Chapter 09
Stiles's Pov
When school was over me and the others walked out of the building and into the parking lot.
Classes were over and we were actually going to head to the mall for some shopping.
Basically we're heading out to do some friend bonding time. You can thank June and Jake, they came up with the name.
Since Jake's car wouldn't fit all five of us Luke would be with me in my jeep while the girls were with Jake.
"You guys going to be ok?" I asked.
"Don't worry, Stiles. I've been driving for a while, we'll be safe" Jake reassured me.
"Yeah, because you totally didn't crash in a tree just a month ago" Olivia sarcastically said.
My eyes widened at that and my jaw dropped to the ground. I turned to Luke and saw him sighing while shaking his head.
Jake turned to glare at her and pointed a finger in her direction.
"You were the one that yelled out 'dog running on the road', I just turned the car around to avoid hitting the poor cutie" Jake defended.
"You could've just stopped the car, we weren't anywhere near the dog in the first place" June argued.
"Well excuse me for caring about the dogs safety!" Jake yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Then drive properly next time, you dumbass!" Olivia yelled.
"Excuse you, I'm a great driver thank you" Jake defended.
"Says who?" Olivia sarcastically asked.
Soon the three of them began arguing, ignoring the looks they got from a few students as they passed by us.
My shocked state was replaced with one of amusement.
This was honestly better than a reality T.V show.
I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Luke staring at his best friends and his sister in amusement.
"Are they always like this?" I asked.
"Sometimes, it's mostly Olivia and Jake that are at each other's throats. But you just got to get used to it" Luke shrugged.
That reminds me of Theo and Malia whenever they argue.
They're basically the definition of enemies to frenemies. It's absolutely hilarious.
"Listen, you slintheads, we're wasting time and some of us want to head to the mall. So stop yapping like bloody idiots and get in the car" Luke sternly said.
I had to hold in a laugh when the three of them immediately stopped arguing but pouted at Luke.
I swear he's like the leader of this group. Or, well, the dad of the group.
I don't know why I find that hilarious, cute and hot at the same time.
And for some reason I saw me in Luke, due to the fact that I would always have to break up arguments between Theo and Malia.
I swear those two get on my nerves with their issues that I literally want to yeet them out of the window.
But I know that Peter would murder me if I did that. And surprisingly, Liam, would slap me if I hurt Theo. So I make sure to restrain myself from doing so.
"Whatever, come on" Olivia scoffed.
She grabbed June's hand and dragged her to Jake's car. Jake sighed and waved at us before entering his car.
I sighed before gesturing for Luke to get into my jeep. Luke smiled and nodded before getting into the passengers seat, making sure to close the door.
I got into the drivers seat and closed the door.
I turned to the window, just in time to see Jake driving off. I sighed and took the keys out to start the car.
Just as I started the car I felt something on my thigh. I turned around, only to see Luke's hand resting on my thigh.
I swallowed thickly and looked at Luke, only to see him staring forward, almost as if he were lost in his thoughts and pretending that he isn't touching my thigh.
"Uh, Luke?" I asked.
He turned his head to me and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, love?" Luke asked.
"Why do you have your hand on my thigh?" I asked.
"I like it there" Luke shrugged.
Another reason for my cheeks to turn bright red.
Seriously, can't he come up with other answers for stuff like that?
Why does he have to be so straight forward?
Luke seemed to notice my red cheeks and smirked even more, making me want to slap him so that stupid handsome smirk would be wiped off.
"Don't act like you don't like it there" Luke said.
"I don't like it there. Can you please remove it" I said, barely containing my annoyance.
Luke only chuckled at that, the smirk never leaving his face, before he started leaning closer to me.
My breath hitched when he stopped, our faces very close to each others, our noses nearly touching.
"Luke" I whispered.
Luke ignored me, instead he put his mouth near my ear. I could feel his breath on mine and I swear I could die right then and there.
What's he going to do?
What's he going to say?
What's going to happen? And more importantly, is him flirting with me going to be an everyday thing?
"Luke" I, once again, said.
"You're cute when you're flustered" Luke huskily whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened slightly and my cheeks turned more red, if that was even possible.
Luke smirked and winked at me before pulling away from me. He sat properly in his seat and went back to looking forward. His hand never once left my thigh as he did that.
I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before starting the car.
This boy is honestly going to be the death of me.
At The Mall
Finally we arrived at the mall.
It literally took us two hours just to get here.
Jake had to stop 4 times because he would catch Olivia and June making out in the backseat of his car.
Luke told me that the number one rule that Jake has whenever anyone is in his car is no PDA.
Let's just say that Olivia and June weren't big fans of that rule, especially Olivia, and decided to break it.
I can't tell you how many times I laughed at the annoyed look on Jake's face, and when he scolded them like he were their father was just the icing on top of the entire cake.
But we were finally at the mall and I was really happy. Especially since I wanted nothing more than to stretch my legs and arms after driving for that long.
So, here we are now, at the mall in one of the stores.
June practically dragged all of us to her favorite store because they were having a sale and she wanted to get almost everything at the damn store.
I swear Jake, Luke and I are going to be carrying so many bags if she decides to get the entire damn store.
"Since when is your girlfriend such a shopper lover?" I asked, looking at Olivia.
"Since forever" Olivia deadpanned.
June was currently looking at every aisle in the store, trying to find something that she likes. She promised that she won't get everything, especially when she knows she probably won't put on every clothing and she doesn't want to waste money, discount or not.
