Mama!Edd X Child!Sick!Reader
A/N-HOLY MOTHERFUCKING YES! I HAVE MY MAMA!EDD A/U READY BOI! ALL READY FOR MAMA!EDD! YAY! Also I'm vary sorry for not updataing for a while so.....I'll be updataing this weekend all day...yea boi! ok good-bye.)
You sneezed. It could of been a
good day but NO your allergies had to come! You just wanted to play outside but of course it's really because you're sick.
You kept sneezing which worried Mama Edd. "child, are you ok?" Mama Edd asked. "y-yea. I-I- a-cho!" you sneezed. Mama Edd put on of his hands on your head. "Oh my. You're burning hot." Mama Edd picks you up. "put me dddoooowwwnnn." "no Y/n. You're sick."
You groaned in response. You hate this. This means Mama Edd is gonna be taking care of really bad. Mama Edd placed you in your bed. "i'll be back with some soup and medicine so rest up my child." Mama Edd said before leaving you sick in our bed.
You sighed. "I'm flipping 10..i think I could...take care... of.." you passed out.
Mama!Edd P.O.V-
I've finished the soup. I sighed. "I hope I did this right." I went to y/ns room to give her medicine and her food. As I opened the door I saw y/n sleeping. I smiled a bit as I put the stuff on her dresser. I left her be in her room. I hope my child gets better soon...I know I can be really worried but...I love my child and i'll give them the world cuase they're my child.
This was short but it was cute. noice.
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