Ever since what Emma told me about Seth I can't stop thinking about it. Something about that makes me feel special and important.
I'm sitting on the table waiting for Seth. I don't know if he's here already but I saw Dean while ago.
"Hello Nicole." His voice immediately makes me smile. I get up from the table and turn around smiling. "Hello sir."
"Seth." He says as he sits on his spot. I sit back down. "Okay Seth." I reply. As soon as he sits a servant approaches us.
"What do you want to eat, my Nicole?" My stomach turns into knots when he says my Nicole.
"Steak." I say. Seth looks at the guy, "You heard the lady. And bring us wine." The guy walks away and I sit still admiring Seth.
His lips curve up forming a smile. I don't see him smiling often and it's honestly a beautiful sight. "Is something wrong?"
"No. Thank you for being nice." He looks down at the table. "I don't mean to be mean, Nicole. Sometimes I'm impulsive."
"I know. It just feels like you're getting a little better at it." I say with a small smile. He looks up at me and it feels like my whole world stops. Why does this man have this effect on me?
We stop looking at each other when the guy brings two cups and wine. Seth opens up the bottle and pours some on his cup and mine.
"Cheers." He says putting his cup in the air. "For what?" I ask. "For everything." He replies. We bump our glasses together and then take a sip.
We're looking at each other while drinking while Dean approaches the table. He whispers something in Seth's ear and Seth immediately gets up.
"I'll be right back." He says walking away with Dean. A lady walks in and puts the two plates down. "Thank you."
I'm waiting patiently for Seth to come back. I wonder Dean told him to make him leave so abruptly.
I pick up the wine glass and look at my reflection making sure I look decent. Suddenly Seth walks in.
"Nicole, I need you to go to your room." I put the glass down and turn to look at him. "But I thought we were eating."
"Now Nicole!" He screams. I wince and get up quickly. My heart slowly crumples as I walk out.
He screamed at me and told me to go to my room. What made him change his mood all of the sudden?
When I get to my room I sit on my bed upset. It's funny how someone can change your mood all of the sudden.
I glance at the clock and see that it's 2:30 p.m. Am I going to be stuck here the rest of the afternoon?
I'm trying to get my mind of things and I start walking around the room. I walk to the balcony and look outside.
I'm enjoying the beautiful sight when I see an unfamiliar car. Could that be why Seth changed his attitude all of the sudden?
What if it's another girl? What if it's one of his girlfriends? Or what if he's actually married? A lot of questions start filling up my mind and I can't take it.
So I open the door and see Dean standing outside my room. Did Seth actually make him watch me?
"Excuse me?" I ask. Dean turns to look at me. "Yes?" He asks approaching me. "I- I need some stuff."
"What kind of stuff?" He asks. "Like stuff ... for you know..." I say glancing down. "Ohhhh." He says. "Yeah. Uh, could you go buy me some?"
"Ma'am I can't. I have orders to stay here." He says. "Dean please. I really need this stuff." I try to act embarrassed and he falls right for it.
"I'm really sorry ma'am. I can't and I don't even know what to look for." He replies. "Just look for tampons. I don't know ask someone at the store. I just really need them like right now. Please."
Dean sighs and looks at me. "Okay but the master cannot know about this." He says. I smile, "Thank you Dean! You're a sweetheart."
I close the door to my room and grin. Now that I made that up Dean will for sure leave and I can see what's going on.
After a couple minutes I open the door again. Dean is gone and I quickly walk out. I'm sure Dean will send a replacement to keep an eye on me.
I'm walking down the stairs as quietly as I can. Everything is so quiet it scares me. My heart is racing and I'm terrified to get caught.
Something tells me Seth is down a hall I've never been on. There's tons of rooms and I stand still trying to listen.
My ear finally catches something and I walk towards it. As I'm approaching the door I notice it's not completely shut.
I decide to stand by the door and not get too close. "What brings you here friend?" Seth asks.
If I risk peeking they might see me and it could end pretty bad. But my curiosity is so strong that I get the courage to peek.
"Can't I come visit?" When I see and hear Roman say this I almost faint. My heart speeds up and I bite the inside of my cheek.
He's sitting in front of Seth holding a cup with liquor. Seth looks calm but nervous. "Of course. It was just all of the sudden."
"Well I need some cheering up." Roman replies. "Whys that?" Seth asks. "You know that girl, Nikki?"
When I hear my name come out of his mouth my heart stops for a millisecond. Seth brings the cup to his mouth and takes a sip. "What about her?" He says after he's done drinking.
"She disappeared. I can't contact her anywhere. I've been trying to call that damn cellphone I gave her but she won't pick up." Roman sounds angry and this only makes me freak out more.
"Why're you trying to contact her?" Seth asks. "I can't stop thinking about her. She's so perfectly addicting. I want her, I want her for me so, so bad. I'm so crazy over her that I even want to make her my wife."
My eyes widen. Wife? Holy crap. I have to remind myself to breathe because this is all taking me by surprise.
"What's so great about her? She's just like any other woman." Seth says. "She's not like any other. She's one of a kind Rollins. If you would've slept with her you would know what I'm talking about. She's fascinating to look at and to touch."
"The way she sighed when my fingers slowly trailed down her spine. The way her breath quickened at my touch. It's beautiful. So, so beautiful. The way she elevated my heart rate just by looking at me-"
"This is starting to sound like a porn movie." Seth interrupts. My whole body starts heating up. Seth must be thinking horrible things about me.
I look at Seth face expression. He looks serious and he's got this look on his eyes I can't describe.
"She's just amazing and I want her and I won't stop until I find her." Roman replies. Seth laughs and takes a sip again.
"You won't laugh when you fall in love, Rollins." Roman says taking a sip himself. "The only difference is I won't fall in love with a prostitute."
I get a sudden pang on my chest and my heart slowly sinks. I know I'm a prostitute but the words coming out of Seth's mouth ache my soul.
I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away from the door. "Ma'am are you trying to get me fired?" Dean whispers harshly.
He continues to grab my arm and starts walking down the hall. I turn back and look at the door feeling a knot form on my throat.
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