As soon as I get off the taxi and walk in the club Lana runs to me. "What happened? Has he text? Call? I want details!"
"Well I've already told you. He wants to see me again. He hasn't contacted me at all since that night. Maybe he forgot about me."
"He did not forget about you. Otherwise he wouldn't have bought you all that clothes and that phone." She says pointing to the phone.
"The only reason he bought it was so we could communicate." I look around as we're walking down the hall and lower my voice. "The phone has some sort of chip so the police can't track the phone call."
"Still! He bought you a phone to communicate with you. If he didn't plan to get in contact with you he wouldn't have bought it. Plus they're like busy men so it might take a while."
"I guess so." I say as I enter the dressing room. I start changing clothes quickly. A few girls are here and as soon as they walk away I ask Lana a question that's been bugging me.
"Is Rollins coming tonight?" It's been five days since I've last seen him. The same amount of days that I haven't seen Roman.
What he told me the other day left me wondering so much. My mind keeps going back to it even though I don't want to.
"Why?" She asks confused. "Just wondering." I say. I begin putting on my outfit for tonight. It consists of a miniskirt, a translucent shirt, jacket and knee height boots.
"Are you into Rollins? Nikki are you stupid? I've told you that Rollins only picks Eva. Plus you have Reigns! He's got more money and more power."
"I don't like Rollins, Lana. It was just a question. He's just odd I don't know if he's trying to mess with my mind or-"
"Or nothing Nicole. Reigns is the better option here. Don't screw that up. Also, Reigns would you kill you if you even think of getting with Rollins. Since you've slept with him he thinks he owns you. If he catches you trying to get with his best friend he will kill you and him."
"I'm not going to get with him." I say as I start applying makeup. "You better not. I'm warning you don't play with fire."
She walks out of the dressing room and I sigh putting my head down. Why do I keep thinking of Rollins? What is it about him?
After I put on my makeup I walk outside. It's almost my turn at the pole. I'm just dancing which is great because I'm didn't want to sleep with nasty old men.
"Now a special treat for you gentleman. She's your favorite pole dancer. The girl of your dreams... the one and only, Nikki Bella!" As Lana exits the stage I walk to it.
The men have already started whistling and whispering nasty things to me as I go by. Once I'm on stage the song starts playing.
I begin dancing on the pole as they start throwing money. I slowly take off my jacket and throw it to the crowd.
They start cheering and repeating, "More, more, more." Every time they cheer and ask for more I like to imagine I'm modeling.
I like to imagine that the people watching me are judges and really important news reporters.
But I'm not a model. I'm not famous. I'm just Nikki Bella a stripper/call-girl. I slowly take off my shirt and they cheer louder.
As I'm removing my skirt I see Rollins in the crowd. He's sitting on a table drinking from a cup.
He looks at me as he puts the cup down on the table. I didn't think he would come today. Especially because today Eva doesn't work.
"More!" They scream. This makes me snap back to reality and I remove my skirt and keep dancing.
With Seth here though it makes me uncomfortable and self-conscious. When the song is over I feel relieved. "Give it up for Nikki Bella! Now coming up next is the sweet and gothic, Paige!"
Paige walks to the stage and I start picking up the money they have thrown at me. As I'm picking up a bill a hand grabs me. I look up and see a drunk guy. "Want to have some fun sexy?"
His breath smells awful and he's sweaty, greasy, and looks about fiftyish. I pull away disgusted. "No."
I try to walk away but he pulls me by arm. "I have money if that's what you want." I try to pull away but he's stronger.
"Stop it let me go." His grip only tightens around me. "How is a slut going to say no? Isn't this what you're here for skank?"
His words anger me and without thinking I slap him across the face. When I see his face turn bright red I regret hitting him. He swings at me and I stumble hitting myself on a chair.
"I try to make you happy." I say as my chin begins to quiver. "Well you don't make me happy. You make me miserable! I can't believe I'm with you."
My chest starts aching and I start crying. "Are you seriously crying? Again? That's all you do Nicole! Stop crying!"
He grabs me and shakes me violently and it only makes me cry harder. "Shut up!" He screams. I try to stop but I can't and this angers him more.
"I said shut up!" He slaps me and I fall on the couch. I put my hand against my warm cheek and cry silently.
The tears fall from my eyes as that awful flashback comes to mind. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to stop thinking about. But this man hitting me only brought back memories.
"What is wrong with you?" A man screams. I open my eyes and see that it's Seth. Some people have stared notice the fight but since Paige is dancing they're mostly drooling over her.
Seth furiously punches him on the face. The man falls back and Seth punches him again. Lana has finally noticed what's going on and she walks to us.
"What's happening?" Seth picks up the guy grabbing him harshly by the collar. "What's happening is that I'm going to teach someone a lesson."
The man holds his bloody nose and Lana looks at me. I walk away quickly down the hall. I don't want to be here right now. Not after this.
My body is shaking violently as I get walk in the dressing room. "Are you okay?" Seth asks. I jump up startled when I realize he was following me.
"I'm fine." I lie as my dry tears make my cheeks feel sticky. "I assure you he won't ever mess with you again."
He looks at my arm and then slowly travels up to my face. He has no expression on his face. He's just looking at me.
I feel my chin beginning to quiver and before I burst into tears Lana walks in. "What happened? I don't... I don't understand."
"I need to talk to you Lana." Seth says as he opens the door. "But sir-" Seth interrupts her by raising his voice, "Now!" He walks out and Lana looks at me. "I'll be right back." She whispers and walks out.
When they're out I turn to look at myself in the mirror. That man left his hand print on my cheek and a bruise on my arm for holding me too harsh.
As I'm looking at it I start crying. No matter where I am it always comes back to haunt me.
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