No matter what
Your point of view
I went to my room with Edd following me, I didn't know why, but he was. I opened my bedroom door and I walked in. Before I could walk any further, my door shut and I was swept off my feet and picked up bridal style. I yelped as I grabbed Edd's shirt looking up at him.
I had a 'what are you doing' face on, but he just chuckled. He placed me on my bed and laid down next to me. I sigh and hugged him. I really really really really really really like him. But I feel like he's out of my league. He's too good for me. Just think of this caused me to sob quietly. I felt Edd's grip around me tighten and he stroked my hair.
"What's wrong Y/n?" He asked. I shook my head letting him know I didn't wanna talk about it right know. Clearly he understood and he loosened his grip.
"I'm here for you okay. It doesn't matter what is wrong. I am here no matter what." He whispered.
"I... I-" a loud crash was heard from down stairs and we both shot up. We ran out into the kitchen to see someone in what looked like a red hoodie and their hair was shaped like... Devil horns. Edd gasped like he knew who it was and Matt and surprisingly Tom came running down.
"What is he doing here!" Tom shouted.
"I thought I would give a little visit to my friends." A male's voice with a Norwegian accent said to the boys though the dark. "And clearly a new one."
I shuffled behind Edd and hid my face in his hoodie.
"You are not welcome here." Tom growled.
"Come on, I want to apologize for what I had done, almost killing you and all." He said rubbing his neck.
This made me shove my head into Edd's hoodie more in fear. He put his hand on my arm to reassure me I was safe with him.
"Like Tom said. You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here." Edd said through his teeth.
"I can see that. But I will be back! I will prove that I have changed! You'll see!" He said jumping out the window he obviously came in through.
Edd sighed and I let go knowing he was gone.
"Alright guys, let's go back to bed. Today can't get any worse right?" He said walking to his room. I grabbed his arm, letting him know that I was to afraid to be alone. He smiled lightly and we walked into his room.
Once we walked in I enclosed him in a huge hug. He was a bit taken back at my sudden action and hugged back.
"Come on. Its time to sleep." He said sadly walking over to his bed.
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