Jake and Luke were with her to make sure she didn't get lost, Olivia's orders.
"Do you think they need help with June? She's bouncing up and down everywhere" I asked, a bit concerned.
"Nah, they got this, let them be" Olivia shrugged.
I turned to her and raised my eyebrow at her, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You know I thought you'd be helping June with the shopping, not standing here doing nothing while letting your best friend and brother help her" I said.
Olivia rolled her eyes at that and put her hands in her pants pocket.
"June knows that I don't like shopping and she respects that. She knows that walking back and forth from store to store tires me out, so we made a deal when we started dating" Olivia said.
"And that would be?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"When it's just the two of us shopping she looks around while I find a place to sit down and I wait for her. If the boys are with us when shopping they go with her while I watch from a distance" Olivia said.
I hummed at that and nodded, that sounds a bit smart.
And I can understand why she would want that, considering not all girls love to shop, some do but they don't like to shop for hours and hours.
But then another question came into mind, causing me to look at her again.
"But what if someone were to try and go up to June and they have bad intentions? Like, what if they flirt with her? Or what if they try and fight her?" I asked.
"I wouldn't hesitate to storm over there and punch them to hell" Olivia scowled.
"But you just-" I started but she cut me off.
"I know what I said, Stilinski. Don't remind me. It doesn't matter. If I see my girl in any kind of trouble I won't hesitate to fight a bitch or three if needed. June means the world to me and I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone hurt her" Olivia sternly said.
Ok, I really, really like this girl.
Anyone that's like this with their partner earns my respect because it shows how much they really care about them and would do whatever just to keep them safe.
She reminds me of Malia. Because she's just as protective of Kira like Olivia is with June.
I know that if they ever meet they're going to be amazing best friends.
"You, you're my new best friend" I smiled, pointing a finger at her.
"Then it's a good thing you're my best friend too" Olivia smirked, nudging my arm.
Olivia is basically the best friend that everyone wants.
I feel like we're gonna be a good duo.
I opened my mouth to say something when I felt a hand slid into mine.
I snapped out of it and turned around, only to be met with a smiling June.
"Stiles, come, Luke and Jake found something that would definitely suit you" June smiled in delight.
I wanted to protest, but the smile on her face made my heart melt that I just couldn't say no even if I wanted to.
So I sighed and allowed her to drag me to the boys, completely ignoring the amused laugh from Olivia.
When we got to the boys I saw that they were each holding a pair of clothes. I saw Luke holding a leather jacket and a white shirt in his hands. And I saw Jake holding some black boots and black ripped jeans.
"Uh, what the hell?" I asked.
This gained Luke and Jake's attention as they both turned towards me and smiled.
"Ah, good, June got you. We've got some clothes for you to try on" Jake smiled.
"Well, uh, no offence but that's not really my style of clothing" I said, scratching the back of my neck.
Luke rolled his eyes and walked over to me. He casually wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side.
"Oh come on, love. I think you would look incredibly hot in these clothes" Luke smirked.
I swear he has to give me a warning when he does this shit because I'm tired of getting flustered around him.
I sighed and shook my head at him, gently pushing him away.
"I'm serious, I've never tried clothing like that before, I just don't think I'll look good in it" I said.
I saw the three of them staring at me in worry and confusion.
This made me a bit uncomfortable and I looked down, finding the floor more interesting.
I guess you can say that wearing clothes that make you look confident and daring has never been my style.
It's always been something I wanted to try, but I never did it. I guess it was out of fear. Fear that I would get judged by people and make fun of the way I dress.
The only ones that could pull off looks like that were Scott, Derek, Peter and a few others in the pack.
I could never. No matter how many times I tried to dress cool as them, it never worked because I could never match the level that they did.
And now that I think about it, Scott and Derek felt that way too. They never said anything, but the looks they would give me whenever I tried was everything I needed to know.
How could I have been so oblivious?
I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Luke. Except, this time he was looking at me in concern. No smirk, no flirty smile, nothing but concern was shown in his eyes.
"Love, are you alright? Did we say or do something to make you uncomfortable?" Luke asked.
My eyes went wide at that and I shook my head.
The last thing I wanted was to make them feel bad, especially when they didn't know.
"No, no, you guys didn't do or say anything. It's just, I'm not the type of person to wear that stuff. I mostly stick to my own clothes, that's all" I shrugged.
I said that in the nicest way possible, I really did, and I hope that they understand and don't make me try on the clothes.
Thankfully, the smile on all their faces was what made me sigh in relief.
"Don't worry, love, we'd never force you to do something you're not comfortable with" Luke softly said, rubbing my arm.
"Yeah, and if you really don't want to try on these clothes then we won't force you" June softly smiled.
Jake softly smiled at me and nodded, taking the clothes from Luke as he put them all back where they found them.
I smiled softly at them and nodded in thanks, happy that they were understanding instead of being angry.
"Well, come on, you gotta help me with some clothes of my own. Given that these two idiots aren't great with fashion" June scoffed.
This earned dramatic gasps from Jake and Luke, making me chuckle.
"How dare you? I'll have you know I have great fashion sense, unlike this idiot here" Luke scoffed, pointing at Jake.
"Hey! I have better fashion than you!" Jake defended.
"Said no one ever" Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes.
As they bickered with each other June and I looked at each other before laughing quietly, making sure they didn't hear us.
I honestly think that a new friendship has begun between us.
And something tells me I'm absolutely going to like it.
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