Edd went to the store to go grocery shopping ,when he arrived at the store he went straight for the cola.He put the cola on his cart ,and then he walked toward the meat section to get some bacon.When he grabbed the bacon,a sudden feeling of dizziness and unease ,and then Edd passes out.He awoke in a strange room filled a while bunch of computers,desks,notebooks,and writing utensils.Odd Edd thought to himself,as he looked around.He didn't remember where he was before nor does he know where he was now.He got up from the seat he was sitting in, it was strange ,very strange. Edd looked around the room some more, eventually he found a note.He red it out loud "Edward 'Edd' Gould , The Ultimate Cartoonist?". Making Cartoons was one of Edd's passions for the longest time ,so Edd assumed that ultimates are some form of talent. Edd looked around some more "Exit.Exit.Where is the exit?Oh there it is" ,Edd walked out of the door into a long corridor.The room Edd awoke in was towards the end of the hall so end walked towards the front of the hall.When Edd reached the end of the corridor ,there was a sign and it said "ATTENTION: Everyone report to the concert as soon as you seen this sign!" and also on the sign was an arrow pointing to where you were supposed to go.Edd looked the other way there was a gate blocking the other way so he was forced to go the other way.After looking around a little more he found the concert hall and walked in. It was huge ,and Edd looked around ,there was around 15 other people in there ,all seemed familiar but like Edd had known them in a past life ,but he just brushed it off like nothing.Edd kept walking and he walked into someone. "Aaah! Not the face!",they yelled.Edd felt some sort of connection to them but just brushed it off again ,"Sorry."Edd said."You could have hurt my beautiful beautiful face.",they said,"Hphm." "Well I'm Edd,Edd Gould.Ultimate Cartoonist",Edd assumed everyone got a talent so he just said his,"Nice to meet you." "Well I'm Matt Hargreaves, Ultimate Model",Edd was right,"Nice to meet you too, though you nearly hurt my beautiful beautiful face"."I'll talk to you later Matt".Edd walked away from Matt over to someone who has peculiar hair."Hey I'm Edd" Edd tried to strike up conversation,"Ultimate Cartoonist"."Tom, Ultimate Bassist.",they didn't seem up for conversation and they seemed grumpy. "Nice to meet you"Edd said. "Ok." Tom replied.Matt walked up "Hello I'm Matt".Matt stated "Tom."."Grumpy much",Matt stated."Just leave me alone.",Tom said,"Ok mister grumpy pants." Matt commented mockingly."Hello ,New friends", someone said inviting behind Edd,Matt,and Tom,"I'm Tord, Ultimate Roboticist." "Nice to meet you Tord", Edd replied. "Nice to meet you ,Todd."Matt said. "Tord.",Tord corrected."Again,nice to meet you ,Tord.", Edd embraced Tord,and Tord hugged back."Well Well Well",a voiced called from afar,"What do we have here,a whole bunch of second place losers it appears",they voice said again."Hey. That's rude",Edd responded. "I'm Eduardo.The Ultimate Artist.", Eduardo said.Once again he thought he knew these people but he thought of it as nothing,the four last people he met felt familiar to him and he didn't know why.Edd didn't respond to Eduardo's weird statements,he could not quite understand why he was being mean when they'd had just met. Eventually two other people came along an introduced themselves one was Jon other Mark ,Mark is the ultimate Reader and Jon is the Ultimate support . Eventually Matt,Tom,and Tord introduced themselves to everyone else there,Diwi (Ultimate Bro),Larry (Ultimate Body guard),Christopher Bingbong (Ultimate Director),Paul (Ultimate Solider),Patryck (Ultimate Pilot),Todd (Ultimate ???),Hellucard (Ultimate Normal Guy),Laurel (Ultimate Girlfriend), Sargent Hillary (Ultimate Sargeant).All seemed so familiar.Edd was trying to figure out how he knew them but was interrupted by something. Over the speaker a voice could be heard ,"Hello Everyone!",the voice called.To what appeared to be red demon looking robot appeared out of the podium."I'm Akakuma!The president of this prestigious association!", Akakuma said to us,"Now I know you what be wondering what you may be doing here , I'll get to that in moment.As you may have noticed you all have received ultimates ,they are based off of your most supreme talent.If any of you suspected that , you've been correct!"Akakuma said."Now to why you've all been collected here.Well.....I've gathered all of you here ,is the see how all of you ultimates interact.", Akakuma was half lying. "How long shall we be staying here for?", Mark asked."The thing is-",Akakuma cuts themself off. "The things what?",Tom asked. "The thing is you won't be leaving!", Akakuma said,"But there is a way to leave."."And that is?", Eduardo added. "To kill someone and get away with it!",Akakuma shouted. Everyone looked at each other confused and thinking Akakuma was joking. "Lemme guess you think I'm joking.Nope!", Akakuma said."Don't look at me like that, be lucky I gave you a way to escape". It was silent,everyone was shocked to where they couldn't speak.Akakuma said,"Bye Bye for now everyone!", Akakuma dissapeared."Do we seriously how to kill people to get out of here?",Jon asked."No duh ,idiot,you heard what the demon thing said.", Eduardo answered,he pretended as of he wasn't shocked about this but he was he was just as shocked as everyone if not even more so."Oh...",Jon replied."Everyone we should all split up to see how much we are confined",Mark said,","It be only wised we all go alone because who knows if anyone is plotting anyone's death as of currently .If you choose to ignore my warning and go with others ,feel free to do so.",Mark walked off,and Jon followed,and 2 minutes later Eduardo walked in that direction,Todd followed aswell."Matt,Tom,Tord.Want to go together?",Edd asked."Sure.",Matt said,"Sure ,new friend.",Tord responded,"Whatever",Tom replied.Everyone went to go see how far they could explore, everyone returned to the the concert hall and discussed what they found.They had access to the first floor of the building and the surrounding courtyard.And Hellucard,Diwi,and Laurel found a note while exploring,Hellucard read it aloud ,"The sleep quarters are located on the utmost left hall ,the doors are labeled for each person.".After a few hours of talking , Akakuma made an announcement of the P.A. system,"It is 10pm , therefore it being the night hours.Sleeping anywhere other than the rooms will be taken into account and you will be punished.It is suggested to head into your rooms but is not required.Akakuma signing off". Everyone agreed to go into their rooms and they did.
~~~~Prologue End~~~~
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