Going to Hogwarts and new friends
Enjoy guys!
Eddie woke up the day him and Harry were going to Hogwarts. He was excited but nervous. They had a good time yesterday. Eddie and Harry had just watched some TV and played a few games. Remus and Sirius was happy for the twins. They would miss them, but they were excited to see them at Christmas and summer.
Eddie put on a light red t-shirt with blue jeans. He then brushed his hair, he got his mothers hair. Eddie made sure he had everything packed. Once he was done with that he picked up his suitcase and he headed out of his room. He went to his brothers room across from his and opened his room and saw that he was just finishing getting dressed. Eddie went down for breakfast.
He saw his uncle Mooney making French Toast with eggs and bacon. There was orange juice on the table. He put his bags by the door and went to sit down. He saw that his other uncle was reading the newspaper. ''Good morning uncle Mooney, uncle Padfoot."
"Good morning Ed." Said Remus and Sirius. They smiled at him and he smiled back. Soon Remus put the food on the table. Harry came down at that moment. He put his bags next to Eddie's and sat down next to his twin. Remus sat down and they started to eat.
After they had finished breakfast they got ready to head out. Eddie and Harry were excited to be going. They would be meeting Ron and Neville at the train station. Remus drove the car because Sirius was a bit crazy to drive on the muggle rodes. Sirius rode in the passenger set. Eddie and Harry were in the back. They were talking out what they were excited to see and do at Hogwarts.
They soon arrived at the station and they got Eddie and Harry trolley's to carry all of their things in. They went to the barrier and Harry went first and then Eddie. He was a bit nervous, but he ran through. Then Sirius and Remus came through. They got Harry and Eddie a compartment and as they left to say goodbye to their uncles they saw the Weasley's coming over.
They talked for a moment and then the kids said goodbye. Sirius and Remus would miss the twins they loved them and the house would be quite while the twins were gone. Ginny was sad that all of her brothers were going to Hogwarts and shouldn't have anyone to play with. Eddie promised he would write to her as much as he could. The others to do the same.
After giving their families one last hugs they headed into the train. They went to the compartment that the Potter twins got. Fred and George left them to it. They want to make sure they got to their compartment all right. It wasn't long and Neville came in. They were all excited, but also nervous. It wasn't long after they had gotten some candy that a girl came in. She was a first year too. She already had her robe on.
"Has anyone seen a brown cat? A girl named Serena lost one?" Said the girl. She sounded a little bossy to them.
"No." They all said.
She nodded and she quickly realized Eddie and Harry. "Holy crekets you two are Eddie and Harry Potter. I read about you two in the greatest rise and fall of the dark arts." Said the girl in surprised.
Eddie and Harry groaned. They hated those books. They didnt want to be famous. They didn't want to be famous for losing their parents. It was horrible for them and they all got sad during Halloween. "I'm Hermione Granger. And you two are?" Asked Hermione looking at Neville and Ron.
"Neville Longbottom." Said Neville nervously.
"Ron Weasley." Said Ron a little annoyed at this girl. She sounded a full of herself. Eddie shrugged at his twin when Harry looked at him with a annoyed look himself. They didn't notice that Hermione blushed while looking at Eddie.
Hermione soon left and Eddie told them all that they should get changed into their robes. They were getting a little bit more nervous. Eddie tried to distract them by talking about what they were all excited about. It helped a little bit.
They soon arrived at the station and they got out. They then saw a big man calling all of the first years. They went up to him. They learned that his name was Hagrid. Eddie and Harry liked him. He was interesting and he was very nice. They followed him to the dock and they all got onto boats. The view was amazing and Eddie loved looking at the castle at night.
They followed Hagrid up to the castle and he knocked. The door was opened by a sturn looking witch. She was dressed in green and black robes. She had them follow her inside as Hagrid left.
Eddie loved the old paintings. The castle looked amazing on the inside as well. He was loving it and was telling Neville a little about where some spots in the castle were at. This helped calm his nerves a little.
They soon made it to the Great Hall doors. They stopped at the end of some stairs. They learned that the witches name was Minerva McGonagall. She told them about how things worked and the system Hogwarts had. Eddie was hoping he wouldn't get into trouble and risk losing his house points. He didn't want his house to hate him.
