14: The dungeon
"Hey ★★★★★?"
"Everything is going to be okay right?"
The childish male voice asks, "nobody will know.. and everything will be okay.. right?" You stay silent, there is no more you can say. "She's gonna be alright.."
Your eyes open, you're laying down on something cold.. ew something wet? You get up as you adjust to your surroundings. Right now, you sit in a small cobble room, a small messy bed is placed in the corner of the room with some deep hole beside it. On the ceiling is a broken ceiling lights that keeps flickering and making this.. very annoying sound.. plus the water dripping from the ceiling and onto the cold floor.. ugh.. everything has noise here..
In front of you, two girls stand. One yelling and the other one just watching, she glances behind her at first then fully turns when she notices that you're awake. She walks up to you.
"Eclipse! You're awake!!" Gold exclaims, "you really didn't have to do that.. my head's okay, promise" Gold explains, when she notices the concern in your eyes. "It was kinda expected.. that girl really has an ego.." Gold mumbles as she turns towards Funneh, who's still yelling at the guard in front of her cell from behind the cell's bars.
"Okay- I could pay you a few pieces of lint, a piece of probably expired gum and a pebble if you PLEASE let us out?" Funneh bargains, as she pulls out stuff out of her pockets to show to the guard.
"None of that is valuable" "IT IS TO ME" Funneh cries, "please let us out.. at the very least those two- they did nothing wrong!!!" Funneh dramatically cries, despite how nice and selfless that sounds, you've rehearsed that plan before. Where if they ever got caught for something, Funneh would use the 'take me not them' trick which gives the two of you time to bust her out when the guards aren't looking. Solid plan, if not for the fact the guard wasn't even listening to what Funneh was saying.
"...Oh? You have a visitor" The spout mole mutters, as he leaves the room. Once the sprout mole leaves, two figures enter the room. One is a sprout mole wearing the same attire as the sprout mole from earlier, a knight suit. Beside it is a tall (compared to the sprout mole) woman with pink hair in a.. pony..tail-
"RAINBOW!!" Funneh yells, as both you and Gold quickly make your way to the bars. "Oh my- so it was true.. what're you guys doing in here??" Rainbow asks, just as confused as you thought she'd be. "Rainbow- we were going here.. and then we saw these things.. and then we accidentally um.. that. And then-" "do you think she understands that you dumb idiot" Gold bluntly asks, as Funneh makes a face.
"Well ma'am, your children-" "oh they aren't-' "-YOUR CHILDREN were found guilty of beating up three innocent individuals, killing two of them, taking their place and participating in a game show they knew nothing about and insulting the majesty that is Sweetheart" "..." Rainbow stares blankly at the guard, before looking at the three of you with a mix of both disappointment and anger on her face with her hands on her hips. The anger was slight, but it was still pretty obvious.
"Why would you that?" She scolds, the three of you immediately look away from her in regret. "Well Rainbow.. it was all Funneh's fault" "WHAT." Funneh asks, making a face at Gold that is telling her to shut up or else. "She just.. drop kicked a sprout mole so I thought it was bad and stuff.. and then we just.. and then everything just.. hm" Gold mumbles, trying to find a way to make them sound innocent.. but she couldn't find a thing to place between them beating the sprout moles up and getting to the game show.
Rainbow sighs at this, "Well then, you do kinda deserve this right?" She asks, with you three nodding slightly. She sighs again, "...How much?" "How much what?" "How much to get them out?" Rainbow asks the guard, you notice both your friends faces lit up at this. Were they expecting Rainbow to leave them here? Hah.. you weren't guilty of that thought too, nope.
"How much do.. you think it is?" The spout mole asks, making a face. You stick your tongue at it, the dumb butt making a dumb butt face. "I don't know about.. four.. hundred?" Rainbow asks, a confused grin on her face. "Hmm.. no three thousand clams" your mouth drops in shock at this, THREE THOUSAND? that seems like quite a lot of money.
"... okay" Rainbow innocently replies, as she pulls out a small drawstring pouch bag from her skirts pocket and hands it to the guard. "..how much is this?" He asks again, opening it up. "Three thousand? Like you said?" "...HAHAHAHHAHAHH" The guard laughs.. just as you expected, you facepalm.
"..? What?" Rainbow asks as the guard starts calming down. "You fool! You can't just bail a newly placed prisoner!! Sweethearts dungeon doesn't allow it!! If you wrong Sweetheart, you're stuck here forever!!" The guard laughs as Rainbow lets out a startled gasp. "And no refunds!! Hahah!!" It laughs, as it runs off- as if to insure it's newly gotten money won't be stolen back by her.
"...Ohno Rainbow.. your three thousand!" Gold exclaims, pointing at the door the guard left in. "Oh no worries Gold, there wasn't even three thousand in that pouch.. more like.. three...ty- thirty. There was only like thirty clams" Rainbow smirks, as the three of you behind bars exchange glances.
"Oh my god- RAINBOW! you're a genius!!!" Funneh exclaims, as Rainbow reaches into her pocket. "And while that sprout mole was excited with the bait, I managed to take this from it!" She exclaims, pulling out multiple keys from her pocket. "Rainbow!! You're so cool- thanks so much!!" Gold exclaims, as Rainbow starts trying each key on the lock. "Well, I can't leave you guys like this, right? But this doesn't mean you're not in trouble anymore" Rainbow bluntly says the last sentence, as the two of your friends laugh awkwardly.
The door creeks open, as the three of you run out. The four of you fall into an embrace, "okay okay- missed you guys too" Rainbow exclaims, she was trying to keep her mad face on but she just.. couldn't. She couldn't stay mad, and that's something you find so funny.
"Hey! What're you doing out?" The four of you stare at a different guard, the sprout supposedly on his head is replaced with the edge of a sword. "..I paid for a.. bail?" Rainbow replies, "..there's no-" RA!" Funneh yells, as she dropkicks the sprout mole. He falls onto the ground, you were just about to grab your knife too.. wait.. where was your knife, you check your pockets as Rainbow scolds Funneh for her impulsive action.
"We are now trying to clear your name .. so.. no more killing sprout moles.. okay?" Rainbow asks, "but Rainbow he was going to-" "okay?" Rainbow demands, more louder this time. Funneh droops her head as she nods. As an apology for raising her voice, Rainbow ruffles Funneh's hair.
