"What do you mean you're going to die?" Lana is pale and shaky. Just like she was last night. "I couldn't say no. He was one of them. He would've killed me if I would've said no."
She looks at the money on her hands, "He would've killed me." She looks so scared and vulnerable. This is not who Lana is.
Lana is confident, fierce, and daring. I've never seen her like this and it honestly scares me too. "Lana, he's not going to kill you. I'm going to sleep with him."
"My life is in danger anyways!" She says bitting her nail. "Why did you come Nicole? I told you not to!"
She puts her hand against her forehead and it looks like she's going to cry. I suddenly regret everything because overall Lana is my friend. She's not just my boss. She's my friend. My only friend besides Brie.
"I'm sorry Lana." I whisper. "I'm sorry. I really am. If you don't want me to come back I won't." I say quietly.
She looks up at me, "It's not because I want you to. I just want you to get out of this life." I nod my head looking at the floor. "Okay."
She takes a deep breath. "I need to get back in the room. I'll give you your money later okay?" She asks.
I nod my head and she walks in the room again. I'm still not sure why Lana is being all weird. What's the big deal of me showing up?
I walk to the room 24 where that man is waiting for me. Before I walk in I take a deep breath and force myself to smile.
Honestly, I don't know who or what to expect. It could be an old guy, a middle age guy, a short guy, a tall guy. It could be anyone.
I knock on the door lightly. "Come in." That voice says. This is it. I walk in looking at my feet because I'm that nervous.
It's not my first time doing this but I don't do it often. Lana tries to keep me away from the "money room".
My eyes slowly travel to a pair of boots. As I'm going up I see a pair of dark blue jeans, a belt, a shirt, and a leather jacket.
When I finally get to his face my heart stops for a second. He's not old or nasty looking. He's absolutely gorgeous.
The guy looks really young. Maybe in his 20's or late 20's. He's got one ear pierced, his hair is messy and dirty blonde.
He's chewing gum and he looks directly at me. "Now I understand his obsession." He mumbles looking me from head to toe.
I want to ask him what he means but I don't. Instead I smile as I slowly approach him. "Hello sir. I'm Nikki."
"Hello Nikki." He says quietly. I'm waiting for him to say his name but he doesn't. "Sir, I don't understand why you paid a lot of money for me. There was prettier women there."
"I don't think so." He replies. This makes me smile bigger and I finally am a few inches away from him.
He's way taller than me. Very muscular and he smells like mint. "You really think so sir?" I whisper.
He nods his head slowly looking down at me. "I'm glad you do." I say as I lean closer. I can technically feel his body heat. His warm breath against my skin makes me shiver.
"Well you didn't come here to talk. How about we get started sir?" I smile at him and he's looking at me so intensely it intimidates me.
I take off my coat just leaving me in my bra and pants. He glances at my body and it makes my cheeks get hot.
I wrap my arms around his neck and I'm about to kiss him when he puts his finger against my lips.
"I'm not here for that." He says as he keeps eye contact with me. I unwrap my arms from his neck and look at him confused.
He removes his finger from my lips. "Excuse me sir?" He keeps looking at me, "I'm not here for that."
"I'm not understanding. You paid to be with me." He grabs my coat from the bed and hands it to me.
"It's not that I don't want to be with you. I can't. And if I could I wouldn't." He says. I feel a pang spread across my chest and a deep embarrassment.
Another rejection?
"You're a beautiful woman. You're very attractive and I wouldn't be with you because that would be like forcing you too."
I put on my coat ignoring eye contact. I just basically made a fool of myself. He could've told me this from the beginning.
"I need to talk to Lana." He says as he walks to the door. I simply stand where I am until he leaves the room.
It just doesn't make sense. Why would he pay six thousand dollars for less than five minutes? Nothing even happened in those five minutes except him rejecting me.
I'm pretty furious and it's not simply because he rejected me. I'm also mad because he complimented me and told me he wouldn't be with me because that'd be like forcing me to.
Who does he think he is? Why does everyone feel like they can make decisions for me? Why can't I make my own decisions and people respect them?
After fifteen minutes of sitting here I finally get up. By now the dude must be gone. He probably took the money back because nothing even happened.
As I open the door I see Lana standing there. "I need to speak with you." She says. "I'm sorry you lost that money. I don't know what happened. He just didn't want to and-"
"It's not that." She says cutting me off. "What is it then?" She bites the inside of her cheek and then she smiles.
It seems like a very forced smile though. "Do you remember how much you dreamed of being the girlfriend of a powerful man?"
I nod my head and she grins. "Well you got it!" I furrow my eyebrows together. "Huh?" She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Reigns wants you to move in with him. It's what you've been wanting since you got here. It's an opportunity you can't give up. It's up to you though."
I'm trying to process all of this in. Is Lana being serious? Am I dreaming? Is this even real? Why didn't Roman call me himself?
"I can make you famous. I can put you in any movie and any tv show. I can make that happen."
Romans words echo in my mind and I start smiling. "Oh my gosh! Of course I want to!" I say squealing.
Lana smiles, "Great. Umm. Well you have to leave right now." She says. "Right now? But I haven't even packed or-"
"Nikki, he will buy you whatever you need okay? You just have to go right now. Otherwise he might change his mind."
"Well how am I suppose to go? With who? Where?" As soon as I say this I hear familiar footsteps.
I then see the same man I was with while ago. He slowly smirks and I want the earth to eat me right now.
I tried to get naked with the man Roman sent to pick me up.
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