Chapter 07
Luke's Pov
School was literal hell. That's all I can say.
All people did was arrive, get what they needed, head to their classes, have a lunch break, head to their last class before leaving.
It's basically a routine and it was absolute hell. My exact words, as well as my sisters, we're twins after all. We dislike the same things and like the same things too.
There were either good teachers and shitty teachers. It was a mixture of both at this school.
Same with the students. There were either good students, bad students or tolerable students. It was a mixture of all of them.
I've never been a people person. Neither has my sister. Never really gotten along with others.
We only ever got along with Jake and June. They've been our best friends for a while now and the only people we actually like.
It's a surprise that my sister of all people would date, especially June, considering me and Jake always thought that they were best friends. Guess we were wrong.
But I don't care, because as long as my sister is happy then that's all I care about.
But moving on from that, school overall was hell and I don't like any of it.
I can understand why so many students, and some staff, hate school. Especially with all the shitty work we're given.
Well...the only good thing about school was meeting Stiles Stilinski.
There's just something about him that catches my attention. There's something in him that interests me. Something that I've never felt in a while that actually amazes me greatly.
His adorable smile, his adorable laugh and chuckle, the light in his eyes when I offered him my reese's candy bar and how he went from happy to sad when lunch was over.
He's so cute, handsome and sarcastic at the same time.
And I absolutely like, no, love it.
I've literally just met this boy but there's no doubt in my mind that he's seriously caught my attention. Something that nobody has ever done.
When school was over me and the others went home, we were exhausted and just wanted to get home and rest.
Olivia and I live in an apartment together. Jake and June live in an apartment a few doors next to us.
None of us have families that we can go to. Some are dead, some are alive and some we barely know. Even though some of them are alive we'd rather go anywhere else than have to live with them.
Especially me and Olivia.
I'm grateful that we've saved up enough money to afford a place to live, better than going back to our so-called families.
Olivia was currently looking at some job applications, trying to find one that suits her. Someone needs to pay the rent and she offered to find a job.
I offered to find a job too, I don't want my sister doing all the work because then I'll feel bad. I don't want my sister working her ass off just to provide for both me and her.
I just need to find something that I know I'll like. And pays well.
While she was doing that, I was checking up on our money, hoping that we have enough to buy groceries either tomorrow or another day.
"How's the job situation?" I asked.
"I'm choosing between working at Macy's or babysitting" Olivia shrugged.
I snorted at the babysitting option, causing Olivia to snap her head towards me.
"What's funny?" Olivia asked in annoyance.
"I'm sorry, but you babysitting kids, I can't see it" I shrugged.
"Come on, I'm not that bad" Olivia defended.
"Whatever floats your boat" I snorted.
"For your information I've gotten better when it comes to kids, and you can thank June for that" Olivia huffed.
I rolled my eyes at her and went back to what I was doing.
Olivia let out another huff as she went back to what she was doing.
She can't get mad at me for doubting her when that girl has never had good relationships with kids. I know that when her and June got together she changed, but I still have doubts since both me and her have anger issues.
I can control mine, and so can my sister, but only when either me or June is around.
"What's the deal between you and Stilinski?" Olivia asked.
This snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned around to look at her.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Oh don't play dumb with me, Luke. I saw the way you were looking at him during lunch. You were basically flirting with him and taking whatever chance you could to send him flirty winks, smirks and you went as far as to caress his cheek" Olivia deadpanned.
Rule #1, never underestimate Olivia.
She's hella observant of everything in her line of sight. Which is honestly good, but also annoying too, especially when she uses it on me to catch me in the act of something.
"I was just being nice, what's wrong with that?" I asked, confused.
Olivia glared at me as she set the papers down and walked towards me.
"That wasn't being nice, that was flirting. Sure, there were times where you were just nice, but the entire time you were flirting with him. I bet if I called June and Jake here they would agree with me" Olivia said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her, annoyed with her observations. But it was true, I know that, we all do.
But, can you really blame me for flirting with someone like Stiles?