Where's my knife? It's not in my pocket..
"Those guards took it after you tried killing that one sprout mole in the crowd" Gold explains, "they took my bat and Funneh's pipe too" Gold points towards Funneh. "..You killed someone too??" Rainbow asks, hands on hips again, this time targeted at you. Not killed.. almost.
Rainbow sighs, as she holds her head.
"It's okay Eclipse, let's.. let's just not hurt any more people okay? Specifically sprout moles" she commands, the three of you agree in unison. "Alright let's go find your stuff and leave"
The four of you walk down the dark narrow cobble hallway being lit up only by torches. As you walk, you look at the cells beside you, some were empty but there were all mostly full, full of wrongly accused sprout moles. Some crying, some pleading to the guards to let them out, some sitting around emotionless.. oh there was even one on the ceiling. Ceiling?
You try to lean forward to look at how this sprout mole was flying when Rainbow drags you away from the cell. You'll never know.
You walk down a dark staircase, it was one of those spiral ones so Funneh took her time walking down them. Once she finally takes her last step, you start moving onwards again. "Hey have you heard? Some prisoners escaped" a noise says, the four of you hide behind a dark corner. "It was those prisoners that attended the game show earlier, you saw it right?" "Well I was busy in the dungeon you know, didn't have the time, but I did get a glimpse of them from the tv that broadcasts the show" another sprout mole exclaims, "yeah great, so while me and the other guards are looking for them upstairs, I want you to guard the store room, just in case they come back for their weapons.. understand?" "Yup"
"If they're too much for you, just yell- we'll send moles for you" "got it" "thanks, newbie" the sprout mole starts walking in your direction, he doesn't seem to notice you as he walks up the spiral staircase. "...you heard that right? Our weapons are inside a storeroom.." Gold repeats, as she points at the sprout mole guard. Unlike the others, it was less geared up in fact, it had no armour! All it holds is a sword bigger than its own head! "Maybe that dude might know something.."
"..Rainbow.. Gold's suggesting to kill that sprout mole" Funneh blurts out, as Gold immediately shoots down the accusation. "I am not! I was suggesting to go up to it and ASKING where the room is!!" Gold yells, she immediately covers her mouth as she hears the sound of confusion and footsteps heading towards them. "..great going, genius" Funneh mutters as they instinctively start hugging the wall.
"Hi sir" Rainbow greets, the three of you stand behind her- like.. it was probably really obvious that there were people behind her.. but who knows! "You see I.." Rainbow pauses, trying to think of an excuse. "Those guards above told me to place this.. rock inside a.. storeroom" Rainbow exclaims, as she pulls out a rock from her skirts pocket.. specifically Rainbow Jr.
"Do you happen to know where this.. storeroom is?" Rainbow asks, tilting her head. The unarmoured guard stared in silence before mumbling something under its breath, "yeah just take a left.. it should be the last door on your right" "alright! Thank you!!" Rainbow exclaims, she stays put as she waits for the sprout mole to leave.. but it doesn't.
"..well.. aren't you going to.. do your duties or something?"
"Well.. my duty is to guard the storeroom"
"Because we have some dangerous items in there that NEED to be kept safe" the sprout mole exclaims, as it starts to get suspicious. Rainbow's eyes dart the room, both waiting and searching for any way to get the dude away from her for a good amount of time.
"...Wait who's that behind your- AGH" the sprout mole falls to the ground, presumably dead. You stand above it, rubbing the fist you decided to punch it with. "..." "...Oh- Eclipse!!" Rainbow exclaims, mad. She (like usual when mad) places her hands on her hips. You raise an eyebrow at this, was she not happy that one obstacle is gone now? We can go now.
For the next few minutes, Rainbow lectured you about punching people in the face and how wrong it is to do it. Funneh snickers at the sight while Gold looks around the hallway while the lecture goes on.
"Once we get back, you'll be in big trouble madam!"
"Last door of the hallway right? This should be it!!" Gold exclaims, as she points at a door on her right. Beside the door, a pink flamingo stands. It seems to be a plastic decor. "Hehe I'm gonna stick my finger into its beak" Funneh whispers, as she slowly places her pinky in the birds beak.
"GRA (A special hell for you my dear ^^)"
It starts talking, as Funneh reclined her finger in shock. "Oh.. its beak moves.." Funneh laughs, as she holds her hand.
"GRA GRA!! (Signed, SWH 💕)"
After a minute of debating on whether or not there was people in the room, you decide to take one for the team and creak open the door yourself. The room was quite dark, good they actually try to save electricity here.
"There's the light switch!"
Funneh exclaims, as she presses it. Immediately the room was lit up, the room was a size of an average bedroom. The walls are the same grey cobble colour, however the floor is wooden beige. How nice. A vanity sits in the corner of the room with a jukebox sitting beside it.
On the wall Infront of the door, is a huge painting of stars that take up the entirety of the wall.. it reeks of melting plastic. And pointed at them is a navy blue telescope, its lens is covered by tape. You try peeling it off but it's almost like it was glued shut.. no stealing for you then.
The room was really furnished and gives off a completely different vibe than the rooms from before, despite the room being packed to the brim with boxes and useless stuff. "Hey! I found our stuff!!" Gold exclaims, as she picks up her bat from the vanity. She hands you your knife back, as you place it back in your pocket.. safe and sound.. in its home.
"Hey.. wheres my pipe! I stole that, and it was very precious!!" Funneh complains, looking around the vanity. "You-" Rainbow doesn't even try to finish her sentence, she just sighs. "Well, I can't find it.. maybe they disposed of it because it was too dangerous?" Gold suggests. "What?? Why would they do that?? In any case, they should've disposed of Eclipse's knife and YOUR bat since they're dangerous too!" Funneh exclaims, confused.
"Or maybe they just used it for their pipe work" Gold suggests, shrugging. "..that makes sense" Funneh mumbles, still a bit upset. "Well, it's okay Funneh.. we can find a replacement weapon for you soon" Rainbow reassures, making the blue eyed girl less upset. You turn towards the corner of the room.. a closet.
Without warning, you decide to open it up and see what's inside.. nothing amazing as you expected, just some clothes.. and clothes.. and ooh a vacation looking shirt.. wait..
