10: Mission; Retrieving Draco's album
You and Funneh peek into the park's entrance. The neapolitan haired girl isn't around from the looks of it. "God.. damnit, Gold isn't here.. she must've went home or something.." it was understandable of course, why would she stay in the same place after being left there by her friends.. if she even consider you friends anymore.. there's too much to take in.
Funneh continues looking around, hoping she can find anyone familiar. Immediately, her eyes lead to two people gossiping at the basketball court. One with long ginger hair, she wears a purplish pink short sleeved jacket. She's talking to a blond girl with a cap, she wears a white T-shirt with pink stripes. Funneh walks towards them as you yet again follow her from behind.
"And then I was like- 'sorry I have a bf soo' "
"Omg haha"
"Wow omg really???"
They stop gossiping as they turn towards Funneh, who's making a very.. 'interested' face. "What the hell are you doing, blueberry?" The ginger girl asks. "Look, am looking for a girl with neapolitan hair- have ya seen her?" Funneh asks, mocking they way they were speaking earlier.
"Neo..poli..tan?" "Gold, Brittney, she's talking about Gold" "ohhh" The Blond girl exclaims. From this you're guessing the blond girl's Brittney and the ginger girl..
"Right-io Felicia, ya got that right!!" Funneh mocks once again, chuckling to herself once she notices the two uninterested faces in front of her. "But legit- have you seen her? We're looking for her" Funneh explains, dropping the fake accent. "Why would I tell the girl who left said girl 20 minutes ago?" Felicia asks, as they both randomly start giggling. "Well because she wasn't important 20 minutes ago but now she is so where is she, Felicia?" The girls stop giggling on command.
"Look, I don't know where she is? Maybe pretty boy over there would know, go ask him" Brittney exclaims, pointing at Prince, the boy who beated up Draco earlier. He's busy flexing his (gags) 'muscles' to some kids, like legitimately elementary school kids. Why? Maybe the boys saw him beat up Draco earlier and wanted to learn how to do that too.. and the girls. You gag again.
"Ew don't wanna, please guys- I don't wanna talk to him" Funneh cries, getting on her knees. "I'll literally do anything" Felicia and Brittney shares a glance with eachother. "Alright the how about... say right now that I'm prettier than you!" Felicia exclaims as Brittney giggles. "...uh what?" "Do it, or I won't tell.." Funneh groans, "but that won't even.." "fine, I guess you don't want to know where Gold isss?" Felicia mocks, Funneh groans annoyingly. "You and your stupid little ego.." she gets up from the ground.
"...'Im prettier than you' " "no you dumbass- flip it! You know what I'm talking about you're just acting stupid!!" Felicia remarks as Funneh groans even louder.. you feel bad. But at least they aren't targeting you. "URGH you're more prettier than me" "hm.. put my name and yours in the sentence?" Brittney continues giggling.
"....Felicia is more prettier than me, Funneh"
"Felicia. Is. More. Prettier. Than. Me, Funneh."
"FELICIA. IS MORE. PRETTIER. THAN. ME. FUNNEH" She yells, knowing Funneh, she can go louder than that, but Felicia didn't know. "Alrighty good.. last thing- here"
Felicia takes something out her bag, and puts it on your head. You take it down to view it, it was an ugly frog hat. "I thought it would look good online but it didn't really, but know it serves a purpose!" She exclaims, as Brittney starts breaking down with laughter. You place it back on your head, as you stare at Funneh, she gives you a concerned face but even you can tell she thinks you look ridiculous. "Now to seal our deal, I want you to walk.. WALK around the park, a full loop, two times with that hat on, Lunar" you groan, stupid of you to assume you wouldn't get targeted too..
Before Funneh could object, you start walking away from them. You made sure to keep your distance from Prince and the elementary kids. There weren't many people around, just your luck- however you did just walk in front of an elderly couple and they made a face at you.. this is not how you treat a person who came out after four years at home.
You walk back towards the three, Funneh wasn't facing you, whilst the other two were laughing their butts off. "Okay- that's good!" Brittney laughs. "Lunar guess what! Apparently Gold's at the town's bakery!" Funneh exclaims, looking back at you- you notice she was focusing really hard on your face.. you decided to take off the hat and hand it back to Felicia.
