8: Into the Cattail Field
Where did he go? Where is he going??
These thoughts run through your mind, as you search for the familiar shadowy figure. You have never seen him before.. but yet.. you feel a sense of familiarity towards the figure.
All around you are tall cold coloured leaves, placed in certain places which makes you think of a maze. The leaves sorta look like Cattail leaves, thus the name Cattail Fields.. but there aren't any of the actual cattails..
It is dark..
Once again, you notice red footprints. It leads towards an area as you follow it, you stop in your tracks. The figure stands in the middle of the path, he stares at you before leaving you behind. Hey wait.. hold up..! You run towards him, but even though you're running.. he doesn't seem to get any closer..
You accidentally step on something, you pick the item up. A birthday card. His birthday card.
"A wish? What could I possibly ever wish for? I have everything I could ever want.. right here" a voice whispers to your ear.
The card fades away, you take a double take. How did it.. The figure.. you run forward, trying to find the figure once again. You take a corner.. and another.. and another.. Yet he doesn't appear after that. He seemed to have.. disappeared. Oh look..
.. a puddle.
"Are you going on ahead?" The girl asks you, everything is cold.. and wet. "Don't worry bout us! We'll catch up in a minute!" She exclaims to you, waiting for her other friend to wear her boots. The sky's a dark shade, it was raining. You grip onto your umbrella, a purple umbrella.
You trip on your feet. You're still in the fields.. trying to find that boy.. you decide to start jumping, trying to find the boy's head in the field.. but It didn't work.. so you just started to go THROUGH the leaves. You pry some space between two leaves and you walk in.. hoping you can find a shortcut.
".....!! Stop hiding, Rainbow made cookies!!" The girl yells, forcing you out your hiding space. It was in a little bush in the backyard. "Cookies? Rainbow made cookies??" The boy yells, running from somewhere. "Yeah! Rainbow's cookies are so good.. you can really taste the love she puts in them!!"
Where is that damn figure.. you feel like you see something.. a house, an abandoned one. Mother nature had started to take back the house, with its leaves growing all around it.. and even a tree growing from a corner of the house.. ignoring all of this, you walk in, as you finally notice the figure from earlier.
He stands near an opened window. Weirdly, the window shows clear blue skies, a complete contrast to the sky outside.. which was all dark and purple. He glances at you, before moving aside. Does he want you to.. look inside?
"With a help from all your friends.. and a bit of my savings.. we got you a gift" Her soft voice echoes, as she pulls out a slightly long box. Behind her, your friends grin.. everyone excited to see your reaction. You can't help but smile.. whatever they bought you.. you'll treasure it forever. And you did.. and you did..
You can't remember what happened.
But now you're in an abyss, the figure probably pushed you out the window. You slowly adjust to the lighting and notice you're not in an abyss, but a hallway. A dark and really long one. You get up and walk forward, looking around.. the hallway was completely empty, so the only thing you could really focus on was the wooden planks on the floor.
You slowly but surely reach the end of the hallway, which shows a picture of a very happy family and a music stand with a few pages of music sheets on it. Curious, you hold your hand out to pick the pages up.. before you even get to touch it, you feel a hand on your shoulders..
"It's all your fault.." she whispers, chuckling quietly. Get away.. GET AWAY RIGHT NOW.
You immediately get the grasps off you as you start running the opposite direction- from where you came from earlier. You glance back only once, and you see a long haired silhouette chasing after you.. a single eye staring right back at you. Red thick blood starts dripping from the walls, contrasting the dark coloured walls.
The hallway seems endless, as you try your best to outrun the thing chasing you. You try your best.. you really tried your best. The red thick blood from the walls start soaking the floor beneath you, tainting it dark red. This starts to mess up your flow, as the room starts to fill up with it, reaching your knees slowly. The gross metallic smell.. you can't keep running anymore..
Two hands grip your shoulder, stopping you instantly. It hugs you from behind. "Why did you do it?" It asks.. as yet another whisper into your ear.
You don't even get to wake up in WhiteSpace.
you wake up.
You're sit up in your bed, drenched in sweat. The rays of sunlight from the window falls onto your bed, directly onto your face. You get up to close the curtains.. until you trip onto a box and fall face first into the wooden floor of your bedroom. You accidentally tipped the box, causing the items inside to fall out..
Luckily they were just books so it was easy to place them back in their place, there were a lot of moving boxes placed around your room.. some packed to the brim and some aren't. You stand up and walk towards your table beside your bed, your phone rests on it. It was still somehow surviving on 20 percent.. surprisingly.. you don't remember when was the last time you charged it.. There were 2 missed calls and a few messages. All of them were from your mom.
< Hi Lunar, you must be resting again..
< Hope you're doing well, did you eat yet today?
< I was thinking of coming home today, but there was a really good furniture sale and you know mommy, can't resist a good bargain!
< You can look after yoursler for a few days right?
< *Yourself
< After all, you're a big grin now!
< *Girl 😭
< And remember to do your chores! Mommy left a list of them on your table
< Alright that's all for now, see you baby! Mommy always loves you!!! 💕💕💕💕❤️❤️
... You sigh as you text something back.
Love you too >
You place your phone down as you pick up the list of chores your mom told you about. There were three, do the dishes, sweep the floor, and organise your stuff into the unpacked boxes. You eye the folded boxes in the corner of your room.. you'll do it later, you're getting a bit hungry..
You walk out your room and you walk slowly down the stairs, what will you eat today? Was there even anything left? Maybe there was still some bread left.. maybe you'll just eat some plain bread..
The horrid sound of both knocking and your doorbell fills your ears as you walk down the last step of the staircase.. what was that? Did mom order something online again? You decide to take a detour from your original destination and head towards the front door.
You walk towards the door, as you try to peek into the peep hole, standing slightly on your tiptoes.. but someone was staring back, a dark blue coloured eye.. you immediately recline, you're scared.
"Lun.. Lunar???" The woman asks, as she stops pressing your doorbell. "Oh my god? I think that's you.. do you remember me? It's me, Funneh!! You know...your old friend!" Funneh? It's Funneh. You immediately start to calm down, but then you think to yourself.. Funneh can't reach the peep hole.. she's far to small.. but then again.. you couldn't either then.. she must've gotten taller.. just like you.
"You probably can't remember me, but we used to hang out together! You know with the gang.. and your.." she stops herself, you listen intensely. "Alright. Cutting to the chase, I saw the moving sign outside there.. and um my mom also told me that you WERE in fact moving.. in what.. three days? Three days or two.. can't remember- but you're moving" Funneh explains, you could hear her shuffling footsteps outside.
"And I know we haven't really talked a lot in the last few years.. but I think it would be really cool if we hung out once more.. you know, for old times sake!" Funneh exclaims, "you don't really have too.. but I would really appreciate it.." ...... she's calling you. Your hand reaches towards the doorknob, but what if it's a trap? Your hand stops, what if she's there. What if SHE'S there?
But wasn't it morning? She couldn't possibly take the time to.. ugh.. you stare at the dark wooden door.. your friend is behind this door, don't you miss your friend? Even if you don't.. she misses you.. and.. you can't just leave her alone outside.. that's just cruel..
You turn the doorknob slowly, as you creek the door open..
She gives out a big smile.
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