•Of Losses And Gains•
Flamel Manor
January 13th, 1927
If you were to spot Perenelle Flamel on Diagon Alley while purchasing books or acquiring potion ingredients your first impression of her would most likely be that she was a likeable, kind and beautiful lady. Well, you wouldn't be wrong. Perenelle is indeed all of those qualities and much more. Standing in front of her you would take notice of her raven coloured hair, soft fair-skin, sparkling navy eyes, with a small--thin frame with freckles splattered here and there--not to mention her youthful looks, honestly she looked around 36 in age. This beautiful woman was currently pondering what she would do this afternoon; maybe she should work on that new healing potion that had come out around a week ago, Skele-Gro was it?
Her thought process was interrupted by a cycle of thumping sounds coming from the staircase that led to their basement. This could only mean one thing; her dear Nicolas was skipping up the stairs again, she could only wonder what had him so excited this time around. As she turned her head to glance at the doorway, her husband trampled in with a bundle on his hands and a duffle bag and basket hovering after him.
"I introduce to you, our new son!" Nicolas exclaimed, sitting up the giggling bundle on his left arm and holding him up with his right.
"Son...?" Perenelle trailed off in awe, she had no words to express the explosion of feelings she was currently experiencing.
"Why, yes! Hold this," Nicolas requested, hovering an envelope in front of her. Tentatively, she plucked the envelope from mid-air and dropped it not half a second after, her mind filling with memories she had yet to experience.
"I... He's truly ours now?" She still couldn't wrap her mind around it, she would really get the chance to raise a child as her own.
Nicolas nodded eagerly, rocking on the balls of his feet. "Yep! Isn't this exciting? We don't only get to raise a child, we also help the Wizarding World as we do it."
Perenelle beamed up at her husband, who moved and sat by her on the sitting room's carpet, handing her the still giggling bundle. Gazing down at the newborn, she found herself taking notice of the similarities between him and her and Nicolas. The infant had raven coloured hair--much like hers, also sporting fair-skin that almost matched hers perfectly but the infant's was a bit tanner. Looking into his sparkling emerald eyes, they very much resembled her Nicolas' eyes, but again, they were a tad bit lighter. These similarities only cemented the thought of him belonging to her; this was her baby. Glancing at her beloved soulmate, who was reading the envelope eagerly, her eyes teared up. Her Nicolas always found ways to make her happy.
Hearing her sniffle, Nicolas' snapped his attention towards her and took note of the teary eyes with widening eyes. Hesitating slightly, he asked, "Do you not like it?"
Wiping her eyes she berated herself for giving him the impression of disliking the beautiful creature in her lap. She shook her head as she whispered hoarsely, "I love it. I love you."
Visibly relaxing, Nicolas grinned. He leant over and gave her a soft kiss, "And I you."
Looking down at the newborn with his gorgeous eyes full of curiosity, she asked her husband, "What are we to name him?"
Nicolas chortled and gave her a bright grin, answering with such confidence, one knew it had to be the truth. "Why, his name is Harrison Nickelle Flamel, of course!"
"Harrison Nickelle Flamel..." Perenelle whispered as she gazed down at the babe, who gurgled happily as he waved his chubby arms around--it was almost as if he understood, and were content with his new name. "It's perfect."
"We will make it official tomorrow! We'll go handle the paperwork at Gringotts and make sure he's registered in the Ministry as our newborn son." Nicolas babbled, seemingly happy with himself and everything in general.
Godric's Hollow
Present Time: October 31st, 1980
As James and Lily Potter rushed in through the gates of the very visible Godric's Hollow, there hearts chilled at the endless pool of possibilities that could be awaiting them. They had decided they needed a day out of the cottage and had left Sirius to babysit Jemma, making sure to leave an alarm on the front door in case anyone got past the multiple wards and Fidelius.
Said alarm had gone off as they made their way down Hogsmeade, blaring loudly and alarming everyone within 2 miles from them, which happened to be a big amount. After managing to escape the chaos they had caused, they apparated straight to the front of Godric's Hollow.
Needless to say, the sight that greeted them wasn't the cheeriest. Just from the gates, they could see that the front door had been blasted from its hinges; turning their heads as they ran up to the cottage, they took note of the fire spreading in the sitting room and broke into a sprint.
Jumping over the bits of door left in the entrance, they ran into the sitting room. James began casting Aguamenti towards the back of the only armchair that resided in the cottage, where a candle had fallen and lit the carpet in flames. When the flames had gone down, he crept closer and was shocked at what he found.
In the mean time, Lily had continued up the stairs, desperate to check on her precious child. She sighed in relief as she laid eyes on her 3-month-old daughter who was sleeping peacefully, the only sign of anything happening were the black robes which laid on the carpet and the jagged scar on her left cheek. She was still holding her daughter close to her chest when she heard James' anguished cry of, "Padfoot!"
Dread filled her as she made her way down the stairs, Jemma in her arms. She found James kneeled by the cottage's solitary armchair, sobbing lightly. As she stepped closer, her arms tightened around Jemma, braising her self for what she might see.
But nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her.
Sirius Black lay bloodied with a massive hole on his stomach, his neck was bruised and his hair was matted with blood. His chest barely did move and his lips were purple, meaning he was having problems breathing. Even if he were to survive this, Sirius Black would never be the same.
When had things done so wrong?
Cokeworth, England
Present Time
Severus Snape sat in the sitting room of his home Spinner's End wondering about his life. After the incident with the Marauder's in fifth year, where he had called Lily a mudblood in the heat of the moment, he had felt useless. Of course, that didn't last long, as Poppy would never have let him harbour such thoughts. Poppy was like a mother to him, the only person in the world who had seemed to care when his life had gone so horribly wrong. She is the only support he has, and he is forever thankful for it.
Thanks to her, he didn't become a Death Eater, never joined Voldemort, never ran to Albus Dumbledore for help, never became a spy for the light, and never had to deal with all the heartache that path could have caused. Instead, he had graduated from Hogwarts and left to France to complete his apprenticeship and become the youngest Potion's Master in over a decade. He had recently moved back, after spending some time travelling and learning more about potions ingredients and magic overall.
Currently, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life. Poppy had asked him to come back to Hogwarts and apprentice as a medi-wizard under her, and eventually become her partner. She claimed the castle was awfully dull without her baby boy there--he still blushed each time he thought of that.
He had accepted, of course, he didn't have anything else to do after all, but he still wondered about other aspects of life. He was still young, and not that bad looking either, so he hoped that one day he would find his soulmate--he still cursed the Fates for being born with pulso vuoto, a condition in which the infant is born with scribbles in their wrist and the only way for them to find their soulmate would be to randomly meet them. Oh, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst was that he wouldn't know if said person--who also happened to have pulso vuoto--would be his soulmate until they kissed, making the search ten times harder and more infuriating.
All he wanted was to be able to start a family, much like his old friend Lily had done. Don't get him wrong, Lily had always been like a sister to him and he would always regret the incident that had driven them apart. He had let his temper overwhelm him when Lily's soulmate and his friends had hung him over his head.
Well, never again.
Back in the past, Harrison Nickelle Flamel slept peacefully between his parents. Said parents gazed down at his sleeping figure with joyful smiles on their deceivingly young faces.
They could not wait to see what surprises life presented to them.
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