Chapter 42
Stiles's Pov
For the first time in my life, I'm happy to go to school.
The reason being I want to see Luke, my boyfriend, and just hug him and hold his hand as we head to class together.
I swear everytime I refer to him as my boyfriend this giddy feeling courses through me and I love it.
I woke up early this morning in order to take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and be out of my house to head over to school.
Dad watched me the entire time with nothing but fondness and amusement in his eyes.
After telling the others about Luke and I being boyfriends I told my dad after they had left.
And, as expected, he was really chill about it.
Actually, no, let me rephrase that.
He was ecstatic to learn that Luke and I were finally dating.
Nobody's Pov
"Dad, I need to tell you something" Stiles said once he walked into the kitchen.
After his friends had left Stiles knew that he needed to tell his dad about Luke.
His dad deserved to know that he was in a new relationship and that he had a new boyfriend.
The same way his dad deserved to know about Derek when they had first gotten together.
The thing is, Stiles was hesitant and scared to tell his dad about his relationship with Luke.
Mainly because of how he reacted when he told him about him and Derek.
It's fair to say that his dad didn't take it well. He was literally yelling and threatening to send Derek's ass to jail.
Not only is his dad protective of him but he really, really, disliked the Hale man.
Which is why he's worried as to how he'll react to him and Luke.
Stiles hopes he reacts positively because he loves Luke and, even though he's still a little worried about being in a new relationship, he doesn't want to end things.
Noah stopped what he was doing, which was washing the dishes, and looked at his son with a raised eyebrow.
"You didn't do anything stupid, did you?" Noah asked.
"What? No" Stiles told him.
"Good. I really don't want a headache" Noah sighed in relief.
Stiles huffed and rolled his eyes while his dad laughed before turning off the water.
He dried his hands before tossing the rag aside and gave his son his full attention.
"What's up, mischief? What do you need to tell me?" Noah asked.
Stiles bit the inside of his cheek, clearly hesitating to say anything.
But he knew he had to tell him one way or another, he can't keep it a secret.
So, he took a deep breath and when he calmed down he looked at his dad.
"Let me start off by saying that I love you and I know you love me. All you want is for me to be happy and I hope you still stand by that statement" Stiles said.
Noah frowned, getting worried.
"Stiles, are you ok?" Noah asked.
"I am. But what I need to tell you is something important and I'm just worried you won't take it too well" Stiles said.
Noah sighed and stepped forward and once he was close he placed his hand on his sons shoulder.
"Mischief, you know you can tell me anything. There's nothing to be scared about, I promise" Noah softly said.
Stiles allowed a small smile to appear on his face at his dads words.
They were true after all.
This is exactly how he felt the day he came out to his dad, scared as hell.
But after telling him he felt extremely better, especially when all his dad did was hug him and remind him that he loves him no matter what.
If he could tell his dad that then he can definitely tell his dad about him and Luke.
"Luke and I are dating" Stiles finally said.
Rip off that bandaid, was something Stiles always used throughout the years.
Stiles watched as his dad's eyes widen in shock, he definitely wasn't expecting that.
But what surprised Stiles was the huge grin that appeared on his dads face within seconds after telling him the news.
"Well, it's about damn time" Noah commented, the grin never leaving his face.
"Wait what?" Stiles asked, blinking a few times.
Noah laughed.
"What? Did you think I was going to be against this?" Noah asked.
"Kind of" Stiles muttered.
Noah sighed.
"Stiles, you know I would've accepted your relationship without hesitation. I mean, I did the same when you told me you and that werewolf were together" Noah said.
Stiles raised an eyebrow at his dad.
"May I remind you that you refused to accept him simply because he's a werewolf and an adult? Oh and that you threatened to kill him with wolfsbane bullets" Stiles asked.
"That's not the point" Noah quickly said, wanting to change the subject.
Stiles just shook his head in amusement.
"The point is I don't care that you're in a relationship again. Just as long as you're happy that's all that matters to me" Noah told him.
His sons happiness is the most important thing to him.
As long as he gets to see his son smile, a real one, he doesn't care.
Stiles felt his eyes soften at his dads words and asked, "really?".
"Yes, really. Besides, Luke really cares about you and I know you care about him as well. And if you ever did get into another relationship, I'm happy it's with him" Noah said.
