Act III Molten Freddy -Necro Sailor Mercury
"This whole thing is just crazy." Lefty admitted, playing with her green pen. "I'm really Sailor Jupiter?"
"Which means I have to work with you, loathsome as you are." Scraptrap rolled his eyes.
"So what now?" Lefty asked. "Since you're the first Sailor Guardian to actually be one. What next, O Wise One?"
"Well..." He thought for a moment. "Maybe that blond girl I keep seeing after nearly passing out can help."
"Shall I electrocute you to death?" Lefty innocently offered.
Scraptrap scrunched his nose, grabbing his ear in frustration. "I remember there being two other girls with us. One with short, blue hair-"
"Did she have pronouns?" Lefty interrupted, trying to stop herself from laughing.
Scraptrap shook his head, muttering something about kids these days. "The other one was a blond girl with a bow in her hair. I don't remember which Sailor Guardians they were, or if we'll find them."
"All I'm hearing is that you need to be knocked out." Lefty tapped her fingers on the wooden table. "Is that correct?"
"It means we have to find the other two before we die permanently."
"I truly wouldn't mind you dying forever." Lefty commented. She pushed her chair out, getting up to leave. "Awfully nice chatting with you, Mars."
"I wasn't finished." Scraptrap called after her.
How was she going to survive working with that absolute prick of a man? Hopefully the other two, whoever they were, were less insufferable than that old man.
Lefty honestly wished she had snapped him in half during that fight. Sure, she may have briefly saw him as a beautiful young lady, but he was still an insufferable cunt.
"Buddy!" A sudden hug yanked her out of her thoughts. "What's got you so mad?"
Oh. It was just Rockstar Freddy. "That crusty old man, of course."
"Aw, man." Freddy pouted. "Well, buddy, for just 3 FazCoins™ I'll beat him to death with a microphone."
"I thought it was five." Lefty smiled at her friend's antics.
"That's the Friend Discount! Usually it's four but this is for my best friend in the world." Freddy nudged her arm, following up with a mischievous wink. "Don't tell anyone."
Bonnie looked up from polishing his guitar with tears in his eyes.
"Wait, Bon, I'm sorry-" Freddy rushed off to comfort him.
Lefty shook her head, quietly snickering to herself about how ridiculous he was.
"Those two." Chica clicked her voice box. "Oh, Lefty, how are things?"
She got up, sweeping Lefty into a hug. "Are you ok after that thing attacked you?"
"Of course, Chick-Chick." She hugged back, burying her face in her friend's metal neck. "But are you ok?"
"A little shaken up is all." Chica replied. "Oh, and Left?"
"Hm?" Lefty pulled out of the hug.
"Do you know if, uh..." She nervously rubbed the back of her head. "Well, I figured you would be the right one to ask..."
Lefty tilted her head. "You're not making any sense."
"How do I convince Foxy that old rabbit isn't worth it?" Chica blurted out.
Oh, this was the worst case scenario. The feeling was mutual? "I'm... sorry?"
"So am I." She looked around, then lowered her voice. "I heard him practicing pick-up lines in the mirror, and believe me, they were all cringe."
"Oh, that's horrible." Lefty whispered. "And let me tell you, that feeling's returned."
"You're kidding!"
"Yeah. He plays it off as a dumb crush, but I guarentee you if he knew..."
Chica giggled. "He'll die on the spot!"
"Y'know..." Lefty thought for a moment, "if that's the case, I'll tell him."
"Good idea! Listen," Chica quickly checked the time, "I have a show coming up, so we'll talk later?"
"Absolutely." Now she could get to figuring out who the other Sailor Guardians were. "Bye."
And Lefty was off. She had work to be done, Guardians to find. Scraptrap could stay simping forever, for all she cared. Right now, she needed to find them.
She walked into the backstage area, trying to remember where she put that floor map of the place. They had found that insufferable old man in a relatively plain, empty room. Somehow he had gotten his pen, and wasn't saying how. Well, maybe he would, Lefty didn't want to talk to him.
Tossing a stack of papers behind her(most likely lawsuits Helpy had piling up), she rooted through bins, trying to find that paper. Oh, where was it? She knew it was here!
More and more lawsuits got scattered all over the floor. She would bet her right arm that none of them were ever dealt with despite Helpy's panic over them.
At the very bottom of one of the bins was a folded up piece of paper. Lefty snatched it up, unfolding it.
I'm very proud of you, Jupiter. Venus is already out there. I need you to find Mercury, now.
Signed with a crescent moon and taped to a blue and gold pen.
Mercury. Where would she find Mercury?
Well, she didn't even have the chance to attempt a search, because Chica poked her head out from the curtains.
"Oh, Lefty, can you be a dear and help us out?" Chica called. "Scraptrap's projectile vomiting everywhere and Molten's mad about it."
That old man still had a stomach? "He's what?"
