Anchors - EddTord (Fluff)
(Reposted since Wattpad's a fucking bitch)
While Tord stood on the edge of the cliff and stared down at his friends, who were now far away from him and clueless of his somehow still conscious body. He struggled to sit down, which he successfully did after painfully grunting because of his serious injuries. To be honest, Tord felt guilty. But it wasn't his idea to try and kill his friends to take over the world. His father pressurized him into committing murder in the process of ruling the world. He then thought,' My dad... he'll be furious once he hears that I failed to successfully carry out his plan...' His friends were now gone and out of his sight. He pulls his legs to his chest, ignoring the intense pain he felt as he moved his joints. He cries and cries until he has no moisture left in his body. 'Now my friends think I'm a monster... it's all my fault! I should've escaped the Red Army when I had the chance but... wait there was no way. It would've been impossible.' Tord got up from his sitting position,' I need to apologize... even if they think of me as a monster or possibly kill me.' Tord took a deep breath before bolting down the hill, still ignoring the excruciating pain that emitted from his arm and face as he continued to dash down the hill. That was, until he tripped on a rock halfway down and fell face down into the ground and tumbled down at a painfully fast pace. He felt as if half of his face and his whole right arm were being dunked in lava. They burned like the suns embers, but he kept walking. Some people pointed to him, with him being 'Wanted' and stuff. He continued to run, not knowing where he was going, just anywhere away from people. The people who were staring at him were now clearing the path for him. 'What am I doing?! Earth to Tord! People could notice that you're trying to run away and they might call the police on you! You'll be thrown in jail. Wasting. Away.' Tord thought to himself, still bolting down the sidewalk that faded into grass. 'Heading for the forest. The only way I can meet them again... they always go hiking on Fridays in March... just gotta wait two more days until I see them again...' Tord sat down at a large tree somewhat giving off shade from the warm day, although the sun was already setting. 'Maybe I could get a motel room... No. You're still wanted. But... I could... no. You don't know where you're friends are now... plus, you've broken their trust and they'll never forgive you! Trying to act all nice just so you can become an obstacle and destroy their lives?! What's wrong with you?!' Suddenly, he felt himself being dragged into a black abyss, where he could see shades of blue, green, and purple. He stood there for a while, then got up, and walked towards the dimly lit lights. Then, outlines of his friends that looked to be made out of light appeared and they looked angry. "Why did you do that?! We trusted you!" The outline of Matt said, a purple spot which looked like the bruise he got slowly appeared on his right eye. "Don't even waste your time on him, Matt. He's nothing. He's a terrible friend. And he ain't my friend." The outline of Tom sneered as the two outlines of them disappeared, leaving Edd. The outline of Edd came closer to Tord, him getting ready for a slap or punch. Once he got to Tord, he broke down in tears and said through sobs," Why did you have to break my heart like that... I hope you're happy to know that you've broke the hearts of people who cared about you so much... you hurt my friends... you hurt me. That can never be forgiven. I'm sorry, Tord. But friends come first, unlike what you thought. I loved you... you threw it in a pit of fire." The outline of Edd faded away as he said the last part, leaving it to echo in Tord's mind.
He then jolted up from the sad nightmare, automatically crying once he did so. The rest of the night was sleepless and countless thoughts rushing through his mind.
