Chapter One
Lia's POV
When I awoke I heard the faint beeping of the machine by my bed. I rolled my eyes and turned over only to be stopped by the IV in my arm. I just groaned and stayed where I was. This dumb gown, rubbing me in all the wrong ways, the hospital smells like death, and the doctor isn't even cute. Damn.
"Bye, thanks for not letting me die!" I say to the doctor, laughing as my mom scolds me. We all walk out to the car, my arm linked with my dads.
When we get home my dog sprints over to me, tackling me down. I laugh as he peppers kisses all over my face with his wet tongue.
"Hi Riley!" I say in a voice you would use to talk to a kid. He just whines and continues kissing my face. "I missed you too! Have you stayed out of trouble?" I say. He just barks and goes to greet my mom and dad.
I walk up into my room, looking around. I feel like I haven't been home since I was there with Luke and Calum. I sit on the bed, looking at the pictures. I laugh to myself, remembering when I walked in on Luke looking at the wall. God it felt so....real. His touch, his skin... where do I begin? (thanks for the lyrics Sam)
I lay down, staring at the ceiling.
"Lia," I sit up quickly, hearing Luke's voice. I look around the empty room, confused and mostly upset with myself. I grab my phone, staring and looking over Luke and I's past texts to make sure this is real. I just shake my head, plugging my phone in and getting up. I stare at the posters on the walls, smiling at the boys. They're so stupid.
"Hey, honey." My mom says softly, making me jump a little. "We got new neighbors and they wanted to come see you." She says. I just nod, grabbing my phone incase Luke texts me and I follow her down stairs.
I stop, seeing the three people standing in my doorway. Mom, dad, and boy about my age.
"Lia these are the Wolterstorfs." My mom says smiling. I smile back, just looking at the boy. Okay, yes he's hot. Tattoos littering his arms, dark hair and tanned skin.
"Hey, I'm River." He says, making me realize I was staring a little too long. He makes his way over, a smirk etched onto his lips. He reaches out his hand and I nervously take it. He kisses my knuckles and I instantly blush, pulling my hand away quickly. "Don't be shy baby." He says, smirking like an asshole.
I roll my eyes but laugh. "It's Lia. Not baby." I say, crossing my arms. My phone buzzes and I quickly check it.
From: Luke
Hey lovely. How are you feeling?
I smile down at the text, happy to see he still remembers to talk to me. Before I can reply a finger is under my chin and I'm looking up at him.
"Since your phone is there may I put my number in it?" He asks. I shrug, handing it to him as he types.
"River, lets go." His mom says. He winks, handing me my phone and walking outside. They leave and my mom looks at me, raising her eyebrows.
"He's....something." My mom says, walking over to me.
"Yeah, he gave me his number but I don't know if I'll text him." I say, shrugging.
"I personally like Luke better." My dad says making me laugh. I blush slightly, looking down at the ground. It buzzes again, snapping me from my thoughts.
From: Luke
I'm sorry, should I not call you that? Did I weird you out?
To: Luke
No! You're fine!
From: Luke
Thank goodness! So, how are you feeling?
To: Luke
I'm alright, still kinda tired.
From: Luke
To: Luke
It's okay. Don't put noses on your faces. It's weird.
From: Luke
To: Luke
From: Luke
To: Luke
So was I;) What does it mean when I guy is all sassy but he is kinda like flirtatious?
From: Luke
Idk, he probably likes you. Who is it?
To: Luke
My neighbor. He was kinda a jerk though.
From: Luke
Let me beat him up >:-)
To: Luke
You're such a nerd.
I smile, putting my phone down and sitting in the kitchen.
"Pancakes?" My dad asks. I smile, nodding as he gets out the stuff.
My phone buzzes and I see a text from Stevie. I smile widely and open it up.
From: Stevie
To: Stevie
From: Stevie
I laugh, putting my phone down. Ive known her since kindergarten and she's my main bitch. My father places a plate in front of me with pancakes and fruit.
"Hey, Stevie's coming over." I tell him. He laughs and nods. My parents love her, even though they don't know her "dirty" side.
"And she's always hungry." My mom says smiling. I laugh, nodding. We hear the garage door open and we all know who it is.
"Sup nerds?!" She screams throughout the house. My mom just laughs and shakes her head while my dad throws up a peace sign. She storms over to me, wrapping her arms around me. "Don't leave me again." She whispers into my shoulder.
"I couldn't help it, dip shit." I whisper back. She just squeezes me tighter, not saying anything.
"Okay, who wants pancakes?" My dad asks. Stevie's hand shoots straight up like she's in school, dumb smirk on her face.
"You gonna hook us up, dad master?" She says. My dad, nods. I just roll my eyes, laughing at them.
"So, your parents told me about Luke." She says, grabbing a handful of popcorn.
"Yeah, so what?" I ask, blushing a little.
"Sooooo," she starts in a sing-song tone. "Date him." She says. I just scoff, getting some popcorn as well.
"He sees thousands of girls daily. I doubt he wants me." I say, blushing.
"Bitch, just trust me on this one. He could've stopped texting you after the first text, but he didn't. Just consider it." She says, going on her phone. "And if you don't date him, have Calum hit me up." She says, winking at me.
"Okay, sure." I say sarcastically. "We have new neighbors though and the son is totally hot." I say, scrolling through my wattpad. Is it weird I have Luke fanfics on here now that I'm texting him?
"Is he a fuck boy though?" She asks, glancing over at me.
"Yes. Completely." I say. She laughs, rolling her eyes. We spend the rest of the day, talking and sitting on our phones.
From: Luke
From: Luke
To: Luke
Hello. Whats up?
From: Luke
Just watching Gone Girl with the lads. You?
To: Luke
Just hanging out with my friend.
From: Luke
:)))) Calum wants to know if she's hot.
I laugh, removing my eyes from my phone and glancing at Stevie.
"Hey, Steve." I say, using her nickname. "Calum wants to know if you're hot." I say.
"Well, I look like trash right now but I mean, if I try, I guess." She says. I just roll my eyes, knowing that she's pretty.
"Gurl, I would fuck you." I say, trying to raise her confidence. She purses her lips together just going back to her phone.
To: Luke
She says she looks like trash but I'd do her ;)
From: Luke
You're gay?
To: Luke
LOL! No, its a friend thing. No homo doesn't exist in the girl world.
From: Luke
Yeah.... Calum says "if you'd fuck her, I'd fuck her". He's so dumb.
To: Luke
I'll let her know. Let me know if he wants her number.
I hand her my phone, having her read through the texts.
"Hahah, he though you were gay!" She says laughing. I just roll my eyes snatching my phone back. We go on Netflix, turning on some dumb scary movie.
Lol, sorry this was short. But yeah, Stevie is back! Lol, I'm a mess and say lol too much. Sorry this was so late. I like broke my thumb and it was hard to type. AND WHO THE FUCK BREAKS THERE THUMB? But yeah, "see" ya next chapter.
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