Chapter 8: Saturn
"Stuck in this terradome
All I see is terrible
Making us hysterical
There's got to be more, got to be more"
Saturn - Sza
He's going to...
Eat me?
I lifted my blaster, pointing it at his forehead. "This is a warning, and it's the last one you'll get. Answer my questions or you're getting blasted. Who are you and why are you here?"
The beautiful man (if that's what I could
call him) laughed. It was like the sound of the running water over river rocks. Pretty.
It made the intense feeling of needing to be near him double.
I shook myself out of it, lifting my blaster higher.
What the fuck kind of alien magic was he using on me? He was like a poisonous flower, more beautiful than the rest, trying to lure me to my demise.
He let out a sound that sounded like a sigh, but lacked a human flare. "Well it's my planet. Who belongs here more than me?
"Your planet." I deadpanned.
He waited, lifting a manicured brow. I wanted to smack the arrogant smirk off his face.
Before me was an Ir'Kon in the flesh. No one mentioned how beautiful they were. That would have been nice to know so I could prepare myself.
The stranger gave me another dazzling smile, and my grasp tightened around the blaster. What a dick.
He leaned closer, pressing his forehead into the tip of the weapon. Not the slightest bit concerned he would be shot. I froze, shocked by his actions. His silver eyes were iridescent like his skin, changing colors depending on the angle.
"I'll answer everything." He conceded, growing serious. "If you use that fire of yours to get rid of these restraints and take me to your camp."
My eyes narrowed in suspicion, "And why would I do that?"
His eyes trailed over my face, and down my body. I could feel their heat on my skin. My heart skipped a beat when our eyes connected again. He was sizing me up, and like he mentioned, I was sure that if I let him go he was going to make me his meal.
My finger twitched on the trigger as he ran his tongue over his plump top lip.
"Because...what's the human word for it...I'm the prince of this planet. My father is the emperor. And if you don't it's considered treason. Good enough reason?" He dropped on me, frustratingly satisfied with himself.
Alright. The alien gagged me.
I dropped the weapon to my side.
"Hmm yep good enough for me." I placed my hands on my hips. "But you're going to keep your hands to yourself even when I break you free."
He leaned back, his chest and abdomen fully exposed. A lazy smile grew on his face, and I pretended that he was not devouring with his eyes.
My body certainly didn't listen. I needed to get him out and away from him as soon as we made it to camp. But if Juliette was an alien, I could definitely see that Jeongguk was mind controlled to be with her.
"Yes R'unith."
It sounded like the word rune, with a slight hiss at the end. The language was beautiful. After hearing a person with that as their native tongue speaking it, I understood now why Stella thought she was terrible.
I rolled my eyes, wondering if he called me the alien version of a bitch.
Standing back, I closed my eyes. I didn't need to do that to conjure my powers, but I couldn't focus with Mr. Stranger. I felt the rush of it in my veins, and when I opened my eyes, neon purple flames branched from my palms.
"Wonderful." The alien said, his eyes reflecting my flame. "I knew it."
Knew what?
I'd ask later. It was getting dark.
Sadly, I had to get closer to him to melt the metal.
I kept my chest as far away as I could, using my hands to reach. I had to stand over his legs, my stance wide over him.
The male stared up at me, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. He smelled like candy. And like male colognes that are supposed to mimic the vanilla bourbon.
"Stop looking at me like that." I said through gritted teeth. I looked at him only through my peripheral.
When would this metal break? It heated orange, and slowly seemed to weaken.
It kept us close. The alien seemed to know what effect it had on me. He shifted under me, his smile spreading wider.
"Like what?" He asked, devious lips parting. "I can't stare at my R'unith?"
I thought of Taehyung and my heart plummeted. What the fuck was I letting this stranger do to me?
I had to fight it. I was stronger than a little alien flirting.
"Yeah. No." I answered back monotone.
Luckily the metal gave way. It snapped, letting the alien male's hands fall to his sides. He looked at the broken shackles in awe.
I moved away from him, allowing him to stand to his full height.
And holy shit, he had to be 6'4". He towered over me now, changing our dynamic. I looked up at him, my heart pounding once again.
"I'm one of the shortest." He answered, as if hearing my thoughts. "But that doesn't impact other appendages-"
My hand smacked over my forehead. "Stop. Talking." My cheeks were probably more purple than the fading sky.
