Chapter 1
Eden yawned and opened her eyes then stood up and stretched. she looked around the room as sunlight filtered in from the holes in the side of the rock. She shook herself off and stood under the sunlight soaking up the rays as if she were a rainwing. She always wished her colors could change on command like the beautiful rainwings but hers changed only when she was in the light and even then she couldn't control what colors she wanted where. She'd always thought of what she would do if she COULD change her scales. She sat under the light thinking of how she would look if she were to wear the primary colors all swirled together warmly shifting across her scales carrying fluorescent blue yellows and reds. she always liked the thought that three colors can create so many other interesting and unique colors. She walked out of her room into a large room that she and her family use as a dining room.
"Good morning" her mother said offering her a lizard.
"Morning" Eden simply replied pushing away the lizard "dad, can we go out and hunt today?"
Her dad lifted his head from the bird he was eating "hmm no, I don't think so, not today"
Eden frowned wrapping her tail around her front talons. "But I wanted to get some hunting in!" She stood up and unfurled her wings.
"Eden, sit down and finish your liza-" her mother was cut off by her fathers voice.
"Ok I'll take you out after we finish eating, that means you have to finish your lizard!" He said turning back to the half-masticated bird in front of him.
"Where do we get to go today!!?" Eden said breathing in the fresh outdoor air.
"I was thinking we could go and hunt at the borders of the skywing kingdom" her father said shooting into the air, Eden following after.
"Aren't the skywings the most brutal and dangerous tribe?" She frowned more out of habit than as a gesture.
"Yes" he seemed casual about the fact "but at the same time you'll learn how to hunt with the element of danger"
Eden didn't argue as they flew across open land until they reached the richly outskirts of the skywing kingdom. She was always surprised how her dad, completely blind, could land better than her. She followed her dad down as he perfectly landed on a ledge. Eden put her talons out but instead of her father's smooth landing she ended up skidding a few feet then tripping clumsily over a rock.
"Normally you would hunt birds here but you have to listen for them" he hunched down with his ears perked for a while before hearing a quiet caw in the distance "hear it?"
Eden perked her ears and sure enough there was a distinct bird caw. suddenly her dad shot of into the air like a missile towards the direction of the caw. Without hesitation Eden shot off after him. Her wings pumped to keep up with her dad until he suddenly stopped to wrestle the bird out of the air. She couldn't see much except for the red and green quickly changing scales of her dad as he wrestled with the large vulture.
Eden threw herself at the vulture as her dad lost his grip on it and but down onto its back. The vulture clawed furiously and made terrible screeching caws at her until she felt it snap under her teeth. She landed clumsily on another ledge and her dad landed near her patting her on the back with his wing.
"Good job! I thought we'd lose it!" He said smiling then suddenly his ears perked up again and light green fear rippled through his scales. Eden could hear it too, wingbeats. "Skywings!" Her father began nudging her wings and opened his own "RUN!"
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