Wait. Wait.
"What. What?" Gold repeats, as she walks up to you to take a closer look at whatever you're staring at. "Wait those clothes looks awfully similar to.. Captain Spaceboy's??" Gold exclaims, immediately Funneh starts sprinting towards them. "Shut up." Funneh mutters in disbelief, as she pulls out a hanger with one of the outfits.
It's his summer shirt from when he went to that one planet for a vacation.. the red shirt with patterns of flowers.. "yeah.. and it's exact.. and it's all dusty too" she mumbles, dusting off the dust. "And look! There's that exact same tear that he got when he was fighting with those slime blobs!!" She exclaims, as she points towards the big tear in the middle of the t-shirt.
"Wow you must know a lot about this Captain Spaceboy" Rainbow exclaims, trying to find what was so interesting about the shirt. "..that means.. this must be Captain Spaceboy's old room!!" Funneh exclaims, now that she pointed it out.. it was quite obvious! The space themed walls.. the telescope.. the many many many pictures of Sweetheart on the walls.. you thought it was a choice of decor made by the sprout moles or Sweetheart herself.
"And they made it into a storeroom.." Gold mumbles, as she turns her attention towards the many boxes on the floor. "Ooh look what I found, a sprout mole mask!!" Funneh exclaims, pulling out a mask from inside the closet. "Hey- Funneh what are you.." suddenly your vision turns black, you obviously get scared at the sudden blindness.. yet you could still hear voices.
Suddenly you get your vision back again, "Look!! Eclipse is a sprout mole now!!" Funneh laughs, you tilt your head in confusion. You touch your face and pull off whatever Funneh placed on your face. It was a sprout mole mask, it's eyes carved out poorly.. explains why you couldn't see earlier. "Aw.. that looks really cute on you!" Rainbow laughs, you stare at the mask and back at her. You sigh as you place it back on your head again, if Rainbow likes it.. you could probably deal with it for a few more seconds..
She laughs for a bit, "okay- but maybe.. we shouldn't be taking stuff that isn't ours! We're only here for your stuff after all!" She exclaims, as she walks up to you and takes the mask off your face. Did she like it or no.
"Rainbow.. technically speaking.. we're criminals" Funneh mutters, dramatically. "And from what I heard earlier at the stairwell.. they're looking for us, no?" Funneh explains, as she continuously digs her hands into a random box. "And we can't get ourselves caught.. so we need disguises" Funneh exclaims before pulling out something she was looking for.
Another sprout mole mask!
She jumps up and immediately shoves it onto Gold's face. "HEY-" Gold pulls away, as she pulls the mask off her face, revealing a very annoyed look. "Does that.. does that make sense to you?" Funneh asks, turning towards your sister.
"This IS a storeroom after all, and some of these stuff have already caught dust!', she pauses to dust some dust off Gold's mask, "they aren't using this.. so we aren't technically stealing.. we're just taking something they don't need anymore.. like what those guys say 'one man's trash is another man's treasure!'" she exclaims, "that makes sense right? It's just simple logic!" Funneh shrugs, you turn towards your big sister again, she seems to be contemplating her morals in her head.
"..Yeah that makes sense" Rainbow shrugs, as she places the mask back on your face.. without warning. "Yuss.." Funneh mumbles, as she makes a face at Gold. The girl sighs as she puts the mask back on her face.
"I don't need one right?"
"Yeah, since you didn't really do anything bad and.. in fact they probably won't even recognise you! Just us!" Funneh continues, hiding her laughter as she continuously stares at a very annoyed Gold under a sprout mole mask. You want to too but, a) you're wearing a sprout mole mask too and b) she seems to be gripping onto that baseball bat.. hard.
"Then this is just for you!!" Rainbow exclaims, as she gives something to Funneh. She takes it and stares at it, you and Gold head towards them to see what Funneh was given..A frog mask.
Gold immediately starts snickering. "Nuh uh" Funneh grins, hoping that this was a joke. "Yuh uh, it's only fair if you wear one too" Funneh glances at the mask then to Rainbow. "Is this literally the only one left?" "Yeah.. you don't like it?" Rainbow asks, a hint of sadness on her face. Funneh flinches at this, you poke Funneh's shoulder.
She picked it out for you.. just for you
Funneh stares at you, at Gold, then to Rainbow. She sighs.
After a long while, you see something in the distance. "Ooh what's that?" Funneh asks, jumping off Rainbows back. The girl hot tired of walking so Rainbow suggested on carrying her on her back! Rainbow holds her back in relief, Funneh was heavy. "It's.. It's a door!" Gold exclaims, as she runs up towards it- the three of you follow from behind. "It may be the exit!" "Yeah!! Let's get out of here- this place stinks!" Funneh yells, as you walk towards the door and turn the handle.
You adjust to your bright surroundings, you were in a.. really big room? Was it even a room? The long walls are coloured bright pink as the floor a beautiful white. There isn't even a speck of dirt on them. You look around, there was no corner that wasn't furnished with either a plant, a window, or a painting. Technically speaking, you could probably fit an entire excavator in here.. everything looks so fancy.
"Woah!! This place is so cool!!" Gold exclaims, as she continues looking around. "Haha look, we came out the dungeon" Funneh exclaims, as she points to a sign above the door you came out from. In purple letters;
in all caps, with slight glitter decorating it. They even bothered to furnish the sides of the door with potted plants, they must be super rich or something.
"Hey! What are you four doing out here??" A male voice exclaims, startling the four of you. Three sprout moles, with similar knight armour as the ones in dungeon, walk up to you. "Aren't you that woman who's related to those three frauds? They've escaped- you must have something to do with it.." Rainbow flinches, before turning towards the three of you. It takes her a while to figure out that they don't recognise you.
She immediately starts giggling, "well, I tried paying them a bail but apparently you guys don't do that here.. so I kinda just gave up and left" Rainbow lies, trying to hold in her chuckling. The sprout moles narrow their eyes at her, a bit skeptical. They glance at you, then at eachother.
"...well then, carry on then! I shall resume my patrol" The guard exclaims, as it nods in approval. It didn't notice you? Oh wait.. you remember as you turn towards your friends then touch the mask on you for approval, you're wearing the masks you found earlier.. they must've not noticed..
