Summer fun
It's been awhile since Remus and Sirius Grounded Eddie and Harry. It had finally ended and they are now waiting for the next time they can go to the Burrow. Eddie got to visit Neville for a couple of hours. Harry went with him just to see how the shy Gryffindor is doing.
Ron had finished with his grounding as well. Harry is glad and they heard from Heemione that she is with her family and they are having a family vacation. Sirius and Remus had talked to Molly and Arthur and asked them if they wouldn't mind doing to the beach in a few more weeks. They didn't see why not and they planed it all out. Sirius and Remus let the Weasley's pay for the Gass. Everything else Sirius and Remus would pay for.
Molly and Arthur thought it might help their kids if they went some place different this summer and they new that Sirius' family has a private part of the beach. They could use magic and have Wizarding things out without people seeing.
''Good morning boys." Said Sirius with a small.
"Morning cubs." Said Remus.
"Morning." Mumbled Harry. He sat down across from Sirius and next to his brother.
"Morning." Said Eddie with a small yawn. He was up later that night trying to finish up a potions essay. He got it down at one in the morning. He then went to sleep and he's still a bit tired from being up later.
"So, me and Remus asked if the Weasley's would like to come to the beach with us. They agreed because they wanted to let their kids go, and also that they get to pay for the Gass. Me and Remus will pay for everything else." Said Sirius.
"Really? When are we going?" Asked Harry excitedly.
"Tomorrow at 10 o'clock.'' Said Remus as he put the food down on the table. He sat down on the other side of Eddie and they started to eat.
"Nice. It will be fun and never a dull moment with Fred and George there." Said Eddie. The other's laughed and they nodded.
They talked a bit more as they ate. They talked about what they wanted to take with them and what would be best to bring. They had a fun talking and Eddie told them about him almost being done with his homework, Harry was almost done too.
"You can finish today and then you can have fun at the beach tomorrow.'' Said Remus. Sirius nodded agreeing with Remus. Eddie nodded, he wanted to get his homework done today anyway.
Harry sighed and nodded as well. He didn't like most of this classes, besides Transfiguration. He only had to do his charms work. They soon finished breakfast and Remus used his wand to finish the dishes.
Eddie soon finished his DADA paper. He saw that Harry is done too through their opened doors. They owled Ron and Hermione letting them know they got it done. Ron still has his Charms and Transfiguration homework to do. He asked if he could Coby Eddie's. Eddie told him that he would let him borow his notes but that's it.
Eddie and Harry sent the last of their work to their teachers. Sirius and Remus told them that they could go and play outside. Eddie did play some Quidditch with Harry for a few hours before he went to read in the shade.
Harry is practicing some safe flying movements with Sirius keeping a watchful eye from the door. Remus is taking care of the garden in the front. It had all of the flowers that everyone of them liked.
Their day went like this. They had a lazy day. Harry got off his broom and did a bit of other things. He helped Eddie with a few things in his room. He wanted to move some of his stuff around.
Harry helped Remus with his garden and he even helped come up with a new formation for Quidditch. He would have to tell Wood and see if it is going to work with them.
It was soon time for the twins go to bed. They had dinner a few hours ago. Eddie was excited for tomorrow. He soon fell asleep. Harry is right behind his brother and fell asleep right after he layed down.
Sirius and Remus did a few lest minute packing of somethints they needed. They backed drinks in a cooler that Remus would fill up in the morning. Molly will take care of the food and they would all be going in Arthur's car. He used magic to make it big in the inside of it.
They soon went to bed. Remus and Sirius had rooms across from each other. They knew that they might need each other if they had nightmares. Remus also would need help from Sirius during the full moon and after. He is weak at that time and he needed Sirius to help him walk.
The next the Potter's woke up and had breakfast. They got their things and headed to the flew. Eddie went first, then Harry, and then Sirius followed by Remus.
One by one they came out of the fireplace at the Burrow. Ron is happy to see his friends and hugged them once they moved away from the fireplace. Soon the others hugged them too.
Eddie smiled at Ginny, who blushed when she saw them. Ginny had a big crush on Harry, but she is shy around Eddie. "Hey Ginny. It's nice to meet you. You don't need to be shy around me, okay? You just come to me if you need help or if you want to play." Said Eddie gentley.
