27: Black space, the first half
"★★★★★..no..no no- it isn't your fault.. stop.. just.. I'll help you, I'll.. I'll help you figure it out.. I'll.."
You have awoken in a weird place. You sit up as you look around, where were you..? You seem to be in a black void, on top of a black mat.. this place look a lot like whitespace, in fact.. almost a full on replica only with different colours. Instead of the eye-burning white, it's a mysterious black.
Other than the fact Kitty is gone, and.. the amount of doors here you would say this is a 100% replica of White space. Around you are multiple white wooded doors, scattered around the place. You have never seen this much doors before. As you stand up, something falls from your lap, hitting the floor with a metallic sound. You crouch down and pick it up.. a key.
It looks like those type of.. fancy keys. You change your focus from the key.. to the doors, perhaps it's to be used on one of them..
You walk towards the closest door to you, it's going to be so annoying if you have to check all the doors if this one doesn't work. God may have somehow heard your whining however, as the door miraculously opens on the first try. Yay. You couldn't see anything through the door, so you just shrug it off and decide to walk in.
What the hell did you walk into. You cover your ears, trying to shield them from the noise. The loud noise, it sounds like multiple people talking at the same time.. but x10.. and really loud. The voices were so indistinguishable in fact you couldn't even hear talking anymore, just full on noise. You stand in an empty black void, the floor is black in colour as the sky is a jumble of mess.
The sky seems to be showing memories of some sort, but you can't tell what your watching at all as the 'memories' are really glitchy, fuzzy and only last about 1 second before playing the next. Added with the noise.. god it's a sensory overload. You can't seem to move, was it because of the noise..? Or was it because of something else..
You stand still for a couple of minutes, trying to block out the noise at the very least. You've done it a lot before.. why can't you do it again? Suddenly, the voices fade a bit.. making you at least able to hear your thoughts. Thank goodness, you're so amazing.
"Was that too loud for you?" You flinch at the sudden question, as you look around. Seven feet or so in front of you, is the stranger. His white void eyes look at you in a seemingly sarcastic way. What. You bring down your hands, as you nod embarrassingly. It's embarrassing how you couldn't even move.
"I see.. don't worry though, that's a normal response to coming here for the first time.. I used to be like that too, but I've gotten used to it over time" you see.. you look around, memories still flash around the sky. Guessing by at least some of the memories you could comprehend, they don't seem to be positive memories.. where were you anyways?
"These rooms are full of broken things.. but at least in here, I can see who you really are" no, that does not answer your question. You look at the boy with a intrigued face though, what he's talking about seems interesting.. continue..
"The world that you made above this one.. did you make it to protect this place.. or hide it?" The world above this one.. Dreamworld isn't it? Well, how would've you had made it to.. protect this place or something if you don't even know where you are? You didn't even know there was a black space!.. you think? "Either way.. it's become more powerful than you" powerful..
The boy walks up to you before handing you something, a key. You take it from his hands, and once you look up again.. he's gone. Man, that guy's so mysterious. Luckily, after he disappeared the voices still stayed faded so you didn't have to play statue again. Now with this key, you can open the next door!! You turn around, as you walk back to the door. You creak it open, and just stepping one foot into the frame, you feel a hand suddenly push you- sending you tumbling back into Black Space. You turn around, looking for the meanie who pushed you.. only to be met with nothing.. the door disappeared.
You creak open the next door, which leads you to another jumble of mess of a void. This time, no voices, but replaced with eerie violin music. Violin.. the- the sky was still flashing with memories, just in squares this time.. and they stay longer, about a good 3 seconds. They seem to be, normal memories. They don't seem to be so positive, but not so negative as they last few ones where a person was either crying or yelling in the memories.
And this time, the place had bright colourful items scattered around the void. They don't seem to be stable though, glitching in the floor and around the place every second. This wasn't as bad as the last door, but it was still a big eyesore nonetheless. You decide to walk around the place, trying to find the stranger or at least.. anyone to talk to.
While walking, you stumble across a crayon drawing. It was you! You didn't seem to be doing anything just standing.. looking beautiful as always. What you were more interested about however.. was the art style, it seemed to have been drawn by you? The simple stickman type of drawings are how you draw here, you don't bother actually working on your art style. At least it somewhat portrays something than you're fine, you rarely draw now. Because whenever you do, you'll miss HER.
