[053] purple goons
Suki wakes up in the comforting, warm embrace of Courtney's arms. It feels so nice and sweet, making Suki wonder if she was dreaming. After everything that had happened lately, Suki had nearly forgotten how something like this might feel. She then glances up at Courtney who looked the most peaceful that Suki had ever seen her. In this light, she wasn't the intimidating, threatening, dangerous woman that she had made herself out to be.
In this moment, she was absolutely vulnerable. It reminded Suki that Courtney Morrison, the God of her adolescence and the ghost who had haunted years after they had left the wilderness, was still just human.
Suki reaches over to touch her, only for Courtney to suddenly grab a hold of Suki's wrist. It was not tight, just firm enough to get Suki's attention and stop her from touching her face. Although Courtney kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, the smile that soon graced her lips let Suki know that she was awake.
"Good morning to you too, stalker," Courtney teased, opening her eyes to focus on Suki. "You look gorgeous."
"No, I don't. I look and feel like shit," Suki groans.
"First of all, I wouldn't lie about something like that. And second of all, you shouldn't have had so much to drink. There's a reason I kept you away from that in the first place," Courtney argued.
"Yeah, I know," Suki sighs, now covering her face with her hands. "Not only do I feel like shit but I'm hungry too."
"That's too bad, you hardly have any food here," Courtney responds.
Suki groans. She had neglected to go grocery shopping but then again, she had gone through far too much to even pay attention to something as simple (and essential) as shopping for food. Of course, it had now come back to bite her all in the ass.
"Don't worry, you big baby. I can go and get us something to eat. I know you're vegan and all so don't worry about me forgetting," Courtney offered.
"Are you sure? You don't have to if -," Suki began.
"Stop it right there. I told you I'll take care of you - that obviously means feeding you too. Just stay here and rest," Courtney replies, kissing Suki on the forehead.
Suki smiles, feeling just a little better as she moved closer to where Courtney lied. "Thank you so much. I owe you one. Seriously."
"No need. As long as you're here, that's all I need," Courtney responded, giving Suki one final kiss before she'd get up.
Suki had managed to drift back to sleep, although it wouldn't be nearly as peaceful as she had hoped. She'd find herself trapped in some sort of wilderness, running around and feeling everything around her spinning. In some flashes, she was the teenage version of herself. And in others, she was exactly the age she was now.
Suki looked behind her, realizing that she was being chased by something. Or someone. Suki couldn't tell what it was but there was a group, their faces obscured by masks. They resembled people but the howling noises that came from the group were animalistic in nature, sending shivers down Suki's spine. Suki continued to run as fast as she could before she'd manage to trip on something, falling onto the ground and momentarily inhaling the dirt.
She coughs in an instant, feeling the air momentarily get knocked out of her. Suki turns around to lie on her back, propping herself up by her elbows as the group of people surrounded them. Suki focused straight ahead on the one before her, seeing it to be the silhouette of a woman. She then looked up to see a pair of dark, familiar eyes before the group began reaching out for her.
Suki wakes up the moment the moment she screams, sitting straight up and covering her face with her hands as though she were still trapped in that dream. Reluctantly, Suki uncovers her face and looks around to see that she wasn't in the wilderness but in her own bedroom. The dream had felt so vivid and real - Suki could still smell the dirt and the pine, her throat still burning a little from coughing. She takes a deep breath and runs a hand over her face to try and wake up, deciding that she needed to take a shower to properly wake up.
Suki ends up doing just that, dressing up in casual clothes. She wasn't sure what was taking Courtney so long. But quickly, Suki grew concerned for her. After the insane dream she had (one that felt so real), Suki just wanted to make sure that Courtney was safe and on her way back. So she grabbed her phone and prepared to call Courtney but before she could get that far, she'd hear knocks on the door.
Assuming that it was Courtney, Suki rushed over to the door with a smile. She was relieved to know that Courtney was fine and she had absolutely nothing to worry about. However, Suki jumped to conclusions too soon because when she opened the door, she wouldn't see Courtney at all. She'd see two people standing there with big smiles on their faces and purple clothes on. One was a tall man with sandy blonde hair and another was a woman - petite, dark brown hair, and a smile that reached her bright eyes. Something about them immediately rubbed Suki the wrong way and she held onto the door, fully prepared to close it.
"Who the hell are you?" Suki questioned.
"Friends of a friend," the woman answered.
"Alright, I'm not in the mood for this bullshit," Suki responded with a shake of her head. "I don't know what you two are up to but I'm not going to bother entertaining any of this shit."
Just as she tried to close the door, the man immediately placed his foot in front of the door to block Suki from closing the door. Suki glares up at the man before she decided to test her luck by running into the kitchen and grabbing one of her knives. The purple goons chased after Suki, only stopping when they saw her wielding a knife. She gripped onto the hilt as tight as she could, waving it around and causing them to back away with their hands held up in surrender.