Ginny smiled and she nodded. She felt like she had a friend and she didn't have many of them. She only had Luna, who didn't live far. ''Thank you Ed-Eddie." Said Ginny.
''It's no problem." Said Eddie shrugging. He smiled at her and told her a story about a princess. He made it up as he went and Ginny happily listined.
"Wow. Eddie is amazing with kids. He's got Ginny happily listining to him and mom has a hard time doing that." Said Fred.
"I think he get's that from his parents. They are both great with kids.'' Said Sirius.
"He's right. James once babysat a friends little boy and he had the kid worn out and he was sleeping on the couch." Said Remus.
"Is Harry good wish kids?" Asked Molly as she watch Eddie talking to a intently listening Ginny. She wished Eddie could help out with Ginny more. She could use the help and he looked to be happy himself.
"Not as good as Eddie, but he does better with little boys. Eddie is good both boys and girls." Said Sirius with a chuckle. Remus nodded agrreeing with his friend.
They soon packed up and got into the car and headed off. Eddie soon found Ginny wanted to play some car games with him. He happily played with her. It wasn't until after they stopped to get something to eat snack on did Eddie noticed that Ginny couldn't fall asleep even though she is tired.
Eddie began to sing, he didn't do this often, but when he did his family would secretly listened. (I know this is a One Direction Song, but I'm going to use it for the story, so pretend that Eddie wrote it, I don't owe 1D or their songs)
"Shut the door,
Turn the lights off,
I wanna be with you,
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you,
I cannot hide this,
Even thought I try.
Heartbeats harder,
Time escapes me,
Trembling hands thought skin,
It makes this harder,
And the tears stream down my face
If we could only have this life for one more day, If we could only turn back time.
You know I'll be,
Your life,
Your voice,
Your reason to be,
My love,
My heart,
Is breathing for this,
Moment in time,
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today.
Close the door,
Throw the key,
Don't wanna be reminded,
Don't wanna be seen,
Don't want be without you,
My judgements clouded,
Like tonight's sky.
Hands are silent,
Voices numb,
Tired to scream out my lungs,
It makes this harder,
And the tears stream down my face.
If we could only have this life for one more day,
If we could only turn back time.
You know I'll be,
Your life,
Your voice,
Your reason to be,
My love,
My heart,
Is breathing for this,
Moment in time,
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today.
Flashing lights in my mind,
Going back to the time,
Playing games in the streets,
Kicking balls at my feet,
There's a numb in my toes,
Standing close to the edge,
There's a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed,
As I feel myself fall,
Make a jake of it all.
You know I'll be,
Your life,
Your voice,
Your reason to be,
My love,
My heart,
Is breathing for this,
Moment in time,
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today,
You know I'll be,
Your life,
Your voice,
Your reason to be,
My love,
My heart,
Is breathing for this,
Moment in time,
I'll find the words to say,
Before you leave me today."
When Eddie finished quitely singing he saw Ginny asleep on his shoulder and the others had been quitely listening. Eddie blushed, but smiled at everyone.
"You have an amazing voice Eddie." Said Fred and George.
"Yeah, how come I never heard you sing?" Asked Ron.
"Because Eddie doesn't sing that often. He's shy about singing in front of people. If it's to help a little kid fall asleep however, he will sing to help them sleep." Said Harry.
Everyone nodded at this. "Eddie even sometimes sings me to sleep when I get sick. It helps calm me down." Remus admited. No one made fun of him. They are all calm and could see why it would help the man.
"Eddie does the same for me. I sometimes can't sleep unless he sings to me. It's a way to help me clam my mind and my energy." Said Harry. The weasley's all nodded and they didn't talk for awhile.
It wasn't much longer and they arrived at the beach. Eddie gentley woke up Ginny and he helped her out. Ginny would be turning 11 soon. He is happy for her and he knew she will have a great time at Hogwarts. He will even help look after her if her brothers wanted his help. He knew Ron wouldn't keep a close eye on her because of the pranks they pull and the adventure they might come across this year.
They went to change into their swimsuits and Eddie is just reading under a umbrella. It was a few more minutes before Ginny came over. She shyly said, "Ed could you help me gather some sea shells? I wanted to make friendship bracelets for me and Luna with them."
