18: The deep end
..It's hard to breath.
What happened? You can't recall.. Gold pushed you.. into.. where..- you try to open your eyes, it hurts but you want to at least get a look at your surroundings.. you feel like your floating in water.
You were in fact in water, deep in the ocean actually.. no sea life to be seen.. not even coral, just you and the suffocating water engulfing you. You can't seem to move, you're frozen in place. All you could do is wait, wait for your slow demise.. you accidentally breath in-...
...You're okay. You can breath underwater. What the hell? You see something shiny above you, it falls down slowly towards you. You wait patiently before grabbing onto it once it gets reachable. You look at the item you obtained.. a kitchen knife. Very nice.. you haven't held a knife in so long.. after Funneh took your other one.. the other kitchen supplies were either packed up or at your new home so you couldn't get yourself a new weapon even if you wanted to..
You felt like you were being dragged down, looking down- you notice what had been dragging you. A large weird black blob with multiple eyes staring at you from below, it's tentacle reaching around for more victims, you happened to be said victim. It's eyes lock on you as it's mouth (which you haven't noticed before) opened up, revealing multiple rows of canine teeth.
..Your skin turns pale at the sight. You tried wiggling out of the tight grip of the tentacle, but after that attempt obviously did not work, you tried stabbing it with your knife. Please.. despite this attempt, you get dragged down yet again. You struggle to breath the more closer you get to the monster.. help. Help.. please-
"Steady your heartbeat.. don't be afraid.. it's not as scary as you think"
Your heartbeat? ..you slow down your breathing. Your heartbeat steadies, as the monster drags you down further. What do you do..?
"You have to keep going.. don't give up, no matter how impossible it seems.." you stay persistent, as you continue slashing your knife at the thing. It doesn't seem to do damage.. but you've calmed down now..
..a monster like this doesn't exist..
oh thank god"
"Thank god you aren't dead.."
The yells of your friends send you back into reality, as you cough out water. "You're alive.. ugh.. I was horrified.." he mumbles.. "..You.. you okay?" Draco asks you, just as drenched as you are. "...You didn't get too deep in luckily.." he mumbles. He turns his attention to the two girls fighting in the background, "..Can you walk?" He asks you. Yeah.. you think, you stand up. Wobbling a bit, but yeah.. you're still good..
Draco gets up with you, however his attention stays on the water. It looks like he saw a ghost.. Funneh and Gold both notice you, as Funneh runs up to you- embracing you. "LUNAR- LUNAR!! YOU'RE OKAY!! THANK GOODNESS!!!" she exclaims, hugging you tightly. You stare at her, then at Gold. Who just stares in shock, she's frozen in place.
"Shit- you're all wet.. let's head back home!" Funneh exclaims, holding your arm- as she leads you out the area-
"..Sorry-" hm? You turn towards Gold, who's looking right at you. ".. wh- you're gonna leave me again?.. hm.. go figure.." she mumbles the last part sarcastically, as she turns away, refusing to make eye contact after that. Funneh and Draco too refuse to look at her, as they walk off.
"Man, today has been such a long day.. how you holding up?" Funneh asks you, who is still drenched. It kinda dried up a bit, so you don't look like you just jumped into a pool or something (which was sorta what happened honestly) You nod as Funneh sighs in relief. "..I'm sorry for all of that, Lunar.. you didn't deserve that" Funneh continues, looking at you. Draco had went home already, so it's just the two of you- walking back to your house.
"I was right there, and I could've prevented that.. but I was so.. caught up on what Gold said that I wasn't paying attention!" She exclaims, hands in the air. "..It's all my fault" she mumbles. ...it wasn't all her.. if you haven't left, everything would've been okay..- no, if Rainbow didn't die.. everything would've been amazing. If only she didn't..