"Apologies for disturbing you madam, wait! here-" the other sprout mole exclaims, it gives Rainbow a picture. "If you see these escaped prisoners, please tell a guard! We'll catch them immediately!" He then looks at the three of you, "you three too! Here" they give you another two pictures, they nod a goodbye as they walk away.
"...." You look at the picture the guard gave you.
"...." "... Eclipse, look it's you" Rainbow wipes the tears in her eyes as she shows you the other poster in her hand.
"...Drop Kicking sprout moles is very okay." Funneh mumbles to herself as Gold starts ripping the poster with her in it. "I didn't even get a nose- do you see this, Rainbow?!?!?" Funneh exclaims, pointing the poster at the poor Rainbow leaning onto the closest wall to her, struggling to hold back her laughter.
..as a very passionate artist that still can't draw noses.. you are horrified.
After giving Gold the rest of the posters to rip into pieces, you head off in search of an exit. "Actually Rainbow.. how did you get here?" Gold asks your big sister, ah that was true.. she didn't follow you. She went all on her own..
"Well.. while I was sitting at my picnic blanket back at the Playground, some sprout mole walked up to me and was all like.. 'oh I broke up with girlfriend' and I was all like 'oh I'm so sorry to hear that'!!" You glance at your friends, who seem just as confused as you were. "He just.. randomly walked up to you and said that?" "Yeah, anyways then he told me that he had an extra ticket to some show uh.. piece of Sweetheart or something.." Slice of Sweetheart.
A thought goes through your head. If she had gotten that ticket.. that means she watched the show.. does that mean she saw you on stage? Why didn't she come help.. why didn't you notice her? Maybe because it's by far the least you expected? "So then he gave it to me and just went to another random person to give his other ticket to.. the poor guy!" Rainbow chuckles, as she looks around. "So I thought that this could be a good time to look for Draco and entertain myself at the same time so I went asking around until I found the castle and went in!" "..wait so you saw the show then?" Funneh asks, sweat dripping down her face. She knows damn well why.
"..nah, I just got distracted and ate lots of tofu!" Rainbow exclaims, with a proud look on her face. You stare in disbelief, "you should taste them if you have a chance! They're so good-" "wait so then.. what did you do with the ticket?" Gold asks. "..I gave it to some sprout mole who was complaining that they didn't get a ticket to the show or something.. it was a win-win since after that he gave me like.. a buttload of tofu- look at this!" She exclaims as she pulls out a huge plastic of tofu from her skirts pocket.
"Want some?"
"How did you even.." Gold mutters before turning towards you, "sibling powers huh?" You make a face at this. "Well.. does it taste good?" Funneh asks, as she holds out her hand onto take one. "well.. if it tastes horrible why would I continuously buy it?" Rainbow asks, Funneh takes a handful and stuffs it in her mouth. "..This is good!" "I know right?" Rainbow asks excitedly, "want some too?" She asks towards the two of you.
"What do you mean the exits are closed for the time being?" Rainbow repeats to the fancy looking sprout mole couple sitting at a fancy restaurant. After wandering for a while, you reached a not so populated restaurant of some sort. It wasn't really big and extravagant.. but it looked really fancy.. fit for a duchess. Right now you stand in a dining area, with your crew and two sprout moles you randomly walked up to.
"Well, due to some prisoners escaping.. apparently they're really dangerous and must be caught immediately thus.. all exits are locked until they find them" the female sprout mole explains, as she continues eating her very fancy tofu on her very fancy plate using her very fancy culinary.
"..It's just three prisoners?? And those prisoners are all children!! Why are they making such a big deal about this??" Funneh asks, upset. "Well Mrs Frog, I don't know if you had heard but they're murderers! Killed two innocent bystanders, and on more recent news.. they killed a sprout mole guard in the dungeon!" The sprout mole's husband explains next, the four of you exchange glances. "..My word.. but isn't it worse to keep the prisoners in the same place as other innocent bystanders like us? What if they try to kill us too??" Gold lies, trying to hint to Funneh to stop being so obvious.
"Well don't worry about that- they have guards everywhere so I doubt they'd get in a single kick without getting escorted by the knights!" "..alright then, thank you!" Rainbow exclaims, as the four of you walk out. "Ugh.. what're we going to do now?" Funneh asks, "because of those stupid guards, we're locked in!" "Don't worry Funneh, we just need to wait it out!" Rainbow reassures, resting her hand on Funneh's shoulder. "If they're unable to find you, after a while they'll just assume you've left somehow and open up the doors again.. then we'll escape!" Funneh's eyes lit up at this, "yeah.. you're right!" She exclaims, "thanks Rainbow, you're the best!" Rainbow chuckles at the compliment.
"What're we going to do till then, though?" Funneh asks, playing around with the mask on her face. "I don't know.. why don't we look around? There must be something to do around here!" Rainbow reassures as she looks around in search for anything interesting to do-
A annoying high pitched sound can be heard.. it almost sounds like an alarm clock.. is it?? You turn around, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.. your friends can hear it too.
You see a sprout mole running out of the small fancy restaurant from earlier, "FIRE! FIRE!!!" The sprout mole exclaims, bringing the sprout moles close by into panic mode. They start running around in panic, either to find a fire extinguisher or to run away..
"Ohno! A fire! I hope all those sprout moles got out in time.." Rainbow mumbles, she then turns towards the two of you. Hm.. two of you?
"..Where is Gold" Rainbow bluntly asks, the three of you glance in search for your yellow eyed friend. "GOLD??" Rainbow yells, had she followed you out??
Did she or was she still in the restaurant-
Rainbow bolts into the restaurant, which by now has clumps of smoke coming out from it. Wait Rainbow. Rainbow can't go in, it's too dangerous- IT'S TOO DANGEROUS.
You bolt after your stupid sister, you have to protect her- what if something bad happens, lot's of things can happen, presumably bad ones.. what good things could happen with a fire that big? "Wait- Eclipse!! Don't leave me here!!" Funneh yells for you, but you enter the place. It felt hot, and there were smoke everywhere.. the place was just fine just a moment ago.. how did all this happen??
Your main priority.. and Gold. From the corner of your eye, you notice something red, hiding behind a curtain. You run up to it and yank the curtain away to reveal a fire extinguisher. This will be useful.. but you don't know how to use it.. "yo!" Funneh greets, running up to you. You hand the extinguisher to Funneh, in hopes she knows how to use it.
