Author's note~ I'm pretty sure those of you who have read Chapt.1 are like " Why is he just now posting this after about a year or something? "
Well to be honest, I just rediscovered the notebook after an extreme case of writer's block. And because this book has the most comments/votes, I decided to start it up again.
Luckily, I had already started the next chapter
Your lazy author,
I woke up to Sapphire poking her head in the den, "Well," Sapphire said, rather amused " You can survive on your own." Sapphire looked around "It must have taken you all night to make this!" I stretched and yawned "Good morning , Emerald." He didn't respond "Emerald?" I looked at the spot where he should have been. Should have. Emerald had left...or Sapphire drove him away. "Sapphire!!" I yelled angrily "Where is he?!?!?!!!" Sapphire looked curious "He who?" she pointed her tail at the nest "You were alone when I got here..." I knew Sapphire was telling the truth, We had been together for years now. In fact, the reason I came to Unova in the first place was to find the team I knew back in Sinnoh, We had split up because our Trainer disappeared. Needless to say, We were all friends. "Oh...ok!" I said cheerfully "Lets get going, then!" Sapphire quickly slithered out. I stopped at the entrance and whispered "I'll find you Emerald... I'll find you..."And trotted out silently. "We got a tip on the Water bloke." Sapphire said in some type of accent I never herd before."... What?..."
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