"Well, he's- You just have to be there." She motioned for her to follow.
As soon as Lefty stepped out, she knew exactly what was going on.
The stench of blood, vomit, and oil mixing together had Lefty gagging. Scraptrap was lying in a pool of bloody vomit, seconds away from passing out. She debated kicking him in the stomach, but that would mean getting closer to this disgusting rabbit.
"H-he got v-vomit on m-me!" Molten Freddy hissed at Scraptrap before retreating onto a clean party table.
"What's up with him, lately?" Bonnie wrinkled his nose.
"We had to cancel the show because he wouldn't stop." Chica nudged Scraptrap's ear with her foot.
He shuddered, coughing up bile.
"Will 'e be alright?" Foxy tapped her shoulder.
Out of all of them, Foxy looked the most worried. Maybe that was because of that stupid crush. No wonder Scraptrap was the only Salvage he really talked to.
Jeez, if you wanted to get in his pants, or in his skirt, it would seem, that badly...
"S-some-" Scraptrap coughed.
That got her attention. She knelt down at his side, taking care not to get vomited on. "What is it?"
First, he had a massive headache that had him crying in pain. That resulted in the tentacled figure. Now, he was vomiting for no reason.
"Let him be ok." Foxy mumbled before turning away to get a janitor.
"Scraptrap." Lefty stated, her voice quivering slightly. "What are you trying to say?" What is this bout of sickness predicting?
He dry heaved, then choked out, "It's here!"
"G-guys..." Molten Freddy stammered, face pressed against the window. "Uhm, y-you might w-wanna c-c-come see th-this."
Lefty came over to the window, staring out into the street.
A street overrun by animatronic children the size of cars, mouths brimming with teeth.
Her hand loosely covered her mouth in horror.
"Fred, help me get him up." Lefty glanced back and, to her horror, Foxy was attempting to lift that old bunny.
"N-no-" Scraptrap gagged, groping in his chest for what she knew was his pen. "Can't-"
"Scrappy, come on." Foxy hoisted the rabbit up into his arms.
"No, put me down." God, the guy sounded tired. For a moment Lefty almost felt sorry for him. He had not once, but twice now predicted enemies by horrific physical symptoms.
Hey, he deserved it.
"If he gets eaten then so be it!" Freddy tugged on Foxy's arm. "Leave him!"
"I'll be fine." Scraptrap mumbled, resting his head on Foxy's shoulder. "Go."
Foxy opened his mouth as if to argue, then gently set him down. "Sorry." After that, Lefty didn't see him.
"W-what d-do we d-d-do?" Molten Freddy stammered.
"Not again." Scraptrap staggered over, resting his forehead on the glass. "Is this what hell feels like?"
"Then get used to it." She pulled her pen out of her chest cavity, then held it above her head. "Jupiter power, make up!"
"Mars power, make up!" Scraptrap weakly raised his pen up as well.
Perhaps the strength her transformation gave her would be enough to stop herself from killing Scra- Mars.
"W-what the f-f-fuck?!" Molten Freddy slithered back.
"Let's go, Jupiter." Mars sighed, rubbing his metal plate.
"No time to waste. Molten" She made a hand motion of laying down, "stay here, I mean it."
Then she kicked the door down.
She dashed out into the street, knocking into one of the children.
At once, all turned to stare at her.
"Jupiter!" Mars set his hand on his knee, pausing to take a breath. "Why did you get started without me?"
"Oh, shut up old man." Lefty hopped into a fighting stance. "I am the pretty guardian, who fights for love and for courage! I am Necro Sailor Jupiter!" She scoffed, then continued. "I'll fill you with regret, it'll leave you numb."
"I am the pretty guardian, who fights for love and for passion!" He took another pause. "I am Necro Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!"
Those huge faces stared down at the two. Jupiter had a sick feeling she would be the one feeling numb.
"Hey, um, Mars?" Jupiter's voice shook. "Do you by any chance have a plan?"
"Don't fucking die." Mars mumbled, summoning three ofudas. "Evil spirits, fuck off"
All three of them ignited in his hand. He had just the right amount of strength to throw them before collapsing to his knees.
"Goddammit, Mars-" Jupiter stopped herself, only just now noticing half of his shiv had snapped off. Dribbles of red ran out of the stump, and the shiv itself had blackened.
"Fuck." Mars hissed, covering up his shiv's broken end.
Jupiter scanned the crowd of monsters, looking for an opening. She highly doubted Supreme Thunder would work, and Mars was out of commission for the time being.
There! She scooped Mars up around his middle, then made a dash for it.
Almost avoiding the metal tentacles tying together the monsters' feet.
Jupiter ran, ignoring the shrieks as the dolls(?) began toppling, pulled together by the thick wires.
Mars slurred out a "huh", going unnoticed by Jupiter. As soon as she was clear out of the dolls' path, she ducked into an alleyway.
