Woojin stared at the leather bound journal solemnly, his eyes a dull brown, shimmering with unshed tears. The tips of his fingers barely touched the leather as he delicately traced the intricate patterns decorating the cover. The journal had belonged to his mother.
The brunette's throat constricted as grey tinged memories circulated through his mind. They floated slowly, hanging lazly in the forefront of his consciousness. Days spent sitting alone on his front porch waiting for his parents to return. Months spent searching for a mother and and father without any leads. Years spent sitting alone, waiting for his parents to waltz through the door and tell him all about their mission.
It had been five long years without his parents. During those years, Woojin had uncovered all of the secrets his parents had kept from him. He was a hunter. Human but gifted with a special instinctual knowledge on how to hunt and kill creatures of myth and legend.
He glared at the journal he had yet to open. He had found out everything by himself. He had killed his first vampire, wolf, lower demon, and dryad by himself. He had fought off a coven beside rogue hunters whose mission had gone wrong. He had done so many things without his parents. So many things which thry should have taught him- done with him.
He threw the journal against the wall as a passionate fury trembled through his veins. Angry tears wobbled between his eye and eyelid before tumbling down his cheeks. Five years. Five years. For five years, Woojin had been alone. Abandoned by his parents who had likely been killed in their last mission. It enraged him that his parents would do such dangerous work while keeping him in the dark. Especially considering there was never the guarantee that they would return.
But, Woojin wasn't just angry. He was distraught. If only he had Awoken earlier, he could have been a hunter alongside them and he could have ensured that they returned home. He could have ensured they were never separated.
Woojin crawled pathetically off of the bed, tumbling ungracefully onto the floor into a crumpled heap. His sobs ebbed away as he stretched a trembling hand towards the discarded journal. His fingers grazed the light brown cover as he choked on another heaving breath. He stretched further until his fingers were able to grasp the journal and dragged it towards his chest. He remained in this position, unmoving, for several minutes.
Once his breathing had returned to normal and tears no longer raced down his face, Woojin picked himself up from the floor and gingerly sat on the bed, his grip on the book loose. He stared at the object in his hands blankly for a moment before untying the thin cord which kept the journal closed. With the two strands of leather cord untied, Woojin opened the journal to the first page. He inhaled shallowly as his mother's messy scrawled handwriting decorated the page with basic information every hunter learned upon their Awakening.
Mythical creatures roam the world in as much abundance as people, often times assimilating into the human world seemlessly.
The only humans able to distinguish these creatures from humans being the hunters. Born from a long lineage of hunters who specialised in killing mythical creatures. The only difference between hunters and humans being their vast, instinctual knowledge and recognition of these creatures as gifted to several hunter families by a spiteful warlock. The warlock had been betrayed by a pack and became so consumed by rage and vengeance that he had recklessly gifted several lineages with the knowledge on how to destroy all creatures that did not belong in the human world.
Those creatures included the common beings included in myths and legends:
¤ Dryads/Nymphs - elemental creatures whose source of power is their environment. Poison or remove source of power to kill or inject bleach into the creature's blood stream via bleach laced knife or bullets.
¤ Witches/Warlocks/Wizards/Sorcerers - Humans born with magick. Kill by any method that kills a human.
¤ Hybrids - a mixed breed between two or more species. Often outcasts among all species and desperately wish to be accepted (can make a loyal companion if you show them compassion and they make a blood oath or are indebted to you - father says that as hunters we should not mix with these filthy creatures. They are hated by their own kind for a reason. Mother and Uncle say that a little compassion and empathy goes a long way and that we should not cast aside our humanity otherwise we are no different than the demon-fae hybrids who torture for fun.) Some hybrids gain the combined abilities of their parents, while others can only access primarily one side or none at all. The ones without powers are generally abandoned by their parents while still babes or used in sacrifices as they are seen as deformed.
¤ Vampires - undead creatures who thirst for human blood. (Can feast on each other to gain strength. If a vamp kills another of it's kind by draining, then it will absorb the victim vamp's power and strength). Kill by stake through the heart or decapitation with white oak laced weapon or by fire.
¤ Wolves - half human, half wolf. Can take the form of a werewolf (known pureblood pack: Jeon), lycan or wolf (known pureblood packs: Bang & Seo) <the three variants (species?). Kill by wolfsbane laced weapon.
¤ Lower Demons - creatures from the underworld with less power than higher demons. Gain sustenance from blood (doesn't matter from what. Can be human, vampire, wolf, or cattle blood etc.). Are strengthened by fire. DO NOT USE FIRE. Kill by decapitation.
¤ Higher Demons - Powerful demons who hail from untainted lineages. Three known families:
- Lee
- Kim
- Park
Higher demons are loyal to the end and keep their word. Higher demons have powers/magick similar to vampires or wizards. DO NOT ATTEMPT HUNT!
¤ Faeries (Fae) - powerful elemental creatures who are not solely reliant on a natural source, just draw power from it (Most powerful known family: Hwang). Are seductive and alluring. Have the abilities similar to a siren - able to lure in even higher demons to their beds. Most fertile of all creatures and can impregnate even vampires who are generally barren, and demons who cannot breed outside of their species. Have the ability to steal mates before and after the mating bond is in place. Can manipulate the elements within a particular radius of themself - determined by their strength. DO NOT ATTEMPT HUNT!
¤ Demon-Fae Hybrids - the offspring of lower or high demons and fae. Extremely dangerous. Will often follow the commands of a designated leader. Will sacrifice their lives for their leader. However, at a certain point, theories suggest they may abandon the leader in favour for their own survival - an instinct derived from their fae side. Can use both elemental and demonic powers (e.g manipulate air to hold you in place while summoning fire to burn you). DO NOT ATTEMPT HUNT!
Any creature separated from its mate is volatile and will stop at nothing to get its mate back and enact vengeance upon the one who killed its mate. A creature with a mating bond or mate acknowledgement with a dead or missing mate is an EXTREME DANGER THREAT!
Woojin sighed heavily, his shoulders sagging as he eased the tension from them. He closed his mother's journal while he allowed his eyelids to droop. Sleep tugged at his mind viciously. He had only read a single page of his mother's journal, and yet he felt overwhelmingly exhausted. He allowed his consciousness to slip away while he chased his last thoughts into the abyss of unconsciousness.
Tomorrow, his hunt for Bang Chan would enter its final stage.
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