Appearances headcanons!
He's on the chubbier side and is the biggest of the 4, second tallest of the group. If anything though that just makes him a big ol teddy bear and he's not as self conscious of his body as people might think. He doesn't want to be ripped or anything but so long as he hasn't got health issues from his weight then he's happy. When it comes to body hair, he's got a decent amount, at least keeping his face clean. He's happy to cuddle and of course the only smell he really has is cola. It's also probably because of all the cola he drinks that his body is the way it is. But that's not to say he can't run if he needs to or that he isn't strong or anything so he will also pick you up if he wants to.
He's the tallest and on the lankier side, with the littlest bit of fat here and there which is thanks to the cookies. He's basically a tree you can climb and will give you hugs and kisses in return once you reach the top. His shoulders look broader thanks to his hoodie and overcoat but all is not what it seems really. When it comes to body hair, he seems unable to really grow facial hair and his body hair isn't all that prominent but he does have chest hair at least. So he doesn't have much to worry about. He smells mostly of vanilla or sometimes he'll put on some cologne to smell good for you. He can support you but he just needs little help getting you up in the first place but boy can this man run if his life depended on it. He's probably the fastest.
He's the shortest of the group but he's still a very decent height and you would have to look up at him. He's also got a bit of chub from his alcohol intake and food choices while he's drunk but it's nothing he complains about. So I guess the best you could say for him is average. With body hair, he does grow stubble from time to time but never lets it grow out completely, even if you try to convince him. The rest of his body is fairly covered but it isn't distracting. He will either smell of sour alcohol or body wash cause he wants to smell nice for you at least. He's also the strongest in the group due to all of his music stuff as a teen which hadn't changed much with the years afterwards. He was in a band in high school which lead to him having to move his own bass amp and sometimes speakers. He learned a few things about back stage as well as just helping other band mates with their instruments.
He's the second shortest of the group with a pretty nice body. He's not too ripped but lets just say the events of The End lead to him getting a bit of motivation to work out. His diet also straightened out a bit but he is of course a sucker for a cigar which would lead to the smell of smoke on his body or maybe some cologne that was lingering on in his clothes. Suffice to say that sometimes he would just smell of straight up sweat. With body hair he's also surprisingly clean. Possibly something from the incident caused him to stop growing on his face which he is so very thankful for. Meanwhile everywhere else is at least average, the hair on his good arm being a little more prominent. He's on the stronger side rather than speed however his reflexes are pretty damn good, especially with his robot arm.
Ok. So he's the second tallest of the 3 but he would have to be the most fit. Not too buff but he does work out and has those muscles. His diet isn't exactly ideal with all the cola, even if it is diet it's not like it's good for you to drink which is what stops him from going full on body builder. He wouldn't want that kinda body anyway, and you've told him you like him the way he is now. When it comes to body hair he's probably one of the hairiest. Arms, legs, chest and face. But when you told him he's way more handsome without a beard than he put the effort in to shave for you. So long as he could have his moustache then he would be happy anyway. You will either smell the cola he drinks or you would smell a weird coffee mix that he drinks every morning which you swear you've seen make his hair glow green. Speaking of the hair, sometimes you swear he might have almost super human strength but you at least chalk that up to his working out.
He's the shortest of the 3 but you do have to look up to him, even if it is not by much. He's got a very average body with the right amount of chub to make him basically a box. But that's nothing to complain about at all. If anything, it just makes him cuddly and huggable. With body hair, he seems to be physically unable to grow body hair except for his legs but even the it's not like you see it all that much so in your mind, he's only got the hair on top of his head. He's also pretty quick on his feet all things considered. Probably because he had to run to Eduardo whenever he would yell for him. He tends to smell of either a light cologne or fabric softener that he uses on his shirts since he has to do all his own washing. One noticeable feature apart from his eyes would have to be that he has longer arms than what you might think at first but that's only if you're looking. All that means is he can just wrap more of his arms around you.
He's the tallest of the neighbours and boy is he skinny. He watches his diet but unlike lanky Matt, he has broad shoulders. He's also more brains rather than brawn or speed and you appreciate that about him. With body hair, sometimes you wonder if he even has eyebrows or eyelashes sometimes, at least they are still clearly there. So if he had body hair he either shaves it or because of the blond hair it's hard to see. You don't really focus on his smell but sometimes you do pick up possibly perfume which you had picked up from when you guys hug. Sometimes he will also use your perfume since he likes the smell so much so you do know that as well. For a book worm he doesn't look like one. He also didn't seem like a stereotypical gay man (just to clarify). He also accepts your jokes about his chin since he does like to make fun of you from time to time too. So long as you don't cut too deep to try and offend him then he's fine with it. His neck is also really suits the turtleneck he wears.
He is on the more muscular side due to the whole soldier thing but he does have a little fat around his arms and thighs. He is also one of the shorter soldiers and when it comes to body hair he is pretty hairy. He has a scruffy beard which he trims and shaves but it always seems to come back and his eyebrows are a pretty good indication as to what his body is like, but he's not Chewbacca (That has been a halloween outfit for him though). The common smell on his uniform would either be smoke or sweat but they weren't too overwhelming in all honesty. He is very comforting when he wraps his arms around you. If he isn't good with words, his actions speak louder. Apart from his large eyebrows, he also has quite large hands but all the more to cup your face when you just look cute and squishable. As well as more comfort when he'll hold your hand. He also loves to pick you up, maybe part of his work out is to make sure he can run and carry you out of bad situations if it was ever to arise.
He's got muscle but not as much as the soldiers since he's just a pilot. He does at least have the strength when he would need it and he's not exactly that fast but he does back up for it in brains. When it comes to hair, apart form the masterpiece that is his head, he shaves but sometimes he does get a bit of stubble cause of flights and being unable to to shave. Body hair it also decent but isn't too overwhelming but he just can't seem to grow any on his chest. I mean, he did have to become a pilot quickly so he does at least know how to fly and take off. Sometimes he might smell like fuel from having to fill up the plane, sweat or maybe body wash? Mostly sweat due to the fact of being up in the air and possibly being unable to have a shower for a while if quick flights have to happen. If there was one thing that was at least good about his hygiene is that he can brush his teeth. He has a bottle of water with him as well as taking his brush and tooth paste. He also has a small spit bucket or if he needs to then he will just swallow the paste once he's done. At least he does always have nice breath then and nice looking teeth. Noticeable feature would have to be his long thin chicken legs which he hides with slightly bigger pants.
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