13: The amazing spectacular Sweetheart
Both Gold and Funneh almost flies out of their carts from the sudden halt, you shut your mouth in efforts to not start chuckling at them.
"Shut up, Eclipse" Funneh yells, just by reading your face she could already tell what you were thinking. The three of you jump off the carts, as you start looking around in curiosity. The woods looked the same, have you even travelled far? It felt like it.. but it looks the same!!
"Oh wait- that's new" Funneh mumbles, as she points towards a sign.
"..down.." Gold mumbles to herself, as she slowly looks down. There a trapdoor sits, she opens it which reveals a long hole with a ladder attached to it. The three of you look down the hole. "..You think Draco went in there?" Gold asks the two of you.
"I don't know, maybe?"
Gold sighs at the useless answers the two of you gave. "well then, let's go check" Gold bluntly says as she puts her feet on the ladder as she starts climbing down. "Wha- are we really gonna.. um.. Eclipse you go next" Funneh mumbles, she'd rather have to see your head than the ground from below. You follow as you're told as you grip onto the ladder and make your way down. Funneh follows after.
The light blinds you for a bit, as you slowly adjust. You were in a tunnel for quite a while, and was getting quite used to the darkness and the occasional sneeze from above you (which was Funneh). You jump off the ladder as you land on the dirt, it was very shoeless friendly. There was no pebbles in sight, just plain dirt. Good for your little sock feet.
Right now you stand in a huge dirt tunnel with surprisingly, nobody in sight. There was sign of inhabitants with the place being decorated in photos, plants, lots of open walled rooms.. Gold seems just as confused as you are, Funneh finally makes her way down. "Woah where are we?" Funneh asks, as she looks around. "The village? Dumb idiot" Gold bluntly answers, "I just pointed to the sign? Five minutes ago-" "oh my god I know."
"Hey uh.. excuse me?" A meek little voice asks, the three of you look around, looking for the owner of the voice. "Down here.. yeah, down here.." The three of you look down, at your feet, a green sprout mole with sunglasses stands, along with two of its other green little friends behind it. "I was wondering if you knew where-" "AGH SPROUT MOLE" Funneh yells, drop kicking the sprout mole in the face and sending him flying into the wall.
"AH OTHER SPROUT MOLE" Funneh yells, while drop kicking that sprout mole too. "HEY WE WERE JUST-" "AH IT'S YELLING AT ME" Gold pulls out her bat and hits the last sprout mole with a bat before smacking it into the same wall with its friends. "..." You turn towards your friends, Funneh being weirdly proud of herself.
"Look at how strong we are!" Is all she says. You hear a sound, it was like whispering? Murmuring? It was coming from the first sprout mole Funneh kicked into the wall. The three of you make your way to the sprout mole, its glasses covering only one of its eyes. "..we were just.. going to ask.. it you know where.. the backstage is.. bleh" The sprout mole sticks its tongue out, it is now dead.
You turn towards your two friends. Both dumbfounded. "...Oh...yeah.. wasn't sprout moles only aggressive it they were lost? Like actually actually?" Gold asks, smiling regretfully. "..we are so sorry little sprout moles" Funneh mumbles, while patting the two unconscious sprout moles and their dead friend. "..now Eclipse, Gold. We do not tell anyone about what happened here, this will only stay between us.. okay?" She turns towards the two of you, you make a zipping mouth gesture while Gold just kinda stands there.
"Gold. Okay?" Funneh repeats, "..We just killed someone innocent" "Gold. We kill sprout moles all the time. This isn't out fault, if someone asks about this.. we'll just say it was self defence" as the two of them exchange words, you notice something around their... Necks(?)
You pick it up and examine them, three lanyards (those card things you wear around your necks) the card inside it reads 'VIP'
"..oh my god we killed very important people"
Gold mutters, even more horrified than before when you show the two of them the lanyards. "No. Gold- Gold. It was an act of self defense remember?" Funneh asks, "yeah.."
"And.. maybe.. if we just take off this dudes glasses.." Funneh mumbles, reaching towards the dead sprout moles sunglasses. "Then.. it's like they're just regular sprout moles!" She exclaims, as she puts on the shades. "We're the very important people now, Gold!" She exclaims, as she puts on the lanyard. The two of you stare at her awkwardly. "Funneh.. we just killed that sprout mole and now we're stripping it of its stuff? Isn't that just robbing?" "NO."