McGonagall left to see if everything was ready. They all whispered to each other and Eddie was nervously trying to not only calm himself down, but also Neville. "Look who was sitting on the train all this time. Harry and Eddie Potter has come to Hogwarts." Said a voice. Eddie did like that the kid that moved forward. He look stuck up. He threw their twin bond that Harry would handle this, so he didn't say anything.
They learned that his name was Draco Malfoy. He tried to get the twins to become friends. It didn't work out and McGonagall came back. They went through the double doors and the Great Hall was big. There were four long tables for the four houses.
They were all surprised by how big the room is. Eddie thought this was why it was called the Great Hall. He gently pattad Neville's shoulder to help him feel better. This helped him and Eddie took his hand off Neville's shoulder.
He could hear Hermione telling a girl she was walking next to her, "It's not real, it's just bewitched to look like the real night sky. I read about it in Hogwart: A History." Eddie had read about it as well, but he didn't say anything.
They stopped at the front and Professor McGonagall told them to wait there. She went to a spot that had a stool and a old looking witches hat resting on it.
"When i call you're name you'll come up and I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you'll be place into your houses." Said Professor McGonagall. She looked at her list and called out looking back up, "Susan Bones!"
A red head came up and sat down on the stool. She looked very nervous. The hat called out, "HUFFLEPUFF!"
She ran to the Hufflepuff table after the hat was taken off her head.
"Hermione Granger!"
"Oh, no. Ok, Relaxe. Just relax." Whispered Hermione nervously.
"Mental that one." Whispered Ron to Harry and Eddie.
"That's being rude Ron." Said Eddie.
Ron just shrugged.
Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend and watched as the hat called out, "GRYFFINDOR!"
He clapped for her and then Professor McGonagall called, "Ron Weasley!"
Ron nervously walked up and sat down. The hat called out Gryffindor again. He looked relieved and he happily went to the Gryffindor table.
"Eddie Potter!"
Eddie went up trying to not let his nerves show. He sat down and the hat was place on his head. He heard a voice in his head say, 'Hmm, You are allot like you're mother. You'll be great in...' "RAVENCLAW!" Called the hat out loud.
Eddie smiled sadly at Harry and went to the Ravenclaw table after the hat was took off. He sat down and shook a few peoples hands. He didn't notice that Hermione looked sat that Eddie wasn't in Gryindor with her.
"Harry Potter!"
Harry went up and sat down. He was nervous and he saw his brother giving him a thumbs up and a small smile. This helped calm him down a little. He sat down and Professor McGonagall sat the hat on his head. He then heard a voice in his head say, 'Hmm, you are in some ways the same as your brother. You have lots of loyalty, not a bad mind either. And a therst to prove yourself. But where to put you?'
"Not Slytherin... Not Slytherin." Whispered Harry.
'Not Slytherin aye? You'll do great you know. And Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness. There's no doubt about that. We'll if you're sure. Better be...' "GRYFFINDOR!"
Called the hat called out loud.
Harry had kept saying "Not Slytherin." He was relieved that he was with his friend. He was sad to not be with Eddie, but he was glad for his twin either way. He smiled and ran to the Gryffindor table. He shook a few peoples hands and sat down next to Hermione and across from Ron.
Eddie didn't know if he liked Professor Dumbledore. He told them about the third floor. He made a friend named Jake. He was a nice boy and was easy to talk to. He liked him so far. They talked with a few other people too.
It wasn't long before they headed off to their Common room. They were told that the Ravenclaw entrance had to answer a riddle to get inside. He liked it and so did Jake.
They were told where their dorms were and which side was the boys and girls sides. They happily went up to their dorms. He was tired and he just wanted to just sleep. He would try to send a letter to his uncles. He also knew that Harry would do the same.
When they found there dorm. They were happy that they were dorm mates.
They then got ready to for bed. Eddie and Jake talked while they got ready.
Eddie changed into a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Jake had the same Pajamas. He had a light blue t-shirt. They then laied down and were asleep soon after.
I hope you all liked the chapter. I will try to update again soon. Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter.
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