31: The truth.
The white familiar void greets you once again, however it feels more.. emptier than usual..
You walk around the void until you stumble upon a familiar sight.
The familiar mat,
the tissue box,
your laptop.
The black light bulb.. This is where you were supposed to wake up at, However one thing was off. Very different in fact.
A young girl stood in the middle of your mat. She stares right into you.
She wears a white tank top, and owns long black pants which is decorated around with little white stars. She doesn't say a thing once you get near her. All she does is stare, her eyes following your every move.
Everything else was the same, other than the fact your little cat, Kitty wasn't around. At all. Subconsciously, you head over towards the lightbulb, illuminating pure darkness. You have never once stopped and wondered, how that was even possible. But today you might finally find the answer.
You get on your toes, as you reach towards the bulb. You yank it out of the string attached to it, Eclipse stares at you as you do so. She doesn't seem to think much of it as you turn around to her, before looking back at the bulb. You calm yourself down by focusing on your breathing, you adjust the bulb in your hand as you raise it up. Up.. and up..
Then it crashes down.
The sound of broken glass fills the room.
Eclipse stares at you with (for the first time), an expression of pure horror on her face.
Your vision turns dark..
You open your eyes, to reveal that you.. You're standing in complete darkness. A singular ray of light comes from above, hitting the ground in front of you.. as if it was signalling for you to start walking forward.. and that's what you do.
You quicken your pace, as you walk towards the ray of light. Something materializes out of thin air, forcing you a few steps back. It doesn't move, it only stares at you. It won't budge.. what to do...? You try to attack it.. but to no avail, it tries to drag you into the darkness around you- but you successfully get out of its grip.
Calm down
"Take a deep breath.. don't be afraid.."
"It's not as scary as it looks.."
You open your eyes.. you're standing on the staircase. The staircase where you...
You look behind you, that monster. That shadow monster on the stairs from before has reappeared. It stares at you with its large amount of teeth, all put together into a creepy toothy smile. You close your eyes.. calm down.
"Everything is going to be okay.."
Something stands in front of you once more, it's singular eye staring daggers at you. The monster of the stairs is now gone.. as you had teleported back to the black void. Attacking it doesn't do anything as it drags you into the darkness once more.
You now stand in your living room, on the walls is the big spider. The light of the moon from outside, falls onto it. It swings towards you, trying to bite you- but you dodge. You try to calm down, and you successfully control your breathing.
Something stares at you once more. She pulls you into the darkness.. into the ocean. Under the water, where the monster with the tentacles sit. Once again you focus. You focus.. as you tell yourself that none of this is real. It is just your imagination.. you shut your eyes.
"It's just your imagination.."
You open your eyes, Something isn't here this time but is replaced with a figure. A lifeless figure who isn't even touching the floor. This realisation makes you afraid, it makes you really afraid.. you try to calm down.. as you focus.. you focus on the way her dress sways in the wind.
You feel like your life is in danger..
You focus. You focus to calm down. There is no danger.. it cannot hurt you.
Your heart is beating out of your chest..
Your fingers just.. wont.. stop.. trembling..
You try to persist, you try to calm yourself down.. it wasn't your fault..
You focus on your breathing, as you stare at her..
Your breathing begins to steady..
You can hear your heart beat start to slow down..
You gather up all your courage.. and learn to Overcome.
Breath in.. breath out..
You open your eyes, she is gone.
You are safe again.. and what stands in her place? A lightbulb.. it is bright white in colour, the complete opposite of the dark inky black from before.
You pick up the lightbulb, as you walk into the ray of light. As you stare into the dark void.. you can't help but steal a glance at the reflection of yourself in the bulb.. you look... Relieved.
The light blindes you for a few seconds, as you adjust to your new surroundings. You stand on a path.. outside, surrounded by trees. It's really bright, contrasting to the darkness from before.
You follow the path, unsure to where it will lead you.. while walking you notice something on the ground.. it looks like a polaroid.. you pick it up to have a closer look..
The gate in front of you, which has been blocking your way opens. Letting you through, to another long pathway. You pick up another polaroid and walk through another gate.. this time it leads to a big grassy area with a huge tree in the middle. It casts a huge shadow, shielding you from the sun's rays.
At the bottom of the tree, Draco sits. He's in his dream form.. with his overalls and the singular flower in his hair. He stares at you with not much of an expression.
You walk towards him..
"Lunar.. you're finally here.." he mumbled, cracking a smile.
"You know.. I've always dreamed for the day you'd come back for me.. you might be a bit late though.." Draco mumbles, keeping the soft smile on his face.
"The truth of that day will be hard to accept so you must stay strong.. "
"And.. maybe if you can.. please forgive me?"