The though of her makes you sad, so you continue on. Trying to forget about whatever you were thinking before. You walk onto another drawing a few feet away from the last one, this one had three people. They're all drawn with red crayon and they are crazy long stick people. They all had faces too. The shortest one (which looks like a child) is frowning, the second tallest is crying, and the tallest is mad. The tallest one wears glasses. You walk along.
You see many other drawings while walking around the place, before deciding to just follow the damn drawings since they seem to be leading towards somewhere like a path. There were some drawings that you had drawn before on the void of White space, others you don't recognise. Weirdly enough, not a single picture of Rainbow. Which is weird since she's always somewhere in your drawings..
You're speculation was right of course, as the drawings lead towards the last drawing.. a drawing of a window with curtains. It shows the view of a nice sunny day. Beside it reads;
'Lost in the confusion lies the roots of everything, the truth that you've locked away.. you must find it no matter what. Please do it, for the both of us'
Beside the words is a key. You pick it up, yay.
There's a hand on your shoulder. You hold the key close to you, as you use your dominant hand to check your pocket for your knife. It grabs onto your hand next! It might not want to fight..? Hopefully. You look at the person holding you.. only it wasn't a human, it was a disembodied hand. The hand was white in colour with a red outline, the hand leads till it's elbow before fading away. You could call it an arm.. but hand seems more appropriate in the situation. Who the hell grabs onto something with their
A R M.
You stare at in in disbelief, as it slowly loosens its grip on your left hand before petting your hat. Like a dog. Perhaps to.. not scare you? Just as you calm down, you bring your hand away from your knife pocket- it then drags you away by your arm- teleporting you back to Black Space. You were annoyed at first till you remembered about the key, then you were happy about the hand bringing you back. Thank you Mr Hand.
You enter another door, which leads you to a grim looking neighborhood. The place was eerily silent, with no background music whatsoever. The only sound being that of a clock on every house, which shows the same time.
"5:42" am supposedly
You walk across the silent road looking for Stranger, since he wasn't there at all in the last place you would really appreciate it if he appears here, it's just.. really.. eerie. Surrounding the houses are trees, some.. that are upside down? Upside down, grey leaved trees. How great. This is normal. The place itself seemed really uncanny.
You finally find Stranger, who's just chilling around at a carpark for some reason. "When you hid the truth, you sealed a part of me away with it.." wow, he noticed you without even turning around.. now he turns around as he locks eyes with you. "He's been waiting for someone to save him all this time, you know? On that day you became nothing.. I was split in half.. which one do you think was more painful?" He mumbles, before tapping the car's window beside him as he fades away- key. Key? Stranger, where's my key??
Before you could ask him, he fades away. This isn't good.. this place is big, it'll take you a long time to find that dumb key.. you think to yourself, as you put your hands on your hips in frustration. You glance at the car that Stranger tapped on earlier.. at the driver's seat.. sat a key! Oh.. he did tell you.. somewhat. The window was slightly rolled open, so you opened the door from the inside out and obtained the key! How easy! Before you could celebrate for long however, you're brought back to Black space.. thanks to Mr Hand.
"Lunar.. Lunar I love you.."
You stop dead in your tracks, Something stares at you with her long dark hair with her singular eye ball. She sounds so genuine. You..
"Lunar.. I'm so sorry.. I love you.."
Beside her is a stump, the key. Of course, you're standing in a huge forest and of all places.. the key had to be beside her.. You sigh to yourself, as you try your best to ignore Something floating beside the stump to obtain the key.
"Lunar.. please don't ignore me, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. please forgive me, I love you.."
Shut up.. shut up.. please. You obtain your key, as you sprint away. You could hear her cry for you to come back in the distance but you block it out. Shut up. You don't love me. Shut up.
Thanks to Mr Red hand (yes, the hand got a new name upgrade), you're back at Black Space. You steady your breathing, as you continuously sigh out loud, perhaps to show Stranger how annoyed you are. You don't know what you're trying to show him... It's not like he's going to help anyways, all he's going to do is force you to figure out this truth. That you're actually quite interested to learn about now that everyone's talking about it.