Funneh flinches at her name being called, she turns towards the house- her house. Her mother was standing at the door, with her arms crossed. "Don't you know it's already sunset?? And I told you to come BEFORE that?!?" "ah- sorry mom" "And- is that Lunar?" She asks, eyes squinting. "Ah! Wait- I was just going to reheat dinner! Come in!" She exclaims, motioning for the two of you to come in.
"..Mom she isn't really-" you stop Funneh, you suddenly remember what she meant by that.. roasted chicken, beats eating steak everyday! "..You sure, Lunar? I don't want you to feel forced to head there or anything.." You're very sure, you nod your head to signal your choice as Funneh smiles at this. "..Well then.. okay"
Her mom freaked out when she saw you all wet, so she forced Funneh to bring you up to her room to dry you off. You decide to not wear the jacket anymore as you sit on Funneh's bed with a hair dryer, blowing hot air into your face. Despite it had stopped raining for about three hours now, it was still cold out.. how weird.
Funneh's room was quite big, with a medium sized bed in the middle of the room with a computer in the right side of the room and wardrobes on the left. The walls decorated with posters or picture frames of herself, her family.. or even your group! The walls were a pastel blue colour, the floor a wooden beige. Funneh walks away from her closet, a defeated look on her face. "Sorry Lunar! None of my clothes fit you! They're all way to big" Funneh exclaims, just as surprised as you are.
"You don't mind wearing your shirt for now.. right?" You don't mind, you shake your head as Funneh hums in reply. She turns to look at your jacket, which has been left to dry on a hanger at her wardrobe. "..Ah! That's why it looked so familiar- isn't that Rainbow's jacket?" Funneh asks, turning towards you. Spot on, you nod your head in approval. "..Man, I miss her" she mumbles, her eyes fixated on the jacket.
The two of sit on the bed in awkward silence, the hair dryer not helping at all in this situation. "How.. do you feel about moving, Lunar?" She randomly asks, taking you off guard. You honestly completely forgot about that. You shrug, as you start drying the back of your hair with the hair dryer.
".. Like, do you feel scared? Excited? Happy? I never really thought about moving, not a lot of people move out of this town.. it's usually people moving IN!" Funneh exclaims, "and when people move out, they're mostly people I never really knew so I don't mind.. but this times different" Funneh mumbles, turning towards you. "My friend is moving away.." her eyes gives a hint of sadness. You regret never hanging out with all of them, the last time you'll ever get to hang out with her is tommorow. And yet there's so much more for you to do..
"..I know I'm acting all dramatic and all.. but I'll really miss all our memories together.. all those picnics we had, all those trips we went on, all those laughs.. the good old days" Funneh mumbles. "Lazing around, eating food, not giving a care for the world.. that's something I miss honestly, whenever I had something slightly wrong go on to me.. you know who I would go to? Rainbow. I rarely head to her for important stuff like that, yet she takes me in.. she was a good person.. I can never understand why she would.." Funneh pauses again. ..this explains why sometimes you'd wake up to Funneh in your house. You always just thought she broke in and nobody really gave a shit.
"..Oh my god, this was supposed to be about you, why the hell am I talking about Rainbow-" she laughs, you could see a slightly pained expression on her face.. she's laughing through the thought. You envy her. You really do.
"Just- don't worry about moving okay?" She turns to you. "See moving as more of a.. opportunity! A new chapter of your life! You'll make new friends, meet new people, do new things.." did she Google this? Funneh awkwardly pauses for a bit, "man I'm going to miss you.. you'll still visit right?" Of course. Why wouldn't you-
Yay dinner. "We should get going then!" Funneh exclaims, happy that she didn't need to continue on her weird rambling.
After not a lot of insisting as you thought, you and Funneh were allowed to eat in front of the TV. Funneh sits on the couch, while you're on the floor. Funneh's mom wanted to bring over a small table or something for you, but you declined the offer. Something you learned from Rainbow is that to never trouble the home owner whenever you're at their house.. or just in general.