She pushes the hat away from her. "Don't worry Lunar, take this as a.. welcome back gift? Mkay?" She says, grinning maliciously. "..Felicia, take it back" "No, it's my gift for her" "......" You look at the hat once again, honestly.. free hat. You put in on again, now more prouder than earlier. You got a free hat, maybe if you have some free time tomorrow you could fix up the hat a bit to make it look.. less ugly.
Funneh sighs as she turns to Felicia again, "whatever, thanks for the info guys!" Funneh exclaims, shoving her fingers into Felicia's eyes. "OW WHAT-" You and Funneh sprint out of there before Felicia had the time to even process it.
Some passerby's stare at you in a weird way as they walk on by, why? Because you're still wearing the frog hat. It's very cute now that you think about it, its little googly eyes bounces up and down every time you take a step. "You're.. really going to keep wearing that?" Funneh asks, gesturing to your fantastic hat.. did she not like it? Somehow despite you not expressing it, Funneh seemed to know what you were thinking- "Well, I don't hate it- but reminder we will be talking to Gold.. and I'm not sure she'd take lightly to that amazing fantastic hat of yours" that's understandable, you decide to take it off right before you enter the bakery.
The bakery was at in the supermarket at the plaza, aka the big one-storey building. You glance towards the fountain where you met Draco earlier, he isn't there anymore.
Upon entering, you're blasted with cold air. The air conditioners here always seem to be on 24/7. You walk along the marble tile floor as you look around in astonishment, since this is your first time here in a while, Funneh decides to show off some stuff before heading to the bakery. For example, the old tool shop was closed down and was replaced with a very expanded clothing store. You could still buy tools in the plaza, however they're outside and not in the actual mart.
After a while of detouring, you and Funneh stand in front of a small bakery. Which is literally just called 'Meh Bakery'. You always loved to buy baked goods from here, something about the simple name and the cozy atmosphere when walking in always filled you with joy. And you weren't even a fan of baked goods! You liked them sure, but you weren't a die hard fan for them.. that was Rainbows thing.
Funneh taps your shoulder, as she points with the same hand to a seating booth not far from the entrance. There.. you see a neapolitan haired girl sitting, her back facing you. "That must be Gold.. let's talk to her!" Funneh whispers to you, as she makes her way towards Gold.
The girl seems to be lost in her thoughts as she munches down on another slice of cake, vanilla perhaps? She doesn't seem to have noticed the two of you, until Funneh sits on the seat that's facing her.
".... what. What are you doing here??!?" Gold asks, her spoon falling on the plate with a clatter. You also walk in view, seating beside Funneh. She takes a good look at you, "and what the hell are you wearing???" You tilt your head in confusion, was it your shirt? Did something spill? You check it, "PST" Funneh whispers at you, gesturing to your head. ....the hat. You immediately snatch it off your head, resting it on your lap. Funneh giggles at this.
"....I don't even want to ask" Gold mumbles, as she goes and cuts another slice of cake. "Damn G, you eating all of that? Not on that diet anymore?" Gold immediately shoots a death glare at her, maybe something not to be brought up. "Okay.. sorry.. um.. what flavour is that?" Funneh asks, initiating conversation. "Vanila.. specifically vanilla sponge cake" knew it. "You like vanilla? I always thought you were more of a chocolate person" "I am" Funneh makes a confused face at this. "Then.. why are you..?"
"Because this is Rainbows favourite flavour" they both stay silent for a bit, Rainbow being brought up immediately peaked your interest.
"...I eat it when I'm stressed" Gold continues, chewing. "..What? Want some?" Gold asks, noticing Funneh eyeing her cake. "...Can I??" Funneh asks with a huge grin on her face, "well.. you're here anyways.. and besides, I'm full" Gold mutters, as she pushes her plate towards Funneh. "Ohh sweet!" Funneh says to herself, "want some Lunar?" You politely shake your head, you're not hungry.