You put on the lanyard too, as Gold looks at you. "Look Gold, to us, sure we killed those people and stole their cards and shades, but for other people, we're the VIP" Funneh explains, as you put the second lanyard around Gold's neck. "We're the VIP and those are just random sprout moles.. who.. beat eachother up. And they all died.. together.." Funneh mumbles, the three of you stay silent for a while. "Should we really look for Draco here? What if he isn't here? Doesn't he hate sprout moles or something? Don't you remember what they did to his garden??" Gold asks.
"Yeah but then he dropkicked them so it's all good" "are we even talking about the same event?" The two of them stare at eachother in silence. "Ugh I can't do this.. let's just go home-" "AH! THERE YOU ARE!"
the three of you flinch and turn towards an orange sprout mole, it wears similar shades to Funneh and seems to be rather angry.. and haha.. it has a small mustache. "OH NO-" Funneh covers Gold's mouth.
"Where have.. you people been?? Sweetheart has been waiting patiently for 2 minutes and 3 seconds! And she's starting to get really mad- Get your butts out there!" He exclaims, confusing the three of you. "Uh.. sir what do you-" "Ugh! Come on! Follow me- I know a shortcut!" He runs off and you have no choice but to follow him.
"Sir I don't think you understand- we aren't.. actually the VIP's you're thinking of.." Gold explains for the third time. "We're just.. VIP's that.. sit down and do nothing" "nonsense! The host told me to look for three VIP's with the given lanyards around their neck and the leader wearing shades!" He points out, glancing at Funneh. "What- leader?!? I don't wanna be leader.. uh.. let's switch roles, Eclipse!" Funneh whispers, placing her shades on you. Despite this, the sprout mole doesn't bat an eye and continues speed walking.
"Here! Get in!' he yells, motioning to a door. "Sir.. can we just-" "in! Faster!" He pushes the three of you into the room before entering himself. "There! Get on stage!" He exclaims, pointing to the staircase and curtains that are closed. The three of you flinch at this, stage?
"Stage?? You never said anything about a stage!!" Funneh yells, as the sprout mole makes a disappointed look. "Well- did you expect to be doing a gameshow on the cold dirt floor?" He turns towards a microphone which was attached to his head, "found the VIP's sir, cue the intro again!"
"Ladies and gentlemoles.. welcome to another exciting episode of.. A SLICE OF SWEETHEART!!!' the male host exclaims, a roar of applause can be heard. "Before we begin.." the mole continues talking as you turn towards you friend, Funneh was fidgeting with the lanyard around her neck while Gold stands frozen in place. Too much has happened to her in the last.. you glance at her watch. 10 minutes you think.
"Guys oh.. I don't think I can do this, I might barf" she mumbles, clutching on her stomach. "Gold don't-" Funneh yells, before getting a death glare by the sprout mole from before. "...Look, if you feel like barfing, then let me do all the talking later.. I'm really good at impromptu" Funneh reassures, as she pats her friends back.. in a way, that if she barfs Funneh would at least not get hit.
"LAST WEEK EVENT WAS AN AMAZING FASHION SHOW NOT ONLY MODELED.. BUT HOSTED BY THE AMAZING SWEETHEART!!" The audience continues to clap and applause. "actually now that I think about it.. Sweetheart.. wasn't she Captain Spaceboy's girl.. ex? Ex??" Funneh asks, the both of you. You shrug as Gold continues clutching her stomach.
"In today's event, the amazing Sweetheart will be a judge of a spectacular and amazing gameshow!!" You can't see what's happening due to the curtains, but everything was still the same.. perhaps? "oh my god Sweetheart, I love youuu!!!!" You can distinctively hear some eligible noises from the crowd. "We have brought together three amazing contestants that were told to have known everything about our favourite duchess!!" The crowd roars in excitement.
"We hope they went and revised on their knowledge because they will be judged by the one and only real life Sweetheart herself!! Introducing the.. 'SWEETHEARTS KNIGHTS'!!!" The crowd roars and applauses as the curtain rises, revealing the three of you, standing awkwardly on stage. Despite your appearance being.. REALLY off than theirs they still applause. It's either they don't mind.. or they're just really dumb.