He stands up from his spot and moves away, revealing a small hole in the tree. "I believed in you and you came back so.. please.. believe in me too.." Draco mumbles, before disappearing.
You crouch down and enter in.
You enter a dark room.. the living room? Your living room. One polaroid sits peacefully on the ground, you pick it up as you stare at the dark figure sitting at the sofa.. she sobs.
"My poor baby.. gone.. you.. my sunshine.. you're the only one I have left.. I.. I can't loose you too.."
You take a peek at the polaroid you picked up, as the figure slowly disappears not before leaving one last cry of sorrow. To your left, there sits a dark coloured door.. you decide to explore the insides of it.
It doesn't lead to a part of your house however. It leads you into a large room.. a large room filled with hospital beds. Most of it owning a person on it, the deafening sound of the heart monitor overwhelm you. They all seem alive.. except for one. One isn't breathing.. she is dead. Around the bed, is three scattered photos- all of which you pick up and hold onto. The photos here.. seem to tell a story.
You suddenly hear a sound, that of a shift of a clock and you now stand above your staircase. The darkness once again welcomes you.. the staircase drags down for a long time.. but with no choice you walk down.. you pick up three photos on your way down, the last one being..
You now stand in your bedroom. You used to share it with her, so there is two beds. One bed is preoccupied.. and the person isn't breathing. Stranger.. he stands in front of you, he reassures you that everything will be fine. You notice a calender with a huge circle on one of the dates.. oh right, today was the day of the recital.
You leave the room..
You enter a backstage area..
You were supposed to play with Rainbow on this stage. Now it's empty. And dark.. and cold..
You feel a liquid run down your left cheek, you touch the liquid as you look back at your hand. Red. Blood. You're bleeding. But you are unable to process this as you pick up a few more photos, photos of you.. photos of Draco..
photos of Rainbow..
Your other ear starts to bleed as well, you even start leaving bloody footprints everywhere but it won't stop you. It won't stop you to overcome this horrible horrible nightmare. Your left hand is starting to really hurt..
You walk around a dark dark void, with many types of musical instruments decorating the inky black ground. Out of all of those instruments you could've chosen.. you just had to choose the violin.. your train of thought halts upon you noticing a photo on the ground, you go to pick it up. It's a photo, you stand over the flight of stairs.. standing in front of you is Rainbow.. she is shouting-
You don't want to remember that.
You can't.. but you continue onwards.
You find another photo.
Rainbow's all blurry.. she's moving in front of someone over the staircase.. now that you think about it.. she always wanted you to stop running away from your problems.
You now stand in a small dark room, the only thing lighting it up is the bright red rays emitting from the sliding door.. on the ceiling, that's not so high, you see a base.. a base for a lightbulb. Which.. you have.
You get on your toes once again as you screw in your lightbulb. It lights up the room, revealing a singular arm chair and the wall behind it being filled to the brim with pictures of a family.. a family we once was.
In front of the small TV, sits another photo. In the photo you're-
You walk through yet another gate, your bleeding all over. You enter gate by gate, as you pick up photo by photo. And each of them you aggressively shove into the album. Until. Until you reach a large tree..
The tree has a noose tied to it's branch.
It swings in the wind.
You pick up the last photo.
You sigh to yourself. You walked a long way today.. you really do need a rest, maybe.. like.. a beach episode or something nice. You crouch down and look at all the photos you received.
They all look really negative.
And they look really random too.. yet they seemed quite familiar. You place the photos all on the ground, as you start organising them one by one. Each photo giving you a part of your memory back.
The sound of the violin breaking bursts you out of your anger. Right there, above the staircase.. you stand. You stare at the broken violin below the flight of stairs, its strings tangled, the body smashed to pieces.. it is unplayable anymore. Your sister rushes out of her room, she had just went to take her copy of the music sheets.. she stares at the violin with horrified eyes, before staring right at you. Right into you. Her eyes a mixture of confusion.. and rage.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??!?" She yells, grabbing onto her hair as she continuously glances between the violin and you. You look away from her, this is too much, sorry. "I WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS DAY, ARE YOU STRESSED OR SOMETHING..?? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO.. URGH!!" She yells, unable to say anything to her stupid sister. "Even if you.. even if you wanted to fucking.. why couldn't you just had waited..? Why now? Why now must you break?!?" She yells, tears of frustration threatening to fall.
You feel the same way. You're frustrated too, but you have never seen your sister this angry. You fight back tears as you continue staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact at all cost. "Everybody was so excited- were YOU DEAF?? They were literally congratulating us yesterday.. good luck they said.. I'll be clapping the hardest.. they were all so.. excited and you just..! why did you do that?!? Why did you have to be so.. selfish??" She yells.