"...why did you come anyways?" Gold asks, getting to the point, as if she just remembered she came here alone. You and Funneh share glances, "oh yeah.. it's um.. it's about a certain boy you see" Gold immediately groans at this, something tells you she already knows who's it's gonna be about. "What? Did Draco send you? Everything makes sense now.." Gold mumbles, "No no Gold- this is all purely me.. and Lunar!" She says gesturing towards you. "You see Gold, stealing people's stuff is a very not good thing to do! Especially if it's somebody's photo album" Funneh explains, in a childish way- as if she's speaking to a 5 year old child.
"God.. why do you even care? Just mind your own business" Gold mumbles, getting slightly annoyed by the subject. "My business? My business is to stop the drama between you and Draco, we were all friends.. I don't see why I should just ignore that" "maybe you should" Gold bluntly replies, avoiding eye contact.
"Gold look, seriously.. why are you gate keeping the album? Mind refreshing my memory?" Funneh asks, glancing towards you.. maybe she's trying to get you caught on on why Gold..
"You have a memory of a goldfish.. for the last time, three years ago I came to Draco's house for something, can't remember what.. and while he was getting something, I saw his album on his bed so of course.. I wanted to look at the photos right?" Gold starts explaining. "Draco, for some reason, didn't let me and only when I snatched it away from him that's when I noticed" Gold pauses before continuing.
"That bastard scribbled on every single photo" you let out a small gasp, he did?.. then what was the point on obtaining the album back if all the photos are.. "Then you stole it, yelled at him then went home right?" "Yeah" "and you immediately started calling him names and started bullying him after right?" Gold locks eyes with Funneh at this. "...what?" Gold mumbles, Funneh repeats what she said again.
"...I didn't do that" Funneh makes a little confused sound as she glances at you. "But.. you.." "Yeah I do call him names sometimes and I do sometimes go physical on him.. but I never started it, that was all my friends.. I just hopped on" Funneh immediately becomes upset at this. "And I thought there was actually some good in you- that's literally the same damn thing??" Funneh yells, her voice not loud enough for the people behind you to hear- but was certainly a contrast to the way Funneh was talking before. Even Gold was startled at the change.
"But the way you worded it- Ugh they did it for my sake anyways, and he deserved it. Ungrateful bastard" Gold mumbles the last part under her breath. "And in which way was he ungrateful??" Funneh asks, hearing the last part. "I don't know Funneh, maybe the part where he uh I don't know.. scribbled on all those damn pictures???" Gold replies sarcastically, getting increasingly more annoyed. "He didn't even think about us, he just.... Scribbled all over those memories, all of the good times.. on RAINBOW??" She whisper yells the last part, still not trying to gain attention.
".. sure I can understand why you're mad about that, but stealing his album?? Even after three years?? Dude, if he's that persistent that means he deems the album important, just like you!" Funneh explains. Gold stays silent for a bit, "I know you have it Gold, you're doing a bad job in lying" "I'm not lying, I lost it" Gold spits, starting to get mad. "...sure fine, maybe it is still in my room, chilling. What're you going to do about it?" Gold asks, inching closer to Funneh.
"Gold you.. that's pretty childish.."
Funneh mumbles, Gold pauses for a bit. Her? Childish..? She continues,
"Draco is a horrible owner, that dumb bitch didn't even think twice. I don't see why I must give away all my memories to a boy who could and would scribble all over them like it was just some piece of paper"
"And I don't see why you're so nosy about it, we haven't even hung out in what? Four years? I don't see why you're so interested in looking into other people's businesses?? Don't you hate me? I hate you that's one thing, and I hate Draco, and for Lunar.." Gold pauses for a bit, she stares right into you. "I hate you the most"
"...Honestly Gold.."
"Rainbow would've been really sad if she heard that" Funneh says. Immediately the two of them fall silent, Gold starts to completely avoid eye contact again as Funneh has a sad expression on her face, replacing the anger and annoyance from before.
"...yeah.. would've.. what do I care about what she thinks.. she's.." Gold laughs, she seems.. hesitant. "Rainbows dead." Your eyes widen, no she isn't.. you're lying. You're lying and I hate you so much. I hate you too. I hate you.. but you're my friend. And I can't hate you. I don't have the heart.. you don't have the heart, Lunar does not have the heart to hate her friend. So you continue to watch silently, as the other two exchange upset replies to this.