The alien laughed, his shirt still opened. His mannerisms were elegant and proper, like a ballet dancer. Much smoother than humans.
"My apologies. I've read about Earthly customs. I forgot how prudish you all are."
Beautiful. But a dick. A giant dick, apparently.
I turned, annoyed as all get out. Grabbing Nova, I hauled myself onto the horse, sliding as far to the front of the saddle as I could.
Without looking, I gave the alien stranger commands. "Get on the horse and shut up."
The male went still, but his silky voice was coated in amusement. "Is that any way to talk to your prince, Eden?"
"I don't give a fuck." I placed the blaster in my holster. "And you're not my anything." I flicked my head to gesture behind me. "Put your arms around my waist so you don't fall off."
The stranger easily hoisted himself behind me. His intoxicating scent immediately enveloped me and I decided it was better to breathe sparingly.
I was completely covered so I couldn't feel the texture of his skin, but I felt his heat as he circled his arms around my waist.
My body was tense as I looked down, catching what seemed like tiny, flat scales over his entire body.
Even more freaky, the man pulled me tightly against his chest. He was strong, I could feel it in the way he touched me. My thighs squeezed tighter over the saddle.
"It'll be my pleasure." He whispered, close to my ear.
I yanked on the reigns and we went flying into the desert.
Camp couldn't be close enough.
With every minute pressed against him in silence, I felt like my heart was ready to burst.
His touch didn't roam, but I felt his thumb circling on my ribs over and over. Sometimes quicker, sometimes achingly slow.
I wanted to murder him.
"I have a boyfriend. His name is Taehyung. I love him." I yelled over the wind, hoping he would hear. My voice was shaky and I hated myself for it.
"And?" The alien asked back.
I turned my head, side eyeing the stranger. He blinked slowly, his teeth grazing over his bottom lip as he took in my face.
Another wave of something ran through my body.
Get me off this fucking horse.
"And? And? Stop making googly eyes at me. I am a taken woman."
There, I said it. Maybe it would turn off whatever magnetic lure the alien was using on me.
It didn't.
His thumb paused, then worked over my ribs. With more pressure.
"Taken? You are not a possession. Our people regard females as the highest, most pure form of being. Ir'Kon men fight to be chosen by one woman, but women are allowed to choose as many male partners as they see fit." He sounded genuinely prideful of their customs.
I wouldn't judge. I didn't like when people did it to me. It seemed like they truly loved women on their planet, which Earth could learn from.
The concept just didn't jive with me. I believed in fairytale love. One true love of a lifetime. Soul mates.
I already found mine.
"That's not how we do it here. Also if I got to pick a second boyfriend it wouldn't be you. I don't even know your name."
"Ji'Min Uitr Tru'yth Par'Xantih."
Yeah...that was going to take some time to learn.
"Any nicknames?" I questioned.
"Jimin is fine. Prince is acceptable too." I felt his breath tickling my ear. "You can call me mine."
I shivered. Metal gleamed on the horizon and I nearly cried with relief.
"Damn. I didn't know that." I said casually.
"What?" The male questioned, still speaking in that low seductive tone.
"That corniness exists on every planet. Now shut up Jimin."
The male's answering laugh was low, throaty. His response full of suggestion.
"Make me."
My stomach dipped low once again, and I knew I was in deep fucking shit. Did the Ir'Kons learn human English from smut books?
If they did, and they came here with an army, none of us would stand a chance.
"Oh fucking dear."
One thought brought a smile to myself. And that Taehyung was going to set his ass straight.
"You found an Ir'Kon tied up to a tree in the middle of a desert?" Yoongi questioned, arms crossed over his chest.
It sounded like he didn't believe me.
I dropped my hands to my lap. Stella stared at me with wide eyes.
We were in the Gray's labs, all wearing sterile scrubs. The bright white lights were blinding, and I could feel a headache forming behind my eyes.
"Not just any Ir'Kon. The Ir'Kon. Their prince." I emphasized.
We all looked at the one way glass that separated us from Jimin.
He talked with some of the head Grays. He looked pissed and authoritative. The opposite of how he'd been during our initial meeting.
I could see him for who he was now. I tugged my attention from him back to our friends.
Stella began to freak out. "What? Why? What is he doing here? There is like a bajillion protocol we should have done in preparation for his arrival. The Grays are going to smoke me!" Her brows furrowed, deep in thought. "Why was he tied up? He owns this planet."
So I've been told.
