Supplies and geting ready for Hogwarts
Enjoy guys!
It was on the outskirts of London and on a
nice day. There was a small house, it was a light brown and it had four bedrooms. It had a secret hallway of rooms. This was where they had guests stay. This is where Remus and Sirius lived. They were very happy because today was the day that Harry and Eddie would be getting their letters. They were sad that James and Lily couldn't be here today.
Ever since that Halloween night Remus and Sirius raised the twins. They kept them from the wizarding worked till they were four. Then they told the twins about their world. Eddie and Harry loved to hear stories about their parents. Remus and Sirius wanted Eddie and Harry to have friends and they set up play dates with Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley. The twins became fast friends with them.
Eddie was close to Remus and Harry was close to Sirius. They switched things up on every Saturday and Monday. Eddie would hang out with Sirius while Harry hanged out with Remus. This aloud all of them to get to know each other and to get close.
Sirius would take Eddie out to have some fun while Remus would play some games with Harry. They always had fun on these days. Eddie and Harry were as close as Fred and George were. They didn't fight and if they did they would quickly work it out. Remus and Sirius were glad to see this. They were glad that the twin could work out their own problems.
Eddie woke up and smiled. He got up and took a shower. He dried off once he had got out. He got changed once he was down drying off. Eddie put on a light blue t-shirt and black jeans. He brushed his hair and then left his room. Eddie had his mothers hair and eye sight. He didn't need glasses like his brother. This was the only way you could tell the difference between them.
Eddie smiled when he saw his brother come out of his own room. Harry had on a gray sweater with blue jeans. He had his fathers messy black hair and his mothers eyes. They hugged and wished a happy birthday to each other. They went down to have breakfast after they were done.
They got to the kitchen and saw Remus cooking and Sirius reading the newspaper. They smiled at this and sat down. "Good morning uncles." Said Eddie and Harry.
"Good morning." Said Sirius with a smile as he looked at them from over his newspaper. Remus smiled and said looking over his shoulder, ''Good morning."
"Breakfast is almost ready." Said Remus as he turned back to turning over some pancakes. Both Harry and Eddie loved pancakes.
"Harry told Sirius and Eddie about his dream. Eddie did have some weird ones of his own. Sirius chuckled at that Harry was saying. Then Remus came over and set the food on the table. He had not only made pancakes, but also eggs and bacon.
He had also set out some milk.
"Thank you uncle Mooney." Said Eddie and Harry.
Remus smiled at them and they all said down and they started to eat. Eddie and Harry told their uncles about how excited they were. Both Remus and Sirius understood how excited they are. They were just as excited about going to Hogwarts if not more.
It was sometime after breakfast that a Hogwarts owl came flying in. It was brown and looked to not be from around here. It held it's lag out to Eddie and Harry. They smiled and took the letter. Eddie than gave the owl a pice of bacon that was still on his plate.
It hooted in thanks and then flew away. Eddie and Harry read their letters and smiled more. Harry was a little sad that he couldn't be on his house Quidditch team. He loved flying and was happy that they had flying class for those who didn't know how to fly.
Remus and Sirius happily took Eddie and Harry to Digon Ally. They went to get some money and they headed out. They went to get their robes. Harry had a hard time with staying still for his robe fitting. Eddie did try to help distract Harry, and it worked. After that They split up to go and get the rest of their supplies. Harry and Eddie and split up to go with one of their uncles. They were used to not being together all of the time.
Eddie meet up with Neville and Ron at the book story. Harry had also meet up with them at the Potions story. They meet back up to get their wands. (Harry's wand is the same as in the books). Eddie's wand was eleven inches and great with charms. It was unicorn hair and it was a nice looking wand made from willow tree. They left and went to have lunch at a nice restaurant after sending their supplies home.
They soon got back to their house and the twins went to put their things away. Eddie and Harry were sharing Hedwig. She was a nice and beautiful Owl. They all loved how proud she was and how smart they saw she was. Eddie and Harry were getting excited as they looked through their supplies.
Eddie had read his books and was excited to learn it and to have fun at Hogwarts. Harry was also just as excited. Remus and Sirius were happy for them, but also sad to not have them around. They were did help the two with losing their friends. Remus and Sirius were also glad to have Molly and Arthur to talk to. They are glad to have them around to talk to and hang out with.
Harry and Ron were exchanging letters and talking about Hogwarts. Eddie and Neville were doing the same. They were all very close and their families are greatful for it. Eddie and Harry had pulled a few pranks over the time they had left of summer. Remus and Sirius have never stopped Harry from doing this, but always made sure he didn't take it to far. Eddie helped them with this as well.
It was getting closer to the day they would leave for Hogwarts. The kids are very excited and couldn't wait. Eddie and Harry had been at the Burrow allot. They have been talking with Fred and George. Eddie had sometimes spent his day with Ginny because she was a bit lonely and feeling left out.
It was after they got back from that visit that it was only two more days left till they had to go to Hogwarts. Harry was bouncing off the walls and was so excited. Eddie was also very excited. They had dinner and just either watched TV or got a good book to read. After it got close to their bed time they went to get ready. Then they said, "good night" and went to bed.
I hoped you all liked the chapter. I'm sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoyed. I'll try to update again soon. Thank you for reading
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