"Ooh! Wait I know how to use this!" She exclaims, as you sigh in relief. "We learned it in a school drill this one time.. I got to put out a fire!" She exclaims, a fire drill? When did that happen.. you must've called in sick that day..
Oh Rainbow! You push Funneh towards the source of the smoke, which was in a room.. the kitchen perhaps. "Oh yeah-" Funneh mutters, pulling the pin of the fire extinguisher as she rushes towards the kitchen.. you wish you had the bravery to run into danger like that..
Funneh aims and squeezes the fire extinguishers handle, releasing foam into the room. "Haha wait how do I stop this.." release the damn handle. "Oh yeahh" Funneh mutters, as she releases the handle. A curtain from the side yanks open, revealing both Rainbow and Gold.. safe and sound. Rainbow.. you run up to her.
"Funneh that was really brave of you.. but.. you see.. I've already put out the fire.." Rainbow mumbles, pointing at where the source of the fire was, which was from a pan covered with a thick white cloth..
it looks like a blanket.
"A fire blanket to be precise" Rainbow explains.
"Gold!! Are you okay? What're you doing here?" Funneh asks, looking at the still traumatized and speechless girl. "I uh.. I touched one thing and the entire thing engulfed in flames" is all she says, her face full of regret, sadness, confusion and trauma. "Touched what?" Rainbow asks, putting on that mad pose again. "I touched the table over there" she points at a table the opposite of the stove. "Then there was fire and I got scared" "...her very presence in the room sets it on fire.." Funneh mutters, covering her mouth. "NO IT WASN'T FUNNEH" Gold yells, clearly upset.
"Rainbow, you gotta believe me!! I didn't do it on purpose, I was just going to peek in and leave!!" Gold cries, Rainbow stares at her with both confusion and relief on her face. The knowledge knowing that Gold had nothing to with it and that she was safe was all she needed, "don't go running off like that next time.. okay?" She scolds, Gold nods in agreement. "...I know this is sudden.. but I'm hungry" Funneh exclaims, touching her stomach.
"Oh well, I still have that tofu.." Rainbow exclaims, as she searches for the big plastic of tofu she had previously placed in her pocket. ".." Rainbow searches her other pocket. "...It's gone isn't it?" Rainbow asks herself, as she looks around the room for any signs of the plastic of tofu. Sure enough, it was on the floor, slightly burned and just kinda on the floor.. getting taken away by ants. "Ew.." Gold mumbles at the sight.
"... yeah.. let's go find somewhere to eat.. I hope this isn't the only restaurant here.." Rainbow exclaims, as she pushes the three of you out of the place. You remind Funneh to put back on her mask which was, by then, on the other side of her head. "Oh yeah.." Funneh mumbles, as she puts on the frog mask. She looks so stupid with it on, it's hilarious.
"Ah looks at all these customers!" The chef mole exclaims, as its chef hat bounces along with the host. Right now you're sitting at a diner, the four of you and many others sitting at its open counter. "There is quite a lot of customers here.. hoho.. I'm not sure if I can get all these orders done in time, friend" the mole explains to you. "Oh it's alright, we can wait-" "I can help!! I wanna help!!" Funneh exclaims, putting up her hand as if she was in class trying to ask for the bathroom.
"..You? Are you sure?" The mole asks, quite unsure. "Well.. Im quite a.. amateur chef.. if I say so myself.." Funneh LIES. "Frogs can cook? I didn't know that.." the poor innocent chef asks. "You.. can?" Rainbow mumbles, just as unsure as the chef. "Y..eah" Funneh LIES AGAIN. "Well then.. I guess you can help with one order" the chef exclaims, letting Funneh in his small open kitchen. "..I don't trust her with this, can any of you help her with it?" Rainbow asks, turning to the two of you. Gold shakes her head, probably still traumatized over the event that happened like.. ten minutes ago.
"Well then, Eclipse?" Rainbow asks, turning towards you next. ..!..
I guess so..
"Thanks Eclipse!" Rainbow exclaims, as she pinches your cheek. You can never understand this clingy person sometimes..
"Okay children! You will be making grilled tofu!" The chef explains, towards the two of you. You adjust the chef hat on your head, trying to not let the sprout mole mask get in the way. "Hey! That's our order right?" Funneh asks, turning to Rainbow in the back. "Yup!" Rainbow answers, her chin resting on her hands. "It's a very simple dish to make, so no danger! Don't worry!" He exclaims, probably referring to the fire..
The chef motions towards the counter, revealing a pressed block of tofu. "First things first, I need one of you to cut the block into four slabs" he explains, immediately Funneh volunteers and is now struggling to cut the first slab.
"Now we're going to season the-" "how dare you say such blasphemy??" Someone interrupts the cook, it was a sprout mole besides Gold. The sprout mole seems to be quarreling with another sprout mole.
"...season the tofu-" "it is only common knowledge that tofu is better served hot!!!" The sprout mole continues, "are you crazy?!? Any sprout mole with DECENT sense would know that tofu is best served COLD" The other sprout mole yells, catching more attention to the moles.
"Seasonthetofuwithfajitaseasoning" the chef hurriedly explains, you weren't paying attention so you stare at him with a confused blank stare. "..we will now season the tofu with fajita-" "Crazy?? Sprout moles who think cold tofu is better are MENTALLY ILL" "-seasoning mix, it's a light brown powder that should be in a small seasoning bowl.." the chef continues, looking around for it. Gold and Rainbow are turned to the fight going on between hot and cold tofu, honestly you could care less.. you don't even like tofu.
You notice a small bowl with brown powder inside it.. it could be.. you take the bowl and hand it over to the chef, who was praising Funneh for her beautiful slabs of tofu. "Ah yes! This is it! Come little sprout mole, sprinkle the spice over the tofu slabs here" you were taken aback by being called a sprout mole, then you remembered your mask. You shrug at this, as you sprinkle the spice onto the four individual tofu slabs.
"Now drizzle them with avocado oil!" He instructs, you look around, avocado oil.. "What!? No- listen here you little-" "Hey- hey!!" Rainbow exclaims, her hands out as she tried to calm the still quarreling sprout moles. "No need to fight you guys" she reassures, as she starts getting uncomfortable with the way they're staring at her.. does she need help? You reach for your knife in your pocket..
