25: Hungry Humphrey
The three sea witches fall to the floor, all badly injured.. and by all, you basically mean Marina because she was the only one who did close combat. Thus, the easiest to hit.
"Wooh, aren't I tired.." Molly exclaims, while fanning herself. "Huff.. how.. how did we lose to a bunch of kids! This should've been a piece of cake for us!! We're literally witches?!?!" Marina yells, upset as she punches the ground. Medusa doesn't say anything, as she focuses more on Olive, who had been trying to stop them from fighting the entire fight. That was one of the reasons why the three of you weren't as injured. "Forget it, Marina, we're not cut out for fighting.. we should just stick to our magic stuff instead!" Molly reassures. "Well dolls, we all seem to be past our prime.. perhaps if we were about 200 years younger, maybe things would've been easier!" Medusa exclaims, petting her dog.
*Gurgle gurgle
...? You look around, where has that sound come from? Only when it happens again, you realise it was coming from Humphrey! Who was looking through the large glass tank, his grin more.. bigger than earlier. "Not to alarm you all.. but.. I'm getting a bit.. hungry. Really.. really hungry" He says, his goofy voice much much lower than before. "Yeah, yeah Humphrey.. who's tasked to give the dude clams this week?" Marina asks her sisters. "Well not me that's for sure, isn't it your turn, Medusa?" Molly asks, turning to her sister who shakes her head. "No I'm.. quite sure I fed him last time, wasn't it your turn Marina?" Marina stays silent. "..well I don't have any clams on me.."
Oh dear.. you feel like something bad is about to happen.. "Whale, whale, whale! It seems that you three have run into a pickle!!" Humphrey exclaims, looking at them with his two dotted eyes. "You do remember what happens when I haven't been fed for too long, right?" He asks, as his mouth slowly opens. "Shoot! Kid! You sure you have no money on you??" Marina asks, turning to the three of you. Immediately, you check your pockets. Not a single one.. you would've had a lot.. if it weren't for that stupid toll gate. That took all your stupid clams. With its stupid spinning wheel. With stupid colours.
"YOO-HOO!!!!!" Immediately the three of you jump back in shock, as water flows from the tank. Which, if you're correct, was from the river outside.. in place of the three sea witches and their dog, stands.. Humphrey.
"JUST A WARNING.. IT'S ABOUT TO GET SMELLY.. IT'S TIME FOR YOU ALL TO GET IN MY BELLY!!!" The distorted voice laughs. He's crazy. He's gone mad. "....Olive..?" Funneh mumbles, as she notices Humphrey chewing on something. "OLIVE NO!!" Funneh screams, as she gets dragged away by both you and Gold. "Humphreys gone mad! He's going to eat everyone here!! Where do we go?!?" Gold yells, turning towards you.
We should leave the mansion.
"Oh my god, how though?? We came a long way.. I don't even remember where we came from!!!" Gold yells, that was true.. even you yourself couldn't really remember where you had came from before. The three of you run into a long hallway, as Humphrey bursts through the closed door, chasing the three of you. For him, he sees food.
"You.. stupid.. WHALE. HOW DARE YOU HURT OLIVE" Funneh yells, as she takes her yo-yo, swinging it to Humphreys face. It hits him right in the face, giving you some time to make more distance between you and him. "HE DID NOTHING TO YOU. HOW DARE YOU. HOW DARE YOU!!!!" she continuously swings her yo-yo, having a 50/50 chance of hitting him every swing. This helps immensely.
The three of you enter the beach area from before, everyone was gone though.. except one. Porinu! That weird dinosaur glove thing. It was standing beside something, another tube! It seems to be motioning for you to enter? You point towards the tube, as Gold violently nods before changing the course towards the tube.
And just in time, the three of you squeeze into it and press the button that was present this time. You press yourself onto the glass to look for Porinu, to say your thanks, but that's when you notice. You've only known Porinu for a while.. and vice versa.. but it was already sacrificing itself for the three of you.. as it gets violently chomped to death by Humphrey, all you could do was watch as the tube (which was actually an elevator this time) brings you up. Rest in peace Porinu.. you shall be missed.