"Go on now contestants, stand behind the podiums!" The three follow as you're told as you stand behind these podiums with a bright red buzzer on top. It is a very nice buzzer. Your hand hovers around the buzzer. You take the time to look around, right now you're standing at the right side of the stage with the podiums, on the left is a small coffee table with a projector screen next to it.. probably to show the questions? "Are they actual amazing fans or are they just frauds?? We'll find out in today's game show!!!" He exclaims, as they audience grows loud.
"And now.. introducing the star of the show.." you turn towards the voice, the person introducing you wasn't even a person.. it was an orange sprout mole, orange sprout mole with a light green pot on its head. It wears shades, like yours! "DIM THE LIGHTS" He orders, and just as ordered, the lights dim as a drumroll starts.
"She emits.. beauty, she exudes.. grace, she truly has.. a very pulchritudinous face.." haha a pulchridodo what. "Yes! You know who I'm talking about!" He exclaims to the crowd, as an applause and roar comes from them despite the 'star' not coming out yet. "She's the one.. the only, the magnificent-"
"OHOHOHOHO!!" A very annoying laugh echoes through the room, as the crowd grows louder. From behind you, you could smell a faint smell of very powerful perfume as a woman walks by you. The woman with light pink haired tied together in twin tails wears a light pink suit adorned with hearts and polkadots with a small red ribbon in the middle of her collar that reminds you of Rainbow's. Her pants completely white while your eyes were mostly drawn to her big massive magenta polkadot bow on her head. It was the size of her head, my god it was enormous.
Her just walking on stage makes everyone in the crowd go crazy, as you glance towards your friends very confused faces. "I'm scared. I wanna go home" Gold mutters, as the woman turns towards the crowd. She pulls out a red paper fan as she fans herself, the spotlight shines her and makes her the centre of attention to all that looks at the stage. "An excellent entrance! My liege!" She laughs, as lots of positive messages are being yelled at to her. She waves her hands towards the crowds, "haha! Yes! Hello! Yup, it's me!" She flips her hair, as if she was posing for whoever's taking pictures.
"Hello my adoring, stupid, fans!!" She exclaims, as the roars crowd louder. "Stupid? She called her fans stupid" Funneh repeats, her face a mixture of confused and offense. "Sweetheart, oh our lovely Sweetheart! We have obtained the beings that call themselves the 'Number 1 Sweetheart fans', what do you think about them?" The sprout mole with the pot on his head asks, as he holds his mic to her. She picks it up before taking a good look at the three of you.
"... Certainly wasn't what I was expecting but okay" what did that mean? Was that negative or positive? "But-" "But if you call yourselves THE number 1 Sweetheart fans then you should be able to answer all the-" "HEY I WASN'T DONE TALKING" Sweetheart randomly yells, "oh sorry I was-" The audience starts booing at the sprout mole host, "You dare cut the SWEETHEART off?? You have no respect??" She continues, as the three of you stare awkwardly at the sight. "I'm sorry Sweetheart, I didn't know you were still-"
"GUARDS SENT HIM TO THE.. DUNGEON!!" The what. On cue, two sprout moles in metal knight armor comes out from behind the stage's curtains as they tackle the sprout mole to the ground, "Hey- Sweetheart please! I'm sorry!! I could never possibly live with myself if I never-" "Silence!!" She yells, the room goes quiet. "...Bye bye" the sprout mole is sent away as the only thing remaining of him on stage was his pot hat. Sweetheart stares at this for a bit before kicking it off stage, probably hitting one of the sprout moles below. But she didn't care, did she?
"Alright.. due to the host being
DIS. RESP. ECTFUL" She yells into the mic. "I will be taking on the role for the host of the gameshow until we find a new host" the idea of Sweetheart being a game show host sparked some interest in the crowd as they start clapping and cheering again. "So now.." she turns towards the three of you as you remember that you weren't spectating from afar.. you are in front of her.