"Who the fuck are you?!" Suki exclaimed.
"We told you, friends of a friend! You're Suki Blair, right?" the woman responded.
Suki scowled. "How do you know my name, bitch? Answer me or I swear, I'll kill you! I have the right to. You two intruded in my house, it'll be self defense."
"Fuck this," the man shakes his head, earning a glare from his partner. "What, June? I didn't sign up for this shit! She didn't say it was going to be this difficult."
"She said to bring her by any means necessary. You agreed to that, Derek," June argued back.
"Who the fuck is she? Who sent you to do this?" Suki demanded.
When neither of them were talking, Suki decided to take her chance and go after June instead. June was immediately blindsided as Suki tackled her to the ground, pressing the blade of the knife against her throat as she climbed on top of her and pinned her down to the floor.
"I'm only going to ask you this one more time," Suki warned her. "Either tell me who fucking sent you or I'll make sure you bleed out on this floor without so much as a second thought."
Derek decided to rush in to try and defend June but she ended up slicing him across the cheek, making him stagger back in pain while clutching onto the side of his now bleeding face. Suki focused her attention back onto June, noticing that she was wearing a necklace. Suki felt the urge to pull on the chain and see what it was, discovering that there was some sort of coin hanging on the chain. And on that coin, the very symbol that continued to haunt Suki's life was staring back at her.
"Where did you get this?" Suki demanded, glaring down at June. "Where the fuck did you get this?"
"She told me you'd be confused and worried. Scared even. But don't worry, you'll get the answers to everything and more very soon," June assured her.
Before Suki could even begin to understand what June meant by that, she felt something hard hit her in the back of her head. She feels the sharp pain for about a second before she collapses onto the ground, knocked out cold from the impact.
( 🌲🔪🦌 )
Courtney left the place with the takeout in hand, annoyed and hungry. The line had been ridiculously long but Courtney wasn't going to come back home empty handed. So she decided to bite the bullet and wait, finally emerging victorious with the food. Once Courtney was safe in her car, she decided to pull out her phone and call Suki.
But much to her confusion, Suki didn't answer. Courtney called twice more, wondering if she was simply asleep. But that wasn't like Suki. She'd usually be up by now, probably to go and check up on the store or something. Courtney didn't want to think the absolute worst and so she drove back home. She figured that she'd go home and wake Suki up with the promise of her eating her favorite in bed.
However, that dream would quickly be dashed once Courtney went home and immediately noticed that something was wrong.
The front door was unlocked and she knew for a fact that neither she or Suki would allow for that to happen. She made her way through the house, setting the food down onto a nearby table. Courtney's heart sinks when she notices droplets of blood on the floor along with a knife close beside it, some blood also on the knife. And then there was a metal pole by the kitchen which only solidified Courtney's suspicions.
"Suki?" Courtney called, only to get no response. "Suki! Suki, where are you?"
Courtney couldn't remember the last time she had ever felt genuine fear and terror before. It had been a really long time. But right in that moment, Courtney had never felt more terrified as she ran through the house in search of Suki. There was no sign of her. There were signs that she had been there, such as the messy sheets on the bed and the shower still dripping from when Suki had showered moments before. Even her phone was left on the dresser, Courtney's contact still there and waiting for her. But Suki herself was gone and Courtney had no fucking clue where she had gone.
"Suki, where the hell are you?" Courtney asks before she falls down to her knees, bursting into tears. Fat and warm tears streamed down her cheeks as she instantly thought the worst, thinking Suki had been kidnapped or killed or something. But how and why?
With shaky hands, Courtney pulls her phone out of her purse and calls the only person she could count on to help her with something as important as this.
"Courtney? Are you... crying?" Misty asks, slightly surprised to hear Courtney so emotional. "What happened?"
"Suki's missing! I - I don't know where she is but something bad has happened to her. There's blood and -," Courtney managed to get out in between sobs. Every time Courtney tried to calm down, she grew emotional all over again. Courtney couldn't believe that this was happening. This all felt like some sort of horrifying nightmare, one she desperately wanted to wake up from. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left her. I shouldn't have left. If I was here, I would've been able to save her."
"Calm down, Courtney. Everything's going to be fine. We'll find her, okay? We'll find her and Natalie," Misty responded.
"Natalie? What the fuck does Natalie have to do with this?" Courtney scoffed.
"She's missing too. Maybe... maybe it's connected," Misty replied. "Just hang tight, I'll be there in a jiffy!"
Courtney just holds her head in her hands, feeling as though something was terribly wrong. And they were only about to get worst.
( 🌲🔪🦌 )
word count: 2110
notes: see? courtney isn't a total psychopath. she has emotions, even if they're only reserved for suki lol
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