(PLEASE READ) A/N: In the previous chapter, you may have noticed that Paige is starting to cuss a little. Since I, myself don't cuss and feel uncomfortable doing so, I will blot it out with a *Beep* instead of the actual word. I think most of you will agree. So please, DO NOT comment what you suspect the blotted word is because I will simply delete your comment. A big thanks from the author! Enjoy this next chapter!
Three weeks have passed since I was released home. Each day has become a struggle. Most girls would have simply moved on, but it feels like an eternity for me. If I try to forget my time as a dancer, I fear like I'm letting someone down, even though I know that's not true. So I simply went mute. I only talk when I want to or need something, or I'm being talked to. The first couple days they were worried until I told them to give me some time to myself, as of right now, they backed off. Lily and Luke still attempt to make me happy. One morning, Lily brought me coffee and Luke made some scrambled eggs, though they tasted burnt, it still lightened my day just a little bit.
But now, I completely stopped laughing or showing any sort of enthusiasm. I stopped feeling the joy in everyday things. The doctor tried to lighten up my mood by saying that they should take off my cast in a month or two. What's the point? I still won't be able to dance to the music like I used to.
My only escape is going to the horse stalls.
Since they finally allowed me to be on crutches, mom decided it's time for me to go to school. Today was the day that I went to school for the first time after my accident. I dreaded every class period. Emmalee avoided me the whole time, I couldn't blame her, I kind of blew off on her that day she came into my room. I still had to go to ballet class until they sorted some things out. Until then, I get an easy hundred. Once I got through a whole day full of stares, I got home and without a hi to mom, I went straight to my room and shut the door. Forbidding anyone to come in.
One look into my full-length mirror and I just wanted to puke on the spot. My long brown hair was fixed up into a loose ponytail, a few strands purposely were pulled out. My hoodie giving me any possible warmth during this chilly autumn air and my dark blue jeans made me look slimmer. The thing that always caught my attention was my face. The bumpy scar gave it a jagged look. Thankfully I didn't have any serious blisters. I knew that any possible makeup might make it look worse.
I put my hood over my head and went to my bed. Putting in earbuds and shutting my eyes. Avoiding my family seemed like the best choice. I didn't want to see anyone. Being alone just felt right. I doze off, awaiting until someone calls me for dinner.
"THERAPY?!" I yelled in dad's direction. One of the few occasions they finally made me talk.
"Sweetie, don't yell at your father," Mom warned. Everyone was looking at me at my sudden outburst. But since they were family, it didn't make me feel any different. I rolled my eyes.
Dad took a deep breath, "I know you don't want to, but you've got to understand that we all want to help you."
"That's just it, dad! I don't need help!" I protested yet again.
"Paige," dad started, "you need to get your act together. You can't just lock your family out. You need to move on from the past."
I glared at him. Giving him my angry death stare, "Moving on?! Easy for you to say! You're not a dancer! This ruins my entire dream career!" By now, the entire table went silent, even Abner's and Tim's constant bickering stopped.
Dad gave an exasperated breath, slamming his hand on the table, "That's enough Paige! You are going to that therapy in three weeks unless you get it together."
I pushed myself away from the table and stood up, "This family is so *beeped* up," I muttered. Luke gave me a worried look, choosing to ignore that, I wobbled on my crutches to my room. During my time being alone, I've allowed foal words to flow out of me. I don't know why that made a difference, but it truly expressed my feelings. I still feel conscious saying them out loud because I know my parents definitely don't approve.
I turned off the lights and laid down on my bed, thinking about all that has happened at dinner. I never yelled much less raised my voice at my parents. I can't imagine what they're thinking about. If I could convince dad that everything is indeed fine during these three weeks, maybe I won't have to go to the stupid therapy session. I sighed and closed my eyes. All I need is a good night's sleep. Hopefully, that will freshen up my mind. Let's see what tomorrow will bring.
I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock. I didn't remember setting it up, besides, it's Saturday. Before everything went downhill, I used to wake up early every day just to watch the sunrise or to open the gate for the pastures and watch as the cows graze. Putting the thought away that I'm still on crutches, I got up and got dressed, quickly making it outside into the fresh cool air. I knew that dad was usually awake at this hour, probably in the shed fixing something. The twins and Lily were probably still sleeping.
I wobbled towards the tack room, missing how the fresh hay and oats made the aroma feel. Call me weird, but the smell always delights me. Half way looking at the familiar ribbons and saddles on the shelves on the walls, Luke came in and smiled broadly when he saw me.