"Gold- what in the flying fuck?!?" Funneh yells, her voice quite loud but no so.. "Okay Gold, you have new friends now I get it, but this doesn't mean you can just.. treat your old friends like complete shit?!?" Gold winces, "old friends? Can I even consider you as friends? If I'm correct friends are always supposed to be there for eachother whenever something bad happens.. yet 'you guys' weren't even there for me when Rainbow was gone. And you expect me to consider you friends!" Gold laughs, it sounds fake in every possible way.
"...Is this what it's all about? Gold, we were all 12 at that time.. none of us were mature enough to even understand what was happening.. all I knew was that my friend, my older sister figure was gone permanently and there was nothing I could do about it.. and I was sad, and she was, and he was and you were too" Funneh exclaims, pointing at each individual she was talking about except for Draco since he wasn't here right now. "Yeah sure, I can understand that, Funneh- I'm not a baby who needs attention 24/7, but what about the weeks after that? The months, the years?? We were all grieving then, but what about now?" Funneh falls silent.
"You seem to be alright now, considering you can run up to anyone and initiate conversation, you can crack jokes and make everyone in the class laugh, you can help people in the town whenever they need it, yet you can't get yourself to talk to either one of us? The only time you do is when you have a question about school or because you have nobody else to talk to?" Gold continues, Funneh starts to feel upset.. she starts to avoid eye contact.
"Yet you blame me for my behaviour! What about this Funneh? Imagine you're me" Funneh glances at the angry face of her former friend. "You just lost your mother/older sister figure, nobody wants to talk to you and it's not like you had many friends at school to begin with, so you're alone. Your mom hates you, your fucking dad leaves you. And the only thing that you can cling onto is a picture of your late friend, so you decide to ask for a picture or two so you won't be as lonely, then you find out at all those precious picture were gone, scribbled out" Gold pauses.
"How do you feel Funneh? How do you fucking feel?" Funneh is hesitant to answer, yet Gold already knows the answer. "You're sad right? You must be. You hate everyone, nobody loves you, nobody is there for you.. only two years later and you finally find a friend group that accepts you. They learn what had happened and gets reasonably mad at your old friend, they're standing up for you" Gold continues, "AND YOU SAY IM ACTING CHILDISH? IS IT ME OR YOU FUNNEH, IS IT ME OR YOU??" Gold yells, the entire bakery goes quiet. Gold covers her mouth in shock, she hadn't meant to yell that out.
"...what is it that you want? An apology?" Funneh asks, her eyes slightly tearing up.. was she going to cry? You don't know what to do, all you can do is stare at the exchange. "Okay. I'm sorry Gold, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed it the most, I'm sorry that I acted like a little prick whilst you were going through a hard time, and I'm sorry. I am really sorry for bothering you. Can we please. Just. Please have that photo album back?" Gold stays silent for a bit, "that's all I ask for, please? I'll go home after, we'll never talk again. I'll never disturb you anymore, and you can continue beating up Draco if you want" Gold sits in silence, she slowly gets up, still not looking at any of you.
"...sorry Funneh, I don't think I can accept that apology" she mumbles, as she starts to walk away. You watch her walk out of the bakery.. slowly but surely.. are you not going to get the album back? You're letting Draco down-
"GOLD. GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID BITCH" Funneh cries, hitting the table as she runs towards the girl- who seemed just as startled as you are. Funneh shoves the confused Gold, who catches her balance as she stares at her friend. Her friend who can't stop her tears from falling any longer.
"I don't get it?? What more do you want, I apologized to you, and I really mean it- I really do??" She angrily cries, "yeah.. yeah I know? Funneh you-" Gold mumbles, trying to stop her from gaining any more attention as they already gotten. "Why can't you just give Draco's album back?? Please??? What do you want- money? Friends? Food- attention??" Her voice cracks, as she wipes her eyes.
"..what's going on?"
"Draco? That's that nice old lady's grandson right?"