-Timeskip to Friday-
Tord woke up from another nightmare, not as bad as the last one. He was starving, but that didn't stop him from looking throughout the forest for his friends. Although, once he did find them, he hid behind a tree. Tom's hoodie had both of the sleeves torn off and he seemed to bring a harpoon whenever he went outside now. "Matt, you can be really dumb sometimes, you know that?" Tom stated, his harpoon pointed towards the ground. Matt looked perplexed," Wait, I didn't know! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Both Tom and Edd laughed softly at this and continued to walk. Tord felt his arm start to bleed again, so he sucked in air through his teeth in pain. Soon realizing that this alerted his friends, he covered his mouth with his good hand. "Did you hear that?" Edd said, looking at where the sound came from. "Eh, could've just been an anima-" Tom was cut off by Tord once again, feeling his arm burning up, a muffled cry of agony. Edd bolted that way, not hesitating to help the person that might be hurt severely. Tord was feeling like he was about to pass out, until Edd came in his view. Edd gasped and, without even thinking, picked up Tord and started running towards the apartment to patch him up. "Hey! Where are you going?! Dammit, Edd..." Tom shouted, mumbling the last part as he ran after Edd, still carrying his harpoon in hand. Matt panicked," What's going on? I'm coming too!"
-With Edd and Tord-
Edd set Tord down on his couch, running to his bathroom to grab the bandages. After that, he wrapped up Tord's almost unmovable arm and put a washcloth on the severely damaged side of his face. Tom barged into the unlocked apartment, harpoon in hand," Edd! You can't just leave us there! Wh- wait... why is that stupid commie here?! What the hell, I-" Edd shushed Tom," Tom. Shut up, I couldn't just leave him there to rot! ... It's not right!" Tom clenched his fists and his harpoon, stepping over to the unconscious Norwegian. He readied his harpoon at Tord's chest, about to plunge the weapon into Tord until he was stopped by Edd. "Tom! Stop!" Edd pushed Tom away, ripping his hoodie in the process because of the 'still in position' harpoon. "He destroyed the house! He killed Jon! He betrayed all of us! Open your eyes, Edd! He's terrible and he should pay the price for putting us through misery!" Tom yelled at Edd angrily. Edd mumbled," Says the person who almost destroyed Christmas.-" Edd pointed to Tord and said," Also, saying that we are in misery is bullshit because look at Tord right now! Half of his body is in a burning hell!" Tom had nothing else to say and sat down on the chair in Edd's apartment. Tord groaned as he sat up, just to see Tom have his harpoon ready to strike. "W-What... why..." Tord questioned and started to cry. Edd saw this and came over to Tord, putting an arm around the wounded male," I saw you in the forest and brought you over here. Your wounds look pretty bad, do you want ibuprofen to slightly ease the pain?" Tord nodded and held his arm tightly, almost like he wanted more pain. Tom sighed, lifting up his harppon and aiming it towards Tord's neck. "You seem like you want your life to end. I'll end it for you, communist scum," Tom scowled, gripping the harpoon tightly. Tord had no idea what was going on, but something snapped inside of him. He lunged at Tom, the harpoon flying out of the brit's hands while the norski strangled him. Tom choked, struggling to free himself from Tord's powerful grip and choking out words like," You... fuckhng comHNG-!" Edd heard the thump sound when the two males had collided with the floor and decided to check it out. "TORD! Stop that!" Edd said, grabbing both of Tord's wrists and pulling them away and causing Tom to sit up and cough uncontrollably. Tord had realized what he had just done and was about to apologize when Tom cut him off," You fucking BITCH! I hope you die!" Tom rushed to his room, holding his neck, and slamming his door as loud as he could. Edd looked worried," What... happened...?" Tord then burst into tears, hugging Edd and burying his face into the cola lover's chest. Edd ignored his own curiosity and hugged back, rubbing his back to calm him down. After a while, Tord calmed down and looked up at Edd and Edd looking back down at Tord. "Hey, uh, Edd... can I tell you something..?" He said nervously. Edd smiled," Sure..." Tord looked to the side," Well.... this probably isn't the best time but.... I think... I-I love you... I fuckin love you... It's okay if you don't feel the same... I know I don't deserve happines- mPH!" Tord was cut off by a sudden kiss on the lips by Edd, his eyes widening and blush approaching onto his face. That's when those four words made Tord the happiest man alive.
"I love you too."
Sorry if this seems lazy- I'm tired of Wattpad's shit and mostly s c h o o l hhh-
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