"Of course Ginny. Let's go." Said Eddie with a smile. He got up and left his book in his bag. He took her hand and headed off.
Ginny smiled and she nodded. They went to where the waves came up to turn beach and started to look. Eddie showed her some sea shells and she would take them if they matched the ones she needed. Eddie thought about how much Hermione liked sea shell bracelet and asked Ginny if she would mind him joining her. Ginny is happy to let him join her. They soon get enough sea shells and went to work on their jewelry.
"Who are you making that for?" Asked Ginny.
"It's for Hermione. She's a friend of mine. She mostly hangs out with Harry and Ron. She studies a lot with me when we were at Hogwarts. I knew she would like a sea shell bracket, but since her family isn't around any beachs or a place to buy one, I thought I would make one for her." Said Eddie with a small blush.
Ginny nodded and smiled. She didn't understand love like what Eddie is starting to feel for Hermione yet, so she just thought it is because they are friends. "Don't tell anyone what I did, thought. It will our little secret." Said Eddie with a wink at her. Ginny nodded with a giggle.
"I'm glad Eddie is playing with her." Said Molly.
"Yeah, I never seen Ginny so happy even when she plays with her brothers." Said Arthur.
"Eddie has a power that will do that. He's more then happy to play with little kids. He has a soft spot for them. He even went with Remus to a orphanage and he played with the little kids there." Said Sirius.
"Really?" Asked Molly.
"Yeah. That's, that Eddie and me do once a month. I went once because Remus didn't feel good and I saw how happy he is helping cheer those kids up." Said Sirius with a smile.
"I'm glad he's like Lily in that way. He's so much like her that it's Scarry sometimes." Said Arthur.
They soon finished making lunch. They sat around a big table and ate. Eddie helped Ginny with a few things. Molly smiled when she saw that Eddie isn't acting like a brother, but a father.
"Thank you Eddie. I made this for you when you were reading after lunch." Said Ginny as she showed him a sea shell bracelet. He smiled and took it and put it on. "Thank you Ginny. It's looks great." Said Eddie with a smile.
"You're welcome. I wanted to thank you for playing with me." Said Ginny with a small blush.
"No, you don't need to thank me. I loved playing with you. I'll play with you wherever you want." Said Eddie with a smile as he patted her back. Ginny smiled and hugged him.
Eddie played in the water with her and he even made her a picture with some water. She felt really happy that Eddie had spent so much free time with her.
Fred and George soon joined them and Ginny is laughing and enjoying her time with her brothers.
It was soon dinner time and they went inside and had dinner. Eddie helped Ginny play a game with him, Fred, and George. She is happy that Fred and George are playing with her. Ron had played a few games, but when went to play with Harry, as he was pulling a prank on Percy.
"Eddie could you put Ginny to bed for us? We have to deal with Ron and Percy." Said Molly when it came time for bed time.
"Okay. Hey Gin, do you want me to finish that princess story?" Asked Eddie as he smiled at her. Ginny smiled and nodded her head. They went up the stairs to get ready for bed.
"Sirius, Remus, we may barrow Eddie to help us with Ginny." Said Molly before she left to talk to Ron.
"I agree with Molly." Said Arthur. He left to go talk to Percy. Sirius and Remus chuckled and looked at each other. "I don't see why he can't help if they need someone to look after her if they are too full with the other kids." Said Sirius shrugging.
"I agree. If they need Eddie for anything, we can send him over." Said Remus nodding. They then went to telk to Harry, because when they had to punish Harry they both had to be there. One could help keep the other from going off the wrong thing.
"The princess lived happily ever after with her prince." Said Eddie with a smile.
"Thank you Eddie. That's a beautiful ending." Said Ginny as she soon fell asleep.
''Good night." Said Eddie quitely as he left her room. He went to his room to get ready. He felt like he would be there for Ginny a lot this coming year. He didn't know why, but he got this feeling as this year came closer.
I hope you all liked the chapter. I will try to update again soon. Um, I thought I'd ask, but with of my stories do you want me to update next? I'll try to update it soon. Let me know if you want me to do this more or if you want me to update when I can?
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