"That girl must've stolen something important to her.."
"Not hers, it's the boy's- Draco's"
"The poor girl, that brown haired girl must've put her though a tough time.."
"That's Gold isn't it? That delinquent?"
"I was in the shop, she yelled at her earlier.. this must've all been her fault huh?"
"Why are they swearing?? There are kids here, they should be more respectful"
These voices can be heard, gossip. It's too late, Gold can't run from this anymore. Maybe she shouldn't have been so hard on the girl.. if she had just left earlier.. if she just went back home..
"Funneh- Funneh just stop. Why couldn't you have just.. waited?? In front of here, in front of people- you want to argue like this in front of people?? Aren't you ashamed? Embarrassed??" Gold exclaims, trying to not let the people hear. "You're so childish.. ugh.. I'm going home-"
"Please- just give me the damn album already you big bully!!" Funneh continues, as she grips onto Golds hand. On instinct, Gold immediately swings the bat with nails she's holding into Funneh's head. She immediately falls to the ground from the sheer amount of force.
"..!" You stare quietly this, Gold has gone crazy.. the crowd, that had started to form, all gasps at this. Some stare at Funneh whilst others stare right at Gold. Gold didn't mean for that to happen. She really didn't, it was an instinct. Was she hurt? What will she do, she can't get out of this- there was nowhere out.
Funneh continues holding her head, she seemed hurt but other nothing serious.. you think? You walk towards Funneh, her head was slightly bleeding. Was it serious? It is serious? There's blood, it's serious. "...Funneh, I'm.." Gold tries to apologise, but the crowd makes her freeze in place. She can't say anything.. she doesn't know what to do, her eyes start to water in frustration.
"..Funneh I didn't mean.." Gold tried to apologise as she squats down to Funneh's eye level, trying to show that she didn't mean to harm- or was she? You got afraid, on instinct- you grip something from your pocket and slice Gold's hand.
..her hand starts bleeding, Gold reclines as she holds her hand in pain. "ARGH- WHAT.. WHY DO HAVE A KNIFE?!?" Gold yells, in shock. Funneh, who was still covering her eyes, looks around in slight confusion. You hadn't meant to do that.. do you win the fight? "You're crazy- you're crazy!!" Gold yells, she notices all eyes are on you as she decides to use this chance to flee the mart. Running into the crowd and out the sliding doors.
"Hey- she just.."
"Should we chase after her or??"
"Nah, I don't think so"
"Why does that girl have a knife?"
"Is that girl okay?"
"Hey, isn't that Mrs Starlight daughter?"
"...we best get going, huh?" Funneh chuckles slightly, noticing the damage she'd done. Did you win? The battle.. no, this isn't correct. You can't just.. you pocket the knife, as you and Funneh leave the mart, the crowd making way for the two of you.. probably because of your knife..
"Sorry for earlier, Lunar" Funneh apologizes, as she wipes her slightly bleeding head with a tissue you bought at Hobbeez, a small shop close by which sells lots of your favourite childhood stuff.. and tissues. "I work horribly under pressure" oh really? Really?? You sigh, you honestly didn't mind, but it's the fact you.. hurt your friend is what you're mostly upset about. Since you have a tissue, you decide to clean your knife.. it must've became dirty after that fight.
You pull it out, and there was a small trail of blood on the knife.. and it wasn't yours. You sigh, as you wipe the blood off. "... isn't that a kitchen knife?" Funneh asks, pointing out your little weapon. You nod, Funneh immediately pulls it away from you. "Why do you have this? This is very dangerous! Someone could get hurt!!" ...had she not noticed why Gold ran off in the first place? "I'll be pocketing this if you don't mind-" you do mind, you try to get it back but she holds it out of reach. "Don't worry Lunar, I'll give it back when you head home"
Well, there's nothing more you can do but wait. You stop struggling as your sudden calmness makes Funneh stop dangling the knife in the air as she puts it beside her, out of reach for you. "..even though Gold has been pretty messed up lately, maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her like that- like did you see the amount of people there?!?" Funneh yells, now starting to feel the embarrassment. "I'm so gonna be in trouble once I get back home.." Funneh sighs, wiping away a fake tear. "..and I don't think my little stunt will get Gold to give back that photo album any time soon.." you agree with this, if anything, the two of you probably made her even more mad.