"This isn't the time to be dramatic, you idiot!" Jupiter grabbed Mars' shiv. "Oh, you still have blood don't you?"
"It hurts..." Mars whined, pulling back to curl up into a ball. "It hurts so bad..."
The sound of wires scraping against bricks filled the silence, and a familiar face poked itself out.
"Sorry, Lefty." Molten Freddy's ears lowered in shame. "You told me to stay put."
"Yes, and I-" She turned her attention to the spaghetti bear, only to cut herself short.
Each one of Molten's wires pulsed a faint blue, illuminating the space briefly.
What really illuminated the alley was the glowing symbol on their forehead.
"Molten...?" Mars tilted his head, slowly getting back up. "Jupiter, hand me that cloth, will you?" He gestured to a scrap of fabric laying by her foot.
But Jupiter wasn't focused on him.
They had found Mercury.
Jupiter reached into her chest cavity (through her uniform, of course), pulling out the blue pen.
"Now, don't freak out," she came forward, stepping on Mars's hand, "but you're, uh..."
Without another word she thrust the pen into Molten's hand.
Molten flinched, slithering back with the pen in hand.
Things looked... different. For one, it wasn't Lefty in front of them, but a girl with reddish brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and wearing the exact same outfit Lefty was. And Scraptrap, who was currently tying fabric over his broken shiv... had somehow become a beautiful girl with long, black hair and the uniform Scraptrap had on.
"This is going to sound insane," Even her voice had changed! "But that pen might just save all of us. We already have me and Mars. Come on, Mercury."
No, no, that wasn't their name! It was... it was... Ami? Was that their name? No, no, it was an adjective. No, it was Ami.
That beautiful girl, she wasn't Mars. She was Rei. Rei was their best friend! Rei and Ami were best friends, weren't they?
And what about the girl before them? Why, that was Makoto! They weren't as close, but they knew Makoto was really strong.
Ami gave a weak smile, gripping the pen in their human hand. "I'll do my best, Makoto."
And just like that, they left their fantasy. That wasn't Makoto... who was Makoto? Who was Rei? They weren't Ami, that's silly. They were just plain old Molten Freddy.
Oh, it was just Lefty and Scrap.
"Makoto?" Lefty repeated. She flinched, the screams Molten had blocked off getting louder. "Mol- Mercury, you need to transform."
"And fast." Scraptrap shuddered.
"Right." Molten's grip on the pen loosened slightly. How did Lefty and Scrap do it? They raised the pen over their head, calling out, "Mercury power, make up!"
A cold wave of water washed over Molten. Not that they knew what that felt like, but it was oddly... comforting.
Their upper body had been squeezed into a white and blue uniform, matching with Lefty's and Scrap's. Their bow was light blue, as was their back bow. Their skirt and gloves were a darker blue, like the button in the middle of their front bow.
"Whoa!" Molten exclaimed, twirling to get a better look.
"Uncomfortable, right?" Lefty tugged on her green skirt. "Mars, how are you comfortable fighting in this?"
"They're not that short." On Scrap, they barely reached his midthigh.
"What's the plan?" Molten interrupted. "I mean, we still have baddies to defeat, right?"
Lefty thought for a moment, then replied, "Water conducts electricity. Mars, you'll distract them-"
"You better not shock me again." Scraptrap glared at her.
"And Mercury, you'll create some mist that surrounds these things. Then I'll go in with lightning." Lefty finished.
"Easy." Molten, no, Mercury, agreed. "Go get 'em, Mars!"
Mars grumbled, then charged out into the street. At once, he was immediately picked up by one of the doll-monsters. Screams soon followed as they threw him back down into the street.
Mercury sighed, straightening. "Shine Aqua Illusion!" They called out, mist enveloping them. Scratch that, the mist was everywhere.
Mars yelled something about not feeling his leg, but unfortunately got drowned out. Mercury couldn't even see him.
That is, until Jupiter struck.
"Supreme Thunder!" Green light broke through the haze, illuminating everything in the mist. Unfortunately, it also brought with it a painful sensation.
Mercury screamed, their body set alight with electricity. Huge booms sounded overhead, followed by the stench of burning plastic.
When the mist cleared, Mercury could finally see their friends. Jupiter looked okay, maybe a little bit annoyed. She walked out to where a twitching Mars lay, then dragged him up by the back of his neck.
"Quit being dramatic." She scolded the rabbit, kicking his leg to snap the joint back in place.
Mercury slithered out of the alley, tapping their fingers together. "What do we do now, Jupiter?"
"For starters, she could put me down." Mars hissed.
Jupiter held up her hand to silence him. "These things are obviously coming from somewhere, right?"
Mercury nodded.
"Hear me out. These things have a source, the Nightmare Kingdom." Jupiter explained, setting Mars down. "I think we should target the source. We should attack the Nightmare Kingdom."
"You're not going anywhere."
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