Dead!???X Reader "Death Of a Bachelor"
Do I look lonely? I see shadows on my face. People have told me I don't look the same.
That day was supposed to be the best of your life but no... "He" had to die. "He" didn't deserve this. "He" didn't need that at all.
Maybe I lost weight. I'm playing hooky, with the best of the best. Put my heart on my chest so that you could see it too.
You were in your room listening to (f/song) when you herd a knock on your door. This took you by surprise since nobody really came by your door OR knock. "Come in." You said. "Hi Y/n!" You smiled. "Hey *glitch*! What are you doing here?" *glitch* started to blush a little. "O-oh...w-well I-I....ummm." He looks so nervous. You put your hands on his cheek. He was burning hot. "Aaawwwee...are you sick *glitch*?" "N-no! J-just...." He sighed, "I-I....have something to say to y-you." Your smile turn to a frown. "Did I do anything bad?" "W-what!? No no. I-I'm just...uh...I-I have these f-feeling towards y-you a-and..." Before *glitch* could finish you kissed him. "I love you too." You smiled. He, too, smiled.
I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tingles my neck. How do I live?
The laces on your dress was badly damaged but nothing that was hard for one of your friends mom, but you didn't care. You cared for "Him" and that's all but he's gone now.
The death of a bachelor. oh. Letting the water fall. The death of a bachelor. oh. seems so fitting for.
*glitch* and yourself were walking around the park. It has been 2 years since you two were dating and it's been heaven. It's been also weird to see him all day today. Lately he was so tired from something but it didn't bother you. If you two were perfect then that's fine. You saw him blushing a little. "*glitch*?" He jumped and faced you. "y-yes, Y/n?" "Are you ok?" *glitch* quickly stared to get nervous but quickly calmed himself. "Y-yea I mean no! I mean!" He sighed and stared to rub the back of his head. "Y-y/n...I-I have something to tell you." You nodded but felt scared. He takes out a small a box and went on one knee. "I-I know we've been d-dating for 2 years b-but..." He opened the box. "Will you marry me?" You gasped. You felt tears of joy coming. "Yes!" You hugged *glitch* and kissed his cheek. He chuckled and kissed you.
Happily ever after, How could I ask for more? A lifetime of laughter. At the expense of the death of the bachelor.
It was supposed to happen. If he lived then everything wouldn't be like Hell! You grabbed your head. This WAS Hell.
I'm cutting my mind off. It feels like my heart is going to burst.Alone at a table for two and I just wanna be severed.
You two had told your closes friends about you two. "Congrats!" "Yep. Congrates." You smiled. "I can't wait, Y/n!" *glitch* said with a smile. He pulled you close to him. You hugged him. "Me too, *glitch*" "Lets celebrate!"
And when you think of me am I the best thing you ever had? Share one more drinking with me, smile even though you're sad.
Your head felt like someone's killing it. It hurts so munch. You started to scream in pain. It hurts so munch.
I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tingles my neck. How do I live?
To day was the day when you two were going to get married. You were nervous but also vary happy. As you walked the walk-way your dress shines a beautiful color of white and *glitches*. As you stand by him you smiled. Before anything happened one of the grooms said, "Get down!" You and *Glitch* quickly got down to the ground. Something or Some one was shooting at people. *Glitch* grabs your hand and started running with other people. You tried to catch up with him but he was pretty fast. You both finally got away so you thought. You both were getting your breaths back until. "Look out!" Before you could react a bullet hit him.
The Death Of A Bachelor. Oh.
You stood there you quickly caught him and went to your knees. "N-No! P-please don't die!" You screamed crying.
You couldn't take it. You slammed your head towards a wall. "WHY DID I LET HIM DIE!? WHY!?"
Letting the water fall. The death of a bachelor. oh.
He looked at you with his now dying eyes. "S-sorry Y/N b-but I-I don't think I can make i-it back to the hospital." He smiled a little but all you could do was cry. "N-No! We'll m-make it. We can carry you a-and-" *Glitch* put his hand on your cheek. "Y-Y/n... We b-both know I won't m-make it." You hugged him. Tightly. You didn't want to lose him.
"YOU LET HIM DIE!" You kept telling yourself. Your head started bleeding. You herd the door open. "Hey y/- OMG! Y/N!" You looked over to who it was. It was Edd. He quickly looked at your head. "W-What happened!?" You sighed. "I...I let him die Edd..." Edd took your arm and walked you out of your room. "Y/ didn't. We all know." You pulled your arm out of Edds grip. "I DID EDD AND WE BOTH KNOW IT!" You snapped. Edd jumped and sighed. "Y/ have people who really care about you...and we both know that-" "Don't....mention him...please." Edd nodded. "Ok...but lets get you patched up." You followed Edd to get your head wrapped.
Happily ever after, How could I ask for more?
After Edd wrapped your head, you were back in your room. You didn't want to be here. You look at the picture of you and him together. You picked it up and started to cry. You still remember his last words.
A lifetime of laughter.
"Y/n..." "Y...yes?" "...I-I do." You looked at him then kissed him. He kissed back until...he went limp. You cried into his chest.
At the expanse,
"I-I'm sorry....I love you too Matt."
Of the death of a bachelor.
Oh boi! Well that was by far the longest one shot I have ever made! 1059 words...I also listen to Death of a Bachelor 29 times....dang! Whelp bye! ^_^
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