"Well- we can always try tomorrow! If I see Draco later, I'll tell him about the delay.. anyways if you don't mind, I'm gonna be heading somewhere if you wanna come with?" Funneh invites, well.. you have been following Funneh for the last few hours so you don't know why she'd think you'd suddenly say no..
A graveyard? Did Funneh have someone recently die here, perhaps? The graveyard was a beautiful little area decorated with white marble pillars, pretty little flowers and trees, a little parting gift for the dead possibly. There was a lot of tombstones scattered around the place, however Funneh knew which one she wanted to head too.
In the middle of the graveyard, Funneh walks towards a clean tombstone, as if someone had cleaned it just earlier.. there was purple and pink flowers sitting still next to it. You squint your eyes to read the name engraved on it.
You sigh, that's right.. Rainbow's dead. "I come here weekly, it used to be daily.. but now I don't think I have the time.." Funneh explains, her eyes soften. She wished she had the time. She really did. "Oh Rainbow, it's been so long. Well it feels like that to me, she's only been gone for four years- but literally.. it feels like an entire decade. I miss her so much.. and I bet you do too, huh?" Funneh asks, you do not answer the question.
".. when Rainbow.. passed away, something broke inside me- I don't know what, but.." Funneh pauses, unsure on how to really explain it. It was her heart. You could tell.
"I couldn't focus in school properly, I wouldn't eat properly and I'd throw up whenever I think of that day.." Funneh mumbles, she looks at her hands. "I touched her body. I touched her dead cold unalive body.. it was an instinct.. but I kinda wished I didn't.." Funneh mumbles, she had hugged her dead body. You didn't see it for yourself, but Draco had told you then.. during the funeral.
"And during the weekends, I'd just sit in my room, thinking about stuff, the usual- like what I'm gonna do? Some fun old memories, and other stuff" Funneh continues on, "but then I started overhearing some conversations my mom had with the other neighbours.. she said lots of rude things about Rainbow.. your mom, your dad.. she didn't bring you up though" ..what type of stuff? Funneh wouldn't explain. But it's must've been bad.
"She isn't like that now of course, she's a good mom and these days- she started to talk more positively about your family. But then, she was mad at how.. Rainbow died. And how it was exposed to us just like that.. since we did find her like that and all, when I overheard it.. I got mad and I yelled at her, heck- I didn't talk to her for a solid week before breaking down in front of her- man I am messed up" Funneh pauses again to laugh before resuming.
"But I guess after letting all that anger and sadness out, everything was back to normal. Like that little fire in me ignited once more! And I started being active in school again.. however by then, both Draco and Gold were out of my reach.." Funneh mumbles, remembering about the fight at the mart. Her cheeks turn slightly red from embarrassment, "ugh. Really shouldn't have done that.." you let Funneh cringe to herself before she resumes again.
"They continued to ignore me like I how I had then.. and I really couldn't do anything about it.. since I had started it-" Funneh lets out a small chuckle, "but it's okay, I have new friends, Gold has some too.. dunno about Draco, but I've been trying my hardest to hang out with that guy for a while now" Funneh chuckles, "so none of us are really alone in this world.. and now you're back too! Epic!!" Funneh gives you a big smile as you smile back, slightly.
"..Woah, sorry for trauma dumping there, I have no idea what happened" Funneh randomly says, confused. "I guess whenever I come to Rainbow I'm always reminded about what my mom said, and it gets me upset lol" Funneh glances towards Rainbow's tomb one last time before getting up. "Well, best we should get going huh? The sun's setting and I don't think I'm in the mood to see some ghosts today!" Funneh jokes, gesturing to the orange yellow sky. You're not in the mood to see ghosts either, you get up as you glance towards your sisters tomb once again.
"Bye bye Rainbow!" Funneh exclaims, waving at the stone before walking away. You turn back to the tomb.. "..goodbye Rainbow" you wave at her, before walking off.
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