"He said he'd tell me here. You'll question him with me." We had to wait for the Grays to finish up. They gave us permission to speak after. My cheeks heated as I warned my friend. "Don't stare at him too long. I think they're like sirens on Earth. They should be called sex-aliens."
Yoongi raised a brow, a smirk growing on his face. Stella looked at me like I was crazy, and that was a lot considering our current predicament.
"Eden. He's very attractive. Well, fine as fuck actually but I don't feel anything like that towards him. There is no record of Ir'konians possessing this type of ability."
I stood out of my seat.
"Just wait until you're in the room with him! Or maybe he's only turning it on around me."
"Taehyung is going to love that." Stella muttered under her breath.
My heart pulsed, missing him. "He'll be here soon yes?"
"Yes he was just helping the Grays with some construction work. He said he'd join as soon as possible."
I felt my entire body relax. Having his calm, assured presence will make this entire situation better.
Yoongi typed away on his talking device, giggling.
"Much sooner, now. This shit is going to be so good. A beautiful alien man that has the hots for Eden? I couldn't ask for entertainment."
"Yoongi I will literally-" I started, ready to grab the device from his hands.
I wanted to tell Taehyung about what happened. He didn't need any dramatic embellishments from our friend here.
"We can go in now." Stella interrupted, rushing to the door.
I took one look at Jimin, who now sat alone. His posture was perfect now, as he leaned on the table, his profile delicate and without shadow.
"Right. Let's go."
The three of us walked in, and Jimin found me immediately.
"Eden." His lips quirked up at the edges in a soft smile.
Yoongi laughed. "Taehyung's going to lose his shit-"
I elbowed the man, not caring as he sputtered and coughed.
"Hello again Jimin. I brought Yoongi, one of our head hunters, and Stella, a lead human researcher, to speak more with you."
"You mean interrogate?" He seemed delighted by the notion.
Stella gave me another wide eyed look. I rolled my eyes.
"You consented." I sat my ass down across from him.
Both Stella and Yoongi bowed towards him. I yawned, wondering why they even tried.
Jimin stood up from the table. He reached out awkwardly, shaking their hands. It seemed very unnatural for him.
"Hello, Yoongi and Stella. Any friends of Eden's are friends of the Ir'Kons."
Stella just nodded slack jawed. Yoongi turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eye.
'You're fucked' he mouthed. I grew nauseous.
"Alright. Let's get this started."
Everyone sat down. Jimin was the last to.
He leaned across the table, eyes blazing into mine.
"How did you know my name?" I asked quickly, giving him little time to think.
Yoongi already started the recording. Stella looked concerned.
"I've been watching you of course." Jimin answered easily, and without missing a beat.
What the fuck?
Before I could erupt, Stella put a hand on my shoulder.
"Let's start from the beginning. Why did you decide to visit the planet? I thought Ir'Kons were keeping away until the invasive species were dealt with."
"We aren't supposed to. I came here against orders." Jimin said, for once letting his expression drop, defiant. "My father wanted me to stay, and I did not listen."
"Why?" Stella inquired.
I was curious too.
Jimin's eyes met mine once again. "For her."
I couldn't school my expression. My face immediately heated, the air leaving my lungs.
"So you escaped?"
Jimin shook his head and filled in the gaps. "No. I just stole a ship, and because I'm not good at driving, crash landed in the desert. I was by myself. But I am sure my father knows I'm here by now."
"But when I found you, you were shackled to a tree." I placed my palms on the table. "How is that possible if you were alone?"
I thought I backed him into a corner. He leaned back in his seat, unbothered as he addressed the room.
"I needed to see if Eden's fire was true. Only the flame that runs through her veins can burn through c'wynoion metal."
The room went silent.
My voice was low. "You bound your own wrists...in the middle of the desert...in hopes that I would cross you and get you out of it?"
His smile was blinding. "I knew you'd find me."
Yoongi shook his head, smacking his hand on the table lightly. "Pause, alien Indian Jones. What's the obsession with Eden?"
"Yeah." Another voice said from behind me, causing my hair to raise. "What's your obsession with my girlfriend?"
This story is drama drama drama (smut) drama.
Yes he's going to be tall in the book he's an ALIEN so he's like a face claim but obviously, my own character.
A reader asked for visuals of what Jimin's skin would look like and these are the be at examples I could find off of Pinterest. The correct word to use is "iridescent"
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