"Good Morning, Brownie!"
I gave a small smile and mumbled a good morning as he came into the tack room to put away the saddle that he has been using. Looks like while I was gone, he had to step up his game on the ranch. To that, I'm actually proud of him, even though, he is my older brother.
Before he left, he said, "Dad needs you for a second," giving me a sympathetic smile.
I groaned, really? At this time? "Where is he?" I asked him sullenly.
"He's by the feeding storage."
The feeding storage wasn't too far away from the tack room, so it was an easy and smooth walk. When I reached the tall bushes and the gravel walkway, I spotted dad talking to some guy. Figuring it was just some neighbor or mechanist, I shrugged it off.
"You called me?" I broke their conversation.
Dad looked up and forced a smile. "Paige!" Even his voice was noticeably strained, "Yes, I would like you to show this young gentleman around. He will work here for a couple months before Christmas." I glanced at the guy who was already looking straight at me. My breath caught in my throat. It totally and utterly can't be! The brown shaggy hair, the tan skin, the way he nervously shifted his weight all pointed to Cody. Instead of the blindfold that I was so used to seeing were shocking green, with a hint of blue eyes. He probably didn't know who I was anyway, so to cover up the silence, I looked over at dad.
"Why can't Luke do it?" I whined. Purposely making me seem less attractive. Not like I'll ever be with the scar on my face. I expected the guy who looked like Cody to squirm away and look disgusted, but he showed nothing negatively towards me.
"I need you to do it, so please put that attitude at bay," Before I could say anything else, he turned around and walked towards the garage.
Dad's reasoning just made me want to scream after him. Turning around to meet the guy's eyes, I gave a dramatic smile, "Welcome to the Hope's Ranch! Here you will find, Rescued Animals! Restored Faith! And so much more!" Okay, that already sounded like you're touring someone, but who cares. I needed him to become sick and tired of me. "What may your name be?"
"Cody MacCay, miss," My suspicions we're correct. Cody cracked a smile while he answered. I definitely hope he didn't recognize me. My conscious felt his gaze on me. Why does he keep looking at me? Doesn't the scar on my face already say enough about me?
"Um...please, good sir, come this way..." I used my best accent, adjusting my crutches and guiding him down to the stalls.
"I'd be delighted," he said behind me. I truly needed to stop playing games. On the other hand, maybe I could confuse him with a lot different accents so he won't recognize my voice.
The rest of the time, I showed him around. Luke gave me a funny look when he caught me talking in a british accent. As we were walking towards the house, mom came out onto the porch. A broad smile appeared on her face when she saw us. "I was about to come get you two, lunch is ready," mom showed Cody where to take off his shoes. I quickly slipped by them, just as I was about to make a wobble for my room, mom caught me, "Sweetie, we all eat as a family."
I sighed and followed them into the kitchen. Dad shortly made it to the table as well.
"Alright everyone, lets bow our heads, Abner? Will you lead us in prayer?" I mentally face palmed my face, I hope that didn't give Cody any idea of who I am. I really didn't know why I wanted to keep a fake identity around him.
Everyone bowed their heads, including me as Abner said a short prayer, "Dear heavenly father, thank you for the delicious food that mom has made for us, bless everyone of us gathered here today. Help us understand the love you have given us. Amen."
Everyone repeated Amen. The boys dug into their hot food.
"This is really Good, Mrs. Connor," Cody complimented my mom. Mom nodded.
"Why thank you, Cody," she beamed at his manners.
When I finished my mashed potato's, I've realized that I wanted some salad, which happens to be on the other side of the table, so clearing my throat, I said, using my british accent, "Luke? Can you please pass the salad?"
Luke raised his eyebrows at me, "Salad?" He asked, in his own british accent.
"Yes, now hurry!" I gave him a glare, careful so Cody won't notice.
Luke ignored my glare, "Sassy much?" He said in his normal voice, passing me the salad over the table.
The whole meal went smoothly. Everyone talked about upcoming events and such. I don't think no body noticed that Cody was from the hospital and I'll make sure it'll stay that way. Once everyone finished, Cody said goodbye and left. Unfortunately, he'll be back tomorrow and start working.
I went to my room as usual and put in my earbuds. There really wasn't any point in going outside. I just can't wait to get this cast off. Just two more weeks, I've been counting. I lazily laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. If God really was there, then why is he silent?
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