The elevator dings, as the three of you exit the tube. You're in a room, a dusty wooden room.. and right now you just came out of a closet. A similar dusty wooden one. Both you and Funneh look around in confusion, where were you? This didn't seem like any place in the sewers. In fact, you seem to be in a master bedroom of some sort. "We're back in the mansion!!" Gold exclaims, upon noticing that the area was familiar as she rushes towards the window. You do the same..
She was correct, you ARE back on land!.. well underwater technically but it was better than being underground.. in a sewer with a crazy killer eating whale. Speaking about that whale.. he might not be able to come up since you don't think he could possibly fit in that tube. Haha, you're saved. The three of you exit the room, as you stand in a open room area that connects to the staircases. Right now you're on the top floor of the mansion, which was the third floor if you're correct.
"Man, that sucks.." Funneh mumbles, still upset over Olive. Gold pats her back, as Funneh continuously sighs to herself. You take this moment to steady your breathing, annoyingly enough. You had to do so much earlier, god you're tired.. maybe tomorrow you can have a chiller adventure.. like maybe going to the beach. Or to a snowy mountain.. to freaking CHILL. Or maybe!! just hanging out with Rainbow. My god.
..wait Rainbow. Your eyes turn white as you swear if your skin could get paler it would've. .. Rainbow. She's.. she's still down there isn't she. What if.. what if she got eaten. Humphrey wouldn't.. he knows he shouldn't.. you fight the urge to go back down. Porinu freaking sacrifice itself to save you.. and you're going back down??? You can't.. but your big sister-
..no way. The door explodes, revealing Humphrey. Who is slanted slightly, as the roof doesn't let him stand any taller. "You think you can get away from me??! The game has only just started!!" He exclaims, immediately the three of you run off. You enter the second floor, but before you could go towards the last floor- SMASH goes the staircases. Humphrey stands on the broken railing. "Don't run off fellas! Since you're my best friends, I have decided that you're gonna be the MAIN. COURSE!!" He exclaims, as his eyes look left to right. Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew no. "Let's start with.. YOU!!" He exclaims before biting down on Funneh's arm. Funneh screams.
"Guys!! Window!!" Gold whisper shouts to the two of you who are trying to stop Humphrey from biting down on Funneh's arm. Blood gushes out of her arm as Funneh resorts to hitting Humphrey with her fist. Blood? It's all coming out like when you sliced Gold with your- Gold? No. Wait- sorry you're confused.
Gold swings her bat at Humphrey with full force, sending him backwards. Funneh hisses a bit at the wound before the three of you running towards the window. Gold had already broken it in a way where literally no glass around the frame. "This might be a hard fall, but it's best we leave then get chomped by mr crazy over there" Gold explains, motioning towards Humphrey who has yet to get up. "Gold.. Gold that looks like a long way I don't wanna.. can't we just use the stairs??" She asks, still gripping onto her wound. "Look, I'd like to use the stairs too, but that FATASS. Broke it in a way where we might as well break out legs and die there.." Gold mumbles.
But Rainbow.. we haven't- Humphrey starts laughing. He gets up, looking at the three of you. "Where are you guys going?? I've only just taken one bite!!" He exclaims, walking forward. Rainbow- guys- Humphrey.. the two of them are hesitant to jump, they're scared. And it's understandable. But they really have to jump if they want to- "NYAK NYAK!!" You push the two of them, sending them falling out the window. You're about to jump too, but your collar gets caught in something.
You're levitating off the floor. This is giving you massive deja vu.. turning around. The thing that your collar got in was none other than HUMPHREYS. FIST. (HE HAD HAND!?!?) He looks at you.
"Oh dear! Looks like most of my food has fallen out of its plate.. well.. it's good to not waste food!!" He exclaims, as he holds you high up in the air. You've done this countless of times now.. you're about to die, then you're saved, you get scared, then you always get saved. You've learned to not get scared anymore.. you just have to wait, someone will save you. "NYAK NYAK!!" He laughs, as slowly his fingers leave your collar. Someone's gonna save you. Someone will save you. Someone.. is going to.. save you.....?