She paces around, trying to think of ways for the recital to keep going. "The recital starts at early evening.. I don't think we'd have the time to buy a new violin.. do we..? I don't think.." she mumbles to herself. "Maybe we do.. but.. THAT VIOLIN.. THAT WAS FUCKING EXPENSIVE YOU KNOW?!?" She yells again, remembering about you, who flinches in surprise.
"Both mom and dad had NOTHING to do with that violin, your friends.. they bought it for you..! With their own money! I just.. CHIPPED in! And you could just.." tears start pouring down your eyes. This is too much.. you don't like her yelling at you like this. "..that's because.." "BECAUSE WHAT LUNAR? BECAUSE WHAT?? WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM HUH?? Were you stressed?!? Scared?? Anxious?? Mad??? Were you mad at me??" No, no.. not at all. "No.. I just.." She's yelling louder again.. you're surprised your parents haven't woke up by now.. well then again.. it was 5:40 in the morning.. it's very early..
Your sister woke you up at 4 for practice. Even though that's been the only thing you've been doing for 5 months now. You grit your teeth.. "maybe I am mad at you.." "Really now?? Really?!?" She yells, mocking you in a way. "That doesn't matter when you take note about how HARD we worked on this?? We!!! Not just me.. WE" I know.. oh my god.. "Don't you care?!? We got the whole town watching!! Wouldn't you be embarrassed, if the reason we aren't performing today is because you stupidly DROPPED your violin down the DAMN stairs?!" .. "THEY'LL ASK YOU, why did you drop the violin down the stairs, Lunar??, And what will you say?? Oh. Because I hated my sister so fucking much I wanted to ruin her life even more by making her unable to do something.. that she fucking worked on.. for almost A FUCKING YEAR" That.. you forgot. Rainbow.. she worked on the thing.. longer than.. you.. you just.
"HECK.. you weren't even supposed to be playing to begin with!" Okay.. "but you were so persistent so I felt bad.. and I fucking wrote.. I WROTE THAT ENTIRE SHEET FOR YOU, yet you still.." Rainbow pauses to stare at you, her eyes staring into you in anger.. she was angry. She was really.. really angry. You would know, as she grinds her teeth when she's mad. It makes an annoying sound.. but she says it soothes her.. so you won't annoy her with that. You want to go to your room now. You want to go to your room and cry. You don't want to see Rainbow anymore. You don't want to see her at all now.
Yes. You should leave now.
You turn to leave.
She grips onto your arm.
Her grip is strong.
So strong.
You're angry.
You're very very angry now.
"GO AWA-!"
Go away you said.
The sound of something falling scared you. You shut your eyes.. you covered you ears.
It hits the floor with a massive THUD.
Go away.. you said.
Your eyes open. You stare at a dead body. At the bottom of the staircase. She is not moving.
You stand over it for a while.. pondering to yourself. Did you push her? No.. she.. she fell. She fell down by herself..
You slowly go down the stairs, breathing audibly. You couldn't breath. What happened? She isn't moving, why isn't she moving..? Reaching the bottom of the stairs.. you notice the reason. She fell on your violin. The sharp shards of the body went through her head. She is dead now. No she isn't. She is still alive.
You ignore the pool of blood underneath her as you continuously shake her.
"Wake up Rainbow"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry I made you mad"
"I won't do it again.. I promise"
"Rainbow, wake up please"
"I'm sorry"
"Please wake up"
"I'm sorry"
She wouldn't wake up. You cradle her head in your arms, her eyes were shut. What do you do? What should you do? Tears fall down your face, as you begin sobbing. They grow louder overtime as you begin crying. What should you do? Why will happen? Will she be okay? Will she be alright?? Ugly noises come out of your mouth, why should you do. You don't know what to do.
You hear a sound of someone walking towards you. A short haired boy. It was 5:42. What was he doing here? "..I heard.. yelling.." is all he mumbles as he stares at your sister. Why was he awake that early? Why would he..
"sleeping.. she is sleeping.."
is all you can muster up, as you continue hugging her.
"I want to bring her upstairs.."
you sob. The boy stares at you, then to your sister, then to the pool of blood.
She's completely unconscious.
He helps you bring her up the stairs. She is heavy. She is very heavy. But with the help of a friend.. she's much easier to carry.. you choke on your tears.
Rainbow lies silently in her bed. Completely unconscious. Because she is sleeping. Now that she is in her bed.. she will wake up now. You shake her a bit, repeating the words from earlier.. now with a shaky breath.
"Rainbow.. wake up.."
