(Okay,before we start,in my weird ass canon universe for this (and some other) fanfic(s),chara And asriel go to the surface too,why? Because it adds more characters that's why,so chara is going to be like 18 and asriel is 17 because reasons)
O dAnG a ChApTeR
Red was laying face down on the couch when he heard the sound of footsteps behind him,he turned around to face them,sitting up on the couch as they approached,since his frisk had never made it past snowdin they had also never made it to judgement hall meaning he didn't know chara besides the fact that they were the first fallen human and were adopted by the royal family,it's not like he would have gotten to anyways since his frisk was the biggest pacifist ever and hasn't even done a neutral run yet...
A mid-teen looking goat monster and a human of a similar age entered the room,seemingly not paying attention to red due to whatever conversation they were having,red didn't really care for socialising (aka he was an edgy cheezpuff who didn't really give a shit) so he just stood up with the intention of walking away,he made it about halfway to the door when the human noticed him (notice me sempai)
"Hey azzy,it's that skeleton that mom told us about"
"Oh,Yeah,hey skeledude"
"what do ya' want"
"Geez no need to be so sassy"
"*sigh* sorry,bad day,let's start over,I'm s-red,I'm red the skeleton,what's your name"
"I'm asriel"
"And I'm chara,hey"she gave him a half wave
"Yeah,Okay,sure,so what do ya' guys do for fun around here?"
"Well,Uh sometimes I play video games,I guess"
"Wanna go do that then?"
Red,asriel and chara went upstairs to asriel room to play some call of duty or something like that,after an hour or so of asriel and chara both destroying red and him saying (more like yelling) many no-no words and profanity's out of frustration,chara pulled her 'brother' out of the room so that she could enlist him to help with her master plan...
"Okay sis,what was so important that you needed to pull me away from a game with red"
"I was just wondering if you could help me out with something,well,someone"
"Oh god don't tell me you like the guy"
"Shut up!"
"I'm your brother-"
"And my wingman! Come on azzy,help me out,just this once"
"Fine,if I have to"
"Cool,I'm kinda tired so I'll see you later bro"
As chara began to walk away asriel put his paw to his face and sighed "this isn't gonna end well and she knows it..." the goat prince mumbled to himself,frustrated at his sister,I mean,sure red seemed okay but they had only just met him that day...was it worth it...was he worth it?...
*temskip brought to you by temmie*
It had been a while and eventually the two monsters grew tired of the game,they decided to stop playing and do something else and that's when asriel suggested they go to check out the bar that red would soon work at...grillby's...
Once toriel had approved of it,the two grabbed a taxi,not wanting the attention that the limo usually draws when driven in public. The vehicle parked and they hopped out,not needing to pay since the driver was an old monster buddy of the queen and let them off for free as a favour,everyone seemed to be much nicer here,not just that,it also just felt nicer generally,and even though he obviously didn't belong,there was no way red was ever leaving...
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