*Sonic's POV*
The dim light of dawn peeked through the curtains, waking me up. My back felt stiff as I sat up and looked out the window, adjusting my hoodie so it would hide my face. I rubbed my neck and shoulder, a reminder of the weight that I now carried. Faking my death was the easy part. Keeping it up? THAT was the real challenge.
I kept hearing noises come out of Shadows' office, so I got up and walked to it. He was deep into his computer, going over the data he had collected and planning what we should do. His usual brooding silence was filling the room. He hadn't slept, I could tell he had stayed up all night doing this. There were papers scattered around his desk, some on the floor too. He looked like Tails when he got too deep working on one of his experiments.
I walked into his office and picked up the papers that were on the floor then closed the laptop. He looked up at me, his eyes narrowing and now looking furious. "You know, you really ought to get some sleep sometimes." My voice cracking a bit from the morning dryness.
"I don't have time for sleep. Not when we are dealing with this." His tone was as cold as ever, but there was more to it. He was worried. More than he'd like to admit.
"You always say that." I sat on his desk, right in front of him, and swung my legs a bit. "But I don't think I've ever seen you sleep." I chuckled, but he didn't even acknowledge me. He wasn't in the mood, but I didn't blame him, I wasn't exactly in the best mood either. With the stakes this high and all.
Shadow finally acknowledged me again, but not in the way I wanted him to. He growled lowly, his nose scrunching, I don't know what it was about it, but I liked it. He narrowed his eyes at me like he always did so and finally spoke.
"This isn't a joke, Faker. You're walking straight into danger, and if we're not prepared, this whole plan of yours could fall apart!" He raised his voice at me, standing up from his chair and towering over me. I didn't flinch. Something told me he wasn't going to suddenly attack me again. He needed me.
I sighed and looked up at him, dropping the playful act. I stopped swinging my legs as well. "I know, Shadow, believe me, I know. But we've done this before. We've beat Eggman countless times. This isn't any different." I said, trying to convince himself as much as myself.
"This IS different." He slammed his fists down on the desk, right beside me. His sudden intensity caught me off guard. "You saw the machine. You know what it's capable of. This isn't like his usual plans, Sonic. If we fail, it's not just you who dies. The whole world goes down with you."
I couldn't break eye contact. My heart was pounding a little faster than I'd like to admit. Of course, he was right, and I knew that. This was bigger than anything we've faced before. I'd been trying to keep things light to not let things get to me, but Shadow was good at cutting through my defenses. He always has been. He knew how to bring me back to reality, something I hated, but it was necessary. Even I knew I needed to take things seriously right now.
"Alright. I get it." I sighed, my ears lowered. I ran my hand through my messy quills and nodded. "We will do it your way this time. We will be careful."
Shadows eyes softened, just for a moment. "Good. No heroics or unnecessary risks. Understood?" He took a step back, away from me.
As much as I wanted to keep joking, the truth was starting to sink in. The gravity of the situation sitting on my shoulders, feeling heavy, but at least I wasn't alone. I had Shadow with me. Although I knew this mission wasnt just about stopping Eggman from using the machine. I must protect my friends and my family. I must protect Shadow.
"Then we-" I cut him off before he could continue talking. I stood up, taking a step closer and grabbing his hand.
"We nothing. You're getting some sleep." I tugged on his arm, dragging him out of the office. I looked around and saw a door so I walked to it.
"That's a closet, Hedgehog." Shadow snatched his hand away.
"I was trying to find your room." I chuckled softly. "Look, we can infiltrate his base tomorrow or the next day. Eggman thinks I am dead, so we have some time. Go get some rest. You'll be useless if you are tired." He remained quiet for a bit. He knew I was right, yet he hated to admit it.
"Fine." He turned around, walking to a door father away down the hall. "Make yourself at home, just don't break anything or make a mess." He opened the door and walked in, leaving the door open. I assume it was to hear in case anything happened.
I sighed and walked to the kitchen looking for something to cook. I lost motivation to cook anything as soon as I walked in, I couldn't stop thinking about my friends and my family. I left them absolutely no trace for them to know I was alive. I was actually surprised Shadow even found me. But of course, I should have known he wouldn't be at the funeral. Why would he? It's not like the guy hated me, but he would never admit he cared by showing up. I shouldn't have been so close to the funeral. Of course, he would have found me.
Now I had to worry about him too, make sure he survives this. The ultimate life form can be pretty reckless when it comes to saving the world.
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