You stand in complete darkness. Have you died? No.. you're supposed to be saved.. someone saved you? Who was it? They had to.. Eclipse never dies..? You don't..
In front of you, a tree. There was no colour to the tree, its outline is just plain white. It seemed to be a very.. familiar tree, but you couldn't remember what it was.
*Tap tap tap
The sound of someone walking. You turn behind you, someone brushes against your shoulder. A man, he seems to be in his late thirties. You couldn't tell, his outline was just plain white like the tree. Why was yours red? The man seems to be in casual wear, a collared t-shirt and some slack pants.. he wore glasses too, as your reflection reflected on its surface.. He wields an axe in his hands. He seems to be gripping on it tightly.. like his life depended on it.
He stops near the tree while gripping onto the axe with both of his hands as he begins swinging at the tree. The sound of wood being hit can be heard each time the axe swings to the trees trunk. The man has his back turned from you, as all you could do was watch. You tilt your head slightly at the side, what is the man.. doing? He's trying to make the tree fall, no shit, but why?
You walk a bit closer to the man and the tree, you want to see if this guy can talk-
"Stay away. You are not my daughter." The low voice exclaims, not even turning towards you as he continue hitting the tree. ...his voice sounded mad, sad.. and just full of grief. "Why.. won't this stupid thing fall..?" You step back. Nevermind. You won't talk to him anymore.
"..Eclipse everything's okay now.."
"You're okay.."
"He's gone, he won't hurt you anymore.."
"It's me, your sister? Rainbow-"
You jolt awake, you're back at the mansion. Humphrey is gone. But he left a ton of mess.. and a huge plastic.. bag? You change your focus to your big sister, you're laying on her lap. "Oh thank goodness! You're awake! I was debating on whether or not I should head down first or not.." She exclaims, as you just stare at her. "Funneh and Gold are worried about you, do you think you can stand?" You think.. you can. Rainbow helps you up as you head towards the window, peeking out of it. You see both Gold and Funneh below. They seem to be in good shape.
Upon noticing you at the window, they wave up at you. They all seemed to be okay.. like nothing ever happened. As you head down the staircase to greet them (with Rainbow helping, you would've just jumped out the window but Rainbow doesn't think it's safe.. and you don't think it's safe for her either) Rainbow fills you in on what had happened while you were out.
Apparently after you fainted (you fainted. Yes you didn't get eaten, you're just a big baby) Rainbow appeared and fed Humphrey a bunch of her cold tofu.. that she had yet to finish. And by a bunch.. she meant he finished the entire thing. And when that wasn't enough, Rainbow gave him all her jelly as well.. that seemed to be enough as Humphrey thanked her and left back to the river. ... Rainbow saved you. You knew it. Someone was going to save you. As you reach the last step, you hug Rainbow.
You thought you were going to die though.. honestly. Rainbow stares at you in surprise, before embracing you too. "Aw what's this, Eclipse? You've been so clingy recently!! Missed me that much?" Yeah. Yeah I missed you.. a lot.
You sit with all your friends, and your sister as you have another picnic outside the mansion. It's funny how Rainbow STILL has some food left over despite her saying that she fed it all to Humphrey. As Funneh and Gold tells her about all the stuff you all went through, you eat silently and peacefully on your side of the blanket.
"Stay away. You are not my daughter"
That wasn't right.. of course.. because you were quite sure you knew him. All you could see was his silhouette, but you're so sure.. you know him. The way he walks, his hair slicked back, he is left handed. Like you. Mom always said you were a splitting image of your father, that's where you got you purple eyes from anyways. Purple. .what are you talking about. That's not right.. this isn't right.. what are you. What are you talking about? ..
This isn't right.
None of this right.
How are you having a picnic..
With your..
Dead sister?
Welcome back, DREAMER.
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