"The three of you.. do you really call yourselves Sweetheart fans?" She asks, The three of you glance at eachother. "Honestly we don't even-" "YES. WE CALL OURSELVES DIE HARD SWEETHEART FAN'S" Funneh interrupts Gold, while Sweetheart seemed pretty pleased with this response. "If what you say is true, then you should know almost everything about me?" She asks, "YUP, AND NOT JUST ALMOST EVERYTHING.. WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!!!" Funneh lies, as Sweetheart looks even more pleased. "OHOHOHOHOH! I see.. audience! Do you think these peasants will be able to answer all my questions right?" There was mixed reaction coming from the crowd, some were saying yes, others were saying no.
While Sweetheart was turned to her audience, Gold shoots a glare at Funneh. "Aw dude what? You saw what she did to that sprout mole earlier.. if you said no, she'd immediately just send you to the dungeon! And that sounds scary.." Funneh whispers, glancing at Sweetheart every now and then. "Yeah.. but 'die hard fans'??? You're gonna be the death of us, FunnehCake" A drop of sweat appears on Funneh's face,
uh oh Funneh she added your last name.
You're so done
"So! Let's not get my dumb little audience waiting, they have stuff to do and so do I! Like looking at the mirror and stuff" the audience applauses at this, completely skipping over insult she gave to them. "Audience! They say they are 'Die hard fans', do you think we should start with the easy questions or should we skip to the difficult questions immediately?" She asks, turning her back again. The audience gives mixed opinions, just like last time.
Funneh flinches at this as Gold continuously glares at her, Sweethearts stares at her fans before turning away. "There are too many fans there I can't tell what they're saying, so I'll let you three choose! Easy questions or skip??" Immediately the three of you obviously chose the easy questions while you heard some groans from the audience.
"Alright then.." Sweetheart mutters, as she walks up to the coffee table and picking up a remote. She mutters something under her breath as she waits for the projector to open and show the screen. Some words pop up on the screen.
"Alright, let's start with the first question!!" She exclaims, as she presses a button on the remote that changes the screen to the next slide.
"oh my god.. yeah yeah.." she skips through a few more slides as she gets more and more annoyed, you and Funneh are trying so hard to contain your laughter. "Ah okay here it is" she rolls her eyes as she finally settles on a question.
A) October 31
B) February 26
C) July 10
D) September 29
Sweetheart reads the questions and answers out loud into the mic before turning towards you. "This is very easy question- even babies should know the answer!!" Sweetheart exclaims, "now.. what's the answer???" She asks, the three of you glance at eachother.
"It better not be February, I swear to god.." Gold mutters, you feel her.. it would be horrible to share a birthday month with this brat. You fear for the September one though, it's the exact date of your birthday..
"So? What's the answer??" Sweetheart asks, growing inpatient. "BZZT!" You press the buzzer, you doubt it would be the same date as you and Gold.. and October.. something important was on that day, it's on the tip of your tongue, but you don't remember it. You point at C. She turns to the screen, "C? July 10?" You nod, "you think it's July 10????" She repeats, her smug smile coming back. You stop nodding.. was it wrong? You glance at your friends, terrified.
"ITS OCTOBER RIGHT??" Funneh yells, the entire room goes quiet. "Ohohoho......OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!" She laughs, as Funneh stares in confusion. "Is that your final answer????!??" "...yeah?" Funneh mumbles once she turn towards the two of you, who are just as confused as she was.
She presses a button.
"JULY 11!!!" (not canon btw)
The audience boos at you, while they clap for Sweetheart? You can't tell.. but it was quite obvious who they were booing at. "July 11??? But it say July 10 on the screen!!" Gold complains, "yeah- but if you were a.. die hard Sweetheart fan.. you would have known it was wrong! You guys are frauds!! Boo!!" A sprout mole from the crowd yells, other join in. "aw shut up!!!" Funneh yells back, booing the crowd. "Okay okay!! Shut up!!" Sweetheart yells, quieting the booing match between Funneh and the audience.
"Whatever.. WHATEVER. There's still plenty more questions for them to answer and who knows? What if they're just butchering the easy questions.. to wow you all when they correctly answer the harder questions??" Sweetheart asks, making a sly grin. The audience stays silent as they turn towards the three of you for any sign of agreement, "ah.. yes.. that's true" Funneh mutters. Gold shoots a glare at her as Sweetheart start laughing again.
