Chapter 23
Luke's Pov
"Fucking finally!"
That's the first thing that came out of my sisters mouth when I returned to our apartment, sat down in the living room, on the couch, and told her I asked Stiles out on a date.
A groan escaped my lips when my sister decided to punch my shoulder, hard.
"It's about damn time you grew some balls and asked him out!" Olivia yelled.
I glared at her and rolled my eyes.
It didn't help that she had June and Jake come over and both those little shits I call my friends are laughing in amusement.
I swear to god I wanted to hit them upside their heads but I refrained myself from doing so.
Actually, let me rephrase that.
I refrained myself from hitting June upside her head.
The last thing I wanted was to anger my twin sister for touching her girlfriend.
Trust me, I don't want to end up on Olivia's kill list.
Yes. She actually has that.
And I fancy staying alive, thank you.
Like I said, Olivia loves June more than anything and anyone and if she were to be harmed in any type of way, all hell would break loose.
Trust me, nobody wants to die at Liv's hands because they made the mistake of messing with the girl she loves.
"Yeah, yeah, I finally grew some balls to ask him out. Thank you for the reminder" I rolled my eyes.
"Anytime" the three of them said in unison.
I flipped them off and they simply laughed and shook their heads at me.
"Look, the reason I told y'all wasn't so you could mock me. I told y'all so you could help me" I sighed.
"Help? Help with what?" June asked, looking confused.
I opened my mouth to say something when my sister beat me to it.
"Let me guess. You have no idea what you're going to wear or where you're taking him" Olivia deadpanned.
I tried to argue, tried saving my dignity, only for Olivia to narrow her eyes at me.
I slumped from my place on the couch and looked down, finding my hands more interesting.
"Yes" I sighed in defeat.
I looked up cautiously, just in time to see my sister and my two friends facepalm.
I wanted to laugh, especially when they did it at the same time, but now wasn't the time.
"Oh for fucks sake" Jake groaned.
I hissed in pain when Olivia smacked me upside the head, hard.
"Liv, what the hell?!" I yelled at her.
"You deserved it! You finally ask Stiles out on a date and you don't know where you're taking him. Are you fucking for real?" Olivia asked.
I glared at her and rubbed the place where she hit me.
"He kissed me, alright. He made the first move on me and I was taken aback but I obviously kissed him back because I've been wanting to kiss him for a while now. We had our first kiss and I knew that there was no way I was going to wait any longer to ask him out. I wasn't thinking of the place we'd be going, I was only thinking of him" I explained.
The kiss...
It dawned on me that Stiles and I kissed...
It dawned on me that we had our first kiss...
A small smile slowly appeared on my face and I slowly brought my hand up to my lips, gently touching them with my fingertips.
Memories of Stiles's lips on them came back and I couldn't stop the blush from appearing on my cheeks.
The confidence that he showed, the way he lunged forward and pressed his lips onto mine.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by his actions.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Olivia shook my shoulder, causing me to look at her.
"Wow. Olivia was right when she said that you really like Stiles as more than a one night stand or a fling" Jake's eyes widened.
"No shit" June giggled.
Olivia proudly smirked and flipped her hair, causing me to roll my eyes.
I yelped in surprise when Olivia and June grabbed my arms and pulled me up, linking their arms with mine.
"Now come on, dear brother. We must find you a nice outfit for tomorrow and Sunday" Olivia told me.
"And we're going to help you pick a place for you guys to go since your dumbass didn't have a plan" June rolled her eyes.
I gave her an offended look, one that she easily ignored.
The two of them began dragging me into my room and I looked over my shoulder, my eyes met Jake and I was internally begging him to save me.
But that little shit simply laughed at my expression and went into the kitchen to find some food.
That traitor.
I just hope that Stiles is doing better than I am.
Stiles's Pov
"Yes! Finally! Give me my money you little shits!"
I burst out laughing as Malia, Theo and Isaac grumbled before pulling out $20 from their pockets and handed it over to a smirking Peter.
Kira and Liam watched everything while laughing in amusement.
After I said yes to going on a date with Luke during the weekend we parted ways. Most likely to tell our respective friends about what happened.
I called Malia and told her to bring the others over, including Peter, because I wanted to tell them what happened.
I told her to invite Peter over for two reasons.
One, he's like another father figure to me and he's always been there for me no matter what.
Two, I know that Malia has told him about my new friends and the fact that I have a crush on Luke.
No doubt Peter wanted in on the gossip, wanted to know what's happened so far.
And I was right.
Because apparently Malia, Isaac, Theo and Peter all had placed bets on when Luke and I would kiss and go on a date.
No surprise, Peter won.
Note to self. Don't make bets with him because you will lose.
Trust me on that.
"Ugh! That's the last time I place any bets, especially with you" Malia growled.
She glared at Peter who simply smirked at her and held his hands up in surrender.
Kira laughed at her girlfriends expression and wrapped her arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to her side.
Malia immediately leaned into her and gave her cheek a quick peck.
Theo was moping over the fact that he lost and Liam was petting his head, his cheeks were bright red, as he comforted him.