"Here's the avocado oil, Eclipse!" Funneh exclaims, pulling out a glass bottle from the cupboard above. She hands it to you, you take it with your eyes still glued to Rainbow.
"Why don't you guys compromise? For all we know, they both taste equally great.. Or maybe make something up?" Gold suggests, taking the attention of Rainbow. "Something hot.. and something cold.. maybe not so.. uh.. I don't know.." Gold mumbles to herself, now feeling the pressure of the stares. "...lukewarm?" Lukewarm..? You drizzle the avocado oil on the tofu as gasps fill the air... You can hear the disgust in them.
"Ewww.. lukewarm tofu?? That sounds worse than cold tofu" The cold tofu hater says, "ergh.. that sounds horrible I'd rather eat hot tofu than ugh.. lukewarm tofu" the hot tofu hater gags. They don't seem to be quarreling anymore.. since they have a similar hatred to lukewarm tofu. Gold looked dumbfounded.
Funneh chuckles at the sight, as she coats all the sides of the tofu with the fajita seasoning as the chef instructed. Then he brings them to a grill and well.. grills them for a good two-three minutes.
"Tada!!" Funneh exclaims, showing off the tofu slabs to both Rainbow and Gold. "Woah!! Unexpectedly.. they look delicious!" Gold compliments, "yeah I know I- haha unexpectedly?" Funneh repeats, but Gold doesn't reply back. "These look really good guys, you did a splendid job!" Rainbow compliments, you give her a slight smile at the compliment, as Funneh gives out a toothy grin.
"Let's hope it tastes as good as it looks" Gold jokes, making Funneh stare at her. "How much is it?" Rainbow asks, turning towards the chef behind you. "Oh no no, it's on the house" "on the house?" She mutters, looking up for some reason. "It's free! Since your children has help me make it, they are very good chefs" he compliments, haha.. that makes you wonder.
"Ohh! Haha thanks a lot" she thanks, as the chef leaves the counter to make another order. Rainbow shakes some powder into the tofu.. salt perhaps? It looks like a salt shaker.."Well.. let's taste it" Rainbow exclaims, her hopes high. She takes a bite of the tofu, then she smiles at you. "It tastes delicious! Go on, take a bite!" She exclaims, as you and the others take a fork and each take a bite of the tofu-
UGH. You drop the fork as you die on the spot. Just kidding, you didn't die but damn was it hella spicy. "I guess it's good.." Gold mumbles, as Rainbow immediately covers her mouth, in pain.. you assume. "RAINBOW YOU LIAR" Funneh yells, her tongue out. Rainbow makes a weird noise that's a mix of both laughter and cries of pain, as she squats to the ground. Gold picks up the salt shaker Rainbow used earlier.
"Ah this isn't salt Rainbow, this is chili powder" she mumbles, as Rainbow makes another sound. Honestly you feel pretty lucky that you don't have to pay for this now.. Funneh yells again, as she runs towards the chef in hopes he has milk or water.
..The three of you wait for Rainbow patiently outside the bathroom, yeah, the castle apparently had public bathrooms.. you don't really understand it either, but they have a diner, and a restaurant.. why wouldn't they have a public bathroom? Next thing you know, you'll walk into a bowling area or.. a movie theater.. or something.
A petrified Rainbow walks out the bathroom, "You think we can find another tofu stand nearby? Specifically one that sells cold tofu?" She whines, ruffling her hair. "Oh me and Eclipse saw one earlier, it was over there" Gold says, as she holds onto Rainbows hand and leads her away, you and Funneh follow from behind. It didn't take long before you reached the stand.
It was a similar stand to that of the moon cheese one in Cosmo City.
Oh moon cheese.. how I miss you..
"What." Rainbow asks, she must've heard.. YOU DIDN'T GIVE HER THE LAST BITE OF MOON CHEESE. You've failed Rainbow.. you're a failure now. You cry to yourself, as Rainbow stares at you in concern. You immediately shove the marble you find at Pyrefly Forest into Rainbow's open hand. "Huh? What?" You don't specify.. you must give it or else you'll forget..
"Yeah Rainbow, they do sell cold tofu" Gold tells her, after talking to the stands owner. "OH THANK GOODNESS, uh can I have like an entire plastic bag of them please" she exclaims, trying to show the size of it with her hands.
The owner (an yellow sprout mole) nods as she squats down to take the plastic bag. "..Actually come to think of it, you have been really quiet, Funneh? Are you that upset that your tofu ended up tasting like complete doo-doo?" Gold jokes, as she turns around to your friend. "Hm?" Gold hums, as she looks around. "Wait.. wheres Funneh?" Rainbow asks, now panicking.. again. There was no beeping sound, so nothings on fire.. had they left her by the bathroom?? No.. you had saw her walk behind you..
"Okay ma'am heres your tofu.. that'll be 53 clams" the spout mole says, as Rainbow gives the clams hurriedly. "Hey uh.. had you seen an dark blue purple haired girl-uh frog? Ugh whatever-" Rainbow asks, "she has blue eyes.. and was wearing a long sleeved checkered shirt.. she was just behind us and.." "hm?" The sprout mole hums in reply. "I don't think I've seen a frog like that.. sorry"
"FUNNEH" Gold calls, "FUNNEH.. WHERE ARE YOU???" Rainbow continues, you too look around. "Sigh.. where did that girl even go.." Rainbow mutters, she turns towards you.. then glances at Gold, who's still looking around the place. "I can't loose you guys too- actually, Funneh shouldn't have gotten far..
".. Alex? Alexander dear.. where did you go??" Another voice.. you whip your head towards the sound, a orange sprout mole. She glances around, concerned. She notices you staring and walks up to you, "sorry ma'am, but have you seen a small mole walking around?" She asks. "..If I'm correct he brought his toy spaceship along with him.. maybe you might've heard it's sounds?" you shake your head,
sorry ma'am.. I haven't seen a toy spaceship anywhere- and your son.