"Well then! Let's see what these fans are capable of, shall we??"
It has been 19 questions after that . 19 questions.. and all of them you answered wrong. Even Sweetheart had started looking bored and annoyed at how wrong your answers were. "WHAT- IS CAPTAIN SPACEBOY NOT YOUR FIRST.. HOW MANY BOYFRIENDS HAVE YOU HAD???" Funneh yells, after her bold answer was shot down.. like all the other ones she gave before."Chill woman, he's my second boyfriend- only real fans know who my first one is" She exclaims, and on cue, the silent audience starting roaring with answers. Those that doesn't interest you.. you just wanna leave the stage already, even the worried Gold had started dozing off on her podium, you wonder how she could do that without worrying about getting put into the dungeon? Whilst the 19 questions were going on, about 5 sprout moles were sent to the dungeon for dumb reasons.. if you can remember one went for dropping about two flakes of popcorn on the clean floor.. another one sneezed while Sweetheart was talking.. and other dumb stuff like that.
"Okay.. next question!!" She exclaims, with less enthusiasm than the last question. She presses a button on the remote as it changes to the next slide.
"What colour.. was.. the.. chair?" Funneh repeats, "yes it was off screen, but if you were a real Sweetheart fan you should know" "...The chair was. Off. Screen???" Funneh repeats again, more dumbfounded.
"Boo!! Almost everybody knows this!! This is like.. known knowledge!! Boo!!" A sprout mole from the audience exclaims while the others agree with it. "IT WAS OFF SCREEN?? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW I DON'T EVEN WATCH YOUR DUMB MOVIES ANYWAYS??" A loud gasp can be heard from the audience and by Sweetheart herself. "Dumb? Who are you calling dumb?" Sweetheart mutters, as she glares at the shivering Funneh. Maybe it was best to shake Gold up before she gets noticed too.
Someone yells, as two figures run out of the curtains behind you. Two sprout moles, both beaten up. "Hey! Who are you two?? You're not supposed to be on stage- guards!!" Sweetheart yells, while the guards guarding the stage start getting ready to move.
"Wait- Sweetheart! Ma'am.. I would like to say that these people.. are frauds!!" It exclaims, as it points towards the three of you. The audience gasps, "yeah.. it was quite obvious.." "We and.. another friend of ours were the VIPs.. we were the 'SWEETHEARTS KNIGHTS'!!" Even more gasps can be heard, as something dawned on you.. a possible ending to this situation.
"Gasp?? Oh my, what a turn of events!!" Sweetheart exclaims, as the three of you started finding ways to exit the stage. "While we were on our way to the show, these evil people came and beat up us and our leader- rest his soul" the two sprout moles stay silent for a bit to honour their.. you're guessing.. dead friend. "And.. sniff.. and they went on stage as us, to dishonour our title! And for our dear friend.. we've come to stop you!!" It yells, as one suddenly starts charging at Gold. He jumps up, to give a satisfying kick to Gold's head-
"Wha?" She mumbles before ducking, sending the sprout mole into the wall behind her. "NOEL" The remaining sprout mole yells, as it makes its way to the sprout mole collapsed on the floor. "You.. MONSTERS" "what?" Gold asks, as suddenly guards make their way to the three of you. "Not only have you killed two innocent sprout moles.. lied about your position but.. MADE A MOCKERY OF THE SHOW AND INSULTED MY MOVIE MAKING!!" She yells, paying attention to a least important factor honestly.
"Guards!! Send them.. to the.. DUNGEON!!"
She yells, and just as they've been told, they start dragging you off the stage. "Hey- you can't do that.. well you can.. but you can't just.. actually that kinda makes-" Funneh mumbles, trying to find a way to paint herself in a good light but then again.. she did kill some innocent sprout mole.. kinda her fault honestly. You were honestly quite content on being dragged away, but suddenly something hit Gold's head. "Ow-"
You turn your head to notice a sprout mole standing up, holding a rock with it's foot. "BOO!! SWEETHEART HATER!! BOO!!" You clench your teeth, little do they know you have a knife in your pocket. You fight the guards force to make your way to the mean sprout mole as they try to hold you down, immediately after being noticed, the sprout mole backs away, startled that someone actually payed attention to its little rock.
everything went black after that.
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