Stiles felt tears building up in his eyes.
He was so grateful to have such a loving and supportive dad that would always stand by him no matter what.
That would be happy just as long as he was happy.
Stiles moved closer to his dad and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him, to which his dad hugged him back.
"Thank you, dad" Stiles whispered.
"Of course, mischief" Noah whispered back.
As they pulled away from their hug his dad placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I know this would never happen but if he ever breaks your heart I won't hesitate to shoot him" Noah sternly said.
Stiles said nothing and just laughed loudly.
Flashback Ends
Stiles's Pov
I was, still am, happy that my dad easily accepted Luke as my new boyfriend.
His reaction was definitely different from when I told him about Derek and I.
But as long as he's happy for me and supports my new relationship, that's all that really matters.
As soon as I was done with breakfast I put my plate in the sink, quickly hugged my dad and said goodbye before rushing out of the house.
I rushed to my jeep and the second I got inside I started the car and drove off.
Don't worry, I may be in a rush to get to school but I wasn't irresponsible.
I made sure to keep my eyes on the road the entire time, not wanting to crash.
It took a while but I finally arrived at school, which made me smile.
Something I never thought I'd say but whatever.
I parked my jeep where I normally do before getting out. I grabbed my bag and made sure I had everything before closing the door.
After making sure that my jeep was locked I started making my way towards the school building.
I figured Luke and the others would already be there since, surprisingly, they are always here first.
All of a sudden an arm wrapped itself around my waist and before I knew it I was being spun around.
I squealed in surprise, my eyes wide in surprise, as I was pulled forward and now my chest was being pressed up against another chest.
I looked up and a smile immediately made its way onto my face as soon as I saw who it was.
"Good morning, love" Luke greeted me with a smile.
My boyfriend, Luke.
My heart fluttered just because of that and I love it.
The same way I love him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Good morning, babe" I greeted him with a smile.
Luke wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible.
"You're here early" Luke commented.
"Yeah, well, I wanted to get here as early as I could. I wanted to see you" I told him.
"I figured as much. I was the same as well" Luke said.
"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Luke chuckled and said, "yeah. Pretty sure Liv is going to kick my ass later for throwing her off of her bed just so we could get out of our apartment on time".
I laughed at that and shook my head at him in amusement.
Luke laughed himself before leaning in and pressing his lips onto mine.
I hummed in delight and almost immediately melted into the kiss.
I don't know what it is about kissing Luke but it just feels right.
And lets not forget the fact that he's just so great at it.
My eyes widened when I felt Luke deepen the kiss, not that I was complaining, which made me let out a moan of surprise.
I could tell he enjoyed that by the way I could feel him smirking against the kiss.
"Hey, lovebirds. There are people, including us, staring at you. Stop with the pda" Olivia scolded us.
We pulled away from the kiss not just because of the comment but because we did need air.
Luke and I were panting and our cheeks red, mine being redder than his, and when we calmed down we turned to face the others.
Olivia and June were standing together while holding hands while Jake was standing next to June.
Olivia was fake gagging, clearly done with us.
June was grinning at us, clearly happy, while Jake just shook his head at us in amusement.
"I say nothing, nothing, about the pda between you and your girl" Luke scowled.
Olivia just rolled her eyes at us.
"Still, you guys can makeout in private. Not in front of the school building" Jake told us.
Luke glared at him while I blushed.
I took a quick look around and saw that a few people were staring at Luke and I while others just spared us a glance before heading inside.
Like Jake said, probably not the best idea for us to kiss let alone makeout when people are around and can see us.
Deciding to change the subject, I turned back to the others.
"Did you guys just arrive?" I asked.
"Yeah" they replied in unison.
"I thought you would already be inside since you all are normally the first ones here" I said.
"Yeah well Luke and I had to wait for June and Jake since they were still getting ready once we were done" Olivia explained.
June and Jake nodded, confirming that it was true.
I just nodded.
Luke turned to me and leaned down to kiss my forehead before unwrapping his arms from my waist.
He then slid his hand into mine.
"Come on, lets head in" Luke said.
I smiled at him and nodded.
Just like that the two of us began walking inside, side by side, still holding hands, with the others following behind us.
I was unaware of the familiar eyes the were on me as I walked into the building.
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