Chapter Two: Shopping
Day: 1
Year: 2019
Time: 3:00 PM
Season: early fall
#*#*# Jared's POV #*#*#
I smile back at my mother.
"Come on, let's go shopping."
I stand up and force my feet into my size-too-small converse and head out the door. It's slightly cloudy and kinda dark outside. A slight wind blows, making me shiver. I open the door to my mom's dark blue Jeep and get inside. My mom starts playing the generic pop music station so I pop in my earbuds. I start to play the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge album.
We're gonna have to go to the mall, and if there's one thing I hate it's the mall. There are like a million people or something and I hate people. Well maybe not a million..........
We arrived at the mall and walked inside. My mom gasped and dragged me towards a store selling nice backpacks and school supplies. She started picking up a bunch of things and throwing them in a cart that I'm guessing she just brought up from hell. I just put in my earbuds and looked through Tumblr. That's really how it went the entire time only sometimes I would have to try something on.
We were going to the last stop, the uniform store.I was going to go to a good catholic private school now, so I needed a uniform. It's the best school in the area and most of the kids go there, enough to merit having their own store in a mall. I personally won't be happy having to wake up earlier than the whole fucking country to go to church, but whatever.
I'm still just standing behind my mom and doing anything on my phone that didn't require internet. My mom was picking through the rack for dress shirts. I look up and she's talking to some woman. The woman has long, blond hair tied up in a high ponytail. She's wearing a pastel green dress and high heels a very similar color, just a shade or two darker.
The mystery woman looks over at me and smiles. My mom follows her gaze and also smiles, only my mom is waving me over.
I shuffle over with my head slightly turned down. This is WAY too much social interaction for me.
When I finally reach my mother and the woman, my mom says "This is my son, Jared, I was talking about Camille! Say hi Jared!"
"Hey." I replied, looking up slightly and giving a small smirk, forced smile. I also do a little awkward wave.
"Oh! Why isn't he just darling!" The woman, who I now know is named Camille, exclaimed "He and Mark will get along perfectly!"
" Who's Mark?" I ask. This is going to be an adventure. Only here for like five minutes and already my mom is trying to make me friends again.
"Oh of course!" Ms. Camille exclaimed again "He's right over there!" She pointed to a boy a couple shelves away who was Fortnite dancing while some kids were singing "hit or miss".
Oh boy. Wowie. We could totally be friends. Oh my gosh.
"Mark! Sweetie! Come here! There's someone I want you to meet!" His mother called.
The boy named Mark looked up and did a bubbly type of jog to the place we were standing.
"Who is it you wish me to meet mother?" Mark asked, batting his long eyelashes a couple of times.
He had semi long, messy, hair that flopped over his face slightly. It was platinum blond, just like his mother's. He had bright, blue eyes that shined with excitement for life. His skin was slightly tan, probably from playing sports, and had light freckles. He has a loose fitting neon green tee shirt and some regular jeans.
He's my exact opposite.
"Mark meet Mrs. Fisher and her son Jared." She smiled and gestured towards both of us.
"They just moved here and Jared is in your grade. I thought you could help him get situated into our little community." Ms. Camille beamed.
"Why of course mom!" Mark said before turning to me and smiling "Hello Jared! I hope we can be friends!"
He extended his hand for me to shake, so I awkwardly grabbed his hand and shook it.
"Ummm hi Mark. I uh hope we can be friends too?" I have no idea how to socialize with other humans.
Mark seemed to accept this response because he smiled wider. I awkwardly smiled back.
"How about you boys go explore the mall? We can meet at the food court when we're done." Said one of the moms. I'm too distracted by the way Mark is looking at me. Like he's...studying me.....
It's super weird.
Anyways, before I even know what's happening, Mark has agreed and is dragging me out of the store.
When we leave the store, Mark stops turns to me and says
"Okay! Where do you want to go?"
Like I have any idea what stores are in this mall...
"Umm, I don't really care.." I say, which makes him smile and start pulling on my arm again.
Here we go...
We went to a couple basic locations
But then.....
I saw it.
Hot topic
I gasped and ran inside with Mark following closely behind me.
The reason I was so happy was because I didn't think they would have one because it was like super religious and shit here, but they do!! It is pretty small though....
But that doesn't matter!! I'm going to shop here so much I'll keep them in business!!
I finally reach the entrance with Mark gasping beside me. I feel kinda bad. I just kinda ran.
But then he looked at me and smiled so I guess it's okay. It was like a genuine smile too. Not the fake ones he had been throwing around.
"So you like this store huh?" He said with a smirk.
AN: Okay so I'm gonna try to update everyday. It probably won't work out but I'm gonna fuckin try. A good amount of people are reading this so um thanks? Anyways my friend is gonna post a type of extras book for you guys to ask questions about the book, and for like updates and stuff about the story. I can't really explain so you should check it out! Young_Emo_Chap is his account. It should be up tomorrow. Also, I'm sorry if this isn't at all like Helen, Georgia, we just needed a place to put as the setting. Anyways bi!!
Date: January 10, 2019
Words: 1082
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