"Sob, sob.." the sprout mole lady starts sobbing in front of you- this looks bad, it looks like you made her start crying. You try to calm the lady down by rubbing her back (?) And saying some reassuring words like how if her son got sold on the black market, since it's a sprout moles body nobody would buy it.. which makes it easier for her to buy the body back and- she started crying harder.
"Hey? Hey, what's going on here?" Rainbow asks, noticing the sad sprout mole beside you. You didn't do anything you swear. Gold and Rainbow walks up to the both of you.
"Hey uh ma'am? Everything okay?" Rainbow asks, yeah let her do all the talking.. you're not good with making people feel better. "Oh it's just.. my son.. Alex.. he's.. missing, I look away once and the next thing I know.. he was gone" She continues sobbing. "Missing? Hey.. just like Funneh" Gold whispers towards you and Rainbow, "you think this sprouts moles son is somehow connected to Funneh in a way?" "Perhaps.. do you think so, Eclipse?" Rainbow asks, turning towards you. Well.. it's pretty coincidental that both Funneh and that sprout moles son went missing at the exact same time.. perhaps.
"I don't even know where to look anymore, please.. if you can.. please help me find him" The sprout mole pleads, "I'll give you anything" the three of you exchange glances with eachother. "Well.. you don't have to give us anything, Mrs sprout mole, we're also looking for our lost friend so maybe we can try looking together" Rainbow exclaims.
"You also lost someone? I hope we find her then.." The sprout mole exclaims, wiping away tears for her eyes. "Anyways.. thanks so much.. I don't know how else to thank you.."
Oh my god.
You were right.. they do have a movie theater. That's crazy. What does Sweetheart DO in her free time with all this sh- stuff. You cover your mouth instinctively. "Ooh what's all these movie posters for??" Gold asks, looking at the posters beside the door towards the theater. All of the screening ones are about sprout moles and Sweetheart. Mostly Sweetheart actually.
"Ooh maybe Funneh could be in here.. and your kid" Rainbow adds, turning towards the sprout mole, who is still sniffling. "Perhaps.. he might've gotten interested of the posters.. tsk this boy.. making me work so hard to find him" Rainbow chuckles at this, she would say the same about Funneh.
"Oh wait- so are we checking it out?" Gold asks, excited. "Yeah sure! But remember, we're only here to find Funneh okay? Not to watch the movie" both you and Gold reply with a thumbs up, as you enter the theatre.
Thousands of chairs, mostly occupied, sit in lots of lines. It's dark since a movie is on but you try to focus on looking for your missing friend and that sprout moles kid. The floor is a beautiful dark red carpet, which isn't even slightly dirty! The janitors here do such a great job. The walls are light purple and dark purple stripes going around the entirety of the room. And the massive screen in the center of the room.. Sweetheart was on the screen. She was talking about saving her sprout moles or something? You turn towards Gold, she also seems to be looking at the screen. "I'm confused?"
"There you are!" Rainbow exclaims at the two of you, both sitting lazily in the theatres seats. "I thought I told you to look around here as I searched the other areas" you sink back in your seat upon realization that you really just wasted 40 minutes here, while Gold tries to make a face to ease Rainbow. "Sorry Rainbow, we uh.. we got distracted" Gold chuckles, Rainbow sighs.
"Sorry Rainbow, I'm sorryyy" Gold exclaims, as she tugs on Rainbows shirt. "I'm really sorry, and- and Eclipse is too" you are, you also make a face towards the unusually quiet Rainbow. "It's just.. it was a really bad movie and I wanted to tell you about it later so I decided to watch the entire thing.. with Eclipse" Gold explains. Rainbow stops and looks at her, then to you.
Her dead panned face makes you.. a bit scared, she's gonna slap you. Haha. After about 0.2 seconds, her covers her mouth and turns away. She was laughing. "What?? What's so funny?? I'm telling the truth, Rainbow!!" Gold yells, upset slightly. "No no- sorry your faces.." Rainbow stops herself, as she turns towards the two of you with a more serious expression on her face. "I forgive you.. but don't get distracted again okay, our main priority is to find Funneh.. and that moles kid" she adds the last part, pointing at a depressed sprout mole in the corner of a pillar.
"After about 10 minutes of searching with me, she gave up and just sat there.. for the next 30 minutes.." Rainbow explains, her face slightly concerned.
"Sob sob.. Liam.. sob sob"
what the heck, I thought her child's name was Alex-
"Sob sob ALEX sob sob"
"Have you searched everywhere?" "We have! We checked this floor, and the second floor, we rechecked the diner from earlier.. the museum, the ballroom, the bowling alley... I doubt they went to the dungeon so we didn't check there, didn't want to anyways"
Excuse me for you say.. bowling alley..?
"Yeah- yeah, they even had a museum of like art and stuff! How Sweetheart fitted all of that into a castle like this is beyond my understanding" Rainbow mutters, paying more attention to the exterior designs.
..they have a bowling alley. What do they not have. Do they have a convenience store?
"What? No-"
"Excuse me! Sorry" A sprout mole with a blue cap exclaims, running off. And then he came back, "hey.. are guys busy or anything? Cause I could sure use your help" the sprout mole exclaims, "well we're sorta.. looking for a.." "kid? Oh I saw a sprout mole kid in the gardens which is exactly where I need you to go!" The sprout mole mom in the corner hears her son being mentioned, and immediately runs up to him. "You. You saw my son??" She asks. "Yeah-" "then why didn't you bring him back in??" She yells, confused.
"Damn calm down lady, I didn't bring him back because he didn't trust me! Said I was a stranger or something.. anyways, you don't mind helping a fellow out.. right?" He asks, turning back towards the three of you. "Well.. sure! What is it?" Gold asks. "So I got all these spam mails you see?", He asks as he points towards his bag filled to the brim with letters, "and what we do with them is that we put them in a room and kinda just leave them there until it gets really full.. then we recycle them! Simple as that" ..why don't you just recycle them first?
"Hey, I can't question Sweethearts orders" he bluntly replies, before continuing. "So I need your help to bring these letters to that room" "well, where's the room then?" Rainbow asks next. "..well it's top secret so I have to whisper to you.." He exclaims before going to the shortest person there.. which would've been the sprout mole mom but he was scared of her so he went to you.
