22: Coral
"No Eclipse. Let's not go there.." Gold stops you, you stare at her in confusion. You're even more confused than Funneh didn't say anything back, you squint your eyes to see what she was so scared of.
Another toll booth.
... yeah you can.. you can understand that. "Where do we go? I doubt you have anymore clams left!" Funneh exclaims, turning to you- who does in fact have no more clams left on you. "Uh.. uh look!" Gold points out, the two of you turn to where Gold is pointing. Hiding behind some kelp, sits a dark and deep cave entrance. You look around, this seems like the only way to avoid the next toll booth.. so.. "Do we.. go in or..?" You nod. You're forced to anyways, you're broke now.. the next time you see Rainbow, you'll force her to give you some clams.. if she has any left.
"Man this place is so dark.. oh.. I'm scared, Eclipse.." Gold mumbles, it's true. It is really dark, but you aren't scared of it. You take a deep breath, everything will be okay. "Ugh- Gold, stop clinging to my hand! It hurts you baby!" Funneh exclaims, "huh? Wait- I thought you were Eclipse.. where's Eclipse??"
You stomp your feet to hopefully get her attention, you can't see- might as well try to use your other senses for the time being. "Oh! There you are! You're walking pretty fast.." Gold exclaims, walking away from Funneh. Yeah. Well.. you aren't scared of the dark.. but you prefer being outside thanks.
As you squint your eyes, you could slightly see corals. Colourful corals and kelp, no fishes yet.. but that's probably for the best for now. Especially when you're in the dark, a fish flying to your face is the last thing you'd want.
Upon exiting the cave, you realize that you don't seem to be on the highway anymore. In fact you seem to be on a large oak wood bridge, the surface was pretty beaten down.. telling from the multiple holes in them. Looking down one of them leads to a completely dark void. Something you'd like not to fall down in. "ARGH ITS SO BRIGHT!!" Funneh yells, covering her eyes. Gold glares at her, before glancing up..
"hey.. hold up.. isn't that..?" You turn up too, you're immediately met with a shoe to the face. "Oh! Do you mind throwing that back to me??" She yells, a sly smirk on her face. It's Sweetheart.. above the cave, stood a cliff- where Sweetheart is standing. ..oh you'll give it back alright. Holding onto the heel of the shoe, you throw the shoe with all your might- aiming for her face. Sadly enough, you miss and hit the cliff wall beside her- leaving a dent.
Both Funneh and Gold slowly turns towards you, you're just as shocked as they are. "Oh..OHOHOHOHOHOHOH!! THAT WAS HORRIBLE! LEARN HOW TO AIM, COCKROACH!!" She laughs, as she puts back on her shoe. She runs off, leaving the three of you standing there in confusion. "Aw.. Eclipse! You should've just handed it to me! I would've hit her in the face!" Funneh exclaims, with a smile on her face.
"..or we could've just.. ignored her?" Gold suggests, startling the two of you into silence. "..hm.. that.. could've worked too.." Funneh mumbles. "Eh whatever! Let's head along now!" Funneh exclaims, pointing to the cliff where Sweetheart was originally. "..how do we even get up there though? I don't remember seeing a staircase?" Gold asks, confused. "..Not every place needs a staircase, Gold.. we can only use the traditional way! By climbing." Funneh replies, as she sprints to the cliff. She trips and falls to the ground, immediately getting up and continuing to run.
As Gold tries to hold in her laughter, you notice something fly out of Funneh's pocket. A piece of paper, you notice the green and pink marks on the paper- as you immediately recognise what had fell out. You decide to not save it however, as you watch it fall down silently into the hole beside it. Good riddance honestly.
As Funneh furiously tries her best to grip onto non existent rocks on the cave's walls, you hear a sound and laugh. It sounded like it came from above.. looking up.. Sweetheart jumps off the cliff side, hanging onto her parasol- she glides away, laughing to whatever. Before you and Gold could even react to the sight, she dissapear from sight. "....that's something you surely don't see everyday.." Gold mumbles, before the both of you start chuckling.
