He took me to the tallest tower of our area .. The weather was clear and the stars stretched endlessly across the sky , as far as my eyes could see , with the moon shining brilliantly between them , as far as my eyes could see ..
He held me close ..
You can share your worries to the moon .. Then the moon will tell me what to do .. I know what you worry about little birdie ..
He winked ...
Oh God his winks make my each and every worry go away .. I joined my hands and closed my eyes ..
" I hope each and everyone around me to be safe .. I hope that Han Shou would fall in love with someone who doesn't have so much responsibilities .. And when we are apart and I am missing him , I hope that feeling only stays with me .. Even though I do like him a little bit but I can't fall for him .. We can't be together .. Our states barely even started their friendship .. What if something goes wrong ?? What will happen to us ?? I don't want any of this to happen .. I just .... I – I will just stay friends with him "
When I opened my eyes I didn't realize that I was crying ... Tears streamed down my pale cheeks .. And I hated this .. Crying ... It makes me feel I am weak ..
But then he suddenly hugged me tight ..
His arms were warm , delicate yet holding me tightly ..
" No – no you are not weak princess .. Crying doesn't mean that you are weak .. You have the right to express your feelings .. And if you are not comfortable expressing your feelings around other people then do it in front of me .. It's not a request but an order .. It will make you feel something you have not felt in a long time .. I hate to see you crying but crying will make you feel better .. little birdie .. "
His Words !!
His Voice !!
His Hugs !!
I started crying more .. He kissed me on my forehead .. His soft lips .. His heavy breathe ..
-------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------
Back to the present ..
I cried .. I don't even wanna live anymore .. His absence is killing me ..
He used to say that –
In the future , if I ever need to cry , I'll be with you , I'll hug you , kiss you on the forehead ..
Wild Bird .. { I chuckled }
You were the one who was with me .. How will I live alone , counting the stars , its already morning where are you ?? You told me that you would always be with me whenever I'll need you ..
But now ??
It hurts , it shatters my heart into million pieces ..
Where are you now ??
You loved me ..
But ..
You Shattered Me .....
-------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------
Two days later ........ .........
I have been staying at this inn .. The people here are good , hospitable .. There are so many different types of delicacies here .. But I didn't even tried once .. I want to but still I don't want to .. I wanted to take a in the streets at night .. Celebrate the cultural festivals here ... Try all the delicacies ... But I wanted to do this all with him ..
But here I am roaming around the streets at midnight .. No one's here ..
Not a single person , no music , no sorrow , nothing .. Just people sleeping peacefully .. Hoping that tomorrow would be better than today ..
I asked about Han Shou .. The people who answered were a bit nervous .. But they all said the same thing with different words ..
He is a playboy .. He changes girls faster than his clothes .. He does nothing but drinking all day .. He is good in martial arts and literature but is best at playing with girls .. He is a very good manipulator .. and blah blah blah ..
But I refused to believe those words ..
I casted a spell creating magical golden , blue coloured flowers in air .. Something we used to do together .. Something we loved to do with each other .. He used to surprise me with those small spells .. I miss him .. I love him .. But I realized it too late .. I always used to say that I would never fall in love .. But ..... He made the impossible possible .. Yes ... I fell in love and the things that falls always breaks .. I don't know why he left me .. But his absence , him betraying me is eating me inside .. It feels like I am not enough for anyone .. Since young I never had any friends but my brothers were there for me .. I just hate and regret not telling him my feelings earlier ..
It was not that dark in this quiet street .. But then I suddenly noticed something weird ..
I was able to smell a demon scent .. But there was no one around .. I saw a dark alley on my right side so I started walking towards it .. I had my magical defence along with my attack ready on my right hand .. Ready in a position that if something comes I'll attack it ..
The demon scent got stronger and stronger ... So did a familiar scent got .. I felt a familiar scent .. It .... Was .... Han Shou ... He's here ?? nah it's impossible ... Hahaha it must be me who's delusional .. hahah
{ sound of someone running over the terrace .. }
I quickly turned back to see but there was nothing there ... But someone did went to that direction ..
After walking a few more steps I saw a demon .. But a dead demon .. Murdered brutally ..
