Chapter 33
Stiles's Pov
The drive to the building wasn't that long, mainly because there wasn't any traffic.
Which is good because I hate traffic more than anything. And Olivia does too.
I'm happy that Luke drove with me in my jeep while June, as expected, and Jake went with Olivia in her car.
I get to have some more alone time with Luke and we can catch up and just talk about anything right now.
And hopefully I can get some information out of him based on the surprise date he has planned.
Finally, we made it.
I parked my jeep behind Olivia's car and got out with Luke following behind me.
"You know I can carry my own bag, right?" I asked, turning to the boy I've grown feelings for.
Luke had grabbed my bag before I could when I finished parking my jeep.
"What kind of person would I be if I didn't carry your bag for you?" Luke asked, confused.
"Luke, my bag isn't even that heavy. I can carry it" I sighed.
"Nope. You've already tired your arms out from driving, you need to give them a rest. Which is why I should carry your bag" Luke told me
I opened my mouth to say something when Jake interrupted me.
"Don't fight it, Stiles. Besides he's not gonna take no for an answer" Jake told me.
"It's true. He's stubborn, he's been that way since the day he was born" Olivia nodded.
Luke rolled his eyes and let out a huff.
"I wouldn't be talking since you're just as stubborn as me" he reminded her.
"He's right, sweetie. You're just as stubborn as him and that's as expected since your twins" June giggled.
Olivia shot her girlfriend a look of betrayal before pouting, turning her head the other way.
June fondly rolled her eyes before grabbing her hand and guiding her into the building.
"Come on" Jake gestured for us to follow him.
Luke nodded and held onto my hand before leading me inside. I smiled as I let him do so.
Jake followed behind us. When we got inside the building he made sure the doors were closed before we continued walking.
Luke told me that the owner of the building likes the front doors to be locked. The owner doesn't want intruders breaking in.
Luckily, my friends live on the second floor so we don't have to walk too much stairs.
"You guys head inside. I need to get my notebook that I left in my room" Jake told us.
"We'll keep the door open for you when you get back" Luke said.
Jake smiled and nodded. He unlocked his apartment door before heading inside.
Olivia took out her keys and opened the apartment door. When the door was opened she gestured for us to head inside and we did.
Luke turned on the light.
I was staring at the apartment in awe. I had to admit the apartment was much nicer than what the outside of the building looks like.
Luke set his and my bag down on the ground and let out a sigh.
"Sorry if it's a bit messy. We haven't had the chance to clean" Luke told me.
"You can say that again" Olivia muttered, setting her bag on the couch.
"Messy? It's not messy at all. It's really nice" I complimented.
"That's what I said when they finished making a few changes to the apartment when we first moved here" June smiled.
Olivia and Luke fondly rolled their eyes while June and I chuckled.
The door opened and we saw Jake walking inside, closing and locking the door behind him.
"Any of you want something to drink?" Olivia asked.
"Beer" Jake and Luke told her.
"Orange juice for me, sweetie" June told her girlfriend.
Olivia nodded before turning to me, raising an eyebrow.
"Water is fine for me" I told her.
Olivia nodded before heading into the kitchen.
June and Jake sat on the ground and grabbed their bags, pulling out their notebooks and pencils.
Luke sat down on the couch and patted the space next to him, looking at me as he did so. I smiled and sat down next to him, nodding at him as he handed me my bag.
"Luke, get your ass in this kitchen and help me with the drinks!" Olivia yelled.
Luke groaned, throwing his head back, in annoyance before getting up and walking into the kitchen.
June and Jake laughed in amusement while I chuckled softly.
A few seconds later, the twins walked back into the living room.
Luke was holding two beer bottles and handed one to Jake before sitting back down where he previously was.
Olivia was holding two glass cups, one filled with orange juice and another filled with water.
She handed me my glass of water. I smiled and thanked her, she sent me a small smile and nodded.
She walked over to June and handed her her glass.
"Thank you, sweetie" June smiled.
"Of course, baby girl" Olivia smiled lovingly at her.
They leaned in and pressed their lips together before pulling away, the smiles on their faces never left.
Olivia sat down on the ground next to her girl and grabbed her bag, opening it and pulling out her books and pens.
"So, what do you guys wanna start on?" Jake asked.
"Well, we're not all in the same class, so maybe it's best we help each other only if we have the same classes" June suggested.
"Agreed" Olivia nodded.
With that we got to work on our homework.
I have to admit that it was hard at first, but with the help of my friends I managed to get the hang of it.
One thing I liked about working together on our homework was that we didn't slack off. We were serious about it and we made it clear that we wanted to get it done fast. After all, we did want some free time.
We took some breaks, only for two minutes, before getting back into work.
As Jake was helping me with one particular question, Luke stopped writing in his notebook and looked at Olivia.
"Hey, Liv. I forgot to tell you something" Luke said.
"What is it?" she asked, not looking up from her textbook.
"During mine and Stiles date at the amusement park, we ran into a certain someone" Luke said.
"Who?" Olivia asked, clearly uninterested.
"Anastasia Ambrosia" Luke grinned.
Olivia's head snapped up, her eyes wide in shock and her pen that she had been holding slipped and fell.
"Are you serious right now? Because if you're messing with me, I will cut off your dick" she threatened.
I gulped at that threat. So did Jake. The both of us shifted from where we sat.
June saw and let out a giggle, shaking her head in amusement.
"I'm not. I wouldn't mess with you with something like this, especially when I know you love her just as much as I do" Luke softly said.
Olivia turned to me, wanting to be 100% sure.
I sent her a small soft smile and nodded, confirming that it was true.
I watched as Olivia let out a breathless laugh. Before I knew it she shoved her books to the side and crawled over to her brother.
Luke yelped when she grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me when you got back? You know how much I missed her!" she yelled.
Luke sighed and gently pushed her off of him, grabbing onto her hands.
"Liv, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to get your hopes up because that was the only time I saw her, even worse I forgot to ask for her number so we could stay in contact" Luke told her.
"You still could've told me" Olivia frowned.
"I know, I'm sorry. Forgive me, please" he begged, flashing her a soft smile.
Olivia stared at him for a few seconds before rolling her eyes, bringing him into a hug.
"You're lucky I love you, idiot" she told him.
"I love you too, blondie" he told her, kissing her head.
"We have the same hair color, dumbass" Olivia scoffed, rolling her eyes.
I laughed at their interaction, so did Jake and June.
June let out a sigh before setting her books aside, standing up from where she stood.
"Well, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we're all done with our homework. Am I right?" she asked.
All of us glanced at each other before looking back at her, nodding our heads in agreement.
"Awesome! So, lets put all these books away and find a movie we can watch" June grinned.
All of us cheered and nodded in agreement, shooting up from wherever we were sitting.
"I'll prepare the snacks and drinks" Olivia grinned.
She kissed June's cheek and ruffled Luke's hair before making her way into the kitchen to do what she needed to do.
"Lets put our stuff away before picking out a movie" I suggested.
"Agreed. We're not going to be able to relax with this mess" Luke nodded.
Jake and June sighed in annoyance before nodding, knowing that we had a point.
With that, the four of us started cleaning up our mess before we could find a movie and have our fun.
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