"..so in the garden there's a Sweetheart statue right? Clap three times, then make a hand heart, It doesn't matter just do any one of them, then say the password.. which is Sweet Jelly filled donut, then just enter the room and place my bag there okay then you can leave okay? Bye!" He exclaims, as he throws you the bag and runs away. "Well.. that was rude" "what did he say, Eclipse?" Gold asks you, you look at her and you're about to reply but then..
You have a thought. Technically, you would look very cool if you did all that on your own.. you don't have to tell them, they'll know anyways.
..Nah not telling
"WHA- ECLIPSE COME ON!!" Gold yells, as you start walking away to find this so called garden. You turn around and wait though, because you don't know where it is, and you would like Rainbow to be in your sight at all times. "..It was Funneh's influence not mine" Gold explains to Rainbow, who was looking at her.
You wander the hallways, looking for a garden. You're following the sprout mole mom who is very eager to meet her child again. "..There's.. less people around here than earlier, don't you think?" Rainbow mutters, noticing the lack of sprout moles.. or anyone really. "And it's more quieter too.. how weird" You and Gold try to listen.. she's right, the only sound you can really hear is your footsteps on the marble floor.
"Well.. apparently Sweetheart is hosting another event.. so maybe that's it" the sprout mole mom exclaims, "oh really? What's she doing now? Bowling?" Gold asks, as she smiles towards you. She must've noticed your sheer shock over the bowling alley earlier.. haha that's funny.
"Well I don't know, I wasn't going to continue eavesdropping on people's conversations" oh what. The sprout mole takes a right and walks down another flight of stairs, you follow after her.. however you take a bit longer to get down the stairs.. Rainbow waited for you though. A door sits on the ground floor, the sprout mole mom pushes it open, letting her and the rest of you exit.
You've entered the garden, a very massive one indeed. The garden was decorated with floral decorations, decorated bushes, fairy lights, pillars.. there was even the Sweetheart statue sitting in the middle of it all! At the side, there was someone sitting on a bench.
"ALEX" The sprout mole mom exclaims, as she runs over to the child with the toy spaceship in his.. legs (they don't have hands stfu) the three of you stop to take in the tearful reunion, "Where did you head off to?? Didn't mommy tell you not to stray away?" And then you got bored listening but basically the child sprout mole got bored and went outside to play and then got lost like a dumb.. butt it is. As you space out, you notice something behind the Sweetheart statue.. Stranger.
What is it doing here..? You turn towards Rainbow and Gold, they don't seem to have notice Stranger.. they were busy answering to the sprout mole mom's thanks and wishes and stuff.. you turn back to the Stranger. He's just standing there.. idly..
You run up towards it, boo! You'll scare it.. but once you turn towards where it was standing at.. Stranger was.. gone. Stranger didn't even leave any footprints behind.. it's like.. it dissapear into thin air!!
"What's up, Eclipse?" Gold asks, as she runs up to you. She must've noticed your eyes slightly shaking in confusion, as she immediately starts looking around for something that could've scared you.. Rainbow walks up to you next. "So.. whatcha doing?" She asks. She turns towards the Sweetheart statue, it was made out of white marble and casts a discomforting shadow over the garden.
You turn towards your sister and friend, you shall now show them what you have been hiding fron them for.., you steal a glance at Gold's watch, 6 minutes.. You hold up your hand, and just as the postman Sprout mole said, you clapped three times.. very loudly. Then you make a heart shape with your hands.. you don't think he specified how long and.. where to point it at. So you kept it for three seconds.. and above your head, so the statue can see it.
"...what the fudge are you doing..?"
"...FINE.." The statues robotic voice echoed, as it's eyes turn green. It slides out the way, revealing a trapdoor that leads straight down. "Oh.. okay, I was scared you got mentally ill there haha" Rainbow laughs, as you glare at her. You are not mentally ill.
You climb down the ladder that was connected to the trap door, which leads you into a not so very big room. It looked like one of the dungeons.. just more.. full, and less depressing. Full.. as in full with stuff by the way. There were barrels everywhere, unopened gifts rotting in the corners, letters on the floor. Oh.. so you just.. have to dump them on the floor then? You think to yourself, as you take the bag that the postman gave you earlier and dump it's items on the cold floor.
"! Eclipse!!" Rainbow exclaims, "didn't he say to put it on the table..?" Oh? Oh. Oh.. you stare at the mess you made on the floor, "it's okay Rainbow, I doubt he'd notice" Gold exclaims, ignoring the huge pile of letters on the floor. "Why'd they even throw these away? Like those gift boxes for example, I would keep them personally" Rainbow asks, looking at all the stuff in the room. "Well.. maybe the gifts were just plain bad? Or the letters.." Gold mumbles, as she picks up a letter on the ground. She opens it and reads it.. she coughs, she covers her mouth as she hands it over to you. Confused, you take it and read it.
'dear sweathart i luv u so much.. let us have kids and spend the rest of our lives 2geter.. i would laik that very much, thank you'
..Rainbow glances at the letter you're holding. "Wow, I didn't know there were more people that had worser spelling than Eclipse!" Rainbow exclaims, as you glare at her again. "Oh my god.. they're all like this!" Gold exclaims, as she picks up another letter from the ground, she clears her throat.
"SwEEThEArT U r my quEEn!! I LoVE and ApprecIaTE everything that u do more ThAN anything.. pls respond" she reads, as you chuckles slightly. Rainbow finds it a bit amusing, "well I don't think it's nice to read these letters.. these sprout moles put their heart and soul into writing these.. we shouldn't laugh at them" "..okay but just one-"
"YES YES IT'S ME, YOUR HONORABLE.. GLORIOUS SWEETHEART AGAIN" A voice can be heard.. ew it's that Sweetheart again.. she seems to be talking in a microphone or something..
"ALL SWEETHEART FANS, A VERY EXTRAVAGANT PERFORMANCE WILL BEGIN..BROUGHT TO YOU BY.. UH.. what's your name?" She asks quietly as the mic changes to another person.
"HEE-EE-LPPPPPPP, SHE'S TORTU- ING ME- EEEE!!!" A voice yells into the mic, getting her cut off every now and then. "Wait.. Funneh?!?" Gold exclaims, recognising the voice immediately. "UGH WHATEVER- AND TO THOSE PRISONERS STILL ON THE LOOSE.. YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR LITTLE EVENT TOO.."
...they have Funneh.
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