Sex Pistols reload it for him. For this, he uses two single-chamber guns
Doyoung can use any type of firearm, but the chamber allows the Pistols to reload all at once. Sex Pistols has no firearm to work with by default and must always be provided with a gun and ammunition, since it is useless for offense otherwise. However, each Pistol is able to fire a bullet without a gun by kicking the bullet's primer
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