"Alright, you got me, I did flirt with him" I nodded.
And I was proud to admit that.
"Any reason why?" Olivia asked, crossing her arms.
"He's cute" I simply said.
"That's bullshit, sure I'll admit he's cute too, but there's more to the story that you're not telling me" Olivia scoffed.
"Wait till June hears you called him cute, she's gonna flip" I smirked teasingly at her.
She glared at me and stuck her middle finger at me, making me glare at her as I did the same.
Gotta love those sibling interactions, am I right?
"Luke, seriously, what's your deal with him? What are you playing at?" Olivia asked.
"I'm not playing at anything, sis. It might come out as a shock when I say that I've grown a tiny crush on him" I shrugged.
Olivia's eyes widened slightly as she uncrossed her arms.
"Are you serious?" Olivia asked.
"Dead serious" I nodded.
"How the hell do you have a crush on someone you just met?" Olivia asked in disbelief.
"You're acting as if you and June didn't crush on each other when you first met" I deadpanned.
"That's different. At the time we were really just best friends, we only saw each other as best friends and didn't develop crushes on each other until after knowing each other for a year" Olivia defended.
I rolled my eyes and got up and made my way into the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and began looking around for a beer bottle, I was getting thirsty.
"What's wrong with me having a crush?" I asked, not looking at her.
"There's nothing wrong with having a crush, I'm just surprised, that's all" Olivia reassured me.
"Why? Because I've never been in a relationship before?" I asked.
"No, well yeah, but mostly because you've never shown any interest to anyone. Especially at our old school. You normally ignore everyone that stares lovingly at you and reject them when they try asking you out. So, seeing you like this with Stiles is completely new" Olivia explained.
She's right about all of that.
I never really showed any interest in anybody. No crushes and no relationships.
Everyone that has tried being with me either gets ignored or rejected. And it's not a calm rejection, it's a really hard and slightly humiliating rejection.
I'm not kidding, it's true.
But, with Stiles, it's just different. And different in a good way.
"I know that, believe me, but there's just something about Stiles that's got me all happy and giddy. Almost like I've met him my entire life" I sighed.
I finally found a beer bottle and grabbed it before closing the fridge.
I took the cap off before gulping down a bit, I wasn't kidding when I said I was thirsty.
Olivia sighed and walked towards me, resting her elbows on the kitchen counter.
"Luke, there's nothing wrong with having a crush, I'm actually really happy for you" Olivia said.
"Then what's the problem?" I asked, confused and a bit annoyed.
"The problem is I don't want you giving him the wrong idea. There's something about him that makes me believe he's gone through some shit, I know you felt that too, especially during lunch, right?" Olivia asked.
Now that she mentions it, it did feel like something was wrong with him.
I saw him glancing at a table that was far from us a few times. Everytime he looked at the table and the kids sitting at the table I saw nothing but sadness, anger and betrayal in his eyes.
He had made brief eye contact with a boy with the crooked jaw, the glare that Stiles gave him honestly scared the shit out of me, which is really rare.
Whatever fallout he had with them must've been really bad for him to glare at him that way.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Olivia put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and saw her smiling softly at me.
"Look, I know that we just met the kid, but he's a really good kid and really amazing too. The last thing I want is for you and him to get hurt in the process" Olivia softly said.
She gave me a pat on the shoulder before grabbing her things and making her way to her bedroom.
When I heard the door to her bedroom close I let out a small sigh and set my beer down.
She's right.
Stiles really is a good kid, and I really have developed a crush on him, despite just knowing him today.
I've gotta figure out my feelings and what I really want him to be for me. Otherwise I'll give him the wrong idea and realize that maybe I don't really like him, which isn't true.
The last thing I want is for either of us to get hurt. Especially Stiles.
He seems like a really amazing person, and I don't want to hurt him. Especially if he's already been through too much.
I sighed and grabbed my beer bottle and made my way towards the couch.
I just need some rest. Maybe tomorrow I can figure things out.
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