"..what? What happened??" Funneh asks, still 5 cm of the ground. ".. Sweetheart left" Gold explains, pointing to where she saw Sweetheart glide off to- "We're heading there now!" "HUH?!?", Funneh lets go of the rocks in shock, "how did she get over there?!? Is there a bridge or something??" Funneh asks, rushing to look at the cliff a second time (which has no bridge) both you and Gold glance at eachother, "..not sure.."
The more farther you go, the more darker it gets.. and the bridge gets more narrower. Multiple jellyfish hover in place, becoming your light source. It's a nice sight to see honestly.. you would continuously stare at them.. if you didn't have to pay attention to the holes in the bridge, or the large kelp in the background that looks like hands calling out for help. You swear one of them had a singular eye..
Before long you finally reach the end of the bridge.. you peek over the edge, it still was a void. ..hm.. however you feel like theres something present below there.. you squint your eyes to take a closer look. You can hear a sigh from behind your back, "no good.. dead end! Where to now?" Funneh asks, in a defeated manner. "I'm not sure.. oh wait! Wasn't there another path earlier? Maybe we should head there!.." Gold exclaims.
You start to notice something, it gets more clearer the more you focus on it. It's.. a white blob.. a blob with a black dot in it.. two..?
A pair of eyes stare right into you from the void.
A staring contest begins between the two of you.. or were there more? You don't dare to look away.. you could hear voices, mumbles, shouts.. echoing from the void. You didn't know what to focus more on, the voices or the eyes? You notice that the eyes were getting closer to you, a bead of sweat runs down your face. That's horrifying.
And upon it getting just below the bridge your kneeling on.. the eyes stop moving. The voices, they too stop. Was it fine to look away now?
"..Eclipse, are you okay?" Funneh asks. You glance towards her.
Oh yeah.. I'm fin-
Something grabs your face. You can't move your head. Your eyes turn to whatever it was. Eyes. Eyes stare at you from the void. A hand was reached out to you, the one holding your face.
"I.. I was just doing what I thought was best for us"
Before you could do anything to defend yourself, you're pulled in.
Just before you hit the ground, you're saved by three long hands- none of them connected to a body. You're released safely onto the ground. You catch your breath, what was that? Where were you? You look around, you're supposedly in the void. But.. it wasn't as dark as you expected it to be, it was dark sure, but not full on darkness.
Around you, corals. Big and small, wide and thin. It was almost like a forest.. a forest of coral.. so pretty honestly if it weren't from that terrifying encounter earlier. Just like from above, jellyfish illuminate the area making you feel much more safer. Oh. Funneh and Gold- you look above, to where the bridge sits. It was so high up, you can't see anything on it. Damnit..
You'll just wait for them here for the time being.. they'll come to get you right? They should.. they're your friends..
"Your memories.."
Hm? You turn to where the whisper-like voice came from, a light green coral. Did the coral talk? No way.. it couldn't possibly have..
"They aren't free.."
Ah. You crouch down to the coral. You'll listen..
"To gain a memory.. another one must be shrouded.. yet, all memories will fade away eventually.."
That's true, that's how memories work. Good job random coral. You get back up as you stand in place, you don't want to walk around. You don't want to get lost, your friends would be so worried!
"The moon and stars.. shined brightly when she was around.." a red coral recites this time, the thing it recites.. sounds so familiar. You walk away from your original spot to where the red coral resides, it repeats the phrase over and over again.. sounding more distressed the more it repeats itself.
"If only you could've just waited. Why did it have to be now.. why now do you break?" Another voice. It sounds more desperate. Another coral perhaps? You walk around the coral forest, looking for the exact coral that said the lines..
"Everyone was so excited.. why did you do that? Why did you have to be so.. selfish?"
Another one. This one sounded angry.
"I hate you"
This one sounded frustrated.
"And you.. oh I hate you the most.."
This one sounds mad but calmer than the last.
"Why.. did she have to do that.. ? Was it all because of the event? I don't understand.. I can't understand..!"