You creak open the next door which leads you to a small room, the room was made of marble it seems. Both for the walls and floor, which had tiles in it. Around the place are metal cabinets, that probably hold something useful. And in the middle of the room, the main attraction, is Kitty on a metal table!! There's Kitty!! Finally someone you're familiar with, but just before you're able to run towards it, you're stopped by a grip to your collar.. people sure like grabbing onto your collar.. you turn about, annoyed. You're met with eyes of a cat. You jump a few steps back in shock, the man had a head of a cat with cartoony cat eyes, as he wears a butler suit. He holds onto a tray of nothing.
"Kitty has been very very bad" what. Kitty what did you do? You turn to Kitty, who's just laying on the table, doing its own thing. You turn back to the butler, "Kitty has been very very bad and needs to be punished" punished? Kitty what did you do??? "Do you think Kitty should be punished?" The butler asks you. Well.. if Kitty did something really bad that Kitty needs to get ACTUALLY punished for.. then.. I guess sure. Just as long as- "I see, I'll let you do the honours.." he mumbles, as he walks up to Kitty, strapping it to the table. Hm?
He takes something out of its pocket before injecting Kitty with it. What is he doing. Whatever he injected Kitty with seemed to have made it calm down.. or.. get sleepy..? He walks back to you.. what did he do? "Here.. I'll let you do the honours.." he repeats, as he hands you a.. knife. You stare at the knife, then at the butler. You immediately found out what he meant by that.. the syringe.. the knife.. Kitty strapped to the table- he wants you to kill Kitty. No. No no no. You shake your head, as you hand back the knife to him. "No?" No. No no no, you don't want to kill Kitty. Kitty is your friend. You won't kill Kitty.
"..I see, well it's okay.. I guess I'll just have to do it myself" What. The butler walks away, as you try to stop him- but to no avail.. you're stuck in place! Your feet won't move!! No no no.. he walks towards Kitty, who tilts its head in curiosity. No no no Kitty no.. it's trying to break free now, it knows what's about to happen. Kitty please. As it tries to break free, it looks at you, eyes filled with desperation. 'Help me' it says, 'I don't want to die' I don't want you to die too, Kitty. Don't worry, I'll save you. I'll save you.. just you wait-
Kitty tries to scream, it doesn't know what is happening. It stares at you, "Help me, Lunar. Help me" IM TRYING. The man digs deeper into poor Kitty's stomach, KITTY. You break free from the floor as you charge towards the man, you push him away. As you hold your arms out for Kitty, it's okay Kitty. Everything is fine now, that bad man won't hurt Kitty anymore.
"There's your prize.." what fucking prize, stupid. You turn your head towards Kitty, your eyes widen. Kitty is bleeding.. no Kitty is dead. Kitty is dead and there's a key in Kitty's stomach. That's so mean. That is so mean. You slowly pick out the key from inside it's stomach, making sure to not touch the stains of blood.. you'll have to do it anyways but..
You stare at the man. I hate you. You hurt Kitty. Kitty is dead now. I hate you so much. The red hand (LATE. AS. HELL) comes to save the day by dragging you out the room, but all you do is furrow your eyes at the recently beaten up butler on the floor. He didn't seem to care about his bruises that much though.
The red hands stare at you wiping away the blood stains of the key with a tissue from your tear tissue box, you usually use it for crying.. but it has other uses too. Oh! Also something you found is.. that there are other red hands too! Not just one, and they all hang around in Black space! So funny. They all seemed to be left hands too. Just like you, you're left handed so you're matching with all of them. So cool.
After finally cleaning the key, you enter the next room. You enter a watermelon patch, Both the sky and the grass are a weird mixture of the colours green, cyan and black. Beside the patch of watermelons is a sign, it reads.
'All these melons are rotten, hit them as much as you wish' a bat sits beside it, stained with watermelon juice. Someone must've came here before.. you pick up the bat, it was a nice bat. Reminds you of Gold's bat..
You walk towards one of the watermelons, there was a spot of darkness on the side of its skin.. that must be what's rotten. Ew. Nobody should eat something rotten like that, you smash the watermelon. Its guts spray out everywhere, somehow splatting everywhere but you. Thank you mysterious rotten watermelon. This makes you excited, finally something exciting to do.
