more then just a monster part 1
((This is tomtord, this is kinda a au i had made for eddsworld.
Tord is a monster and tom is a hooman!
Photo and vid is not mine!
Enjoy :3))
It was a pretty day outside so there was nothing but clear skys,the perfect weather.
Tom walked into the woods with a flask in his hoodie pocket, the few leaves that had fallen from the trees crunching under his feet. The trees that still have leaves on them where beautiful bright shades of red,orange, and yellow.
It was oddly calming considering that there was always noises and monsters running left and right, it should be scary that the woods is so quiet and Ghost town like but to tom its not for reasons known.
He heard footsteps and creepy chuckling, tom quickly turned around to see nothing but the leaves that the wind is blowing away. He sighs in relief thinking that one of the psychotic monsters was going to try to kill him... Again. he takes his flask out of his hoodie pocket and takes a long drink of it, not enough to make him drunk though. Hes not a light weight.
He goes back to walking when he puts his flask away, few minutes later he heard the chuckling again. He turns around to see nothing "alright, whoever the fuck it is you better stop stalking me! I have a gun on me and im not scared to use it!!" He yelled to nothing, he wasnt lying he did have a gun on him but he only had like 3 bullets in it.
It was complete silence, he thought they got the message and turns back around going face to face with a monster he knew very well "HOLY SH-" tom in mid swear fell on the leaves and half living half dead grass covered ground followed by the laughter of the monster that scared the life out of him.
"TORD WHAT THE HELL!?!" tom yelled "what? I was trying to give you a warm welcome" tord gave a Cheshire cat like smile, his wolf like fangs showing. He was hanging upside down from the nearest tree that was covered in red and orange leaves making him blend in pretty well since his hoodie was red. Tom got up giving him a glare "your lucky i didnt have my gun in my hand, i couldve shot you" "no you wouldnt, you looove me to much~" tord laughs, getting up in the tree and climbs down still having that wide Cheshire cat like smile.
"Cmooon it was funny!" Tord laughed, tom stares at him for a moment before he cracks and starts to laugh too "ok ok it was kinda funny" tom chuckles after his laughing fit "told you, so what brings you here tomas?" Tord asks, tom stays quiet for a moment then he shrugs "just wanted to visit i guess" tom answers. Tord gives him a unreadable look "ok then..." There was a long pause till he asks the question "hows edd and matt?"
"Well matts been doing ok, his face finally healed after you hit him-" "i said i was sorry and you know it was a accident" tord cutted him off with a scary look in his good eye "i know i know calm down" tom says slightly lifting his hands up in defense earning a sigh from tord "sorry... I havent been sleeping much lately and it kinda sounded like you where blaming me..." Tom then finally noticed the dark under his good eye "so you where saying?" "Oh, Well matt recovered from you hitting him and edd got better so he'll be just fine" "that sounds great" tord nods edd had gotten sick a few days ago, nothing serious just the flu.
Time had passed, was it hours? Minutes? Frankly they didnt know since they've lost track of time. Tom already drank all the alcahol from his flask and tord had to cover his nose from the strong smell that is basically making his eyes water from the aweful smell thats burning his nose, tom is not even drunk since there wasnt enough alcahol to get him drunk.
They talked for a good while and it started to get dark and more windy, when tom looked over at tord there was this sinister smile on his scarred face "tord? Whats with that look?" Tom asked as tord gets closer "tord i know you like to freak me out but this isnt funny!" Tom said seeing his toothy grin widen.
And then it happened...
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