I stirred in the hard bed, slowly opening my eyes. My blurry vision became bolder.
"Pst...Paige, are you asleep?" A voice asked through the dim room and the beeping of the monitors.
I groaned, "Now I am."
"Sorry," he apologized, though it wasn't his fault at all, "Listen, yesterday, we got off to a bad start, and I would like to make it up to you."
I slowly sat up, careful not to hurt my foot and alert the nurses. "If you could send me back to two nights ago, that would be great!" My sarcasm hinted that I was still in a bad mood. Cody just sighed.
"You know that's impossible, so why are you wasting your breath? Besides, we are both stuck here," his blindfold keeps getting annoying. I just wasn't used to talking to someone who was blind, "so," he continued, "let's somewhat get along while we're here, shall we?"
I rolled my eyes, I really didn't want to do anything, especially make friends. Cody treated me almost like he wasn't blind, now that I think of it, I don't think he's even complained about his temporary disability. I guess making friends with this guy will help to pass the time since I really hated reading and sitting on dad's phone is just, I don't know, not interesting. All he has on there are business and ranch related stuff. No games, no teenage social media, he even blocked YouTube. So this pretty much gave me no choice. "Fine. We can be friends. But only until one of us get out of here." I finally answered him.
He flashed a smile, even with the blindfold on, I couldn't help but notice that his smile was pretty attractive. I shook the thought out. Once he regains his sight and lays his eyes on me, he'll probably vomit on the spot. My burned cheek didn't feel as bad as yesterday, but I could tell from the bumpy texture, that it might and could leave an unwanted scar.
Cody cleared his throat, "So Ms. Ballerina, how long do you practice?"
"About two hours at school and an hour to two hours at home, since my brother is too lazy to let the horses into the pasture." I replied, thoughtfully. Feeling a pang of pain.
"You live on a ranch?" He asked, completely interested in the subject.
"Well sure, my dad's sort of the boss of the place,"
"You're more talented than I thought!" His grin curved his lips upward. I couldn't help but smile.
"And what about you, Mr. I-was-stupid-to-play-with-chemicals?" I asked, saying it as I went along, trying to keep the humor. To my surprise, he chuckled.
"Well, I'm a soccer player, for your information and you already know that I can easily goof off without intending to."
"Soccer player?" My eyebrows went up, "I pass that field every day to get to my car, wonder why I didn't know you." I still couldn't picture him playing soccer.
He shrugged, "Yeah well, same goes to you as well."
"You're still talented," I said, letting the grin take up my face.
Cody shook his head, "Nah, a soccer player who almost went blind from a dumb experiment is not talented."
"Oh sure you are!" I waved that off, "Everyone has talent, so don't let anything stop you."
Cody leaned against the pillow as he smirked, "Says the one who's angry at the hospital. I still don't know what it did to you."
I let out a small laugh, "You're such a player. So tell me, you do this with all the girls, don't you?"
Without missing a beat, he said, his voice completely serious all of a sudden, "Why would I? A guy getting a girls hopes up sounds more like a jerk. It's just wrong."
I paused. Wow. I guess I really don't know him then. That's exactly what I call almost every guy at school. Guys who can't keep a girlfriend for more than a day. The thought gets me angry. That's one reason why I have remained neutral from dating since intermediate school. "That's...great..." I stumbled over my own words. Even with his blindfold, I could tell that he's a pretty popular guy. "So...do you enjoy school?" I asked, changing the current subject all together.
Cody gave an uncomfortable shrug, shifting his position, "It's alright, although I have to catch up on a lot, or they won't let me graduate."
I nodded, thinking that over, "I see."
"Do you?"
I almost laughed, "That's an immediate no! Besides ballet, of course." At that moment, the nurse came in to check up on us.
"Good Morning you two!" She said cheerily, "I see you've finally got each other talking!" When Cody and I didn't answer, she quietly checked us over and left. I rubbed my eyes, never had I really thought that doing nothing would be so boring! To that, I am greatful that at least my leg wasn't amputated. I shivered at the thought.
"How come you're so calm about this?" I finally asked, turning my gaze back to Cody.
"What do you mean?" He inquired, looking a bit confused.
"Really?" I said, bewildered, "You know exactly what I mean! You're blind, you don't know if this will affect your future! I mean, you don't even know how I look...what if I secretly hate you?"
He only smiled, "Do you hate me?"
I crossed my arms like a little kid, "Hey! I asked first!"
Cody let out another chuckle before he answered, "I guess I just know. The future will come when it comes, I don't want to worry about pointless things and," he added, while clearing his throat, "I know you probably look beautiful, your voice pretty much sums that up, it's amazing how much being blind can teach you."
I flushed by his answer, thankfully he couldn't see that. But my sudden silence gave him a smile. Dad's phone buzzed beside me. Looking at the screen, the text was from mom.
Mom- We are coming for a short visit in a couple minutes honey:)
Me- okay
I texted.
"My family's coming in a few minutes, if that will be okay with you." I told him glumly, my good mood instantly dropping dramatically.
"Oh that will be fine," he hinted with a small smile, "Families are great to keep your mind off things."
"You got that right," I mumbled.
I kinda didn't want anyone seeing me talking with a blind guy. If I told him that, I knew he'd be hurt beyond words. So I kept my mouth shut, deciding to look out the window which happens to be in the near corner in front of Cody. Just looking outside made me suddenly miss the fresh air and the wind blowing through my hair.
"What's happening outside?" Cody asks me suddenly, running his hand through his hair. For a blind guy, he sure knows how to flatter a girl.
I rolled my eyes, "A bird is sitting on the tree. Singing songs." Which indeed, that was the truth.