The show was something about animals or something, maybe an animal documentary. It looks boring.. maybe you'll- OH MY GOD A PANDA. You flinch at the appearance of a panda on screen, it's.. IT'S A DOCUMENTARY ON PANDAS. You start vibrating in place, concerning Funneh.
"..Oh! Aren't pandas your favourite animal then? Are they still your favourite now?" Funneh asks, but by your reaction she seemed to be able to figure out the answer. Pandas are cute. Who could possibly hate them? The small little cuties.
"..Hey quick question, is everything at your home at your new home now?" Funneh randomly asks. "Like.. is everything gone.. or..?" Well, you still have some stuff, you're just waiting for the moving people to move the main stuff.. like tables, sofas..
..she can't read your thought. You forgot. You bring out your hand, and hold your pointer and thumb together, that's supposed to mean a little. "Ah, only packed a little?" No. You shake your head. "Only leave a little then!" Funneh guesses, liking the weird guessing game you guys are having. You nod, holding a thumbs up.
"Ah.. hm I see.." Funneh mumbles, somethings on her mind. Was it the whole moving thing? The whole situation earlier with Gold? Rainbow??? "Hey would you mind if I head over to your house later??" Man, this woman-
Huh? You turn towards Funneh, who stares right back at you. "..wait that was really all of a sudden- it's just, you know.. I haven't seen the inside of your house in like.. four years! I just need one last burst of nostalgia before you leave.. and I don't wanna disturb you tommorow, you need your beauty sleep!" She explains, you honestly don't mind this. You need the company anyways, because you are NOT fighting another nightmare later when you get home, it's tiring honestly.
"Huh? Really?? You really don't mind?!?" She asks after watching you nod. You nod again as Funneh jumps up from her sofa, empty plate in hand. "Thanks Lunar! One second- I'll ask my mom! She won't mind obviously but you know-" she exclaims, taking away your empty dish too as she walks into the kitchen where her parents sit. ... you're alone now.
You turn back towards the panda documentary. Right now theres a scene where they're all cuddling together.. so cute..
...it's really awkward without Funneh.. actually. You bring your knees towards you, hugging them. What does one do.. when they wait. Just pretend you're busy I suppose.
You don't deserve this.
Something tells you. You don't..
You could feel an arm wrap around your neck, hugging you from behind. Despite being unable to see who.. you can guess. Her long black hair goes over your shoulder. You close your eyes, as you try to steady your heartbeat.. once again.
WHAT THE FUCK- You were startled so badly, SHE disappeared. You get up as Funneh walks towards you. "She even told me to not keep you waiting.. and she did MY DISHES!! WHAT A LUCKY CHARM YOU ARE" Funneh dramatically sobs, side hugging you. ..a lucky charm..
You leave the house, the sky an inky black. Despite your trauma with inky black stuff, you feel oddly comfortable. Everything feels nice.. since the two of you are neighbours, it doesn't take long to reach your house. You open the door, letting Funneh in. "Wow you don't even lock your door!! Aren't you scared of burglars?" Funneh asks, as you make a face. "..Yeah you're right, that hasn't been an issue every since we were kids! But just for good measures of course!" She exclaims. "Don't go leaving your door unlocked when you move away! First day at the town and you already lost your stuff" she jokes.
You turn behind to turn on the light switch, but it doesn't work.. ah shoot, that's right- there's no electricity right now.. Funneh notices this. "Ah- no it's fine, Lunar!! I'm more taken aback by how clear this place is!" Funneh yells, trying to create an echo... Which sorta worked. "I don't even remember your house being this big.. you must've had lots of furniture.." maybe..
The grey sofa's in the living room were honestly the only thing in that room, it was weird honestly. "Oh- these are the couches we used to sit on when we watched all those Saturday cartoons!" She exclaims, sitting on it. It was a bit dusty... but she didn't mind.. or notice. She notices the sliding door behind the sofa, which should lead to the backyard. "Oh yeah!! Lunar, do you still have that treehouse in your backyard?" Funneh asks, pointing towards the door. ..you doubt it'd be gone. It should be there, yes.. you nod.