This one is choking on tears.
"It's alright.. she's going to be alright.. everything will be okay, I just know it.."
This one sounds comforting, but scared.
You sit next to the only coral that doesn't try to whisper these things in your head, it hurts. You cover your ears, and shut your eyes. This is too much for you, where are your friends? They should've come to you by now.. have they left you? No.. they wouldn't.. perhaps they fell somewhere too? Perhaps they're actually looking for you.. but you're too far in the coral forest, you're lost. How annoying..
"Oh! Eclipse! There you are!!" A voice. You recognise it instantly, it was Gold. Gold runs up to you and hugs you, as Funneh makes her way towards you. "We were so worried when you fell- are you okay?? Are you hurt?" She asks, looking around you to find any signs of bruises. You shake your head at this as she sighs in relief.
"You must've been waiting for a long time right? Sorry! We spent ages trying to find a road that leaded down..." Funneh apologizes. It's fine. It really is. You're safe now and that's all that matters, you also notice that the voices disappeared. Nobody was talking in your ears anymore, no more shouting.. no more whispering.. no more cries.. it's peaceful again. As it should be..
"Man there's a lot of cool plant things around here!" Funneh points out, "Draco would've been really interested in them... right?" Funneh asks. Both you and Gold glance at eachother. "I guess.. I guess he would.." Gold mumbles. They stay silent for a while..
"..what? Why are we being so quiet?" Funneh laughs, yeah.. you could understand that- it's weird to be around them in silence. It's not normal honestly. "Uh.. hey uh guys? I have a very serious question.." Gold mutters. The two of you turn towards her.
"...do any of you remember what Draco.. looks like?" You stay silent. Not so.. "well! That's why we have that drawing!" Funneh exclaims, shoving her hand into her pocket to find the drawing that didn't just fly away earlier. "He has short hair.. overalls.. uh.. what colour were they.. green?" Blue. His overalls were blue.. or were they?
"He had a flower.. like a single one, Rainbow gave it to him. That one I can remember!" Funneh adds, after just deciding to herself that the drawing wasn't that important. "What colour were his eyes..?" "...oh don't do this to me, Gold.." Funneh mumbles, holding her head in pain. "..I can't remember.. it's all so.. fuzzy.. I miss him! I really do.. I just.. can't remember.. why..?" Funneh asks, distressed. Gold looks at her younger friend, with the same hurt on her face. "Don't worry Funneh.. me too.."
..but we'll still look for him, right?
"Of course! Why wouldn't we.. I bet all of this is because we've been away from him for a long time!" Funneh replies, getting her spirit back up. "He must be so scared and lonely right now.. he'll need a real big hug!" Funneh exclaims, reassuring her friend. "..Yeah you're right, we'll look for him.. and we'll find him.. fast!" Gold mumbles, as Funneh starts talking about spirits or whatever.
.. is it bad that you can't remember what he looks like.. at all?
The three of you walk deeper into the coral forest. The scenery never changes. All you see is corals.. and corals... And corals. Maybe some kelp here and there, and some rocks.. clams.. shells.. but the main attraction would be the corals.
Every now and then, the voices would come back and whisper some bad things into your head.. but you managed to filter them out whenever Gold and Funneh started speaking. It was nice having them here with you again.. you don't know what you would've done if they took longer.. or just.. decided to leave you.. which they would never! That's what they said to you.. and you'll never leave them too.
"Ooh! Holy shoot! That's a large coral!!" Funneh points out, you turn to where she's pointing at. A large dark yellow branch coral sits in the middle of the forest, it looks like a dead tree.. a beaten up swing is attached to one of its branches, swinging in the wind. Kelp surrounds the area, this must've been the most you've seen of kelp in the same area ever since you came here.
"A long time has passed since you have approached this far.." a loud booming female voice exclaims, you flinch at this. "The deeper layers of her world opens up as the DREAMER gets more desperate.." ugh.. this dreamer dude again? Seriously..?