Isaac...well, he was simply leaning against my bed while glaring at Peter whenever he had the opportunity to do so.
Oh, did I mention that we're all sitting on the ground in my room while huddled around each other?
"Be mad all you want, but I still won" Peter shrugged, putting his hands down.
I laughed loudly when Malia flipped him off, causing Kira to laugh as well as she gently hit her arm.
"Enough about the bet. Lets get back to the main topic" Isaac shook his head.
"Agreed. And can I just say that I'm really happy for you, Stiles" Kira smiled at me.
"Yeah. Not only are you and Luke going out this weekend, but you grew some balls and kissed him first" Malia smirked.
I blushed bright red, especially when the guys were smirking and wiggling their eyebrows at me.
Yes. That includes Peter and Theo.
"Definitely a bold move. I'm so proud" Peter grinned, patting me on the shoulder.
I sighed and shook my heads at them and found myself leaning against my bed.
"Look, tease me another time. Right now, I need you guys to help me pick an outfit"
"Consider it done. My lovely girl and I happen to be experts when it comes to clothes" Malia smirked.
Kira smirked and nodded, bumping her shoulder with Malia's.
"Hey, don't count us out. We're going to be helping too" Peter butted in.
"Exactly. We'll be doing his hair and helping him prepare" Theo glared at her.
Malia rolled her eyes at him and simply nodded while Kira giggled.
"Thanks. I really need all the help and support I can get. I'm really nervous" I told them.
"Why? I mean, you went on dates with Derek before" Liam frowned.
I flinched at that, especially at the reminder of what Derek and I used to be before things went south.
The others sent Liam a glare and his eyes widened at his mistake as guilt washed through his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Stiles. I didn't mean to bring him up" Liam quickly said.
I smiled softly at him and reached over to ruffle his hair, causing him to chuckle slightly.
"No worries, buddy. It caught me off guard but I promise I'm alright" I reassured him.
"But why are you nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about" Kira smiled softly at me.
"Agreed. You're going on a date with someone that's had eyes for you ever since he stepped foot here" Theo added.
"Yeah. Come on, Stiles, you've got nothing to worry about" Malia grinned.
I chuckled, especially when she ruffled my hair and patted my arm.
I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, finding myself running my hand through my hair.
"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried that something will go wrong on this date. What if he realizes that he made a mistake? What if he realizes he never liked me as anything more than just a friend?" I worriedly asked.
I watched as they glanced at each other, letting out exasperated sighs, before turning to me.
"What?" I asked, frowning slightly.
"You do realize he's been flirting with you since his first day here, right?" Isaac deadpanned.
"You do realize he told you he's liked you for a while now?" Liam deadpanned.
"And you do realize that you just finished telling us about how you kissed him and he kissed back, right?" Peter deadpanned.
Malia and Kira raised their eyebrows at me while Theo was shaking his head.
I blushed brightly, embarrassment filled my entire body and I simply looked down at my lap.
I felt like a child getting scolded by his entire family.
The blush on my face only deepened when the others burst out laughing, most definitely finding my reaction amusing.
Finally, when they stopped laughing I looked up and simply glared at them and flipped them off.
Malia returned the gestured while Kira laughed and shook her head in amusement.
Isaac scooted closer to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Don't worry, dude. You're a great guy and so is Luke. Not to mention he definitely has it down bad for you" he grinned.
"I agree. You've got nothing to worry about, promise" Theo smiled, winking at me.
Peter and Liam grinned and nodded, followed by Malia and Kira.
I sighed before allowing a smile to appear on my face as I nodded at all of them.
"Thanks guys. I feel alot more confident now. And I really am excited for tomorrow and Sunday" I told them.
"So are we. After all, you're finally getting over Derek and moving on. Something we all wanted to see after what happened" Malia explained.
The others nodded and I let out a chuckle before nodding.
"But, do you think you guys can help me with something else?" I asked.
"Sure, what is it?" Theo asked.
"Stay and be here with me when I tell my dad" I said.
Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped, even Peter's.
"You didn't tell your dad about going on a date with Luke this weekend?" Isaac asked.
I sighed and shook my head, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Nope. I'm gonna tell him when he gets back later tonight, but I really need some moral support. He reacted badly when I told him what happened that night and I'm worried about how he'll react to this" I explained.
After the breakup and getting kicked out of the pack, dad has been more protective of me.
No joke.
He literally banned Scott and Derek from this house. He also banned their names from being said.
And I have no doubt that if either of them were to show up, he would shoot them straight in the head.
Kira smiled and reached over to rub my shoulder.
"No worries, Stiles. We'll be there every step of the way" she promised.
I smiled at her and let out a breath of relief, especially when the others nodded in agreement.
"Don't look so relieved. I'm only staying so I can see his reaction. $10 he faints or takes his gun out and tries to hunt down Luke" Peter smirked.
The others burst out laughing when two books collided into his face, sending him to the ground.
Courtesy of Malia and I.
We smirked down at him before high-fiving, clearly satisfied.
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