"Wake... up Rainbow"
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.."
"I didn't.. mean.. it..."
She won't wake up. She won't wake up anymore. Why won't she wake up. This is all your fault. Why did you throw it.. why did you have to play it.. now because of you.. she won't wake up anymore.. you cry.
You cry.
You cry..
And you cry.
But crying will lead you nowhere.
She is still dead.
Even if you cry yourself to death.
He is scared. He is also crying. But he cries much more silently than you.. He looks around, thinking to himself. What will he do? What will you do? Someone has to find out at one point.. right?
She won't wake up anymore. Crying will get you nowhere. You repeat these words in your head. Crying won't bring you anywhere. Crying won't bring you loved one back from the dead. She is dead now, murderer, deal with it.
"Lunar.." he mumbles, shaking you. "Lunar.. we have to do something" do what. What do we do? There's nothing to do. All you'll do is wait. "Lunar.. everything will be alright.. I'll.. I promise you.." promise? Will Rainbow be alright? He cannot guarantee that.. he is just a boy.. and you are just a girl. He cannot promise anything about the dead but he promises you that everything will be alright. Can you trust him?
You stare at him.. he seems a bit startled but then he continues. "..I.." his eyes still full with tears, "I.. don't think.. I watched it in a movie once.. in the movie.. someone accidentally um.. died and then they framed it.." framed it..? Like picture..? Why? "Just.. uh.. should we do that? If we.. if we do that.. then maybe.. they won't think it's you.. you'll be off the hook and I'll.. I won't tell anyone.." off the hook?
"..do you want to go to jail?"
..no.. you shake your head.
"..then.. follow me.. I think I know what to do.."
He told you to bring her to the backyard. You don't understand why.. but you continue anyways. He said he watched it in a movie once.. he knows more than you do.
He leads you outside. Her white collar had gotten slightly red..
We stop at a tree. The tree with the treehouse. You couldn't see it from down here but.. he tells you to wait outside, as he runs back in.
Draco comes out while holding a toy box and a jump rope. You stare at him in confusion, as he places the toy box beside the tree.. it wasn't the time to play jump rope. You're upset. This plan sounds stupid.
Draco starts tying the rope. You stare at him with confusion, as you hug your sister. She was cold. It should now be 6:03.. you wouldn't know.. but it was just a guess. The boy turns towards you, he was now done. He's crying. He shows you the rope. The rope was straight with only a loop at the end of it. "It's called.. a noose" he mumbles. A noose..
You breath heavily. What are you doing?
Draco holds onto your hand. "..everything.. will be alright.. right?" He asks you. "Everything has to be.. everything is alright now.." he calms you down. "Should be.. now.. let's hide the violin.. nobody wants to see it.." he mumbles, as he leads you away from your sister. Rainbow.. you look behind. Rainbow... Her eyes were open. Your eyes widen.
She staring right at you..
She has to be okay..
She has to be.
The girl hid inside the closet as screams filled the air. They both sounded really familiar. What time was it now? The closet had a clock. It reads 10:05. What was happening? You must've fell asleep in the closet.
You walk out. As you reach the commotion. A girl was leaning against the wall beside the glass door that led to the backyard. The brunette was hiding her head between her knees as she sobs loudly. You stare at her, you're tired.. what are they doing in your house? Did Rainbow let them in again? She always does that. You peek your head to look into the backyard.
There was a girl hanging on a tree. The tree with your treehouse. A raven haired girl was gripping onto the dead girls dress, forcing the girl to wake up. Immediately, you're pushed aside by your father. As he runs towards the tree. He stops upon realising it. He falters for a bit, before trying his best to loosen the girl of the grip of the rope by jumping onto the toy box underneath her. Your vision is immediately covered by your mother, who sobs loudly as she hugs you.
What happened? What's happening?
The crys and screams were all blocked out once you saw the boy walk out from where your parents came from. He stares at you with a broken expression on his face. He is scared. ".. everything will be alright.. right?" He asks you. Nobody else listens.. but you.
..you do not answer his question.
As you do not know the answer.
You jolt up from your nightmare.
You look around you.. you seem to still be at Draco's house.. and all your friends are still asleep..
You remember everything..
You get up from your mattress as you slowly make your way towards Draco's room.. why? You don't really know.. but you feel like you have something to tell him. Why would you do? Yell at him? Cry? Apologies? He was still a kid.. it wasn't his fault.. and.. you doubt he'd still be awake anyways but..
You creak open the door.
funnily enough,
He's awake.
He sits on his bed. Garden shears in hand. Said shears.. pointing at his throat. He is crying, and staring at you with a startled expression..
"..I didn't think anyone would be awake at this time.."
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