"Imagination is limited.. I've heard that you've been looking for a friend, is that correct?" Your eyes widen slightly.. yeah that's right. You are looking for your friend.. your friend who you can't really remember..
"Ah.. he is no longer in this world. You see, the day he was removed.. he was reborn elsewhere.." what did.. she mean by that? Did he die? No.. you can't..
"He is special to you.. and he cannot leave this place alone.. to retrieve the boy, you must remove yourself from this world.. in a way that is natural in this world.. the world of Headspace" she pauses
"This journey is coming to its end.. and you already know what to do, don't you DREAMER?"
.... Perhaps.
"You have done well my dear, I have granted you knowledge.. but know that I can also grant you power. There is a challenge that may aid you greatly in this world, it is simple without thought and if you succeed.. I will disappear"
dissapear? Despite the quite negative sentence, the emotionless voice sounded rather enthusiastic saying it.
"I offer you this sacrifice.. will you take it?"
Those words were the last words you heard from her as the world turns dark before your very eyes. You feel as if you're drowning, despite the fact you aren't in water.. and you can still breath.. it felt horrible. All you could do is wait.. and before long, a spotlight from above shines onto the coral, illuminating it.
The floor was blood red. Your friends are gone.. all of the corals around you making up the forest.. was gone.. the coral branch is the only one that keeps its place.. with a new friend. Leaning on the coral, lies a headless body. The body wears a white collared shirt, covered with a black vest. You cannot tell who the body belongs to.. you stare at the body.. was this.. perhaps supposed to be the sacrifice?-
You adjust your eyes to what is given to you, a hand (similar to the one which dragged you down to the void earlier) sits in the body's chest, handing you what looks to be an.. apple. You take the apple, as the hand just sits there.. in the body's chest.. not moving.
You focus on the apple.. what a delicious sight. It's shiny red coat reflects the light illuminated from above. The apple looked a bit.. slightly deformed.. a bit longer and a bit narrow.. and it felt a bit squishy.. but you're not the picky type. You bring it close to your mouth. Bearing your teeth, you bite down on it.
Juice splatters everywhere. It's okay. You take another bite out of the apple. It was good, in fact.. it was delicious. Before you know it, you finish the apple. You wipe your mouth with your hand, the juice from the apple was an interesting red colour.. blood red to be specific. But you don't mind. It was good. That's all you care about..
"The tree is dead.." Gold mumbles, looking at the coral branch. Dead and pale. "..The poor thing.." "..well, let's keep going I guess!" Funneh exclaims, not caring about the dead tree in front of her. She walks off, before being followed by both Gold and you.
The three of you make your way through the forest.. after that weird encounter, none of the corals tried to talk to you ever again.. makes you less anxious now honestly. "We've been walking for a while now.. ohno.. what if we're lost?" Gold asks, covering her mouth in a scared like manner.
".. Weren't we though? Like.. it's quite obvious" Funneh mumbles to you, you shrug at this. "It's okay Gold! We'll find our way out- then we'll stop Sweetheart from doing stupid things!" Funneh reassures her older friend, getting her to calm down a bit. You focus back on the path, looking around- you notice that there are less corals around.. and before long you exit the coral forest.
There were still some corals from here to there, but they don't count as a forest so for all you know.. you've finally escaped.
"...Hey.. what is that?" Gold points out, pointing forward. Both you and Funneh look around to find what Gold saw that was so interesting for her to point it out. "..I don't see it" "Well duh! It's foggy- here! Come closer!!" Gold exclaims, as she runs off. The place was getting a bit foggy, a similar fog to when you were in the playground earlier.. when Rainbow left you.. for a shortcut.
"Oh! Ohhh I see it! Eclipse look!" Funneh shouts, pointing to where Gold was pointing at earlier. Squinting your eyes, you finally notice it. A run down three-storey mansion, with water circling around it. It gave quite creepy vibes for some reason.. as both your friends run towards the mansion, you notice a sign pointing to the house. In bold red paint.. it says
Oh that's cool.. that's really cool, you run off.
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