You run around the patch, smashing watermelons and watermelons. Around and around, you vent your anger about Kitty out on them. The sign said you could hit as many as you want.. so.. this was probably the only room you actually have enjoyed so far! Even coming back to where you came from, there were more watermelons! They must grow fast.. and also grow rotten because.. they're still rotten.
Watermelon guts fly everywhere
Is it appropriate to call the chunks guts?
Probably not but you like the word guts.
guts, guts, guts..
guts, guts, guts, guts, guts..
You catch your balance after almost tripping, you glance behind you.. did a watermelon just.. yell..? The watermelon gets up from the ground.. it wasn't a watermelon, it was a boy. You must've hit him on accident. But then again, he was lying down.. in a rotten watermelon patch.. where you're literally allowed to hit them as you wish so.. that's kinda all his fault.
He turns around, there was a white flower in his short hair. He wears a green collared shirt with blue overalls on top.. he has green eyes.
"Hey! What gives... .. ECLIPSE!!" The boy yells, surprised to see you. He practically jumps up from the floor, before running up to you. "Eclipse!! You came back for me!! I knew it! I knew you'd come to save me!" What is he talking about? Save..? "Thank you- now! Let's get out of here, this place gives me the chills.." he mumbles, before pushing you away further through the patch.
You could've just told him the door was basically just behind you to begin with.. but.. you're still in the mood for hitting watermelons. "This place is really calm honestly! No loud noises, nobody making a fuss, no yelling, no distractions.. great place to take a nap in! But at one point, those annoying things are now something I look forward to too.. ironic isn't it?" Draco asks, telling you not very needed information.. but you'll take it.
You continue smashing watermelons as he continues talking from the floor. You fill him up on what had happened before, only a bit coldy.. and you leave out some details... You're just not in the mood for telling stories right now. "What?? You met a pirate?!? Bummer!! I wish I was there!! What else? What else happened??" Draco asks, standing behind you. Still in awe about all the adventures you had while he went missing.You sigh to yourself, you continue smashing watermelons as you tell him about how Rainbow talked down the Pirate Captain himself and saved the three of you. Should you really talk about the Humphrey situation though..? You're so tired.
"What?? Really??"
"Rainbow did that? Man, she's so brave!"
"I wish I could've seen that, that would've been hilarious!"
"When are you thinking about learning about the trut-"
...? You feel something splat all over your back. Ew.. what the? You turn around, to find that Draco is gone. The only thing left is a large splat of watermelon chunk juice. Around the floor, the nearby watermelon and mostly.. your back. Ew. You can basically feel it sticking onto your shirt, that's so gross... And- ooh a key! A key sat in the middle of the sticky juice on the floor. This juice came from a watermelon you were hitting, not Draco.
Nice. You pick it up before getting escorted away by two red hands. Once entering Black Space, the juice stained on you were gone. That's what it felt like.. but you still wanted to be sure, so you forced two red hands to wipe your tank top with tissues for about 2 minutes.
There wasn't anything so you basically just wasted two minutes.
You sit calmly on the sand, as you listen to the sounds of the waves crashing together. You entered another door, which led you to a beach. The beach was a colourful beach this time, no monochrome shit. As the light breeze hits you, you close your eyes and think. About all the stuff that happened just now. The place with lots of sound, that place with your drawings, the weird neighbourhood, .. something, Kitty, Draco.. so many things. And you couldn't understand why all those things happened, what are you trying to do. How will you learn this truth? Is it even really that important-
"It sadly is.. a very important thing"
You jolt, the stranger! He sits beside you, also looking at the ocean. The breeze moves his dark hair ever so slightly. "The truth.. it made all our friends suffer, or.. can we still even call them friends?" Friends.. "no matter how much I want it, things can never go back to the same way as before.. but why does part of me still cling to those memories? Is there still hope left for us.. Lunar?" ..please stop calling me that.
My name is Eclipse..
Your name is Eclipse..
Yes.. your name is Eclipse, and you have no idea what's going on- does he have a key or not? Stranger points at the sand..
Something was poking out from underneath it.. the key! Very sneaky.. you poke around in the sand for a while before finally finding it. Yes. You pull out the key, before the red hands appear to take you away once again. Not before dusting the sand of your first, very appreciated.. thank you.
As you get dragged away back to the door, Stranger keeps his eyes on you. He doesn't even look away.
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