"Man.. I wonder if I can see it from here?" She asks, getting up from the couch and running towards the door. She presses herself against it, as she tries to look at it. Due to it being night time it makes it harder to see the treehouse, overcome by shadow..
"Nah can't see it" she mumbles, turning away from the sliding door and towards you, who stands beside her. "But I could see it's silhouette! I'm surprised you haven't taken it down!" Honestly.. HE didn't have the heart to take down all that hard work.. that or dad was too lazy to.
"..Gee, this'll be the last time I'll be here.. weirdly enough, I'm gonna miss this place.." she mumbles. She looks a bit sad, as she looks around the place. She suddenly turns towards you, a plan in her head. "So! I know this is random (but you're my friend so you're probably already used to this) AND this is just a suggestion not a-" you nod at this, whatever it is.. it sounds bad.
"..What if I sleepover?" Funneh asks, "like I said, just a suggestion! If you don't want me here, I completely understand- but you know like.. when will I ever get a chance to sleepover here again? Never actually.." she mumbles to herself, as you sleepily nod. "...wait, which thing are you answering to? The sleepover thing or..." You nod again at that.
Laughter fills the living room as the lights turn off. "Okay kids, time for bed!" Mom would exclaim, as the four of you (because Rainbow would already be on the sofa, ready to sleep) run towards the mattresses on the floor. "Kid?!? Just so you know I qualify as a teen-" "Teens need to sleep early too" "that wasn't what I meant though.." Rainbow mumbled, as she made a sad face- as a few giggles come out of your friends.
A swarm of goodnights came to your mom as she leaves the room, leaving the five of you alone. In a sleepover, Rainbow would always fall asleep first.. then it was a battle on who could stay up the latest. The last sleepovers winner was Funneh, but at a cost of her missing the first morning cartoon.. she stayed awake till four am! You four would talk about a lot of stuff, gossiping about teachers, talking about random subjects, playing games.. anything!
Then either mom and dad would walk down to investigate the noise, scaring the hell out of the four of you..
Then you'd wake up the next day as you find out the late night winner, watch cartoons, play around.. That would be the usual sleepover for you.. until you started taking up the violin. Every weekend then, you'd have practices in the afternoon- cutting your time short to hang out with your friends.. you hated the violin. But you only did it for one person.. a person named Rainbow.
Despite this.. you miss those days..
Funneh slams the blanket onto the floor, as you throw pillows towards her for her to sleep on. "Thanks again for letting me sleepover, Lunar! Mom gave me quite an earful when I called her earlier.. something about having to be thankful that I have a good friend like you.. which I am!" That's nice to hear. Funneh places the pillows down onto the blanket, as she lays on her back.
You stare at her.. you wish you haven't gotten rid of that mattress when mom asked about it before she left. Now Funneh has to sleep on the cold wood floor, you tried forcing her to sleep on your bed while you took the floor- but you can tell who ended up winning the arguement in the end..
Funneh notices the stare of pity as she reassures you that she honestly doesn't mind and that she's just happy that she can hang out with you like this again..
"Well then! This might come as a shocker for you, but ever since I started high school.. I have been an early sleeper! I sleep early now" Funneh exclaims, and yes.. this does come as a shock to you. "So now I'll be dozing off now, if you ever want to tell me anything though- just kick me or something- I'll wake up!"
... "Goodnight Lunar"
.. Yeah.. goodnight.
She dozed off after that.. she wasn't kidding when she said she slept early now. Surprisingly enough, with her presence you feel.. less scared. Something hasn't appeared yet. Nothing has tried to scare you yet.. that's good.. that's great actually..
Now you can sleep in peace..
You close your eyes, as you start to doze off..
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