The demon's body writhed as the blade pierced its thick , leathery hide , dark blood spurting out in a torrent . The person who did this was definitely not a ordinary human .. It might be a cultivator .. The person must have twisted the blade , grinning and the demon must have screeched in agony .. The demon's lifeless body lay sprawled across the alley .. it's twisted limbs , now mangled and torn , were splayed at unnatural angles .. It's eye .. were nothing but hollow pits .. It's skull was split open , fragments of bone jaggedly protruding , while the face , contorted in a final scream , was frozen in a mask of terror and pain ..
It was impossible to recognize that demon .. I tried to search for something that would help but there was nothing except .... Except .... Ohhh wait .... This is the same container I saw yesterday ..
------------ ------- { Yesterday's POV } ------------ ---------------
The street is noisy .. Man with his family , young couples , siblings , royals all roaming here and there .. Loving the moment .. But here I am all alone ..
I was doing nothing but taking a stroll alone .. But I felt someone staring at me .. I turned to my left side and saw a .... A human ?? or maybe it was a demon disguised as a human .. His lust-full eyes .. It was like he has been watching me since the day I came here .. But I ignored it and was about to go back to the inn but suddenly I felt someone touch my butt ... Not like a mistake but intentionally .. I turned back and slapped that person hard ..
It was the same creepy guy who was staring at me with his lust-full eyes ... He tried to push me but I quickly slipped past him and gave him a powerful blow on his back .. A green colored small container fell out of his clothes .. He looked at me with anger but before he could react I jumped and held that container .. I opened it's cap .. Casted a spell so that if anything poisonous I won't be poisoned ..
As expected .. It was the highly poisonous Black Rose poison .. My mother told me about it .. It was found only in places filled with dark energy or the demon relam ..
Again I looked at that demon but he snatched the container away from me .. But I managed to leave a scratch over the surface of the container ..
----------------- -------------- { Present POV } --------- --------
Yesss !!! This is the demon I saw yesterday .. The one who harassed me .. But how come he is dead ??
I took that poison container incase one day it would help ..
Then I started walking back towards the inn ...
------------ ----------------- 6 days later ----------------- -----------
I have never ever felt so lonely than I did in these 10 days .. And also in these 10 days 2 demons , 3 humans also with one special investigating guard have been murdered brutally .. Most important ... Their eyes gauged out .. Like dark hollow pit .. Hand and legs ripped apart ... The king also sent a special investigating team for these murders .. And yeah .. That team came to me and took me for interrogation ... They suspect me .. And why wouldn't they ?? I even refused to tell them my identity because it will cause a big chaos ..
Today the person in-charge of this case got a note inside his sword case that said " Fu*king leave her alone !!! Otherwise you won't live in peace .. "
I also got a note in front of my room .. They kept my inn guarded .. But still someone managed to slip inside and leave a note that said " Leave here .. These people are nothing but monsters .. They will do everything to close the case as fast as they can ... JUST LEAVE NO ONE'S WAITING FOR YOU HERE !!! "
The last line felt personal to me .. I was in my room doing nothing but just sitting in a chair , staring out of the window and trying to feel Han Shou's presence .. But someone had to ruin it by knocking on my door .. I went and opened the door .. I saw the king ?? Yeah .. It was the king .. I didn't kneel down to bow and greet him .. I just did a small bow to greet him .. The guards looked at me with their eyes wide and ready to draw out their sword ..
I just stared at them blankly .. Because they hate it that they were not able to torture me during the investigation .. Because all of them kept getting notes about not even touching me otherwise all of them would die .. One guard used a whip on my back causing deep flesh cuts and the next day he was dead ... With good medicine and bandage beside my bed the next day .. I don't even know who is the one doing this but I kind of enjoy it .. Hahah.. But it definitely can't be Han Shou .. He was injured .. Yeah ...
Who are you ?? { the king asked me .. }
I took a huge breathe and said
I am ......
----------- -------------------- ------------------------ -------------------
So yeah this chapter is done .. I don't know why but I want to read my novel from the start but I know I will start laughing at my silly mistakes and missed plots ...
Well I also wanted to inform everyone that my match and my exam are starting in 4 days so I won't be posting for a long time maybe ..
So this is it .. Stay tunned .. Happy Reading Byyeeee
Word Count - 1985
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