"Awe, don't sound too tedious, I know you can do better." What is up with this guy?
Taking an exasperated breath, I started from the beginning, "A bird is sitting on a high branch singing a lovely melody."
Cody smiled, "That sounded a lot better, wish I could see the lovely girl describing this to me."
I mentally face palmed myself. Then again, a part of me actually enjoyed his sudden compliments. Agh. I wish I wasn't in this dumb hospital! I just really wanted to blame someone, even though this was sort of my fault. I should have left the party even before I stepped foot inside. Blameing Emmalee also felt wrong in some ways.
A small knock was heard on our door, thinking it was the nurses, I murmered a come in. Both of my parents came in, being trailed by Tim and Abner the twins and Lily, my little sister. Luke followed seconds later. He also seemed like he wasn't too thrilled to be here, since, five years ago, he had appendicitis. He had to stay in the hospital for three days bringing unpleasant memories.
"Hello sweetie!" Mom said, sounding a bit too excited than necessary.
"Paigie!" Lily exclaimed, running up to me then abruptly stopping, unsure if she could jump onto the bed to give me a hug.
I grinned, "Come on up, it's alright."
Her eyes twinkled as she jumped on to my bed. I had to help her get on since it was a bit too high for her. Once she was sitting beside me, she gave me a tight hug. I literally choked. "Lil' you're choking the day lights out of me!"
Lily giggled as she let go and got off the bed, allowing the twins to come near. Like boys intend to be, they didn't hug, instead, Abner spoke up, "We thought you died."
Tim added, "Did they literally pierce that needle straight into your hand?"
"Boys!" Mom scolded. "That's enough!"
"I like your scar," Abner added quietly before mom shooed him away.
I gave a dry laugh, "It's alright mom, Abner, as you can see, I did not die and yes Tim, they did put that needle into my skin." I looked at the IV that was still in my arm. They should be getting that off soon, hopefully today.
My family was at a loss for words after that. Luke finally came up to me and gave me an unexpected hug, "Dumb Brownie, I thought you won't make it." He whispered into my ear, just enough for me to hear. I smiled for real now. Brothers can be quite annoying, but other times, they can lighten up your mood in a matter of seconds.
"Were you worried?" I whispered back as he let me go.
Luke rolled his eyes, "What do you think nutcracker?"
Being called nutcracker made me remember about my solo part that I won't be getting. It hurt a lot, but I wasn't about to tell him not to call me that.
"How are you feeling?" Dad asked, giving a brief glance at my cast.
"Fine," the lack of enthusiasm returned to my voice.
Mom gave a nod, "That's great to hear, have you and the young man been getting along?" I couldn't help but notice that dad instantly straightened up, looking across the room at Cody. I knew he could sense eyes on him because he looked a little uncomfortable.
"Yes mom, we've been...fine."
Dad walked over to Cody and started a conversation of their own. Hopefully he won't male me feel embarrassed. Mom nodded again. "Very well, so I have some news for you," when she was certain I was listening, she continued, "We had to move your room downstairs, since it would be a big hastke going up and down the stairs everyday," I was shocked to hear that. The only reason why I enjoyed being uostair is the fact that you could see the beautiful sunrise every morning as the sun made it over the mountains, and pastures seemed to go on forever. This made me feel angry that they hadn't even asked for my opinion. Ignoring the angry look I was giving her, mom then added, "Good news is, you can go home tonight, so get ready, me or dad should come to get you around dinner time."
I groaned. Sure, I was glad, even exited to go home, but for some reason, I just felt annoyed by my family. I didn't want to see them. This whole situation was already trauma enough. Lily however looked up excitedly. Can't blame her. If I had an older sister in the hospital, I would have given her the same face.
I faked a yawn, making them think I was just tired, "I'm a bit tired, maybe I'll sleep a little before dinner."
Mom smiled, buying my lie, "Sounds like a good idea, okay honey, see tonight." She leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Lets file out everyone, we need to run a few errands!" Tim and Abner were the first to run out, dad awkwardly shook Cody's hand before they all left. Leaving the room in silence. I slumped in my bed. Forgetting I had a cast on and bumping it against the end of the bed, sending pain up my leg. When the pain subsided, Cody spoke up.
"Your family sounds nice."
You know nothing of the dark. I thought to myself, smirking at my own joke. "Yeah, they can be when they want to be."
"I'm serious, you're dad's a pretty swell fellow."
I gave him a funny look, but then remembered that he can't see me, "Now its your turn to tell me about your family," I said.
Cody gave a sigh, it wasn't an annoyed sigh, but a sigh that meant he really didn't want to talk about it, "Well," he started, "I have an older sister who's already married, she has two little girls, making me an uncle," he gave a faint smile at the thought, "two younger brothers, my mom takes care of us, so yeah..."
"What about your dad?" I asked without thinking. Already, by the pained look on his face, and silence, I knew I hit his sensitive spot without meaning too, "he uh...died a year and a half ago."
"Oh...I'm really sorry, I didn't know..." I immediately felt bad for not thinking.
"It's alright," he interrupted my train of thoughts, "you weren't aware of that," his familiar smile returned to his face that I was growing accustomed of. "I heard you're going home tonight?"
"Yeah..." sadness crept into my voice. "Do you know when you're leaving?"
"Maybe tomorrow, depends on my results." He answered.
Being in this hospital wasn't as bad as I'd thought. I've actually grown fond of this blind guy, even though I knew we probably never would meet. Even if we did, he wouldn't know if it's me unless I tell him. Telling him good bye felt just as painful as my leg.
"I guess we both should rest for a little bit," I insisted. Cody nodded in agreement before I attempted to fall asleep for a few hours. Dreading the minute my parents will come and take me back to reality.
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